The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 358 Merlot finds the villa

Meloqin became more anxious after hearing the news from Cheng Qian, so she accelerated her pace and tried to find the place where Ji Liunian lived. Maybe Ji Liunian doesn't know about this yet. If Ji Liunian can go back, Cheng Qian won't have to bear so much.

Melotin suffered a lot along the way, and she almost spent all her money. She wandered around in the nearby villages, but she couldn't see any trace of them.

"You can go this way. If you go this way, the climate will be milder. Maybe they have taken root there." A farmer said to Melochen with a smile.

Meloin nodded, and she felt like a headless fly. If only Ji Liunian had drawn the map at the beginning.

Melochen touched her burden and found that there was no water or dry food, and her footsteps were a little fluttering. If you don't find a place to stay for a few days, you may be serious. So Melochen plans to stay in the next village for a few days.

She walked into a forest. The trees here are really a little more lush than those over there, and the temperature is relatively high. It seems that this side is close to the south. Meloqin found a river, filled the kettle, and then ate some dry food. At this time, the sun shone, and Meloqin felt dizzy, touching her forehead and burning.

"Oh, I'm sick." Melochen was a little scared. There was no one around her who took care of her. She actually fell ill in the woods. She didn't know when she would be able to get out of the woods, and it would be too far if she went back.

At this time, Melochen heard the sound of horses' hoofs, and her heart was even more flustered. She found a big tree to hide. I didn't expect anyone else to find her.

Melochen quickly threw away the burden, ran forward, ran desperately, and the robber chased desperately. Where can Melochen escape?

"What do you want to do? I only have this money on me, and I will give it to you." Meloqin was angry that his body was disappointing and unlucky, but he met a robber at this time.

"It's just that. Take off all the things you wear on your ears. Hurry up, or we'll do it ourselves." The boss-looking man said with a smile. His face was full of flesh, and he felt disgusted when he took a look at Meloqin.

Melotine threw the earrings and hairpin to him.

The boss put it on his hand and looked at it and laughed.

"At a glance, you came from the imperial city, and there was only such a thing on your body. We had nothing to eat good meat."

"Brother, I don't have any money with me. I really don't have any money, or I'll give it to you."

"Haha, you don't have money, but there is something else. I haven't been with women for several days. Now you can have a good time with the uncle. After serving the uncle, the uncle will let you go. The man laughed, and several people behind him also laughed.

When Meloqin heard this, she was extremely frightened, hurriedly lucky, and then knocked them all over and ran desperately by herself. Running and seeing the cliff, her eyes turned black, as if her eyes were going blind, and it took a while to recover. At this time, those robbers are about to run to their eyes.

"The uncle is not a ghost. Do you think it's so difficult to sleep with him? People like me are all in demand when they arrive at Cuihongyuan. Are you desperate now? Haha."

Melochen looked at the robbers and the cliff. Although the cliff was not high enough to kill her.

"You beasts, sooner or later, God will deal with you. If you don't do good things, you will do all the bad things." Meloin gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, how dare you teach me a lesson. You are not my mother-in-law. Why did you teach me a lesson? What I do is none of your business. Do you want to be my mother-in-law? My mother-in-law is just dead now. You can fill in the house, haha. After saying that, the man swallowed a mouthful of water.

Melochen could no longer stand this disgust and jumped down to the cliff. The robbers were stunned.

"Brother, she really jumped..."

"What are you still doing? Let's go quickly. This is a matter of human life. Are you still waiting for others to find out?" The boss himself was shocked.

Melochen closed her eyes. Now she is thinking about Ji Liunian. She died like this and will never see them again. Ji Liunian didn't even know where they died...

Melochen only felt her head landing, a tingling on her shoulder, and then she didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it took. Meloin woke up and was shocked to see a dark face.

"Who are you? Am I dead? Where am I?" Melochen struggled to get up.

"Don't you recognize me? I'm Aunt Weiyang. Look at me. I've turned black, haven't I? Don't worry, I'm Aunt Weiyang. Your sister Ji is here. Weiyang pulled Ji Liunian over.

Ji Liunian didn't dare to look at Meloqin. She knew that Meloqin must have suffered a lot. If only she had pulled her over together.

"Sister Ji... Sister Ji, Huang Guifei hung herself... Do you know about this?"

"I know. Have a good rest and wait until you recover." Ji Liunian felt sorry for Meloqin. The first thing he saw was not to ask her how she was injured, but to be eager to tell her about Chengqian.

"Yes, Melochen, lie down. Your shoulder was stabbed by a branch and bled a lot. If my dog hadn't barked and found you, you would have..." Wei Yang choked before he finished speaking.

"Weiyang, you go back first. I'll take care of her. You were tired all night last night." Ji Liunian saw that Weiyang was a little haggard and hurriedly asked her to rest.

"Sister Ji..."

"Don't say anything, don't think about anything, and have a good rest first. You have been picked up." Ji Liunian touched Melochen's face and felt that she was very pitiful.

Melotin nodded and smiled.

Melochen didn't know that Ji Liunian saw that her whole body was injured and shed a lot of blood, and she almost went crazy. Fortunately, the ten princes knew how to bandage, and some herbs stayed here for a rainy day.

"Miss, I think she jumped down after being forced by a robber. I know that she would rather die than be insulted." These are what Weiyang said after seeing that Meloqin's injury stabilized.

"I don't know if this child can't think about it. With her skills, these mountain robbers should be easy to solve.

"Maybe she was sick. When I first saw her, I touched her forehead and burned badly. Miss, don't worry, Miss Melochen is so tenacious that she will definitely not do anything stupid. Weiyang took Ji Liunian's hand with a smile.

Jiryu Nian nodded.

It took about half a month to rest Meloqin to walk on the ground. Melocin was moved to see the beautiful home run by several of them.

"Aunt Weiyang, Sister Ji, you are so awesome. You don't know how hard it is to find you. I look for it from village to village. They all said they didn't see foreigners. I thought I was wrong.

"It's all my fault. I should have left a map for you. We have been looking for it for a long time. Does your shoulder still hurt now?

"The pain is not painful, but slightly sore. Sister Ji, how much do you know about Chaoli?

"I only know that Huang Guifei hung herself. There are many theories, but I don't believe it. I'm waiting for the next development."

"I'm the same as you." Meloin said with her head down.

Ji Liunian was shocked and didn't expect to guess.

"Did you leave by yourself, or did Cheng Qian let you go?" Ji Liunian looked into Melochen's eyes for fear that she would lie.

"I left by myself, it's none of the emperor's business. The incident of the banquet that day may have been spread by the maid, and the woman in the harem immediately changed her attitude towards me. I felt that it was meaningless for me to stay there, so I left. The emperor didn't know the truth. I told him that I was going to get married outside before he let me go.

Ji Liunian smiled bitterly.

"You are so stupid. Let them say it. You just need to know it. I knew you had left, otherwise this would not have happened. The harem is chaotic, and not everyone can deal with it.

"Even if I'm there, I can't help. I can't deal with these intrigues.

"I know, but you are smart and cautious, and you can remind Cheng Qian. There is no reliable person around him. It must be a mess.