Global Novice Village

Chapter 361 Practice

In the next few days, the whole city of Thailand was in a quiet and terrible state. Since learning about Xia Jun's acquisition of participating in the meeting of the gods, Mu Qingxue, the city owner, simply completely decentralized his power, and then gathered with everyone to Xia Jun's courtyard every day to listen to Xia Jun's explanation about the golden level.

Xia Jun did not hide his private interests. Except for the field of understanding, this may involve the secrets of the gods, everything else about practice is unreserved and all taught.

In particular, Xia Jun is still a master of the emperor's level. Although his practice is short, the characters that Xia Jun has come into contact with are all the best in the golden level. Even the virtual emperor, the main spirit, this kind of god-level master, have given him advice.

This makes Xia Jun's vision extremely wide, and with the complete awakening of the bloodline of the virtual clan, Xia Jun's subconsciously, the inheritance of the will of the god of killing is also deepening, which makes Xia Jun's soul transparent and has a strong understanding.

Therefore, although the time of practice is extremely short, Xia Jun is not inferior to those emperor-level masters who have practiced for thousands of years.

Even in the understanding of high-end power, it has surpassed these people.

At this moment, as soon as Xia Jun appeared and told his feelings about the golden level, Tang Fei and others were naturally greatly inspired.

Even the six heavenly kings and Tianxiangbao came over to listen carefully to Xia Jun's perception of the golden level.

It took Xia Jun three days to stop this explanation. Then he opened his eyes and nodded slightly, "There are guests coming."

"What?" The six heavenly kings and Tianxiang Baozhu were shocked. Neither of them felt a strange breath approaching, and Xia Jun actually felt it.

There was a storm in their hearts. Only then did they know that Xia Jun's perception of spiritual power had reached a level that was difficult for them to understand;

The six heavenly king asked with some surprise, "Xia Jun, have you also reached the point of spiritual immortality?" Spiritual immortality is a legend. Anyone who reaches this level can almost be sure to become a virtual god and a virtual demon in the future.

Xia Jun shook his head slightly, "The spirit is immortal, how can it be so easy to achieve? At most, I have reached the point where my heart is like a mirror."

It's not that easy to prove the divine position. First, the field needs to reach the golden level, and second, it is necessary to understand the law.

The key to understanding the law, Xia Jun already knows that the deeper his understanding of the spirit, the easier it is to understand, and vice versa, the more difficult it is.

This is also why the more powerful the emperor is in the five prisons, the more unwilling he is to appear. Because all their thoughts have been placed in the field of improvement and enhancement of spiritual perception.

Especially those who have the golden field are almost completely unborn. Even if someone kills his whole family, such figures will be indifferent.

will only use all the mind to improve spiritual perception, and then understand the law, achieve the virtual god, and then come forward to revenge.

It is precisely because the emperor in the gold field does not care about the world and is closed-minded that Xia Jun has the courage to go to the meeting of the gods.

After all, if it is a group of emperors in the golden field, Xia Jun can't guarantee that he will be able to protect himself at the meeting of the gods.

As for the existence of virtual gods and virtual demons, Xia Jun is not very worried. After all, behind him, there are still two horrible masters, the virtual emperor and the main spirit.

If those people want to bully the big and the small, they also need to worry about one or two. These are also the information that Xia Jun has sorted out in his mind in the past few days and slowly analyzed them.

After answering the question of the six heavenly kings, Xia Jun did not hesitate and said "Open!" to the sky outside the yard. The huge spiritual boundary immediately revealed a huge gap.

Outside the gap, two golden bridges have run through thousands of miles and fell directly from the sky to the courtyard where Xia Jun is located. On the golden bridge, there are two golden saints, namely the Wanxiang Treasure Lord and the Tianjian Treasure Lord.

These two people are also responsible for escorting Xuanjing this time. After all, the number of Xia Jun wants this time is really too large, a whole million second-level Xuanjing, which is almost all the wealth of Baoding Pavilion.

Even the richest Baoding Pavilion, in order to make up this amount, it almost smashed the pot and sold iron. As a result, all the business has come to a standstill, and it is to collect the number of one million.

Such a large Xuanjing can almost buy thousands of kingdoms. Naturally, Baoding Pavilion did not dare to be careless, but was escorted by the two treasure owners to make sure that it was foolproof.

Walking on the road, the Wanxiang Treasure Lord also sighed and looked at the Taicheng below and said, "This Tai City, really can't be underestimated. Tianjian Treasure Lord, it won't be long before you see those spiritual fluctuations. Maybe there will be a few more golden saints in this Tai City!"

