Global Novice Village

Chapter 302 Death Swamp

Xia Jun is too lazy to think of things that he can't figure out. Anyway, as long as you know that the mechanical empire has no malice towards you, as for the purpose of Sword Twelve, he will definitely say it himself. Xia Jun didn't bother to ask.

Because he was eager to obstruct the plan of the corpse minister's promotion to the golden warrior, Xia Jun did not delay much on the road. It's just a stuffy road.

The journey of 90,000 miles is neither long nor short. Fortunately, there are all half-step golden warriors here, and there are no means to press the bottom of the box. Without the containment of the Zerg, everyone is still on their way very fast.

Along the way, Xia Jun also saw many strange Zergs that he had never seen before, and gradually understood the horror of the lost city.

This is completely a world of the Zerg. The deeper it is, the more nests and the stronger the strength of the Zerg. If you are not careful, there is a danger that the whole army will be destroyed.

"Fang Yuan, Prince Yu, everyone stopped for a moment. A large Zerg nest was found not far ahead. There are three different Zerg in total. Look, which one should you choose to break through!"

Sword 12 has always been responsible for exploring the front, and the sword radar behind it has never stopped rotating. Thanks to this radar, everyone has avoided countless Zerg in advance and avoided many unnecessary battles.

But now, Sword Twelve said that there were three waves of large Zerg blocking the road in front of them, and everyone was surprised.

"Can't you find a way to avoid it?" Xia Jun frowned slightly and said that if you delay one more minute on the road, there may be more opportunities for the corpse minister to be promoted to the golden level.

Time is what Xia Jun needs most now. It is also the most urgent thing for the corpse minister.

If your group finds the corpse first, everything will be fine. If the corpse takes the lead and is promoted to the golden level, all of them will not escape death!

"Let's talk about the three waves of Zerg first!" Xia Jun thought for a moment and asked again.

Jian nodded at 12 o'clock and quickly replied, "In the range of 30,000 kilometers in front, there are three strange terrains connected together. On the left is a group of meteorites, covering 30,000 kilometers. Although no life fluctuations have been found, the meteorite group is the best hiding place for lightning insects and is likely to be their base camp!"

"The second place is just in the direction we are moving. There is a death swamp, in which a lot of life fluctuations are found, and my eyes also feel traces of poison gas. The coverage is also the widest, estimated to be 50,000 miles.

"The last place is on our right hand side. If you move ten thousand miles, you can see a sea of blood. The murderous air on the sea of blood is very strong, and my thousands of miles can't see any monsters in it."

Jian Twelve said everything he found in one breath, and then stopped talking and waited for everyone's decision. The tone is also extremely dignified.

Obviously, none of these three places is good. Entering it is extremely dangerous and cannot be avoided. If you want to avoid it, you need to take a long detour, which is not allowed by everyone at present.

Xia Jun also frowned greatly. He didn't expect that there was such a terrain in the void. He thought it was all empty.

"Prince Jade, what do you think?" Xia Jun turned his head and asked Prince Yu. It was not his business to chase and kill the corpse minister. He should also let these people come up with advice.

Prince Yu's eyes were solemn and he thought carefully for a while, "The meteorite group is definitely not good. In case we fall into the ambush of lightning insects, it will be difficult for us to escape. The sea of blood is also not good. As far as I know, the sea of blood is generally a base camp for blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes. When we go there, it is no different from sending it. We can only go in the middle."

"Yes, I also support the middle, which is also the shortest journey!" Although I don't know how long it will take for the corpse minister to be promoted to a golden warrior, everyone has wasted a lot of time just by rushing.

The rest of the time can no longer be wasted, and it must be decided quickly.

Xia Jun's heart is similar to Prince Yu's. He will definitely not go to the meteorite group, which seems to be the calmest, but it is likely that there will be a large number of lightning bugs ambush there. On the other side of the sea of blood, it is also the territory of blood-sucking mosquitoes.

Xia Jun doesn't want to be chased and killed by this group of horrible poisonous mosquitoes.

On the contrary, the death swamp seems to be the most dangerous, but it is on the surface. On the contrary, it is the most reassuring of the three places. This is also the shortest journey.

The death swamp is said to be the place where the Zerg died. Like other races, no matter how powerful the Zerg are, their lives will come to an end. At that time, the Zerg will leave the group alone, find a secret place, and silently end their lives.

Over time, countless Zerg corpses will be piled up to form a death swamp. In the lost city, there are many places like this.

I didn't know it was terrible without approaching the death swamp. There are all kinds of Zerg in it. Of course, most of them are turned into corpses.

After years of decay and deterioration, these corpses will become mud-like swamps.

