Global Novice Village

Chapter 313

"A group of poor people wasted ten years of life, but they didn't get a hair!"

Killing the mysterious beast, the first thing Xia Jun thought of was to collect crazily. At least these mysterious beasts have also evolved a certain degree of wisdom and will definitely collect some treasures.

But the result was a great disappointment for Xia Jun. There were many treasures, but all of them were Xuanjing. When Xia Jun first entered the lost city, it was still a rare commodity, and it must not be too much.

But since entering this space composed of Xuanqi, Xuanjing can be said to be everywhere. How many things that can hit the body are full.

No matter how many Xuanjing there are, there is no place to put them.

In the end, Xia Jun could only use these three-level Xuanjing to practice synthesis. He is now a black robe synthesizer and can synthesize 100% of the first-level Xuanjing into second-level Xuanjing.

If the second-level Xuanjing wants to synthesize the third-level Xuanjing, there is only a 15% chance. The third-level Xuanjing synthesizes the fourth-level Xuanjing, which is even more exaggerated, even less than 1%.

Now, Xia Jun uses three-level Xuanjing to synthesize four-level Xuanjing, which is almost impossible to succeed. Xia Jun did not expect to synthesize successfully at the beginning.

He is purely accumulating experience. Anyway, he has experience in successful synthesis, and half of his experience in failure. No matter whether he can succeed in synthesis or not, he will accumulate experience to a certain extent first. Anyway, Xuanjing is everywhere.

After continuous bloodthirsty, Xia Jun's body began to be a little unbearable and must have a good rest. Taking advantage of this time, it can just be used to practice synthesis.

I stayed on the island for two days in a row.

It was not until all the Xuan crystals collected above were synthesized that Xia Jun left here refreshed. It's not that he doesn't want to continue synthesis, but in terms of time, he really can't afford to delay.

Since he came here, he has lost his sense of time. Xia Jun himself can't tell how long he has been here.

And in another three months, it will be the day when the earth is completely open. At that time, his enemies will definitely come to provoke trouble. Now, Xia Jun can't be wasted at all.

These two days of staying on the island are also because I am too tired to take a break.

Around this point, when Xia Jun left, he was successfully promoted to silver-robed synthes. Of course, the price was also huge. The whole island, with tens of thousands of nearly three-level Xuanjing, were all turned into waste scum and laid a thick layer on the ground.

The more the Xuanqi river goes upstream, the more dangers it will encounter. Xia Jun is indeed right. Such a large Xuanqi river is almost comparable to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River of the earth. How can there be only six mysterious beasts?

The higher it goes, the more the number and probability of mysterious beasts appear, many of which are humanoid mysterious beasts like white-clothed old men.

More, there are still beasts and all kinds of rare beasts, which are all here. Their desire for flesh and blood is also extremely horrible.

Flying on the river, from time to time, Xia Jun was about to encounter the attack of a group of mysterious beasts. The means of this group of mysterious beasts also opened Xia Jun's eyes.

There are those who forcibly want to capture him, suddenly attack, or show their carriages and horses, gather their companions, and besiege the Xia army, as well as intelligent mysterious beasts who especially like to use conspiracy and tricks.

Of course, these schemes are ridiculous and the most exaggerated in Xia Jun's eyes is that a rhino-like mysterious beast he met a day ago actually held a pile of Xuanjing directly and wanted to bargain with Xia Jun to buy his flesh and blood.

For such a mysterious beast, Xia Jun can't laugh or cry. No matter how poor he is, he has no perverted hobby of cutting meat and selling blood. Naturally, he refuses strictly.

In the end, Xia Jun can hide from these mysterious beasts. If he really can't avoid them, he will fight.

Time hastily passed, and in a blink of an eye, Xia Jun has been in this space for more than ten days. Over the past ten days, Xia Jun has spent almost every day in constant fighting.

Although he is tired, his strength is growing steadily. These days, because he continues to use the overlord broken gold boxing, this boxing method has finally been practiced by him to the level of Xiaocheng, which can shake the mountain king boxing, and Wanmu Guiyuan's skills go hand in hand.

