Global Novice Village

Chapter 383 Fierce Auction

While everyone was bidding fiercely for this sacred weapon, Xia Jun seemed to lack interest. Although the sacred artifact is rare, this sacred artifact is not only seriously damaged, but also the original breath inside, and the loss is also serious. Tens of the power can play at most 223.

Such a sacred weapon is really dispensable for Xia Jun.

But when Xia Jun decided to give up the auction, the seal of the earth shook violently in his arms. Then Xia Jun's heart came the extremely excited voice of Shanshan.

"Xia Jun, you must take down this sacred artifact, no matter what the cost. God, it's really it. My feeling can't be wrong. That sacred artifact is the seal of the dark that we have been looking for!"

The seal of the underworld?!

Xia Jun was immediately shocked by the words of Shan Wujiang. The seal of the underworld is one of the parts of the seal of life.

And the seal of the world was once a weapon of the virtual god called the king of the world tens of thousands of years ago, and it was a famous semi-magic weapon in the five prisons.

It is said that the original king of the world was the virtual god who claimed to be the closest to the gods and the most brutal virtual god. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die. He even wants to rely on his own strength to unify the secular mortals of the five prisons, be the lord of the world that day, and then absorb the beliefs of these secular mortals and try to break through the divine world. The barrier officially becomes a god-like existence.

Unfortunately, the calculation of the king of the world is very good. If all five prisons believe in him and worship him, the huge power of faith may not allow this person to ignite the divine fire and become a real god.

But the king of the world has undoubtedly angered the interests of the temples. If the king of the world really unites the five prisons, then the temples will have no meaning.

So, a war between virtual gods broke out.

Because the history of the war was too long, coupled with the deliberate concealment of the temples, there was almost no information left, and Xia Jun did not know the history of it.

He just knew that in the end, the angry king of the world completely fell under the siege of the virtual gods of all five prisons. Similarly, the seal of the world in his hand was smashed in that battle and turned into three fragments, forming three different seals.

They are the seal of the earth, the seal of the true dragon, and the last seal of the underworld.

Among them, the seal of the earth was accidentally obtained by the ancestors of the mountain clan, thus laying the foundation for the rise of the mountain clan. The seal of the real dragon was obtained by the real dragon sanctuary.

However, Xia Jun has grabbed the seal of the real dragon from the real dragon holy courtyard. Only with the seal of the underworld, Xia Jun has only heard of the name, and there is no clue at all, and has never heard of anyone who can find it.

There are even rumors that the seal of the underworld has long ceased to exist and has fallen with the king of the world. Xia Jun didn't expect to find it either.

However, Xia Jun never thought that the holy weapon auctioned at this auction was actually the seal of the underworld. And it seems that the auction of all gods does not know the real origin of this sacred artifact.

It was just auctioned as an ordinary damaged sacred artifact.

In fact, not only the people present did not see the origin of this sacred weapon, but also Xia Jun himself can hardly believe that the seal is not only damaged in appearance, but also seriously missing from the origin, which is actually the seal of the underworld.

In order to confirm it again, Xia Jun hurriedly asked Shan Wujiang again, "Shan Lao, are you really sure that it is the seal of the underworld, right?"

Xia Jun looked at the holy weapon, no matter how he looked at it, it seemed to be a lowest holy weapon, and it was still the extremely rough one.

It's hard to imagine that such an ordinary sacred weapon is actually a semi-magic artifact that once shocked the five prisons!

"Xia Jun, don't worry, I won't misread it. Don't forget that I am now the artifact of the seal of life. I can naturally feel the fragments of the seal of life. If you take a picture, you will never suffer losses!" The mountain said with incomparable determination.

"All right!" Xia Jun nodded. With the confirmation of Mountain Without Border, this thing must be the seal of the underworld. In this case, I really can't let it go.

Especially now, I already have the seal of the earth and the seal of the real dragon. If I collect the seal of the underworld, I may be able to integrate the seal of life. In that case, I will have a semi-magic artifact.

Half artifact, that is a powerful weapon comparable to a virtual god.

Just thinking about it, Xia Jun felt very excited and couldn't help swallowing his saliva fiercely, and then stared at the sacred artifact on the high platform like most of the people present.

Even if you go bankrupt, you have to shoot it!

However, it's one thing to be excited, but Xia Jun is not busy bidding first. What really determines the outcome is still behind. The current auction is just in the period of price increase, and the price is not too high, and he shouted for nothing.

Xia Jun decided to wait until the crowd below decided to win or lose first, and then he could take action. In a word, he decided the universe. As for how many Xuanjing will be needed to shoot in the end, Xia Jun doesn't care too much.