Before he walked into the swamp, Xia Jun could ask about a disgusting stench. He hurriedly closed his breath and felt a little better.

Several little marquis reacted a little slower. They were smoked by the stench and spit it out directly, and their whole face turned light green.

"Be careful, the air here is poisonous!" After practicing Wanmu Guiyuan's merit, Xia Jun became extremely ** for toxins. As soon as he looked at the state of those little marquises, he knew that he was poisoned.

But the most terrible thing is not these corpse poisons. As soon as they felt someone enter, the flesh and blood of the dead swamp, the Zerg, who had already died, slowly got up. It gives people a creepy feeling.

Princess Shuiyue and Princess Lanfeng are reflexively hugging together. Girls always feel some fear of these things.

In fact, it was not only them, but also the person present who felt hairy when he saw a large number of corpses resurrected. Fortunately, the number of resurrected corpses is not very large. If it is full, it is only more than 10,000, and its strength is also uneven.

On the contrary, it is the person of the mechanical empire. As a robot, he has no feeling about these corpses. Sword Twelve directly launched the perspective function in his thousands of miles of eyes to explore the information of the monsters in front of him.

While analyzing, he said, "These bodies have been controlled by a kind of zombie worm. Be careful not to be drilled into your body by zombie worms!"


As soon as the words of Sword Twelve fell, the body of a Zerg in front of him suddenly exploded, and then a white, fist-sized maggot struggled to escape from the body in panic.

Before he ran a few steps, his body suddenly broke and died completely.

However, Prince Jade was curious and used gold cutting to split the corpses of the Zerg. At the same time, the parasitic zombies were also split into two pieces.

Everyone also understands what zombie insects are. This kind of zombie insects have no attack power at all. Their greatest ability is parasitize.

The stronger the parasitic host is, the stronger the power of the zombie worm. If there are gold-level corpses that let them parasitize, then this zombie worm will immediately have gold-level strength.


Prince Yu's sudden attack obviously angered the zombies here. The death swamp is their territory. The rash attack is a signal of war!

The whole zombie worm in the death swamp was shocked, and a rotten body slowly got up from the flesh and blood quagmire.

More corpses roared silently and surged over.

Xia Jun's face immediately changed and became murderous. He did not expect to pass through here smoothly. Fighting was inevitable.

"Let's go together and kill these bodies! Be careful not to fall in love with the war, just kill it!" Prince Yu urgently launched an order, and his hand was not slow. A pair of golden hooks turned into two golden silk threads and rippled out.

Any body swept by the silk thread was directly cut into pieces, and the Zerg corpse that rushed up immediately fell down.

Then a group of zombie worms, screamed, escaped from the smashed corpse and quickly drilled into the quagmire. But a group of little marquises had been waiting for this moment for a long time. When they saw the zombie insects appear, all kinds of secret skills flew all over the sky. The smashed zombie insects screamed, and the smashed flesh and blood splashed everywhere.

A posture of beating a water dog.

In the end, Princess Shuiyue and Princess Lanfeng also joined the one-sided massacre and launched a long-range attack desperately.

But what attracted Xia Jun's attention most was the people of the mechanical empire. These people swept away the fire besieged by lightning insects, giving Xia Jun a new feeling.

In particular, the pair of sword wings behind the twelve flew out of the body and turned into a huge fan-shaped sword wing, like a comb, constantly sprinting repeatedly. Where they passed, countless Zerg corpses, like straw, broke apart one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the Zerg corpses rushed up were reduced by one-tenth, just like combing their hair with a comb, which was clean and staggering.

For the first time, Xia Jun also understood what a war weapon is, which is simply a supreme weapon for a group attack.

"Fang Yuan, you have to take a closer look at my next move!" Aware of Xia Jun's gaze, Jian Twelve laughed, then looked solemn, roared, and launched a new round of attack, "The Overlord raises the tripod!"


In the hand of Jian Twelve, a three-legged and two-eared golden tripod suddenly appeared, spinning smoothly. This is not a real tripod, but all transformed by the spirit of Ruijin.

Entering the insect swarm, it immediately set off a terrible metal storm. Before countless Zerg bodies got up, their bodies were shattered by the storm and turned into the smallest blood particles, floating in the air.

The zombie insects parasitize in the corpse can't even find the scum.

Seeing the sword twelve launching this move, Xia Jun's heart was suddenly shocked. A secret rune that was originally silent in his mind also jumped crazily at this time, as if it was about to jump out of his mind.

"The overlord's broken gold fist turned out to be the overlord's broken gold fist!" Xia Jun muttered to himself that all the doubts about the twelve movements of the sword were easily solved at this time!