Dungeon era

Chapter 54 A Glass Bead

Looking at the battle of ten people, Han Ping's hands are not slow. He cleaned up the ice foxes he killed, which is millions of underground coins.

The leader of the ten people is made a silver gun. The sensing element should be the same as Han Ping. The flames on his body are several feet away, and each shot will carry a violent flame. One shot can solve the injury of an ice fox. Basically, three shots can handle one.

However, the Nobita uses a rigid knife, and the soldier's eight-fold cultivation and the sharp attributes of his wind element blessing can be easily solved.

The rest of the people's cultivation is almost the same as that of the ice fox, so although it can be solved, they are caught in a bitter battle.

After the ten people killed all the remaining ice foxes and looked at Han Ping, they were completely stunned. They originally thought that even if Han Ping was a genius, it would not be very satisfactory to deal with the triple general, but they didn't expect that he had killed him long ago. Looking at the ice fox body that disappeared on the ground, it showed that he had been killing the fox general for a long time.

While I was appalled, my attitude towards Han Ping was a little respectful. In this era of dungeon, everyone respected the strong.

"Little brother, the strength is really terrible. This time I need more help from the little brothers, otherwise the ten of my brothers will probably die long ago. In the future, if there is anything wrong with the little brother, my ten brothers will never frown. These ice foxes will be given to the little brothers in return for saving their lives." Zhou Yong is a shrewd person. See When it comes to Han Ping's strength, he will please him. If his own people get into trouble in the future, he can also seek his help.

"Ha, I'm just helping. You should clean up these things by yourself. After all, your brothers can't come out in vain, can they?" Han Ping refused their kindness. After all, he didn't do this. The monsters he killed in the past three days are worth at least 10 to 20 million, which is not counting the three soldiers. Level, otherwise it will be almost 30 million.

Knowing that Han Ping's strength was really not needed to do this by himself, Zhou Yong thanked and asked his brothers to clean up.

"I don't know, you're going there next." Seeing that they are almost cleaned up, Han Ping asked, "There's nothing he can do. The life of not seeing human beings for a year makes him a little excited to see human beings now. If these ten people go back to the dungeon, then he doesn't mind going back with ten people.

"I'm afraid we're going back to the city now." Although he was puzzled, Zhou Yong still said it.

"Do you mind if I come with you?" Han Ping said with bright eyes.

He frowned slightly, and then stretched out and smiled bitterly in his heart. How simple it is for this little brother to kill several people. Why do he need to do more? It seems that his heart is too suspicious. "If the little brother wants to be with ten of our brothers, he naturally won't want it."

Two days later, Han Ping and several people finally returned to the dungeon. There was not much danger on the way. Occasionally, a few blind monsters were also quickly killed by Han Ping, which made the ten people who were about to take action full of bitter smiles. When they saw that Han Ping only used three or four moves to solve an arrow pig. , their attitude towards Han Ping is more respectful, and they can see that Han Ping does not seem to have used all his strength.

"Little brother, we are separated here. If there is any use in the future, please come to me. My address has been given to the little brother." Zhou Yong said with a little respect.

"Ha ha, Brother Zhou, if there is any trouble, I'll come back to you, so let's leave like this." Standing at the gate of the dungeon, several people said goodbye.

Seeing several people leaving, Han Ping was not busy going home, but came to the material acquisition office of the Warriors Union and met the first old man to receive him again.

"Ha ha, young man, I haven't seen you for a long time." Han Ping walked into the room introduced to him by the girl called Xin'er, and the voice of an old man came.

"Grandpa, I haven't seen you for a long time. How is your old body?" I saw through the old man's cultivation at a glance. Like myself, the soldiers have nine peaks, but at the old man's age, I'm afraid he can't break through to the level of general and soldiers in his life.

"Okay, the old man's health is very good, but you, young man, but you haven't seen him for a year, and you are all the same as the old man's cultivation. With your talent, I'm afraid you can at least reach the king in the future. Even the emperor is very likely, but the emperor behind is very difficult." The old man does not hesitate to praise.

