Global Novice Village

Chapter 406 Not Returning to the Forest


A loud dragon sound came from Xia Jun's body. Then a slender golden dragon, like lightning, flew out of Xia Jun's body.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a hundreds of meters long golden dragon, coiled beside Xia Jun. The terrible pressure made Tianxiang Treasure Lord and his two men on the spot. The color changed together.

All three of them know that Xia Jun has the sacred weapon of the mountain clan and integrates the real dragon seal, making the seal of the earth extremely powerful. But at this time, I felt the pressure of this sacred weapon at close range for the first time, and the three people present were still extremely shocked.

This is really just a sacred weapon. Why do you have a feeling of facing gods and demons?

The three owners of Tianxiangbao looked at the golden dragon beside Xia Jun with surprised eyes.

It's not surprising that Xia Jun is no longer. Since mastering the correct use of the semi-magic weapon, the seal of the earth has become extremely sharp in the hands of Xia Jun. At least as much as the ordinary silver emperor comes, Xia Jun can shoot to death.

Of course, he is calling out the mountain now, not for fighting.

"Shan Lao, I'll give you this!" Xia Jun waved his hand casually, sucked the magic wand inserted on the ground into his hand, and then threw it directly to Shan Wujiang without looking at it.

"This is a sacred artifact!" Shan Wujiang was shocked. The golden dragon claws took over the staff thrown by Xia Jun and didn't recover for a long time.

Since returning to Taicheng, as a boundless mountain of weapons, my mind has been trying to integrate with the seal of the underworld, and I don't know what's going on outside world at all.

Shan Wujiang never dreamed that Xia Jun had come back for a long time, and it was a pity that he threw it directly to himself.

Tianxiang Baozhu was also shocked. Although she knew that with the strength of Xia Jun, she still looked down on this ordinary sacred weapon. But he just thought that Xia Jun would use this sacred weapon for his relatives and friends, such as his sister.

But the fact is that Xia Jun didn't give it to anyone, but gave it to Shan Wujiang. This hero, this courage, this means really suppressed everyone present, and the heart beat fiercely.

Wanxiang Treasure Lord and Tianjian Treasure Lord are even more jealous. With their knowledge, they don't know Xia Jun's intention. This is to give this sacred weapon to the Shan people for free!

When I thought that the mountain clan got such a huge benefit out of thin air, that is, the Golden Holy Lord, a strong envy rose in my heart.

The huge golden dragon eye almost shed tears. What else can Xia Jun say about this point for the mountain people?

After carefully rubbing the staff in his hand with the dragon claws for a while, Shan Wujiang finally made up his mind and threw the staff again to Xia Jun.

"Shan Lao, you..." Xia Jun was a little surprised. He specially prepared this staff. Why didn't Shan Lao want it?

"Oh, in the past, let him go. The decline of the mountain people to this day is also a mistake caused by me. Besides, the original mountain is dead. Now I am just the spirit of the seal of the earth. This sacred weapon is no longer suitable for me to be sent out. Xia Jun, if possible, I hope that you can personally hand it over to the current mountain patriarch on behalf of me, which can also make up for my original mistake!"

It's really hard to say such words when Xia Jun said such a thing. Naturally, he understands the boundless entanglement.

A thousand years ago, the mountain clan, which was strong for a while, was also a rich clan, but the mountain was boundless and stubborn. First, they raised the strength of the whole clan to protect the blade warriors of the previous generation.

Then, after the Blade Warrior was killed, he impulsively entered the magic land and tried to find the divine parts, so that all the mountain masters were buried in the magic earth.

Since then, the mountain people have also declined rapidly, from a strong one to a weak ethnic group. Shan Wujiang is ashamed of his heart. Naturally, he is ashamed of his own people, and he does not want to come forward and give this staff to the mountain people, but hopes that Xia Jun will work for him.

Xia Jun couldn't refuse such a request, but frowned and said, "Shan Lao, it's not impossible for you to ask me to come forward and send it, but you know that I can't find time to go to the mountain clan recently!"

"Haha, as long as Xia Jun has this heart, I have been waiting for a thousand years. Do you still care about waiting for a while?" Shan Wujiang said with a smile.

Obviously, the old Lord is also very happy to see that the mountain people will have the hope of rising again. As for the time earlier or later, it doesn't matter.

At this time, the Tianxiang Treasure Lord next to him suddenly said, "Xia Jun, Shan Lao, if you don't have time, you might as well give me this sacred weapon. I will go there in person and give it to the mountain clan. Of course, if you can trust me!"

"What, Tianxiangbaozhu, would you like to go to the mountain people?" Xia Jun was a little surprised.

"That's right, it's up to Xia Jun, you can't worry about giving the holy weapon to the little girl!" Tianxiangbaozhu said with a smile.

