The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 229 Tao Guiren "suicide"

Ji Liunian began to waver in his heart and felt that he had made a mistake. The child was not killed by Tao Guiren, so he began to look for new clues.

The previous eunuch was killed by Cheng Zun after being locked up for a few days. Jifu's family also died inexplicably soon after he returned. Now if he wants to overturn the case, it is simply difficult and can't find any breakthrough at all. Weiyang advised Ji Liunian to give up. Now that this is the case, let it remain the same.

When Ji Liunian was in trouble about this matter, a new message came from the cold palace, saying that Tao Guiren had committed suicide. The news came early in the morning. At that time, Ji Liunian had just finished grooming, and he did not expect that the Tao Guiren, who was still alive a few days ago, had returned to the west.

"Suicide? It's impossible. I went to see her not long ago. She also wanted me to turn over the case for her and let her walk out of the cold palace innocently. It's impossible..." Ji Liunian took Weiyang to check.

Walking on the road of the cold palace, it was so deserted that the palace wall was cold, and neither the eunuch nor the maid of the palace saw one. The cold palace is an unlucky place. There have been so many concubines who have died. Everyone feels that the resentment is too heavy, so they never approaches. If they have to pass by, many people will walk together and walk very fast.

A few days ago, Weiyang didn't feel anything. Now he received the news that Tao Guiren committed suicide. Walking on the road, Weiyang felt that there seemed to be something on his back, and even a gust of wind could make her heart beat faster. Especially before, Weiyang was dissatisfied with Tao Guiren and maliciously slandered her. Now she will come to her even if she turns into a ghost, right?! Thinking of this, Weiyang clenched Ji Liunian's hand.

The body has been mortified, but it is just a very simple coffin, not painted with color, or the color of the original wood. It looks white and miserable, very sad. Ji Liunian glanced at the body of Tao Guiren and felt a coolness. Cheng Zun didn't receive any news. If the imperial concubine didn't care, she wouldn't receive any news, because the concubine had nothing to do with the emperor.

"When did she die?" Ji Liunian asked the maid of Tao Guiren, and the maid knelt down. The maid was not tall, extremely thin, and her eyes were full of panic.

"In the words of the Empress, Tao Guiren died last night. After waiting for her to go to bed last night, I went to bed alone. This morning, I asked Tao Guiren to get up and found that Tao Guiren had hanged himself." She began to wait for Tao Guiren from the first day she came to the imperial city. She thought she would live a good life on her, but she didn't expect to be brought into the cold palace. Naturally, she was very dissatisfied, so she was very indifferent to Tao Guiren after coming in.

"Whu thing, why don't you sleep with me? You know that Tao Guiren is emotionally unstable and will do stupid things at any time. Ji Liunian reprimanded harshly.

"It was Tao Guiren who asked the maidservant to go away. She has a bad temper, and it is not easy for the maidservant to disobey her. The queen doesn't know that she often cries and falls, and I'm scared to death. If she asks me to go, I will leave. If I don't leave, she will smash me with a chair. The maid began to cry.

"Okay, okay, go out by yourself." Ji Liunian didn't like the way women cried.

"Miss, look, her lips are purple, and her hands are also black and purple." The more Weiyang looked at it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the death of Tao Guiren, and he didn't care about fear and fear. He looked at the situation of Tao Guiren with his hand. The body is already hard.

"Don't leave, stay." Ji Liunian called back the maid who was walking out of the threshold. The maid staggered and had to return and look at Ji Liunian tremblingly.

"What did you give her yesterday?" Ji Liunian hates this kind of subordinate who dislikes her master. When the master is good, she will take advantage of it. The master loses power, and she ignores it.

The maid knelt down at once.

"Queen, I didn't give her anything to eat. Tao Guiren said she was not hungry, so I ate all the food. Tao Guiren didn't eat anything. The maid looked at Ji Liunian tremblingly.

"Look at her hands and lips, what's going on? Why are these two places black and purple? Ji Liunian grabbed the maid's hand and dragged her up.

