Global Novice Village

Chapter 351 Fire

The internal situation of the spacecraft is obviously not optimistic. Many of the hulls have been damaged, and the lines depicted on it have gone through the baptism of the years, and they no longer have the demeanor of the past.

Entering inside, the first thing Xia Jun saw was a huge white space. On the top of the boat, dazzling, fist-sized white pearls were emitting a rubbing light and gently falling down.

At the bottom of the cabin is a crystal coffin more than one person high. Still presenting the five-pointed star array that Xia Jun has seen, there is a kind of incomplete divine array, which can absorb infinite star power to maintain the energy of the crystal coffin seal.

The Tianji people who fled into the chaotic time and space seem to want to delay the passage of their lives in this way.

But it's a pity that they were unlucky. Although they successfully crossed the chaotic zone, they hit the disaster area again.

Half of the volume of the entire spacecraft has disappeared. Some of the crystal coffins have all disappeared and turned into dust.

So that the celestial burial array composed of this coffin has become more incomplete, and the absorbed star power has become weak and invisible.

Without the supplement of star power, even if they sleep for thousands of years and try to minimize their energy consumption, many Tianji people still can't support it. In this way, they go to death little by little in their sleep.

These crystal coffins displayed in front of Xia Jun are not like sealing a group of people who have escaped, but more like a real group of coffins.

Xia Jun's spiritual induction also proves his guess. In this crystal coffin, there is no living life reaction. Yes, it's just a group of mummified corpses withered, souls and energy exhausted!

"My people, all the people are dead! Holy King, you lied to us. You said that there is still a glimmer of life in our clan when you escape into chaotic time and space. Now, all the hopes have been dashed. They are all dead. They are all dead. My Tianji clan has been destroyed!" Here, the last one to accept all this is the Six Heavenly Kings.

He is a real Tianji clan and once one of the heavenly kings. In order to maintain the revival of the Tianji clan, he endured humiliation and secretly lived for thousands of years, and even died fraudulently, turning his soul into a red-haired ghost king.

is to revive the Tianji clan one day. But now, looking at the corpses of the clan all over the cabin, the six heavenly kings collapsed.

He seemed to be crazy and checked the coffins one by one. This fierce, cold, and even evil king finally couldn't help crying.

He covered his face, squatted on the ground, stroked the crystal coffin that contained the hope of the people and destroyed it. A drop of blood and tears flowed out of his eyes.

The Tianxiang treasure owner has been crying for a long time. On the beautiful face, crystal tears, like broken pearls, fell on the deck.

Xia Jun also shook his head and sighed. After a lot of hard work, it turned out to be such a result. Xia Jun's heart also felt heavy and depressed.

Xia Jun opened his mouth to comfort the Six Heavenly Kings and Tianxiang Treasure Lord a few words, but at the moment he opened his mouth, Xia Jun didn't say anything. He just stood aside quietly and looked at the crystal coffins, and his thoughts surged.

"The Tianji clan, known as a strategy, is the most mysterious deduction race. I didn't expect that such a brilliant race could not escape the end of destruction."

"But this is also an accident. The plan for the escape of the Tianji clan is very good, but they are so unlucky that they hit this death zone. First, half of the crystal coffin is destroyed, and the remaining half are not formed into a complete five-pointed star array, so they naturally can't escape the fate of extinction."


Suddenly, Xia Jun's heart shook fiercely, like a flash of lightning, illuminating the night sky. He stared at the crystal coffins and counted them carefully: "One, two, three... four hundred and forty-nine..."

The remaining crystal coffins here are no more or less, just 499!

"How can it be that there are only 249 crystal coffins and 51 crystal coffins here? Where is it?" Xia Jun felt extremely shocked.

Although he is not interested in the array, he has seen the process of the six heavenly kings drawing the celestial burial array. Generally speaking, he still knows something about it.

A total of 1,000 nodes are needed to form a mutilated divine array. They united with each other and finally formed the magical pentagram pattern that Xia Jun had seen.

That is to say, there should be a thousand crystal coffins here. Even if half of them are destroyed, there should be 500.

But here, there are only 449 and 51 crystal coffins, which are actually missing!

This is completely beyond common sense. Xia Jun hurriedly asked, "Six Heavenly Kings, how many people have escaped here, but someone can forcibly wake up from the crystal coffin to lift the seal?"

"What, four hundred and forty-nine? How is this possible?" As soon as he was reminded by Xia Jun's words, Tianxiangbao carefully counted, and his beautiful face also showed shock.

