The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 174 Robbed halfway

Seeing that the king had eliminated all the corrupt officials and stayed in a small country for several days, Ji Liunian lost his original enthusiasm and planned to go back tomorrow, so he said goodbye to the king.

"Please also ask the Empress to say a few words to the emperor and help us. If you want to make any treaty or send several messengers to supervise, we welcome it. The king gave a box of beautiful jade to Ji Liunian. Ji Liunian chose two good ones.

"Take all these back. I just need these two pieces. Otherwise, I will also become a corrupt official. Two pieces are the beauty of the king, and one box will become a bribe to me, haha.

The king smiled awkwardly and knew that Ji Liunian was sarcastic about himself.

"Don't worry, I will help you with the matter. I have sent a letter now. The emperor will definitely send someone to come."

Thank you very much, and Ji Liunian walked away with a smile.

Early the next morning, Ji Liunian went on the road. Sang's messenger insisted on sending her home safely.

"If something goes wrong, we will be very sorry for the emperor. Queen, just let me send you to the imperial city.

Ji Liunian had to agree with him. Sang's messenger took two more bodyguards, afraid that something would happen on the road.

When he came, Ji Liunian was curious, so he didn't feel that the road was far away. Now when he went back, he felt like walking all over thousands of rivers and mountains, and he was exhausted. There is no special feeling for the messengers of Sang.

"Stay here at night. I can't walk anymore." Ji Liunian yawned a few times, and the messenger nodded.

"Then stay here. I'll pay for the accommodation. In the evening, we will take turns to watch the night. Queen, you can sleep in peace."

Ji Liunian is too lazy to eat. Let's go to bed first.

As soon as he fell asleep, he slept until night. When the messenger saw that Ji Liunian had not come out yet, he was embarrassed to disturb her. So when Ji Liunian came out, they all ate and ate while standing outside.

"Oh, it's dark. I'm sorry, have you all eaten?" Ji Liunian was woken up by hunger.

"We have all eaten. I'll go out to eat with you. You guys stay here." Sang's messenger knew that Ji Liunian's precious things were put in it.

The two of them came to the street. There was no place to have dinner, and only a few noodle restaurants were still open.

"This damn place is really bad. If it were in the imperial city, there would be big restaurants open in the early morning." Ji Liunian stamped his feet in a hurry. She has never eaten at a small noodle stall in a downtown area.

"Queen, you can just do it. It's also a matter of one or two meals, and I can't help it. Why don't you take it back and eat it?" Sang's messenger knew that Ji Liunian was noisy at the small noodle stall, and they were all people who ate side dishes, drank and punched.

"It's not convenient to go back, so I'll just do it." Ji Liunian didn't want to show weakness in front of Sang's messenger.

The small noodle stall got up because of the arrival of Ji Liunian, and everyone looked at her.

"Shop 2nd, a bowl of rice noodles and a few more dishes." Ji Liunian's bold voice made them even more curious. Ji Liunian didn't care what other people thought, and ate it after it came up.

"Little girl, are you good-looking? Do you play with your men?" A fat man saw Ji Liunian alone and came to flirt with her.

Sang Messenger quickly approached and showed off the sword in his hand. The man immediately showed timidity and retreated. The messenger of Sang is very satisfied.

Ji Liunian knew that he was too conspicuous here, so he pulled the Sang messenger away before he finished eating.

"You haven't had enough yet, have you? There is a roast chicken restaurant in front of me. I'll buy a roast chicken. The thoughtfulness of Sang's messenger moved Ji Liunian very much. It seems that although this person looks burly, his mind is very meticulous.

There was no dream all night, but Ji Liunian didn't expect that in order to be afraid of her accident, the Sang messengers only slept for a few hours. This area is not very peaceful. There are many bandits and robbers, and there are many thieves. They dare not take it lightly.

The next day, Sang's messenger washed his face with cold water and forced his spirits to send Ji Liunian on the road.

