Global Novice Village

Chapter 294 The Growth of the Holy Tree

"Fang Yuan, come in here! Those are blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes. When golden warriors see them, they will have a headache. It's not what we can deal with now!"

As soon as she entered Yaoshan, in the mountain, Princess Shuiyue kept waving to herself.

Only then did Xia Jun find that a group of little marquis who had originally entered the mountain were all gathered on the sea of Xuanqi at the top of the mountain. Some of them were already ploping and jumped down towards the Xuanqi lake below.

"What are they doing?" Xia Jun looked at it inexplicably and marveled at the magic of the sea of Xuanqi. On the way here, he saw a second-level sea of Xuanqi. Although it was also a stream, what was flowing inside was still gas.

And the third-level sea of Xuanqi has actually formed a liquid state, which is not much different from the real lake water. Without the sky, the falling Xuanqi waterfall would be exactly like a clear lake.

There is no time to explain more to Xia Jun. Seeing Xia Jun coming down, a group of little marquis were relieved, and Prince Yu said, "Fang Yuan, let's jump into this quickly. Remember, don't show your head. Vampire mosquitoes fluctuates abnormally to life**. Once you find our breath, we will definitely launch a crazy attack. Hit!"

"No, they are coming. They are so fast! Everyone, jump!" Prince Yu exclaimed and couldn't speak much. He jumped and jumped into the lake.

The rest of the people also dared not neglect and jumped down one after another.


Seeing that everyone jumped, Xia Jun did not dare to neglect and hurriedly jumped down. He entered the high mysterious lake below and sank to the bottom of the lake in an instant.

When standing at the bottom of the lake, Xia Jun could obviously feel that a large group of vampire mosquitoes rushed over the water crazily and quickly skipped the surface of the water, making a buzzing sound.

It's like anger and doubt.

Then, dozens of blood-sucking mosquitoes launched an attack on the lake and rolled its huge waves. The group of little marquiss below were frightened, and many people looked extremely ugly.

This feeling of being besieged by thousands of half-step golden warriors is not very uncomfortable.

The only thing that reassures Xia Jun is that this mysterious sea, although only the size of a lake, is still deep and wide enough, and at least hundreds of meters deep.

The lake is also full of mysterious spirit, and its fighting ability is extremely strong. Although the joy of the attack of a group of blood-sucking mosquitoes above has no effect on the bottom of the lake.

It's just that this group of poisonous mosquitoes had no intention of leaving. Seeing that the prey could not come out, fortunately, they occupied the lake and planned to confront each other for a long time.

"Don't panic. Although the blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes are terrible, they won't go into the water. Don't care about the Zerg above first. Let's collect the Xuanjing here first while we have time." Prince Yu saw that many little marquis were a little frightened and hurriedly comforted him and pointed to Xuanjing at the bottom of the lake.

Sure enough, as soon as they heard Prince Yu's words, everyone was distracted and began to pay attention to Xuanjing, which can be seen everywhere at the bottom of the lake. These are all third-level Xuanjing, which are necessary for the promotion of golden warriors. No one can refuse such **.

Xia Jun is no exception. He thinks Prince Yu's proposal is good. Anyway, the poisonous mosquitoes on the lake can't be dealt with for a while. It's better to seize the time to find Xuanjing and improve his strength.

Anyway, the people present are all half-step golden warriors, and the form of life has changed greatly. As long as the spirit is not exhausted, it is okay not to breathe for a long time.

Immediately, Xia Jun scattered at the bottom of the lake with everyone and began to look for the Xuanjing here. Unlike the first-level and second-level Xuanjing, the third-level Xuanjing can be directly absorbed without worrying about impurities. Many little marquis were too lazy to collect. They simply designated an area by themselves, sat down cross-legged, and directly absorbed it.

At first sight of Xia Jun, his heart was also suddenly enlightened. When collected, it is also absorbed. Sitting here, it is also absorbed. Of course, it is directly absorbed, saving time and effort.

