Global Novice Village

Chapter 177 The Little Tree Shows Power

As the light of these souls entered the body of the ghost king, the body of the red-haired ghost king expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the body was stiffly raised to two meters. There was a strong fire all over the body.

At the same time, the fighting power of the ghost king is also constantly rising. In the blink of an eye, Xia Jun felt that the fighting power of the ghost king has become like an abyss. Even with his perception, he can't detect how powerful the current ghost king is.

Liu Yiyi behind her turned pale. Under the huge pressure of the ghost king, it became a little difficult to speak. She could only say intermittently, "Xia Jun, it's not good. The attack power of this ghost king may have reached level 10 or 12!"

"Hahaha, the little girl has good eyesight, boy, don't think that you can go crazy. I can still gain great power by devouring the light of the soul! If you don't have any other means, then let me die!" The ghost king laughed wildly and absorbed the light of his soul. His combat power has been improved for a short time. He has reached level 12, completely occupying an overwhelming advantage.

Level 12 is also the highest level of combat effectiveness in purgatory. Moreover, unlike the other 11 levels, the remaining 11 levels will double on the original basis. From level 11 to level 12, the combat effectiveness can be increased by ten times!

This is also the reason why Xia Jun's bloodthirsty has been upgraded to the highest level, and his combat effectiveness can only be maintained at level 11.

Because of Level 11 and Level 12, the combat effectiveness is too different. It can't be improved overnight.

As soon as he heard that the attack power of the ghost king may have reached level 12, Xia Jun's heart twitched fiercely. This red-haired ghost king was so terrible.

No wonder in purgatory, the last thing people want to provoke is the red-haired ghost king.

"It seems that we can only run away with blood wings!" Feeling the mountain-like horror on the ghost king, Xia Jun knew that he could not defeat such a ghost king now.

"Thirty-six tricks, take the top plan. I believe that it is not difficult to get rid of the ghost king with the speed of blood wings." Knowing that he was not an opponent, Xia Jun didn't want to be strong. He quickly retreated and wanted to pull Liu Yiyi away.

"If you want to leave and enter the mausoleum of our clan, no one wants to go out alive!" The red-haired ghost king sneered and suddenly slapped his hand. Bring out endless yin qi.

These yin qi turned into a hill-sized horrible palms in the blink of an eye, which is the ghost king's unique skill, the big soul searcher!

But the attack power has indeed reached level 12!

The ghost king stood still, just patted and turned over Xia Jun! The huge palm fell on the head of Xia Jun, and all of them were shrouded in, together with Liu Yiyi and Xiaohei.


The moment the palm of the sky fell, a powerful airflow fluctuated, which violently slapped down, blowing out cracks on the ground, and the nearby tombstones were smashed one after another.

Xia Jun's face suddenly changed. The twelve-level attack was so horrible that even if he used a bloody knife, he might not be able to stop it.

Before the palm of the sky fell, Xia Jun rushed to Liu Yiyi's side and wanted to use blood wings to fly to the sky.

But just as Xia Jun rushed over, he suddenly felt that his storage ring emitted a thick fire, as if something inside was on fire.

Fire? It's the mysterious little tree!" Xia Jun's heart suddenly moved. The mysterious tree once emitted strange flames, and even the horrible shadow was scared away.

Is it also effective for the Ghost King?

Xia Jun's mind moved, and in the ring, the strange little tree was on fire, and appeared in his hand.

The small tree is still as inconspicuous as before, and even the leaves are not pulled much, and it looks like they are going to die at any time.

But at the moment it appeared, a blazing fire spread from the small tree, and then formed a praiyuan momentum, covering Xia Jun and Liu Yiyi all in, forming a white flame world beside the two.

It's just these flames, but they didn't hurt anyone at all. Xia Jun didn't even feel any hot breath. It is this kind of flame. At the moment it appeared, the yin atmosphere around it began to emit white smoke, as if the ice and snow had melted.

When the giant palm photographed by the ghost king came into contact with this flame, it quickly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a green smoke and disappeared.

The mysterious little tree, understated, is to destroy the horrible hand of the ghost king with 12 levels of attack power. It almost made Xia Jun suspect that he was dreaming.

