Dungeon era

Chapter 27 Red Earth Snake Crisis

The team set out and headed south of the dungeon.

In peacetime, the south is undoubtedly a place with plenty of rain and warm weather, but now it is very hot. The average temperature is more than 50 degrees, and even the temperature in many places is hundreds of degrees. Even soldier-level warriors do not feel involved. If it is not good, they will be burned to death by the weather.

In the era of peace, the northeast is famous for its cold, and winter will come very early, so the northeast has become a cold place. The temperature is as low as a few degrees below zero, and the lowest is dozens of degrees below. With the strength of Han Ping and the three, they are basically frozen to death alive in those places. Only warriors at the level of soldiers can not be afraid of the ordinary weather.

However, the world is impermanent, just like yin and yang fish. There is white in black and black in white. Not only is there a cold area in the south, but there is also a mountain forest with a temperature of tens of degrees in the northeast, as if it is to maintain the harmony of nature, and that is where people want to go.

Along the way, perhaps the momentum emitted by everyone was too terrible. None of those mutant creatures with only soldier-level strength dared to attack, so although it was safe along the way, it did not serve the original purpose of the four people to sharpen themselves.

Two days in a row, except for a few general-level mutants that did not have long eyes to attack twice, and then were quickly destroyed by the five generals-level people, they did not encounter any danger. It can be said that the whole group were very satisfied, but the four Han Ping did not think so. They felt too idle. How to say, It hurts a little when I'm idle!!!

No one can finish the magic of nature. Let's take the black snake. In peace, it is a kind of water snake, which is not poisonous at all, but when the end comes, it is extremely poisonous. The terracotta snake is completely the opposite. It is called "Bamboo Leaf Green" in peacetime. I think many people think it is. Yes, but when the end came, a mutation completely eliminated the toxicity on them, but his danger was even more terrible. Turning the poisonous into non-toxic and non-toxic into huge poison is the magic of nature.

The reason why terracotta snakes are called terracotta is that their skin is red, and they are born to control the elements of fire and earth. Their strength is very strong, and they are not a small group of black snakes and dark moon wolves. The reproduction and survival ability of terracotta snakes is very strong, so 500 years, in the population Naturally, there are monsters such as the snake emperor, which occupy a place among countless races on the earth.

However, although there is a snake emperor, the snake emperor is not omnipotent. He can only protect some snakes. Many of the red earth snakes outside are not protected by the snake emperor. Naturally, they have become a favorite in people's eyes, because the snake gall of the clay snake has a huge role in cultivating fire elements. It can be said that a Snake gallbladder can reduce the time of hard work for nearly half a month.

For hundreds of years, they have been fighting with human beings. Although many clay snakes are not protected by the snake emperor, they have also survived. There are even snake kings and many snake generals in many places.

Near the volcanic forest in the northeast dungeon, there is a group of nearly 100 terracotta snakes. The long-term battle has led to the birth of nearly ten snake generals among only a hundred snakes, and most of the others are also strong. They use earth elements to hide their bodies. As long as they meet enemies they can defeat, they are The rapid sneak attack killed many human beings.

A team of dozens of people dragged a team close to the person's meter and slowly walked in the direction of the volcanic forest. Maybe they were in a good mood. Everyone talked and laughed as they walked.

"Xiaoping, why do I always feel wrong and panic?" Yang Lin came forward and answered Han Ping.

"Well, I also have this feeling. In short, I feel that something is wrong here," Han Ping said with a solemn face and a cautious whisper in his eyes.

"You also have this feeling. I thought it was my illusion." Yang Lin's face became solemn when he heard Han Ping's affirmation of his words. After all, the unknown danger is terrible.

"Haha, boy, don't be suspicious. How can our team be attacked by mutants? Hey, after all, novices are novices," Han Ping turned his head and said sarcastically. Finally, he shook his head and sighed that the four people were inexperienced. They were novices.

"How do you know there will be no danger," Yang Lin asked back.

"Hey, boy, if you don't provoke me like this, if you say something is wrong, then find out what's wrong." The man continued to mock and laughed. In his heart, he most despised those who walked through the back door. Obviously, Han Ping and the four were like this kind of people in his heart.

"I..." Yang Lin was questioned and couldn't speak.

Han Ping's eyes were observing around, and there was no unsafe place first. At this time, a trace of light flashed in his heart. He thought of something and began to think carefully.