"No, who would have thought that the potential of the earthlings was so great. Originally, those rich people regarded this place as an indigenous planet and thought they could plunder at will. Who knew that there was a killing of the emperor? Now those rich people are estimated to wake up in their dreams. Unfortunately, this killing of the emperor is too arrogant. Why do you want to offend the Sea Temple if you have nothing to do? This has also fallen a lot!" Tianjian Baozhu said.

"Shh! "Silight!" The Vientiane Lord's face changed greatly and hurriedly wanted to stop his companions from talking.

At this time, a faint voice came from below, "Since the two saints have come, why haven't they come down for a long time? But Xia's hospitality is not good. In this case, I will invite them in person!"


As soon as the words fell, the void suddenly cracked beside the two, and then a pair of translucent spiritual arms were already rumbling.

The owner of Vientiane and the owner of Tianjian suddenly were shocked. Just as they were about to resist, they were shocked to find that a huge black hole suddenly appeared above their heads, a terrible pressure, and the two directly suppressed them could not move.

In this way, like an eagle catching a chicken, the two saints, who could not resist at all, were caught directly from the sky and then landed in the courtyard where Xia Jun was located.

Tianjian Treasure Lord was almost scared to death by this change. Thinking of saying bad things about Xia Jun just now, he couldn't wait to bite off his tongue.

The treasure owner of Wanxiang is also sweating heavily, and his heart is secretly fluke. If Xia Jun had a murderous intention just now, he would not have pinched Xia Jun to death.

These two saints are also clever. Looking at the horrible methods of Xia Jun, how dare they have the slightest neglect? They turned over and bowed down and said in a trembling voice, "Kill the emperor to spare our lives. We deserve to die. We shouldn't talk nonsense!"

"I told you to chew your tongue. Have you done what I told you to do?" Tianxiang Baozhu suddenly opened his mouth and scolded the two of them, which was actually an excuse for them.

The two holy lords, this is the reflection. They quickly took out a string of storage rings on their bodies and respectfully handed them to Xia Jun, "Your Highness the emperor, the Xuanjing you want are all in it. In order to collect these Xuanjing, my Baoding Pavilion has done its best to almost smash the pot and sell iron!"

"Oh, it's hard for you two. I promise you 200,000 level 3 Xuanjing. In three days, you can come and get it!"

I didn't plan to argue with these two people. Xia Jun took the ring and waved his hand to make them retreat.

This time, the Treasure Lord of Wanxiang did not dare to be careless. After respectfully saluted Xia Jun, and then saluted the Lord of Tianxiang and the Six Heavenly Kings, he slowly retreated.

As for the remuneration, the two don't have to worry. Is there a Tianxiang treasure owner here? Are you still worried about receiving remuneration?

"Okay, let's retreat, and don't disturb Xia Jun's hard work!" The Six Heavenly Kings stood up in time and began to drive people away.

"Brother, you must succeed!" Xia Xiaoyu was reluctant to say.

"Master, we are waiting for your good news!" Tang Fei also said encouragingly.

The rest of the people also got up and knew that Xia Jun had something to do, so they didn't dare to disturb them. They got up one after another and retreated out. The huge backyard suddenly quieted down.

There is only one Xia Jun left.

"Xia Jun, shall we start now?" In the seal of the earth, the mountains that have been silent are boundless.

"Let's do it now. It's troublesome." Xia Jun nodded and used the seal of the earth to form a horrible gravity space near him as protection.

Make sure that the movement here will not affect the future. Xia Jun opened the string of storage rings.

A clling sound, like a river, kept ringing in the backyard. Xuanjing was poured out by Xia Jun and then turned into hundreds of meters of Xuanjing peaks.

The whole backyard immediately had a colorful light, directly breaking through the sky and shining the whole city. However, under the isolation of the spiritual boundary and the seal of the earth, no ordinary people in Taicheng can detect it.

Subsequently, Xia Jun used synthesis to continuously synthesize these secondary basal crystals. And he is not a piece of synthesis, but a pile of synthesis.

After all, there are a million pieces of mysterious crystals here. If they are synthesized, it is estimated that he will not be able to synthesize them for a year. Naturally, batch synthesis is the most cost-effective.

And as a silver robe synthesizer, he also has such strength.

I saw Xia Jun stretching out his hands, the fingertips of ten fingers, and a series of silver light, constantly shining on those Xuan crystals.

Once these Xuanjing are irradiated, these Xuanjing will merge to form a complete three-level Xuanjing, and the silver robe synthesizer and the soul tree have raised Xia Jun's success rate of synthesizing three-level Xuanjing to 100%.

In this way, under the staring like a ghost, three-level Xuanjing was born in the hands of Xia Jun.

The synthesis light of Xia Jun has never stopped. He seems to have devoted himself to this amazing and boring synthesis with a tireless machine...