"Grandpa, I'm here to sell some materials this time." Han Ping got to the point, but a trace of complament on his face can still be seen that the old man's praise is useful to him.

"Oh, what materials does the young man have this time?" The old man's eyes were curious. After all, Han Ping hasn't been here for a year.

Han Ping smiled and poured out the materials in the space ring one by one. The countless soldier-level monster materials were shocked, but when he saw the four general-level bodies behind him, his face was already shocked.

"Haha, the young man is really good. The world will be your young people's in the future." The old man laughed after being shocked, as if he had beaten these materials.

Soon the price was calculated, with a total of 36 million, and he was a little happy. This was the first time he had earned so much money with his strength, instead of being lucky enough to get the accompanying fruit.

After saying goodbye to the old man, Han Ping went to the largest exchange nearby. On his mother's birthday, he naturally had to prepare a gift, so he resisted the impulse to go home and quickly went to the exchange.

The largest trading bank next to the Warriors material acquisition bank is not the Warriors trading bank, but a trading bank called the iceberg. I heard that their boss behind the scenes is an ice element emperor.

Walking in, an embroidered girl came over. Her figure was beautiful and her face was pure, but she was covered with a gauze and was very shy.

Although the girl in front of him is very beautiful, Han Ping has no idea. It's not that he is pure, but that he doesn't have much feeling about the girl, and it's his mother's birthday soon. He doesn't have much interest in these.

"Do you have any gifts for middle-aged women's birthdays?" Han Ping didn't talk too much nonsense and directly said his purpose.

"Hello, sir, you are a filial son. Please follow me here. Everything here is suitable for middle-aged women's birthdays." Seeing that Han Ping is not interested in himself, the girl is relaxed and slightly disappointed, but she is still very professionally introduced to Han Ping.

"Sir, you see, this dress is a coat made of the fur of a soldier-level ice fox. It not only looks good, but also has many small functions, such as warm winter and cool summer, which can defend against ordinary water and fire..." As soon as the girl introduced, Han Ping's eyes lit up. Because he found that this dress was really good, but when he saw the price of the two million yuan, he scolded for robbing money. Even a complete ice fox was worth more than 100,000 yuan, but a piece of clothing was nearly 20 times. Obviously, it was to grab money, but after scolding, he still bought it. After all, money can be earned, and his mother only has one One.

After selecting the clothes, just as Han Ping wanted to pick some more jewelry for his mother, the little snake wrapped around his arm moved and got into Han Ping's chest, and a small snake's head stretched out.

Han Ping naturally noticed the little snake, but ignored him. After all, he is now choosing a gift for his mother.

After choosing for a long time, he hasn't seen a suitable one. Han Ping was also disappointed and thought that he couldn't find jewelry suitable for his mother here. During this period, he even bought some clothes for his father.

"Little snake, little snake, what jewelry do you think is good to buy for my mother?" Han Ping, who was a little disappointed, touched the little snake's head boredly and complained that although the jewelry here is expensive, his mother doesn't need these.

"Ha ha, what do I say to you? Looking at you, I'm afraid you can't even understand what I'm saying," Han Ping said to himself again.

But at this time, the little snake hissed, as if it had something to say.

Han Ping looked at him. At this time, the little snake curled up and its mouth opened slightly, as if it was going to spit something out. Han Ping was a little curious, found a place and waited slowly.

Finally, more than ten minutes later, Han Ping saw what the little snake spit out and was stunned. He was not surprised, but smiled bitterly. He found that the thing turned out to be a transparent glass bead. "Maybe this little snake accidentally swallowed it," Han Ping thought to himself.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss", the little snake hissed, as if he was saying something to Han Ping.

"You mean to give this glass ball to my mother as a gift," Han Ping wondered.

"Ss, hiss", the little snake actually nodded the snake's head humanely.

"Well, glass beads are glass beads. It's rare for you to have such a heart." Han Ping put away the glass beads and walked to his home.

(First update, today's third update)