Global Novice Village

Chapter 34 I want you to die

The rotating spray venom of mutant reckless is extremely powerful and completely an all-round attack. Even Xia Jun is not sure that he can retreat with his whole body!

This is the momentum that the boss should have. Compared with the mutant and recklessness, the rat leader killed by the Xia army is far worse!

But he is not without a backhand. Although he dares not attack close, he is not without a long-range attack!

Just as the strange and reckless rush came over, Xia Jun moved!

The burst bomb that had been held in his hand was thrown out fiercely. Then Xia Jun quickly turned around and ran desperately into the teaching building.

The explosive bomb is just like high explosive*. He doesn't know how powerful it is, and he can only run how far. Even the dark spider beside him felt the crisis and rushed into the teaching building one step ahead of Xia Jun!

But they are still a step slower!

Almost a few seconds after Xia Jun turned around, the explosive bomb thrown behind him fell to the ground and immediately exploded violently!


It seemed that a thunder exploded on the ground, and the glass of the teaching building was all shattered and fell to the ground. A powerful shock wave, mixed with blazing high temperature, spread to all sides.

Xia Jun's body, who rushed forward, was involuntarily overturned by this shock wave and rolled almost four or five meters on the ground before stopping.

The mutant at the center of the explosion was even worse. It was injured, its combat effectiveness decreased a lot, and it was blown up by a burst bomb.

The body was directly blown up and was still in mid-air. The snake body more than five meters long was blown off three meters, and half of the head was blown off, revealing the still wriggling brain plasma inside. A large amount of venom dripped down the wound, corroding the ground.

But that's it. This mutant is not dead yet! It was still screaming. The snake's body rolled on the ground a little **, and the only snake's eye was cold, staring at Xia Jun.

Xia Jun suddenly felt his scalp numb and marveled at the vitality of the mutant beast. But in the end, this recklessness has lost half of its life and its combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

Take advantage of its illness and kill it!

"Shadow Step!"

Xia Jun sprinted and came to the mutant and reckless side. The blade of the bone demon stabbed into the strange body. Wei Wei wanted to resist, but his body was hit hard and he couldn't react at all.

With a scream, this strange and unwilling death. A large mass of energy poured into Xia Jun's body, making him feel refreshed and the soreness all over his body was swept away.

killed the mutant recklessness. A lot of survival coins burst out, and hundreds of them were visual. But Xia Jun didn't have time to look. Together with three white and black balls floating on his body, he put them into his backpack, and then stared at the direction of the school gate!

The eyes are getting colder.

"Wang Jinyong, I have let you go twice, and this time, I will never let you go again!"

After packing his backpack, Xia Jun took the blade of the bone demon and strode towards the school. The dark spider reluctantly glanced at the strange body, and still followed Xia Jun and walked towards the campus.

The campus is dead!

As soon as the strangeness appeared, everyone felt that it was not safe here and had all escaped from the campus. It was completely a dead place, with only a large number of corpses and blood stains.

At the school gate, Xia Jun found an arrow marked with paint, which was the direction the student withdrew. He sneered and immediately chased in that direction.

Xia Jun was not worried at all that Wang Jinyong would escape from another direction. Because in Wang Jinyong's view, he can't beat the strangeness. Sooner or later, he will die.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the killer of the burst bomb, Xia Jun would not have fought recklessly, and he would definitely be more or less lucky in the end.

The retreat of hundreds of students is extremely easy to find them.

Just walked for about half an hour. From afar, Xia Jun could see a large group of people stopping there on the street in the distance, and there could faintly hear the sound of quarrels.

At this time, Wang Jinyong had returned to the students. Not surprisingly, his return immediately aroused the cheers of the students, and everyone worshipped him as a hero.

But Mu Qingxue frowned and asked loudly, "Wang Jinyong, why are you the only one who came back? What about Xia Jun?"

"Mu Qingxue, I was about to tell you that the recklessness was too powerful. Xia and the cadres of the two student union were sacrificed in the school, and only I narrowly escaped back!"

Wang Jinyong's face was full of pain. Speaking of the death of Xia Jun and others, he couldn't help crying. The cheers of his classmates nearby suddenly stopped, and many girls began to cry.