There are 500,000 second-level Xuanjing on his body. There seems to be not much Xuanjing at this point, and it is estimated that she is not qualified to participate in the final auction. Because now the price of the holy weapon has been shouted to 700,000 second-level Xuanjing, and it is increasing rapidly at a rate of 100,000 at a time.

But don't forget that Xia Jun's deputy profession is a synthesizer, and he is still a golden robe synthesizer. As long as he does it, 500,000 second-level Xuanjing will soon become 25 million third-level Xuanjing, and its value will increase tenfold!

is equivalent to 2.5 million second-level Xuanjing.

With this huge sum of money, Xia Jun's confidence is also very good. Just look coldly at the competition of the rest of the people.

The price has reached 700,000, and the number of people who can participate in the auction is already very small. The rich people who are not strong enough directly announced their abandonment and completely become spectators.

Some gold saints also shook their heads grimly when they saw this price. Such a price is already a real sky-high price. Even if they are sold, it is estimated that there are not so many mysterious crystals.

Now those who can participate in the competition are some empires, temples, and some of the most powerful races. The competition between these forces is also extremely fierce.

Soon, the price of the sacred artifact directly increased from 700,000 to 800,000. It has increased by another 100,000.

Such a price, even some empires and ancients, can't stand it. After all, that is 800,000 second-level Xuanjing, which is definitely an astronomical figure.

With so many Xuanjing, if you are lucky, you can directly build a minimum holy weapon after decades of hard work. With so many Xuanjing, you can buy a seriously damaged holy weapon. This transaction is obviously not cost-effective.

At this time, the emperors present did not dare to raise the price easily. Many of them were short of money and had no choice but to give up and refused to say anything again.

Xia Jun observed carefully and found that there were only three companies still competing. They are the Temple of Light, the Temple of Darkness, and the Temple of Sea.

These three forces are also the strongest in the five prisons, among which the Temple of Light and the Dark Temple have the greatest influence. Although the power of the Sea Temple is slightly inferior, the Sea Temple is the richest with infinite marine resources.

The price of 800,000 is the ferocious emperor of the Sea Temple, which also shows the determination of the Sea Temple to obtain this sacred weapon!

As soon as they heard the sea temple quote this price, both the light temple and the dark temple were silent. After a long time, they seemed to be thinking and giving up.

No matter what it is, the auction is still going on in an orderly manner. On the high platform, Baihua Tianzi quoted in a consistent calm voice: "80 million for the first time, 800,000 for the second time, 800,000 third..."

"Wait! I'll pay 900,000!" Before Baihua Tianzi finished speaking, a hoarse voice interrupted. Xia Jun habitually followed the source of the sound.

It doesn't matter. Xia Jun's face showed a trace of horror in an instant. This time, the bid was actually the mysterious man, a mysterious man with only half a step of golden strength.

However, this person, every bid is shocking, and this time it directly called out a sky-high price of 900,000 yuan. Such a price is the emperors of the temple. It will be very difficult to take it out at one time. It must be pieced together before it is possible to take it out.

The mysterious man quoted such a price without blinking his eyes. Why didn't this let everyone look sideways? Even Baihua Tianzi looked at the mysterious man with incomparable shock.

In the end, he did not speak, which undoubtedly shocked Xia Jun even more, because Baihua Tianzi did not speak, which meant that the mysterious man had such financial resources.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Xia Jun was a little curious. But soon, his attention shifted to the other side.

After the mysterious man called out a sky-high price of 900,000, the Temple of Light finally stopped silent. A emperor said with some difficulty and said, "One million!"

"Hahaha, your Temple of Light will always be so stingy, 1 million!" A emperor of the Dark Temple was unwilling to show weakness, but also quoted his own price, and also laughed at the Light Temple.

But anyone can hear the heavy pressure in this person's words.

After listening to the quotation of the Dark Temple, in the box of the Sea Temple, the ferocious emperor's face was completely ferocious and scolded fiercely, "Damn it, it's just a semi-waste holy weapon. The price is so high. I only have 800,000 on my body now. Hailong, how about you?"

"I still have 200,000!" Hailong Tianzi's flattering way.

"I brought 500,000 this time! If the ferocious emperor wants it, just take it!" The other emperor also spoke.

"Okay, okay, plus my 800,000, we have a total of 1.5 million. Although it is a little expensive, the sacred artifact is rare. You all lend me the Xuanjing on your body, and I will definitely return it twice in the future! I'm so hard-working that I don't have time to make a holy weapon. I'm going to order this holy weapon!"

The ferocious emperor laughed wildly and then shouted directly outside: "One 1.5 million! My sea temple is rich all over the world. I want to see who dares to compete with me!"