Xia Jun also simply defined a part of his own area and controlled his spiritual power. Radar-like searched at the bottom of the lake. As soon as he found Xuanjing, his spirit directly turned into a silk thread, dragged it to his side, and then began to absorb it.

Just when Xia Jun planned to mobilize his spiritual strength to find Xuanjing, suddenly, a feeling of joy, excitement and desire suddenly appeared in his mind.

"What's going on?" Xia Jun was a little puzzled. Why did he feel this strange mood? It was just some third-level Xuanjing, so that he could not walk when he saw it.

I'm not a fan of money either. But this emotion is real.

"Is it the tree of the soul in my body?" Since it was not his own emotion, Xia Jun soon thought of the soul tree in his body.

He and the tree of the soul are symbiotic, and the emotions of the tree of the soul are actually his mood fluctuations.

Xia Jun hurriedly sank his consciousness into his mind. Sure enough, he felt that the soul tree in his heart came from bursts of joy and seemed to have found something delicious.

Its dense canopy also trembles. Before Xia Jun could react, the tree of soul has automatically grown countless roots and deeply rooted in the mysterious lake through the countless pores of Xia Jun's body. The lake formed by a stream of mysterious gas was absorbed crazily by the tree of the soul.

At this time, Xia Jun felt like a huge tree root, desperately absorbing the water at the bottom of the lake and constantly transporting it to the soul tree.

So much mysterious qi entered the body, and Xia Jun was shocked and sweated all over. What's going on? The tree of the soul can actually directly absorb the mysterious qi!

This subverted his common sense. You know, Xuanqi is a synthesis of all kinds of energy, which contains various gases, such as spirit, death, vastness, life and so on.

These gases can only be absorbed by people in the five prisons. The rest of the gases are all impurities. Once inhaled too much, the light will be disabled, and they will die on the spot.

Especially Xia Jun, who directly absorbs a lot of mysterious gas, just like drinking water, which is no different from suicide. No, to be precise, this is not suicide.

Because Xia Jun has no time to react, it is completely a tree of soul. It is an instinctive reaction to make his own decisions. It's too late to stop it.

"I won't die like this!" Understanding his situation, Xia Jun's eyes darkened and almost died on the spot. If he died like this, it would be too tragic to die.

This kind of thing must be prevented from happening!

Xia Jun gritted his teeth and thought about it. He wanted to prevent the soul tree from continuing to absorb these lakes, but at this time, Xia Jun suddenly felt that his body was wrong.

Originally, a large amount of Xuanqi lake water was inhaled into his body, and he should have exploded immediately, but his current body not only did not have any discomfort, but also had a very comfortable feeling.

The soul tree in the body, nourished by so much mystery, is also becoming more and more vigorous. The crown is becoming more and more dense, and each green leaf is extremely flexible and full of tranquility.

The height of the soul tree is also growing rapidly, from the original height of more than five meters, soaring all the way to ten meters away, almost reaching the top of Xia Jun's heart field space, and it stopped.

If such a height is cultivated with spirit stones, Xia Jun estimates that at least he also needs to spend billions of spirit stones to succeed.

Now, the soul tree has only absorbed some lake water, which has almost doubled. Such a growth rate really scared Xia Jun.

Only then did he know that the best energy to cultivate the tree of the soul is not the spirit stone, but Xuanqi. After all, the tree of the soul is originally the magic medicine of the divine world.

It is not surprising that even if it is just a seed and a seed, it can absorb Xuanqi.

"No, if the little tree can absorb Xuanqi, why didn't it react at all when I first met the two seas of second-order Xuanqi?"

There was another doubt in Xia Jun's heart. At once, he fell into meditation, and he felt that he seemed to have ignored the same evil place.

That's right!

Suddenly, Xia Jun's mind flashed, and Xuanqi was also divided into liquid, gas and solid. Gaseous and solid, the young soul tree may not be able to absorb it.

But **, it's okay. This is the same as plants need to absorb water.

So it is.

This is the only explanation.

Thinking of these, Xia Jun suddenly became cheerful and had a sense of surprise, but what surprised him most was more than that. He washed his hands enough Xuanqi Lake. The soul tree in his body actually changed again...