Global Novice Village

Chapter 542 Achievement Virtual God 2

In the elf palace, the stewards of the auction of all gods heard that Baihua Tianzi actually wanted to fight against the virtual demons, and even opened all the defenses of the elf palace to provide protection for Xia Jun, and there was a sudden uproar.

The three stewards of the Light Temple, the Dark Temple and the Sea Temple were pale on the spot. Before Baihua Tianzi finished speaking, they jumped out one after another to express their opposition.

Since the moment Xia Jun killed their son on the spot, these three temples have regarded Xia Jun as the great enemy that must be eradicated in their respective temples, and they are eager to kill Xia Jun. How can they promise to provide protection to Xia Jun?

The stewsar of the Sea Temple relied on the protection of amulets. While opposing it, he did not forget to glance at Xia Jun and said in a sarcastic tone of gloating: "Killing the god son, aren't you even the strongest god in the five prisons? Are you a fierce role that says to kill and kill? There are more divine costumes on your body. Is it a virtual demon that makes you afraid of this? , come here to seek our shelter?"

Xia Jun didn't say anything and didn't bother to look at this man. He was just a small golden saint, which was not worth paying attention to at all.

Seeing that Xia Jun did not say anything, the steward of the Guangming Temple misunderstood. He thought that Xia Jun was asking them now and did not dare to really turn his face. He immediately jumped out and arched his hand to the Hundred Flowers Heavenly and said, "Your Highness, this Xia Jun is the demon jointly wanted by our three temples. You must not provide him with shelter. Protect! Moreover, although this palace is strong in defense, it may not be able to stop the attack of the virtual demon. Please think twice!"

The stewor's tone of the Dark Temple is even colder, "Your Highness, our temples have always been of the same spirit and interests. I don't think you will make a rift between the Elf Temple and us for the sake of killing a God Son. I beg Your Highness to expel this demon from the Elf Palace immediately!"

"I agree!" I agree!"

There is no need to fan deliberately. As soon as the stew manager of the Dark Temple finished speaking, he immediately won the unanimous approval of the Sea Temple and the Light Temple. Although the stew manager of the rest of the temple did not make a clear statement, he began to waver.

They don't want to offend Xia Jun, but they can't afford to offend the three temples.

Xia Jun also frowned slightly and said secretly, "Looking at these three stewards, they are also a little scheming. They know how to deal with the relationship between the temples, but unfortunately, their threat is to use the wrong person. The elves have always taken their reputation very seriously. Since Baihua Tianzi has received my dragon blood and promised to help me block the virtual demons, it is impossible to oppose it. I'm afraid the threat of these three people will be counterproductive.

Sure enough, after listening to the words of these three stewards, Baihua Tianzi's face suddenly seemed to form a layer of frost and said coldly, "Three stewards, you have to figure out that this elf palace belongs to my elf temple. What should I do? It's not your turn to dictate! This time I called you to come here to discuss another matter. I decided to lend all the Xuanjing stored in the auction to the Killing Son of God, and I hope you will cooperate with you!"

For the Elf Palace, the Hundred Flowers Heavenly Son can be the master alone, but after all, the Xuanjing of the auction is jointly held by the temples. Even the Hundred Flowers Heavenly Son is not easy to do arbitrarily. It must be discussed with the rest of the stewards. Speaking of this, she showed an apologetic look at Xia Jun.

Xia Jun smiled and also showed an understanding look.

"What, killing the Son of God wants to borrow all our Xuanjing?"

Not surprisingly, when the words of Baihua Tianzi fell, the dozens of stewards present were all in an uproar. If they were talking about the elves to the palace, they did not have the right to decide. But the Xuanjing in the warehouse is common to the major temples and is related to the vital interests of their respective temples. Naturally, it is impossible for these stewers to continue to remain silent.

Especially the steward of the three temples, he fainted on the spot and almost didn't bleed. The steward of the Bright Temple first came to come to his senses and immediately shouted, "No, the hundreds of flowers, the Xuanjing in the warehouse is common to our major temples. You have no right to make the decision, and it is even more impossible to lend these Xuanjing to this demon. !"

The stewmer of the Dark Temple was also angry and immediately objected. He scolded in his heart, "What a pair of dog men and women, I didn't notice it just now! This Xia Jun is the great enemy of my dark temple. Even if I feed Xuanjing to the dog, I can't lend it to him!"

He poked the steward of the sea temple beside him. The two stewards, whose eyes collided secretly, and suddenly arched to Baihua Tianzi at the same time and said, "Your Highness, we don't need to discuss this matter. It's impossible for us to come out Xuanjing. We still have something else, so let's goodbye!"

After saying that, regardless of Baihua Tianzi's increasingly ugly face, they turned around and were about to leave. Before leaving, the steward of the Dark Temple looked at the still wavering stewards and sneered: "Guys, you have to think about it clearly. Anyone who dares to lend Xuanjing is the enemy of our three temples!"

Although there are dozens of five prison temples, the most powerful one is the three major temples. In the face of the blatant threat of the dark temple stew, some still swaying guans immediately became firm, and many people smiled kindly at the three temples.