"How, how come, boy, what kind of plant are you that can resist my big soul searcher!"

The ghost king opposite also widened his eyes and almost suspected that he was dazzled. He stared at the tree in Xia Jun's hand, and then looked at the silver-white flame burning on the tree;

Suddenly, a dusty memory emerged from the ghost king's mind. The ghost king's face suddenly changed and became extremely frightened. He screamed, "How can the tree of the soul be the tree of the soul? How can that boy get such a treasure!"

The ghost king looked at the small tree in Xia Jun's hand fiercely, revealing a strong greed in his eyes, and then extreme fear.

For a while, I didn't know what to do.

"Tree of Soul? Is this its name?" Xia Jun was slightly surprised and didn't expect that the Ghost King knew it.

"Kid, you don't even know its name! How dare you plant it with a broken pot, which is simply a blasphemy against the holy tree!"

After listening to Xia Jun's words, the silent ghost king almost ran away. He felt that such a treasure fell into Xia Jun's hands, which was simply ruined.

Then, the ghost king thought of something again. His face was as ugly as the bottom of the pot. He pointed at Xia Jun fiercely and couldn't wait to separate Xia Jun with his eyes. He scolded fiercely: "Damn bastard, you actually put the holy tree in the storage ring and put it in a broken basin. I'm going to chop you alive!"


The ghost king hit a hill-like magic hand again, carrying infinite killing, and shooting at Xia Jun. But this time Xia Jun was ready and took the initiative to lift the tree.

Suddenly, the silver-white flame on the tree burst violently and turned into a flame, directly evaporating the magic palm. Then, the small tree returned to silence, still so ordinary, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a weed.

But this is undoubtedly a treasure, which can be seen from the red rabbit-like eyes of the Ghost King.

"Ghost King, what other moves do you have? Just use them! It seems that you can't kill us today!" Xia Jun held a small tree and looked at the ghost king coldly and shouted.

Obviously, the little tree seems to have great restraint on things like ghosts. In this case, the ghost king in front of him naturally does not need to be afraid, even if his attack power is twelve levels,

The ghost king's face was also ugly. He looked at Xia Jun fiercely, but I don't know what he thought of. The murderous spirit on the ghost king gradually disappeared and said coldly, "Kid, you have a holy tree in hand. I can't help you. However, if I cause the space crack here and make Wang Ling completely collapse, you There is no doubt that you will die!"

"Do you dare to do this? If the space here collapses, you will die too!" Xia Jun was shocked that this ghost king was so cruel.

The ghost king didn't care and sneered, "Kid, it seems that you still don't know the skills of my Tianji clan. Since I can come in, I can escape with a secret channel in an instant!"

"Of course, there are too many strange things on your boy. Maybe he can break out before the space collapses, but the little girl behind you is not strong. As long as the space collapses, she will definitely die!"

"Xia Jun, if the ghost king does that, don't care about me and escape by yourself." Liu Yiyi's face turned white, but her eyes were very firm.

Xia Jun's heart moved slightly. Although the blood wings were fast, he was confident that he would follow the ghost king and escape from the king's mausoleum, but if he took Liu Yiyi, the speed would definitely be affected. Whether he could kill it smoothly was two words.

But can I really leave Liu Yiyi and run for my life alone?

Xia Jun shook his head. Liu Yiyi is his teammate. He can't leave her. "Liu Yiyi, don't worry, I said that I want to protect your safety in the royal mausoleum. At least I will never abandon my companions before I die!"

"Xia Jun, thank you." Liu Yiyi took a look at Xia Jun with emotion and suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind.

Then, Xia Jun looked at the ghost king again, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said in a low voice, "You still have one life left, right? If you really dare to make Wang Ling collapse, I will be the first to kill you! I don't know what will happen if I throw the little tree on you?

"Hmm! Junior, you don't have to threaten me! Although I can't resist the holy tree, it's easy to kill that little girl before I die! Since we have mutual scruples, why don't we sit down and talk about it?

"Talk about it?" Xia Jun looked at the ghost king with some doubt. This guy just shouted to kill himself. Now, he actually wants to negotiate with himself. What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd...