Global Novice Village

Chapter 180 There is a world in my heart

"Wrange, so weird! Who the hell is this boy? He not only has treasures such as the tree of soul, but also the synthesizer can be successfully transferred!"

Under the brilliant throne, seeing Xia Jun wrapped in strong white light, the ghost king felt a little unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Xia Jun would successfully transfer to a synthesizer as a human.

The white light is like running water, like the moonlight, constantly overflowing from the open jade box, and then turning into a white light belt, covering Xia Jun layer by layer.

until it forms a huge white light cocoon.

In the light cocoon, Xia Jun also felt very surprised. Obviously, he did not respond when he touched the jade box and failed to transfer. Why did the jade box turn into a light cocoon and wrap him up now? Even the little black who stopped on his shoulder was squeezed out of the cocoon.

Xia Jun forced himself to calm down, looked around, and observed the light cocoon that wrapped him. Suddenly, his eyes condensed and there was a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

I saw that on the jade box in the light cocoon, there were translucent roots, which were connected to the soul tree in his hand.

Obviously, the soul tree can not only restrain the ghost, but also absorb the energy on the jade box. Just when Xia Jun put his hand on the jade box, I don't know when the soul tree in his hand also stretched its roots and firmly rooted in the jade box. Constantly absorb the energy of the jade box. Then, spit out layers of white light.

is the same as metabolism.

As the small tree absorbs more and more energy, the crystal clear jade box in Xia Jun's hand also keeps opening, first revealing a small gap, and then the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more white light gushing out.

Until the end, the lid of the box was completely opened, and a strong white light gushed out, with a strong spiritual fluctuation in the middle, rushing into Xia Jun's mind, generating a spiritual impact.

Xia Junfu came to his heart and suddenly let go of his mind, allowing these spiritual fluctuations to rush into his mind, and then beat his spiritual power, contact with it, and resonate with it. Constantly absorb the information contained in these mental fluctuations.

contains the information of the synthesizer. In this way, it was absorbed by Xia Jun one by one and turned into knowledge, which was finally used by him. Originally, this knowledge can only be mastered by the people of the Tianji clan, and the hope of the human race is absolutely slim if they want to change jobs. At the beginning, Xia Jun's transfer was also a failure.

But who asked him to have the tree of soul, he actually forcibly absorbed the energy of the predestined jade and strengthened himself, thus forcibly opening the jade box, so that all kinds of information sealed inside were forced to be exposed and absorbed by Xia Jun.

Xia Jun, like a sponge, did not refuse the information revealed in the jade box, and absorbed it into his mind and stored it. Finally, a trace of understanding suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"So that's it! Synthesis, steal the heavenly machine, synthesize everything, make the low-level become advanced, let the lower class become superior, act against the sky, and gain insight into the heavenly machine!"

In Xia Jun's eyes, his understanding is getting deeper and deeper, and his surprise is getting bigger and bigger. As the last spiritual imprint was absorbed by him, all the secrets of the synthesizer were displayed in front of him without any reservation.


At this time, the tree of soul also absorbed the energy of the predestined jade, withdrew its roots, and re-rooted in the soil. Without the interference of external objects, the fate jade finally closed the lid. It is still crystal clear. Only Xia Jun knows that the essence of this jade has been absorbed by the tree of the soul.

The current jade box is just an ordinary jade. Although it is still extremely exquisite, it has become ordinary jade, and anyone can easily open it.

The spiritual imprint in

has naturally dissipated.

Since then, there has been no real synthesizer in the world except Xia Jun. He is the only orthodox synthesizer. Unless Xia Jun is willing to teach his disciples, no one can be transferred to a synthesizer.

"This is terrible. The fate jade was destroyed, and the synthesizer also seemed to have a broken root in his hand. If the ghost king knew, he would probably try his best to find me!"

Xia Jun had mixed feelings and was secretly ready to turn against the ghost king at any time. Then the big hand tore and hissed, and the light cocoon wrapped in front of him cracked a huge opening.

Xia Jun took a step out. A faint momentum surged up on his body, and behind him, there was a white illusory cloak shaking with the wind.

"White, white robe synthesizer?" Seeing the illusory cloak behind Xia Jun, the ghost king's heart twitched fiercely again, and he almost couldn't help slapting himself again. He was really shocked.

Ordinary people transfer to synthesizers first start with synthetic apprentices, and then slowly practice to improve their abilities before they become real synthesizers. From then on, they are white robe synthesizers, black robe synthesizers, silver robe synthesizers and even golden robe synthesizers.

These levels are more and more difficult to promote. Even the Tianji clan who created the synthesizer, for thousands of years, there are only two people who have been transferred to white robes.

"Bad! So soon, the ghost king found that the profession of synthesizer was inadvertently cut off by me. You must be prepared. At worst, the fish will die and the net will be broken!" Xia Jun didn't know what the ghost king was thinking. Seeing the ghost king standing under the steps, his face was uncertain, and he was extremely vigilant. Xiaohei was also called back to his shoulder by him and was ready to respond at any time.

Then, Xia Jun raised his feet, walked down from the throne step by step, and said in a low voice, "Ghost King, don't you have something to tell me? Can you say it now?"

Xia Jun deliberately raised this matter to divert the attention of the ghost king. After all, this is the tomb of the Tianji clan, and the ghost king has occupied all the land. It would be best if this matter could be used as a deterrent to temporarily ease the conflict.

"Hmm! Boy, it's okay to tell you now. Come with me!" The ghost king snorted coldly and took a deep look at Xia Jun. Turn around and take Xia Jun out of here.

Xia Jun didn't say anything. He honestly followed the ghost king out of this royal mausoleum, but he was slightly relieved. Looking at the appearance of the ghost king, he is not going to deal with him now.

However, Xia Jun also knew in his heart that the reason why the ghost king was so easy to talk was that he had not found that the fate jade had lost its effectiveness, and the opportunity to transfer to the synthetic division was also cut off by Xia Jun. If the ghost king knows about this, there will be absolutely no words. It is merciful to kill himself with a knife.

Continue to walk in the royal mausoleum, but did not enter the palace. The ghost king took Xia Jun, but returned to the position of the royal mausoleum hall, pointed to the dark coffin parked there and said, "Xia Jun, what I want you to do is very simple. That is, I want you to burn me with the fire of your soul. Can you do it to refine all the magic gas inside?

"Fire of the soul? Do you mean the silver-white flame it emits? Xia Jun looked at the tree of soul in his hand.

"Yes, that's the fire of the soul! The tree of soul is said to be the seed of the sacred tree of the divine world, scattered all over the world, and then formed. Its flame is the fire of the soul, the nemesis of any magic and yin gas!" The ghost king explained.

Xia Jun was also a little stunned. Although he expected that the small tree was not ordinary, the tree species sprinkled by the sacred tree in the divine world was too big. No wonder even the horrible shadow was shocked by it.

Then, Xia Jun thought of something else. He looked at the dark coffin beside the ghost king and asked, "What should I do? Shall we start now?"

"Start now? Do you have that ability? Besides, the tree of soul is extremely weak now. It is estimated that it will be destroyed in your hands in a while, and it must be restored. 1" The ghost king stared at Xia Jun fiercely and felt that such a treasure fell into Xia Jun's hands, which was completely ruined.

Xia Jun also felt ashamed. Knowing that the ghost king was well-informed and didn't know how many years he had lived, he hurriedly asked for advice: "Then the ghost king, how do you think I should cultivate this soul tree?"

"Ignorant child! You don't even know how to cultivate the tree of the soul. Can you keep treating it as a weed and leaving it in the ring without asking!"

After listening to Xia Jun's words, the ghost king almost died of anger. Looking at Xia Jun's careless treatment of the holy tree as a weed, his heart was unbalanced. I didn't bother to say anything to Xia Jun. A lot of crystal spiritual stones were taken out by the ghost king. The hills were piled up on the ground and said with a painful face, "You, put the holy tree on the spirit stone and let it absorb and restore its vitality!"

Xia Jun estimated the number of spiritual stones on the ground. Is it more than 1,000 yuan and exchanged for a spiritual stone according to 10,000 survival coins. This pile of spiritual stones is actually worth 10 million survival coins.

Even if you turn the whole earth over, you may not be able to make such a large amount of money.

Xia Jun knew that the ghost king really vomited blood this time, and there should be no intention of harming him. He hurried over and put the little tree on it. Let it absorb to its heart's content.

Of course, Xia Jun will not forget the anxious Xiaohei on his shoulder and throw it on the spiritual stone pile. Naturally, Xiaohei will not be polite. Holding the spirit stone is a big mouthful.

It's just that no matter how good Xiaohei's appetite is, it can't compare with the absorption speed of the soul tree. The energy contained in the spiritual stone is like running water, which is quickly absorbed by the soul tree.

A little silver flame also reappeared from the soul tree and spread to Xia Jun. He was covered with a faint silver glow.

The ghost king has been quietly watching the whole process of the small tree's absorption. Every time I saw the spiritual stone reduced by one point, the ghost king's face was black, and he felt extremely sad. These spiritual stones, but all his savings, are now cheap for Xia Jun, and the ghost king has the heart to kill Xia Jun.

A roar kept coming to Xia Jun's ears. Junior, you are so ignorant! Unexpectedly, such a holy tree was put into the storage ring and put in a broken basin, which almost made the holy tree die. Now I still need to consume the spirit stone to help you! It's really abominable, my spiritual stone..."

As the ghost king spoke, he suddenly screamed, and finally simply turned around. If you look at it again, your eyes will definitely be full of tears.

In the words of the ghost king, Xia Jun was purely a deaf ear. Anyway, it was not him who consumed the spiritual stone, and he would not feel heartache no matter how much the small tree absorbed.

Seeing that the spiritual stone on the ground has been absorbed by the small tree, and the leaves have returned to their original crispness, Xia Jun smiled and looked at the ghost king and said, "Well, it seems that the little tree has recovered. It should be able to help you!"

Take people's money and eliminate disasters with others.

There is no ghost king, this tree of soul, maybe Xia Jun will really bury the little tree and watch it die. Naturally, Xia Jun will not mind properly repaying the ghost king.

"You are still a little conscientious!" The ghost king's face was gloomy and had not recovered from the pain of losing a large spiritual stone. He looked at the little tree and found that it had recovered, and there was a trace of joy on his face. Suddenly asked, "Kid, do you know how to cultivate the tree of soul? Do you want to know its specific effect?

"Please give me some advice!" Xia Jun hurriedly bowed his hand and learned the etiquette of the ancients seen in the movie. The posture is very low, and the tree of soul is too mysterious. He also wants to know what the little tree is of use.

Seeing Xia Junqian's appearance, the ghost king's face softened again, paused and explained, "The tree of soul, like other divine medicinal materials, are living seedlings of seeds left from the divine world. Each plant is extremely effective. For example, the tree of your soul can continuously improve you. Physical attributes even make you reach the ultimate of evolution, the perfect enhancement in the legend!"

"Perfect reinforcement?" Xia Jun's face was shocked, and human attributes were scarce. The two strengthening points of upgrading alone were not enough! We must find other ways to enhance the attributes of the body.

And the so-called perfect strengthening is to raise every attribute of your body to the limit. But that's almost impossible. Although there are also various treasures to improve attributes in the world, almost all of them are effective in the first few times. If you take them a few more times, the effect will disappear.

For example, the stone of power, a person can only use ten in his life to improve ten points of strength. The eleventh, it doesn't work, and we have to find another way.

The tree of the soul is different, because it is a divine drug with powerful effects, and the elevated attribute points are also extremely horrible, and can even achieve the ultimate strengthening of the human body. Let a person's basic attack, defense and speed reach the highest level.

I understood the meaning of the ghost king's words. Even if Xia Jun was determined, his heart was full of shock and blurted out, "There are such magical medicinal herbs in the world!"

"Hmm! How big is the world? How big is the universe? How big are the heavens and the world? Are there many things you haven't seen? If you think this is just a game, then you will always be an ant, a slave struggling in the divine war system! Only by detachment and breaking through this cage is the real freedom! Heaven and earth, dominate one side! God blocks and kills gods, and demons prevent them from killing demons!"

"Heaven and underground, dominate one side?"

"God blocks and kills gods? Do you want to kill demons?

Xia Jun's eyes were shining, and a new door gradually opened in his mind.

"Okay, let's start! I will finally help you to completely integrate with the holy tree. From then on, you are the holy tree, and the holy tree is you! I hope you can grow into a towering day!"

The ghost king suddenly stretched out a sheepskin hand roll and threw it to Xia Jun. It is full of information about the tree of the soul and how to cultivate the tree of the soul.

Xia Jun just glanced at his strong spiritual power and remembered all these things, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his heart.

"It turns out that if you want to cultivate the tree of the soul, you must let it take root in your own heart, give it space to survive with the power of the soul, and use all kinds of pure energy, preferably your own spiritual power and blood gas, as the nutrients of the tree of the soul to let it grow. So it is, so it is!"

Xia Jun patted his thigh and understood the trick of cultivating the tree of soul. Unexpectedly, he had to use his own body to make mud, spiritual power to make water, and give the tree space to grow and let it absorb nutrients.

And there is no harm in doing so, because while the small tree absorbs its own energy, it will also absorb a large amount of external energy, which will be converted into the purest vitality, feeding itself and helping the body grow.

After all, small trees need to grow into towering trees. They can't absorb nutrients by themselves. They also need more soil and more water to grow healthily.

This is also why the small tree can constantly improve the attributes of the body. However, for better growth, the two sides are a mutually beneficial relationship.


Xia Jun did not fully believe the words of the ghost king, but looked at the scroll several times and asked in a low voice, "Ghost king, you won't lie to me, will you? What if I put the little tree into my body and it sucks me to dry? Also, what is Xintian?

"Jither, after giving you so many benefits, you still doubted me and pissed me off!" After listening to Xia Jun's words, the ghost king directly stormed away and couldn't wait to kill Xia Jun with one slap.

As soon as he stamped his feet, the ground shook violently and cracked a big opening. Already out of the edge of rage.

Xia Jun nodded and said secretly, "It seems that this ghost king really wants me. If you want to kill me, just do it directly. Why give me so many benefits!"

I already believed * points in my heart, so I asked, "What is the heart?"

"Hahaha! Human, you are laughing to death! In purgatory, there are people who don't even know their hearts! Hahaha, I can't do it. You junior, it's so funny. The ghost king laughed so much that he almost burst into tears.

Xia Jun's face turned black and he couldn't wait to kick the ghost king to death. At the same time, he also felt his own shortcomings. There are still many things in this world that need him to learn.

"Little, I will ask you, how do you awaken your spiritual power? Don't you hear it? One thought turns into fog, one thought turns into rain! As long as you want, everything is in one thought!" The ghost king smiled for a moment and suddenly roared. The sound was accompanied by a trace of spiritual trill.

is like Hong Zhong Dalu.

Xia Jun suddenly felt a sinking head, and then a trace of enlightenment rose again. He muttered, "Everything is in one thought, I understand! It turns out that my heart is heaven and earth! In my heart, there is heaven and earth!"


Once enlightened, an invisible spiritual fluctuation suddenly appeared on Xia Jun's body, like a strong wind, like lightning, and then turned into a tiger, a dragon, a fire phoenix, and a knife soldier! Circling around Xia Jun and roaring. The ghost king who watched it was terr astonished.

"This junior is so horrible! I just made a random mention, and unexpectedly entered the second awakening of spiritual power and turned into all kinds of visions. I regret it! If I had known this, why would I have told him this!"

Ghost King and Xia Jun, not friends, not enemies. Mutual scruples. Now, as soon as Xia Jun realized, his spiritual power has improved sharply and opened up his heart. The ghost king has the heart to death.

"Thank you very much, Ghost King!"

Feeling the continuous rise of his spiritual power, Xia Jun's heart was full of joy. He felt that if he sacrificed a bloody knife now, even if he could not kill the ghost king, even if the ghost king used a twelve-level attack power at this time, he could resist for a while. It can be said that the strength has increased greatly.

This is the advantage of someone's mention. In the past, Xia Jun's spiritual practice was passively stimulated by the killer's badge, completely touching the stone to cross the river, but as long as the ghost king mentioned it, he had an instant understanding.

This is also the powerful benefit of the soul. Understanding everything is extremely fast,

"Now, it's time to plant the little tree in my heart!"

Xia Jun licked his lips, and his heart was slightly nervous, especially the evil ghost king. But he still decided to try according to what the ghost king said. If he can succeed, his strength will increase greatly.

This opportunity should not be missed.

He must work hard to improve his strength before the film clan discloses his identity as a blade warrior god. He can't afford to delay a little time.

In that way, he has the power to protect himself.

"Little tree, together!"

Xia Jun's thoughts turned, but his movements were not slow. He quickly grabbed the soul tree, wrapped it with his spirit, and pulled it into his mind.

The tree of the soul is strange to say. It is obviously an entity, but under the package of spiritual power, it instantly becomes virtual, becomes the purest spiritual energy, and rushes into its mind;

Then, in Xia Jun's mind, he restored the appearance of the small tree and landed directly on Xia Jun's heart. The roots spread and firmly grasped the earth. The leaves were green and stretched to the sky.

Xia Jun suddenly felt that his body had sunk, like soil, precipitated a lot and condensed a lot. In my mind, there was also a system prompt sound.

"You establish a symbiotic relationship with the tree of the soul, improve your full attributes, increase your energy by 100, and increase your vitality by 100! The mental strength has improved slightly.