As for the six heavenly kings, they were directly ecstatic, as if the drowning man grabbed a last life-saving straw and hurriedly said, "Our clan just entered here by 1,000 people. Only in this way can we form a heavenly burial array. One cannot be less, nor one more. The person in charge of leading the team is another heavenly king, rotating the heavenly king!"

"The rotating king is also the second master of our family, a gold warrior who has reached the silver level in the field. If he is awakened, it is very likely. Can lift the seal! Isn't the turn of the king still dead!"

The six heavenly king said excitedly, almost shouting out. Unconsciously, it actually caused a real echo inside the spacecraft.

"Rotate the Heavenly King...Turn the Heavenly King..." bursts of echoes, getting louder and louder. At first, it was still a person's voice. Suddenly, it seemed that countless people were reciting the name.


The interior of the originally calm spacecraft shook slightly without warning. Then, a mellow voice suddenly sounded from all sides.

"Who is calling my name? Knowing my name, have you finally found my people? How many years have I finally waited for this day!"

This sound, from near to far away, sounded very suddenly, as if it were a ghost. Xia Jun and the three were shocked at the same time, and then they were overjoyed.

There are still living people in the spaceship, and it is likely to be a master of the emperor, the turn of the king!

The six heavenly kings were directly excited and shouted to all sides, "Rotation, it's me. Liudao, you're not dead. Come out and see, where have the rest of the people gone?"

No answer. The king of heaven, as if he hadn't heard this, still said to himself, "No matter who you are, since you call my name, you will undoubtedly be my clan. Unfortunately, I am dead, and I can't see the day of our family's rejuvenation with my own eyes!"

"What, dead?" Xia Jun was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I am dead. As you can see, I died very early with these people. This is also the disaster we waited for. At the beginning, although we successfully entered the chaotic time and space, we temporarily escaped the disaster.

"But soon after, a space-time storm blew down our spaceship and this death zone. Half of the people were directly destroyed in their sleep, and the other half of the people also died because of the destruction of the heavenly burial array, lack of energy, and withered up!"

"Only I, the king, wake up from it. The seal was forcibly unsealed. But when the king woke up, most of the people of the clan had died, and only fifty children without strength absorbed much energy and barely died.

"Finally, I can only sacrifice myself and inject all my energy into their bodies, so as to maintain their lives and not wither..."

The voice of the king is getting lower and lower. After all, this is just a remnant of his life. I don't know how many years he has experienced. Because of an obsession, it has remained until now, but it is also like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

At this moment, Xia Jun did not make a sound, but sighed gently. The rotation of the king of heaven is undoubtedly great. He woke up and could have stayed here, practiced silently, lived for thousands of years, and finally waited for the rescue of himself and others.

However, the rotating king did not do so, but chose to sacrifice himself and use all his energy to maintain the lives of his own people.

The six heavenly kings and Tianxiangbaozhu also looked complicated and silently looked around the spaceship. Suddenly, it seemed to have found something. The six heavenly kings quickly walked to the side of the hatch and pushed hard.


There was a metallic friction sound, and the heavy hatch was opened. Inside, it turned out to be a small warehouse. It is only more than 20 square meters, but it is full of crystal coffins.

Fifty pink-carved children are sleeping peacefully in it.

In front of the coffin, there is a middle-aged man in a python robe, with a dry body, but extremely resolute. Although he has died, he still refuses to give up protecting the last spark of the race.

When I felt that Xia Jun and others were approaching, there was a sense of war, which emanated from this dry body. It seemed that this man would come back to life at any time and fight with the enemy.

"Although the body is rotten, the spirit is immortal! Rotation, you have come out of this step, unfortunately, unfortunately! If I had known this, I should have come here instead of you!" The six heavenly kings sighed repeatedly, and his voice was indescribably sad.

Xia Jun was also suddenly moved. Although his body was rotten, his spirit was immortal. What a terrible state is this? It is almost the ultimate that the golden warrior can achieve.

As long as you take a step forward, it is to master the law, be in line with longevity and the sky, and hold the realm of gods and demons of heaven and earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the king does not die, he can step into the realm of gods and demons in his lifetime and become a legend, a hegemon.

However, in order to protect his clan, he resolutely gave up the opportunity that countless people dreamed of and chose to sacrifice himself to protect the last fire of the Tianji clan.

Why doesn't this move Xia Jun? He bent down slightly and saluted the deceased rotating king deeply to show his respect. Then he looked at the fifty crystal coffins and asked, "How's it going? Are the children in these coffins?"