The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 250 Ji Liu Nian Exturbance Party

"No, the soldiers in the imperial city defected, and Lord Han has been killed..." A man in a bodyguard came in and shouted to the bearded man.

The bearded man was stunned.

"It's impossible. We have 10,000 troops. How can we be killed so quickly? Who are you? Where did you get the news from?

"This is true. If you don't believe in the general, you can ask someone to inquire. The small one is your subordinate. Why did you even forget this?

The bearded slapped the guard to death. The other guards fled towards the gate.

"Your fortune is big. I'll go and see how Lord Han is doing." The bearded man pulled his sword and ran quickly.

"Hey, beard, why did you run away? Why don't you fight with me, come on..." Ji Liuyu didn't expect this matter to end like this and was a false alarm.

After Nalan escaped, he also heard the news and came back quickly. He met the bearded man directly. Seeing that his eyes were red, he quickly lowered his head and dodged.

"husband, now the streets are in a mess. It is said that there was a mutiny, and the so-called Lord Han has been killed. The army and family are also retreating.

"You're right. I just learned the news. I didn't expect these people to be so cowardly, haha."

"Let's go in and see the emperor." Nalan was worried that they had secretly made small moves.

"It's okay. He's sleeping soundly. Let's go out and let a few families guard it." Ji Liuxiao said with a smile.

"The family is all dead, and the streets are in a mess. Don't go out. When things calm down, we will go out to buy a few capable families. How do we deal with these bodies in the yard now? Nalan took the child to the maids and signaled them to take them away.

"This is a problem. Don't worry, I'll deal with it."

Ji Liunian was in the county next to the imperial city at this time. He heard the news on the street and hurried over.

"You are in the back. I'll go first. I have to keep a low profile and don't let people get close to the emperor, okay?" Ji Liunian said to Weiyang and others.

"I know, we will definitely protect the emperor."

Ji Liunian bought a fast horse and rushed to the imperial city.

Entering the city gate and seeing the chaos on the street, Ji Liunian was secretly afraid.

Excuse me, what happened? Why are there so many people walking around?" Ji Liunian caught a vendor and asked.

"Don't you know? Lord Han supported the troops and made trouble. Unfortunately, people's hearts were not the same. The soldiers all defected, and Lord Han also died. Now the guards are catching those rebel soldiers, so it's messy.

"So there is no danger in the imperial city now?"

"Who are you? How can you ask about things in the imperial city?"

Ji Liunian left with a smile.

"It seems that Gao Xiaofeng has two subordinates and lives up to expectations. I must punish these traitors well." Ji Liunian accelerated her speed, but when she thought of Cheng Zun, she stopped again.

"Since everything is all right in the imperial city, I'll go and see how Cheng Zun is doing first. Jifu must have suffered such a big rebellion." Ji Liunian turned the horse's head and rushed to Jifu.

When he arrived at the door, Ji Liunian saw the white flowers in Ji's house, as if he was carrying out a funeral. His heart thumped and he was very scared.

Ji Liunian put down his horse and immediately ran in.

"Brother, who died?" After saying this, Ji Liunian stood and gasped.

Ji Liuyu finally saw Ji Liunian and was extremely happy.

"It's those useless families, don't worry. Cheng Zun is fine, and your sister-in-law is also fine. How is Cheng Min now? Ji Liuxuan hugged Ji Liunian tightly.

"Cong Min's illness was cured, but I couldn't worry about it here, so I was in a hurry to come back. Unexpectedly, Cheng Min coughed badly halfway and stayed for another seven or eight days. Now his illness will return to its previous appearance as long as he recovers for half a year. Ji Liunian said with a smile, but tears flowed down. These days are so hard that I have suffered both physically and mentally.

"It's okay. It's okay. Go and see the emperor." Ji Liuxuan let go of the season.