Xia Jun did not hesitate. If Tianxiang Baozhu can't trust, then he really doesn't know who to trust. Directly gave the staff in his hand to the Tianxiang Treasure Lord.

"Tianxiang Baozhu, please."

"It's okay! Are you still polite between you and me? Tianxiangbaozhu glanced at Xia Jun, honestly and rudely put away the staff in his hand.

Xia Jun also smiled. Indeed, because of the relationship between the Tianji clan, he and Tianxiang Baozhu, the six heavenly kings, have long been tied together, so there is no need for the two sides to be polite.

After all, although Shan Wujiang has a guilty conscience, he can't help interrupting at this time: "Tianxiang Baozhu, if you want to deliver the sacred weapon, can you ask by the way if they are willing to move to Taicheng? If they want to, it's the best. If they don't want to, it's God's will, so they have to let them!"

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely bring these words!" Tianxiangbao nodded slightly.


repaired the sacred artifact and dealt with the things of the mountain people that could not be taken care of. Xia Jun's heart was undoubtedly a lot of laughter.

But he didn't relax because of this.

There are less than three months left, which is the day when the Congress of the Gods will be held. At that time, I don't know how many temples there are, and I can't wait for my bad luck and even die at the Gods Congress.

Naturally, Xia Jun will not get what these people want.

A simple day off.

Early on the third day, Xia Jun left his courtyard and rushed to Tianji Pavilion. Today is the day he made an appointment with the six heavenly kings.

In the past three days, the six heavenly kings have been staying at home, always staying in the Tianji Pavilion, using enchantment to deduce the specific information of the treasure map collected by the Sea Temple thousands of miles away.

"After such a long time, I don't know if the Six Heavenly Kings have come!" On the way, Xia Jun couldn't help muttering.

Although the six heavenly kings made it clear that the enchantment was handed down by the god of prophecy. But the god of prophecy is just a legend, and there is no conclusion as to whether there is such a god.

Xia Jun is really not sure about this spiritual skill.

Tianjige is not far from the general's mansion. Xia Jun only took a few breaths to get outside the Tianji Pavilion and is about to go in. In the Tianji Pavilion, two little girls like porcelain dolls have come out, hand in hand, very cute.

When he saw Xia Jun, he said crisply, "Uncle Xia, you finally came. Grandpa Liudao said that when you come, just go in directly."

Xia Jun unconsciously twitched when he heard the words, and secretly smiled bitterly in his heart. At least he was also a good young man, not like his uncle.

But after all, Xia Jun didn't say much about the little girl. You can only quickly enter the Tianji Pavilion.

"Xia Jun, you are here. I have been waiting for a long time." In the attic, the six heavenly kings had already greeted him with a solemn expression.

This expression is not good! Xia Jun's heart thumped and hurriedly asked, "Six Heavenly Kings, you don't know about the map, but do you have any clues?"

"Well, Xia Jun, what's your tone? I'm going to peep at a map. It's not a piece of cake!" Liudao Tianwang said something very unhappily, and then threw a map to Xia Jun.

"No, this is the complete treasure map of the Marlboro Son of Heaven. The people in the Sea Temple are also really exquisite. They bought our map and carefully searched it spiritually, but the spiritualism of our clan is so mysterious that those laymen can see it. But Xia Jun, this location is not very good!"

It's okay, the map is fine!

After taking the map, Xia Jun hurriedly opened it out. Sure enough, this is a complete map. It looks like nine pieces in total. Among them, he got two pieces, which is also one of them, which is extremely compatible with the other seven pieces.

Just a glance, Xia Jun knew that this was the real picture. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I found that the tone of the six heavenly kings was wrong.

Xia Jun is also a shrewd man. He has seen the map. The place where the treasure of the emperor hides is in a primitive forest in the demon realm.

Except for the inaccessible, there is no danger.

But since the expression of the six heavenly kings is so serious, there must be something wrong with that place!

Xia Jun immediately asked, "What's the danger in this forest?"

"Hey! It's not only dangerous. This forest is a famous death zone in the five prisons. It has always existed like virtual gods and demons, and no one dares to approach it. This forest also has a name, called the forest of no return!"

When he heard Xia Jun ask, the expression of the six heavenly kings was already extremely serious, and finally sighed fiercely,

"No wonder no one found the treasure of the iron rooster of Marlboro. It turned out that he hid the treasure in that place, and he was able to get out!"

Xia Jun was also shocked. Don't return to the forest? Even the virtual god and the virtual demon don't want to get close? How horrible should that forest be?

"King of Six Taoism, can you tell me in detail about this forest?" Xia Jun asked in a low voice. Although he has been in the fifth prison for several years, what Xia Jun really knows is limited to purgatory.

Xia Jun really didn't know much about the things in the demon realm such as the forest, so he had to ask the six heavenly kings to introduce it to himself in detail.