After climbing over a mountain, Ji Liunian saw a small river and couldn't help jumping down.

"Let the horse drink water." In fact, Ji Liunian wants to play with water.

"Queen, let's go first. This area is not very peaceful. Sang's messenger looked embarrassed. Ji Liunian smiled like a flower: "It doesn't matter. There is no one. Come down and wash your feet and face." Ji Liunian has always done what he said. Sang's messenger had to come down.

Ji Liunian saw wild flowers by the water, so he quickly picked them up and made them into a wreath and hung them on the head of the white horse.

"Look, isn't it good-looking?" Ji Liunian laughed. Sang's messenger smiled worriedly.

Just as they were about to leave, something happened and more than a dozen masked black people rushed in front of them.

"Kill them and find out the things. Hurry up." At the man's order, the other men dismanated and killed them.

Ji Liunian didn't expect that there would be bandits in this paradise. She didn't know that it was in the border area and had always been chaotic. Burning, killing and looting are not uncommon. Even passing merchants have to be escorted by the people of the bodyguard bureau before they dare to go there.

Ji Liunian easily stepped on the water and fled to the other side. The Sang messengers fought with them, because they were many people, and the Sang messengers did not sleep well last night, and soon the Sang messengers hung a few colors. Ji Liunian couldn't see it and flew over again.

"Come on, if you want to go back alive, go quickly." Ji Liunian held a long sword in his hand and shouted fiercely.

"Are so many of us still afraid of you as a woman, joke?" The men all laughed.

Ji Liunian couldn't help saying that he took action immediately and killed half of them at once. Only when he covered his face began to panic.

"Gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late, you wait." The head immediately ordered the rest of the people to withdraw. Ji Liunian flew over and gave a sword to the person who fled at the end. The thief immediately died and made a painful moan. Ji Liunian's eyes did not blink.

Ji Liunian also wanted to rush to kill them all, but was stopped by the messenger of Sang.

"Queen, don't chase, let's run away. They only operate in this area, and they won't chase us if we leave. After saying that, the messenger fainted. The other two guards were seriously injured.

Ji Liunian had to put them all on horseback and lead the horse forward by himself.

"Hey, I ran down to play. If we had left earlier, we wouldn't have met these bastards." Ji Liunian was very angry.

All three of them were sent to the nearby inn. The messenger of Sang slept and was fine. The wound was relatively shallow, which was nothing to a big man like him. The other two guards were seriously injured.

"We have to hurry. If you two are injured, just stay here. I will send a letter to the king and ask the king to send someone to pick you up." Sang's messenger said gently.

The two guards were already guilty, but they were even more uneasy when they heard the arrangement of the Sang messenger.

"We can still go. Let's complete the task, otherwise we will definitely be laughed at by the guard camp when we go back."

Ji Liunian looked at the childish face of the bodyguard and laughed.

"If anyone dares to laugh at you, tell me that I will kill him immediately. Don't worry, you stay here. If I still take you with me, my three-day trip will become a six-day trip.

"Why don't you take the queen and take us back when you come back, so that no one will know us..."

Ji Liunian and Sang's messenger both laughed.

"In this case, it's also a good choice, just to make you wait here for a long time. Do you have any silver on you?" Sang Messenger said with a smile. The guard lowered his head.

"Here, you take it. Although it's not much, it's no problem for you to eat it for ten days."

Sang's messenger and Ji Liunian soon went on the road.

"It's a shame that we protected you, but now you protect us. Our big men are not as good as you, a seemingly thin little woman.

"Do you think the emperor's head was trampled on by a donkey? If I don't have two things, can he rest assured that I can follow you?" Ji Liunian said with a smile.

Passing by the river again, Ji Liunian and Sang's messengers accelerated their speed and did not stop. They thought that they would be fine after crossing the mountain, but they didn't expect that those who escaped were unwilling to stare at them for a long time. Knowing that they have extraordinary origins, there must be good guys in the burden.