Nalan is feeding things for Cheng Zun, and it is still some extremely easy-to-digest food. Ji Liunian has no appetite, but Cheng Zun can only live on these things.

"Is there anything unusual about him after I left?" Ji Liunian rubbed Cheng Zun's hand.

"It's still the same, no change. It's really difficult to cure this disease. Ji Liuyu sighed.

"I'm going back to the palace now and pick up the emperor tomorrow. You will also go there together tomorrow to see Cheng Min. Don't make up for those dead families. I transferred the bodyguards from the palace. Without the guards looking at Ji's house, I always feel unsafe in my heart. Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"That's good." Nalan is very satisfied with the arrangement of the season.

After Ji Liunian went back, Gao Xiaofeng and the ten princes came to say good to him, and Weibai also followed.

"Miss, I really miss you so much, where's the emperor?" Weibai looked around, and only Ji Liunian came back alone.

"I heard that something happened here, so I came back quickly. They are still behind."

"How does this work? The emperor's illness has not recovered yet, has he? In this case, I will take someone to pick them up first. The tenth prince is not white. Tell the queen about what happened these days, and I will leave now.

Ji Liunian nodded and was very satisfied with Gao Xiaofeng's attention.

"Miss, you came back just in time. Now we have caught a group of traitors, all in prison, waiting for you to come back. These cheap bones are really full and have nothing to do, so they just toss these things around. It's a dream to get promoted and get rich overnight. He said with a smile.

The tenth prince followed the blank words and told the whole story.

"So this Lord Han is dead?"

"He died. In the end, he committed suicide by himself."

"Have you caught all his family?"

"I caught it. Fortunately, Gao Xiaofeng thought in advance that although they escaped quickly, they were finally caught back by our people. These people are all waiting for you to be released by the queen. I think I will kill them all on a day. The tenth prince said viciously.

"Texit me to see them." Ji Liunian felt a little fluttering, and finally couldn't help but want to have a look.

"Miss, don't worry about this. You'd better take a rest after washing up. Your lips are white and your eyes are black. You must not have a good rest." In vain, he pulled Ji Liunian into it.

"You go back first and deal with the rest slowly."

Ji Liunian listened to Wei Bai's words, washed up and went to bed. But this sleep actually slept for a whole day. Wei Bai looked at Ji Liunian's words and couldn't bear to disturb her.

Cung Min and others have been picked up by Gao Xiaofeng.

"Well, wake up and get up to eat." Cheng Min called Ji Liunian and shook her body. Ji Liunian just woke up.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Ji Liunian looked at Cheng Min with a burst of love and pity in his heart.

"You have slept for a whole day. If I don't wake you up, you will be hungry." Cheng Min smiled and watched Ji Liunian wash up, and then went to dinner together.

"Mother, you should eat more." Cheng Min is very considerate and picks up dishes in the season. Ji Liunian was shocked.

"Has something changed?" Ji Liunian looked at Cheng Min and then at Weiyang Weibai.

"No, why did you say that?"

"How do you feel that you take special care of me? You haven't completely recovered yet. It's up to me to take care of you."

"The emperor is watching you too tired and pity you from the bottom of his heart. Don't worry, you haven't become old or ugly. Weiyang said with a smile.

After three or four days, Ji Liunian began to deal with the problem of party disorder.

"Well, I want to kill them all. What do you think? If we don't kill them, others will think we are easy to bully.

"I took a rough look and found that a total of 3,000 people were caught, and more than 2,000 people died. Another 5,000 people have fled and sneaked into the people. It is not easy for us to identify them unless someone reports them. It would be a pity if all three thousand people were killed.

"What's the pity? They deserve to die." What Cheng Min hates most is the traitor.

"Your father's illness has not recovered, and you have only 80% of your own illness. You'd better accumulate a little yin virtue. Just kill the people in Hanfu and select a few heads to behead them. The rest of the people will be released after closing for a year.

"Since Er Niang said so, I will do what Er Niang said."