"I don't believe it. How could the military master die? He is so powerful that he will never be fine! Wang, did you escape from the battle and kill the Xia army? I'll fight with you!"

Tang Fei suddenly broke out. He didn't believe that Xia Jun would die. He immediately guessed that Wang Jinyong had made a ghost. As soon as he mentioned the animal bone sword, he suddenly rushed to Wang Jinyong.

"Get out! What are you, dare to slander the president!" Li Jie next to him rushed out, flew up, kicked Tang Fei directly to the ground, and rushed up to beat him violently.

" Stop it! Wang Jinyong, why don't you stop!" Mu Qingxue's face was pale and could not accept the fact that Xia Jun was dead, but when she saw Tang Fei being knocked down, she was about to go up to stop it.

But she was faster, and Wang Jinyong was faster. She immediately stopped by Mu Qingxue and smiled and said, "Xue, in your capacity, why do you care about these little things! Li Jie, beat me hard. My reputation of Wang Jinyong is not slandered at will!"

"Wang Jinyong, how dare you!"

Seeing that Tang Fei was going to be beaten, Xiong Li couldn't stand it and was about to rush up, but his arm was dragged by a woman. This was his girlfriend Xiaomei.

I heard Xiaomei say meanly, "Xiong Li, you are stupid. Xia Jun is dead. What else do you want? I offended Chairman Wang, and we didn't have any good fruit to eat. Hurry up and find a chance to admit your mistake to the president!"

After saying that, despite Xiong Li's opposition, he pulled him back.

Now, Li Jie became more arrogant. He stepped on Tang Fei, who was struggling on the ground, pointed to his nose and scolded, "Fatty, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't think that with Xia Jun covering me, I dare not touch you!"

"The man surnamed Wang, you killed Xia Jun! You don't want to die. As long as the fat master has a breath, he won't let you go!" Tang Fei was also angry and roared to get up from the ground, but Li Jie raised his foot and stepped on Tang Fei's fat face.


Mu Qingxue was shocked and suddenly launched her skills to rescue Tang Fei, but it was too late. Li Jie's leather shoes were less than two centimeters away from Tang Fei!

As long as the next second, you can hear Tang Fei's screams! Many people can't help closing their eyes!


A scream sounded, not Tang Fei's voice, but Li Jie. I don't know when there was a bloody young man beside him, kicked him over, and his blood-stained sneakers stepped on his face mercilessly, and almost half of his teeth were trampled off.

Li Jie screamed in pain on the spot, rolled his eyes and fainted in pain!

All the students were shocked and looked at the bloody young man who suddenly appeared in horror. There is even a big opening in his forehead, bleeding!

But Tang Fei on the ground was very happy. A young man with almost covered with blood cried, "Master, you are finally here. I know you're fine. You are so good at fighting. If you want to die, it's the death of Wang!"

"Fat, are you disgusting? Get up!"

Suddenly hugged by a man, Xia Jun had a chill and hurriedly pushed Tang Fei away. Then he looked coldly at Wang Jinyong, who was stunned, wiped away the blood on his face, and sneered, "Wang Jinyong, you didn't expect that I was still alive!"

"It's Xia Jun, you, you're fine!"

I don't know why, when she suddenly saw Xia Jun appear, Mu Qingxue suddenly burst into tears, rushed to him desperately and hugged him at once.

"It's really senior Xia! Didn't Chairman Wang say that he was dead?

"Is what the fat man said true? Chairman Wang really escaped from the battle. Everything he said was a lie!"

After cleaning up the blood stains on his face, many people recognized Xia Jun. Many students were looking at Wang Jinyong's face with strong suspicion.

Wang Jinyong's face was also extremely blue. Looking at Xia Jun, who was supposed to die, his body was shaky. He knew that he was finished and all the lies had been exposed!

The reputation has gone disreate!

"Xia Jun, why? Why don't you die!" The gentle smile on Wang Jinyong's face has disappeared, and his handsome face is full of ferociousness.

Suddenly, he raised the animal bone sword in his hand, rushed to Xia Jun, and shouted, "Xia Jun, I want you to die!"