At this time, a trace of anger finally appeared on his face, but these stewards did not belong to the Elf Temple. Even if she was angry in her heart, she also had some concerns at this time. She secretly said in her heart, "Oh, what can I do? If these people are all gone, Xia Jun will not go somewhere to find Xuanjing, no OK, Xia Jun saved me. Now he is in trouble, and I can't ignore it. We must let these stews go!"

After weighing it in her heart, Baihua Tianzi finally bit her silver teeth and planned to use some coercive means to force these stewards to let go. As for the possible crack in the relationship between the Elf Temple and the rest of the temples, she could not take care of it for the time being.

"You guys, stop!"

Suddenly, just as Baihua Tianzi hesitated whether to leave these stewards by tough means, a cold voice was already remembered beside her.

The speaker is Xia Jun.

After all, the Hundred Flowers Heavenly Son is a woman. She is in the Temple of Elves, and there are many scruples. But Xia Jun did not have these concerns. He was alone and had no interest in grinding with these people.

He didn't say anything just now, which was not easy to replace him, causing the unhappiness of Baihua Tianzi. Now seeing that Baihua Tianzi may not be able to control the scene, Xia Jun immediately stood up.

The steward of the three temples in front of him also turned around and sneered together.

The stewor of the Temple of Light laughed and said, "What, kill the Son of God, do you want to beg us?"

The stewor of the Dark Temple also said proudly, "Xuanjing, we have a lot, but if you want us to take it out, then you are delusional!"

"However, things are not negotiable!" The steward of the Sea Temple suddenly pointed underground and said, "Xia Jun, as long as you kneel down, kowtow to us and confess your sins, when we are satisfied, maybe we can show mercy and agree to lend Xuanjing to you, hahaha..."

Xia Jun's eyes turned cold, "Don't make a mistake. I'm not here to borrow Xuanjing from you. Now, I'll give you one last chance. If you can borrow Xuanjing, I can guarantee that I will only take half of the advanced Xuanjing synthesized by my synthesis, and the rest belongs to you! Of course, you can also refuse, so I have to rob it!"

"What, we can have half of the synthetic advanced crystals?"

"Bear, I heard that Xia Jun is still a gold-robed synthesizer and can synthesize advanced Xuanjing at will. If he is really willing to share half, no, even a quarter, we will make money!"

In the five prisons, there are many first-level and second-level Xuanjing, but those above level 3 are extremely rare and in short supply. Whether it is promoted to a golden warrior or attacking the virtual god, a large number of advanced Xuanjing is needed.

As soon as Xia Jun's proposal came out, many of the stewards who wanted to leave immediately couldn't move their feet, and their faces showed a struggle.

Baihua Tianzi was also secretly surprised, but he didn't expect Xia Jun to move the situation again with a word.

The stewmer of the three temples was also shocked. The three were afraid that the rest of the stewmer in charge would be stirred by Xia Jun and hurriedly reiterated again: "Whoever dares to agree is the enemy of our three temples!"

"It's worthy of being the people of the three temples. It's really domineering and sinister! Just do you think this can stop me? It seems that if I don't do anything, you really think you are a person!"

Xia Jun was angry. He knew that if these shoules were to agree to take out Xuanjing, they would have to solve the shoules of the three temples.

He was also too lazy to talk. In the distant sky, he had vaguely felt a fluctuation of palpitations and quickly approached here.

Xia Jun knew that it must be the old shadow demon who chased him. He had no time to waste with these manacers.

Seeing Xia Jun coming coldly, the stewlings of the three temples immediately panicked. They were just small golden saints, but relying on the elves in the palace, Xia Jun seemed to ask for them again, so he dared to be arrogant.

At this time, when I saw that Xia Jun seemed to be going to take action, all three of them were very scared and shouted, "Xia Jun, what are you going to do? Do you still want to do it? I tell you, this is an elf palace, and you can't allow you to be wild!"

Baihua Tianzi also frowned at this time and said, "Xia Jun, they all have amulets on their bodies. As long as they are here, unless it is the attack of the virtual god or the elf palace is destroyed, no attack can cause harm to them!"

"There is such a thing!"

Xia Jun was stunned and suddenly felt that this is the reason why these little golden saints dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

These three stewers also woke up. We have amulets. What are you afraid of? Immediately, he became proud again and looked at Xia Jun arrogantly and shouted, "Hahaha, I almost forgot that we are here, immune to any attack, kill the Son of God, come and kill me. Aren't you very strong and invincible at the same level? If you have the ability, you can kill us!"

"Damn it!"

Xia Jun's murder is undisguised, but he can't attack here. He is really a little at a loss. He can't destroy the elf palace, can he?

Just when he was in trouble, Baihua Tianzi beside him suddenly blinked at him and said, "Xia Jun, that amulet can only be effective here!"

Is it only valid here?

Xia Jun was a little stunned. Immediately, he thought of something again, with a smile on his face, sneering, and rushed towards the three people.