The maid burst into tears.

"I don't know, I really don't know. After serving Tao Guiren last night, I went back to bed, and I didn't hear anything inside. I don't know anything..." The maid's face**, Ji Liunian let her go. If she was forced again, she would go crazy.

"You really don't know?"

The maid nodded.

"Come on, take her to the Yunshen Palace and wait for my departure." Ji Liunian said loudly.

"Miss, look again, this thigh is also purple here..."

Ji Liunian hurriedly asked someone to call the imperial doctor. After some medical treatment, he came to the conclusion that Tao Guiren was poisoned first and then put on the rope, not by suicide.

Ji Liunian sent away the imperial doctor.

"Miss, it was really killed, so the death of Master Ji must not have been poisoned by Tao Guiren, but by this person who poisoned Tao Guiren. This person is really vicious. Tao Guiren has been beaten into the cold palace. She still doesn't give up and must kill her. Weiyang felt that his back was cold, and so did Ji Liunian.

"Why did she hurt Tao Guiren?" Weiyang asked.

"It's not simple, it's just jealousy, because the peach crow turned into a phoenix and gave birth to an eighteen prince. This person is because of jealousy. First of all, he wanted to hurt the prince. After the plan failed, he blamed the Tao Guiren, killing two birds with one stone. Seeing that we came a few days ago and said that we would reverse the case for Tao Guiren, this person simply killed Tao Guiren. It's really hateful. Ji Liunian connected everything.

"Miss, you're right, but if it's really as you said, then this person is a person in the palace. I didn't expect you to encounter so many things when you just came back. It's really unlucky. After you left for two or three years, the harem was calm.

Ji Liunian also sighed.

"Maybe I have nothing to do with myself. It's a disaster for me to enter the royal door."

"Miss, that's not what I mean. How can I blame you? It's not caused by you, it's all because of other people's selfishness.

Ji Liunian looked at Tao Guiren, saw that her eyes were still open, and closed for her.

"Don't worry, I won't escape. I must find the murderer behind the scenes. It's all that I'm too stupid to know how to destroy people and make you suffer. It was all because of me. If only I had prevented you from entering the palace at that time. Ji Liunian couldn't help crying.

After going back, Ji Liunian made people buy a good coffin and chose another cemetery, which buried the peach nobleman. The concubines in the harem are unknown, so it is said that Ji Liunian did this because of guilty. Ji Liunian is also too lazy to explain to others. Misunderstanding is a misunderstanding.

Miss, what should we do? I think it's too difficult. The person behind the scenes has stop and can't appear again. Weiyang showed a look of embarrassment.

"Although it is difficult, we can't help but do it. It's one thing to be able to do it and not to do it. I believe that it's just a matter of time. I must let the peach nobles under the nine springs die.

Weiyang nodded.

The next day, Ji Liunian went around to ask who had been to the cold palace that night, but unfortunately no one saw it. Eunuchs and maids of honor rarely pass the road to the cold palace.

Ji Liunian has searched many things with Tao Guiren one after another, but he couldn't find any clues. Tao Guiren has offended many concubines since he gave birth to the 18th prince, and almost every concubine is suspected.

Gradually, Ji Liunian stopped searching by himself, but sent several bodyguards to observe the situation in different places.

Ji Liunian took over the 18th prince, raised him, and let Weiyang take more care of him in vain, so as to alleviate the mistakes he made to the Taogui people.

Everyone thinks that this matter is over, and Ji Liunian does not have any new hope. She only occasionallyxiang xiang and love the 18th prince.

Gradually, everyone gradually forgot the peach nobleman. Cheng Zun didn't know that Tao Guiren was poisoned. He had forgotten the woman who had been pestering him at the beginning. The new year has come again, and the day of the draft has come again. After a new group of people come in, no one wants to think about the past and mention the nobles.

It will take a long time for Ji Liunian to know who is the real murderer of Tao Guiren.