As for the success, it is only after the golden level.

Ten days later, Xia Jun finally reached the end of the river, but when he arrived here, Xia Jun had to stop.

Because he was blocked by a mysterious beast again.

This mysterious beast is not an ordinary mysterious beast. It not only has wisdom, but also has strong strength. It's this river, a well-deserved king of mysterious beasts!

If you want to enter through the end of the river and walk to the door of space, this king of the mysterious beast is a barrier that must be overcome!

Xia Jun was not dodging this time, but directly challenged the Xuan Beast King and fought continuously, which had long tempered Xia Jun's spirit like steel.

He stood in the air with his hands on his back, and the wings of death unfolded, looking at the mysterious beast king opposite him so quietly.

The beast king opposite is a three-headed blue lion, which is dazzling, as if it is the most exquisite work of art in the world. If you give it some more time, this beast king will definitely be promoted to a golden monster.

Similarly, the beast king's temper was not very good. After a brief confrontation, the three blue lion heads of the beast king showed a greedy, cruel and cunning look.


A huge lion roar came out, and the river below was touched and split in half by the sound wave. This is not a secret skill, but just the ordinary roar of the Beast King.

But when the lion roars, the mountains and rivers will change color, and the sun and the moon will be gloomy. This is the instinctive deterrent of the beast king. Xia Jun, the first of them, feels that his eardrums are ringing and his qi and blood are churning all over his body.

With this roar, there was a slight dizziness. He quickly shook his head to get rid of his physical discomfort.

This move gave the beast king on the opposite side a chance. A louder roar came from its mouth, and then a pair of huge claws rushed towards Xia Jun.

On the claws, the sharp nails are like a sharp sword, tearing down violently. It is estimated that a giant dragon will also be torn apart under this move.

When Xia Jun saw this, he smiled ferociously. He was murderous and his fighting spirit was extremely strong. In the face of the attack of the Beast King, Xia Jun did not dodge, and a pair of fists were fearlessly colliding with the King of Beasts.

You have to use your flesh and blood to fight with the sword-like claws!

This is an extremely crazy move. How can flesh and blood block the sword?

"Overlord removes his armor!"

Seeing that his fist was about to collide with the claws of the beast king, Xia Jun suddenly opened his mouth and launched the king's broken gold fist to the extreme. He hit the king of beasts's claws fiercely.

Overlord's broken gold boxing may not be the most powerful boxing, but the sharpest boxing. This is the ultimate attack. These days, Xia Jun has already completely understood the essence of this set of boxing by fighting with various mysterious beasts.

Now, his pair of fists have long been as strong as a semi-sacred weapon and as sharp as a spear. He saw more than a dozen fists in a row, and Xia Jun's fists were not damaged at all.

The claws of the beast king were broken inch by inch, and his huge body were beaten back several steps. It was these steps that made the beast king furious. His eyes were red, and his body rushed up again. The originally broken claws also began to grow rapidly and was about to recover.

Xia Jun looked at it and was also a little surprised, "What a powerful mysterious beast, worthy of being the beast king here! However, I didn't enter the gold level after all. I fought alone and gave up who! Let you see the ultimate mystery of the king's broken golden fist!"

"The spear penetrates!"

Xia Jun suddenly roared, his arms were stretched straight, and countless sharp gold rushed to Xia Jun's arms, making his hands as sharp and murderous as if they had become spears. He stabbed it out at once.

"Touch, touch!"

With a burst of cracking sound, Xia Jun's spear hands abruptly penetrated the claws of the beast king, and then his body, and then deeply entered the beast king's body.

It's like two spears piercing the enemy's body! This time, the Beast King suffered an unbearable blow. It screamed, widened its eyes, its body swayed, and unwillingly fell at the feet of Xia Jun.

Since then, the last mysterious beast that blocked the way has completely died.

Xia Jun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes turned to the front, "It's closer to the door of space..."