Without thinking about it, he secretly said: It's absolutely dangerous, because the surroundings are safe and too pure. Even a soldier-level mutant animal does not appear, and the front group can see at least two, which shows that his party should have entered the territory of a powerful animal or a group of powerful animals. That's why no other animals have been found, and these animals have terrible hidden abilities, so people can't find them. With this thought, Han Ping found that his back was sweaty.

"Haha, boy, you don't have a cold, do you? Why are you sweating all over?" The man turned around and saw the hot sweat on Han Ping's face and opened his sarcastic mouth.

"No, run quickly," Han Ping was about to answer when the danger appeared in his heart. He pulled Yang Lin next to him and shouted at Qu Ping, and retreated nearly 100 meters.

As soon as the figure retreated, a nearly ten-meter-long body went towards the man. The danger came. The man was about to escape, but he found that his feet could not move. His face showed fear. He only had time to shout "help" and was bit off his head by the thing, and the red and white thing fell to the ground.

"No, it's a terracotta snake, and all people move forward to an empty place." When the leading soldiers saw the appearance of the snake, they naturally knew what it was. Obviously, the dead man was first fixed with earth elements by the terracotta snake that could control the elements of fire and earth, and then killed it.

He secretly said to calm down. He knew that if he was in a mess, the whole team might die. The terracotta snake is good at using rocks to disguise itself. As long as it reaches an open place, the danger will be much lower. At that time, it will be easier to deal with, but it depends on the number of soldiers and soldiers in it, he won't think There was no snake general in it. "I hope there is no snake king." The leader prayed secretly in his heart.

His decision was correct. Everyone came to an open place. Due to the timely running, there was no damage except for the first person.

" hiss", " hiss", " hiss"...

The sound of snakes keeps ringing, and it seems that the bare earth snake is not ready to let go of them.

"Damn it, there are ten snake generals, and five of them are similar to our strength." The leader saw at a glance the ten red earth snakes that were obviously the leading snakes, and his face changed greatly.

"What should I do, what should I do, are we going to die here?" When encountering the danger of life and death, the viciousness of human beings began to show. Except for a dozen soldier-level warriors and the five soldier-level warriors, plus Han Ping, the rest of the rest began to panic.

"Bastard, don't want to run, you will die faster." The leader roared when he saw a soldier-level peak man preparing to escape. Seeing that he didn't listen to himself, he said to himself: Stupid.

The element of the man's cultivation is the wind, so the speed is very fast. Seeing him jump two or three hundred meters away, but it is not difficult for the earth snake. As long as you can't fly, it is easy for them.

The earthy light rose from the ground, and the escaped man's feet could no longer move as soon as he landed. Then countless red lights burned, and the blazing fire rose out of thin air and burned him alive.

The miserable voice spread several miles away, scaring out the hearts of those who were ready to escape and immediately stopped running away. After all, there is no doubt that running away is death, and if you stay here, there may be a chance to survive. As long as you are a person, you know how to choose.

"Hum", although they are dissatisfied with their reaction, in this situation, more people are the strength, and one more person has more hope, so he just snorted coldly and did it, but began to think of countermeasures.

He is thinking that Han Ping and the four are naturally thinking that they don't want to die.

"What to do, what to do, what to do?" A series of "what to do" asked in his heart. Han Ping began to be nervous. "Calm down and think of a way." He comforted himself and looked at the hundreds of ferocious earth snakes in the distance, and his eyes lit up in an instant.

"Captain, I have a way." When he came to the leader, Han Ping said that the position of captain was determined at the beginning.

"What can you do to say quickly? At this time, what are you still talking about?" The man heard Han Ping's words and immediately became concerned, but when he saw the red earth snake that seemed to be about to do it, he was more nervous, so his tone was heavier.

Han Ping naturally won't care about the tone. "Captain, there is a weakness of snakes such as terracotta snakes, that is, when more than a certain number of snakes die, they will retreat in order to preserve the clan. Therefore, as long as we kill desperately, we may survive." This confidence is that Han Ping is inadvertently on the Internet. As I saw, he usually surfed the Internet to see the habits, strength and weaknesses of mutants. He didn't expect that he might be able to save his life now.

His eyes glowed, "Kid, if we survive this time, I will reward you 5 million alone," the captain said excitedly, and naturally has the motivation to fight if he can live.

"Brothers, kill, kill me with all your strength. Whether we can survive or not depends on our battle today." The roar sounded, and the war was imminent...

(Three update, ask for red tickets and recommendations)