Dungeon era

Chapter 41 Potential

A red and yellow light ball in Han Ping's hand rotated instantly and kept getting bigger. When the basketball was the size, it was taken away from his hand and pressed to the edge of the boundary.

The boundary trembled violently, but it was not broken at all, but Han Ping did not intend to break the boundary in this way. The red giant sword in his hand carried a mysterious breath and stabbed at the place just attacked. After a wave of space, the boundary began to break apart.

Hong Yan knew that although his ability to corrode was terrible, he had to be able to meet talents, so he knew that the boundary could not stop Han Ping, but he did not intend to win like that, just bought some time for himself.

After these times, he has accumulated enough strength. The terrible black light on the knife emitted a gloomy light, and the frozen breath made the ground begin to freeze.

"Bloodthirsty Demon Chopping", after an evil drink, the virtual shadow behind Hong Yan made a strange laughing sound, and the people on the stand were creepy and chilled.

After the shadow monster laughed, it was divided into two parts. One part was attached to the back of Hong Yan, while the other part was attached to the Tai knife, and the breath was more cold and evil. At Han Ping's cut, a shadow of a thousand-foot dark knife appeared in the air, cut through the void, and went fiercely towards Han Ping.

The face has changed greatly, but the color in the eyes has not changed at all, indifference, tyrannical... Press down with a heavy yellow light on your hands.

Suddenly, the world trembled, and the countless tombstones that were supposed to attack Han Ping began to shake, and then rose up and merged into six thousand-foot screens.

The "Six Dragon Smoke Gate" shouted loudly, and the six-channel sky screen emitted a strong yellow light, forming a dragon-shaped barrier on it. The dragon's mouth was wide open, and the evil breath on the original tombstone did not decrease at all, but it was a step better.

The sky knife light cut to Han Ping, and the dragon smoke gate collided with it, emitting the sound and power of the sky and the earth, but it completely dissipated at the sixth gate.

Before Han Ping could react, another indifferent voice came.

Looking at Hong Yan, he saw the red light in the weaker magic shadow behind him, and then gradually blurred, and even Hong Yan's figure disappeared.

Dangerous! Extremely dangerous! A deadly crisis rose from Han Ping's heart, but he didn't know where the danger came from, and there had been no Hong Yan around him.

Now, a Tai knife came out of the sky, cut at Han Ping, cut off his waist, and a trace of blood fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, the people on the stands were completely stagnated. Li Shiling's eyes were full of tears. Han Ping's parents even fainted directly because they couldn't stand the blow, while Yang Lin and others in the distance were full of murderous faces, and their bodies were full of arrogance, and a destructive breath came from them and were about to come forward. But he was stopped by the emperor.

A strange color flashed in his eyes. Although he knew that his power was terrible, he didn't expect to kill Han Ping so simply without even any obstacles. If something abnormal happens, there must be a demon. Hong Yan felt strange, so he was not careless at all...

"Breaking through the air", a cold voice sounded in the void, and then saw a hundred-foot giant sword cut down, which seemed to want to cut Hong Yan down and divide it into two halves.

His face was folded. Hong Yan didn't know how Han Ping escaped his magic shadow, but now the crisis of life and death has changed, and he doesn't have so much heart to think about it.

In fact, Han Ping also crawled on the edge of life and death just now. Who knows that at the last moment, he actually refined the empty step to the next layer - step, step out and into the void. However, because his physical strength was still a little worse, he suffered some trauma, and the blood left on the ground came like this. However, he saw that Hong Yanzhan did not show mercy to himself at all, so Han Ping did not take care of it and directly cut it down and exerted all his strength.

The shadow behind it is blurred again, and the figure disappears. The hundred-foot knife shadow is condensed by space elements, which is naturally powerful. Now it is cut to the ground, and a huge hole hundreds of meters square is completely formed, and the ground is still condensed by the emperor-level strong man. Its hardness is not simple, and now it is directly cut out. A big hole, the power of this sword can be imagined.

The light in his eyes exploded. Han Ping stretched out his middle finger and suddenly pointed in one direction. The space rippled, and a few feet of finger nodded in a void, where a figure staggered out.

As a sensor of space elements, Han Ping's perception of space elements has greatly increased after he realized that he stepped on the virtual step, so when he saw Hong Yan use the magic shadow step and stepped into the void, he was to break the virtual point.

Although I realized the empty step, it is very demanding for the body. At least now I am not good enough, so I just used the empty step, but now it is also extremely exquisite.

In an instant, the huge sword was placed on his neck. Just now, Han Ping was angry, so he was ruthless at all. Now that most of his anger has subsided, and naturally he will not really kill Hong Yan, so he just put the giant sword on his neck, proving that he won the game and the two secret skills on his body have also disappeared. Lost, he is sure that Hong Yan can't escape his sword. After all, he was also injured and consumed no less than himself. Even the six-pointed array was completely broken in the battle just now.

gasping, he looked at the referee, as if he was telling him that he had won.

The imperial referee stared at the scene of rapid reversal and the destroyed ring without the original appearance, and was stunned.

However, after feeling Han Ping's eyes, he coughed twice and announced:

"Guys, it's time to be exciting. Now I'm going to announce that the champion of this Hundred Race Championship is Han Ping, the genius of our human race."

With this announcement, Han Ping sat on the ground. The battle just now consumed 80% of his physical strength and spirit. Now he just wants to go back and have a good sleep. Hong Yan is also very tired, but this stage only belongs to Han Ping now. He is also aware of it and drags his heavy body and walks down the stage step by step, but the smile on his face is still so evil. It seems that the victory or defeat of a game can't give him any blow.

"Han Ping", as arranged, all the people roared. After the first shout, they immediately stood up.

"Han Ping" shouted for the second time. Between heaven and earth, it seemed that the sound of thunder was endless.

"Han Ping" shouted out for the third time. Within the four seas, the sound turned into a wave, shocking people's hearts.

"Han Ping" shouted out for the fourth time, and a general trend slowly condensed. In the air, a transparent virtual shadow began to appear.

"Han Ping, Han Ping, Han Ping..." The voice is higher than the waves, the momentum is becoming more and more powerful, and the virtual shadow in the air is becoming more and more solid. It looks like Han Ping.

Before the game, the people on the stands shouted the word "war". At that time, what they shouted was people's enthusiasm, so it could change the world and terrment everything. Now that the game is over, Han Ping wins, and people call for the genius in their hearts, so the mind is concentrated and converges into a general trend. According to the meaning of the mind, the virtual shadow comes like this and condenses from the general trend.

When the several emperors saw this situation, their faces changed first, and then they were surprised. The expressions of envy and hatred gathered on the faces of the several emperors, which was interesting. Obviously, they knew what this was.

Han Ping, sitting on the ring, looked at the virtual shadow in mid-air, and a voice sounded in his heart, which seemed to echo him and let him merge with the virtual shadow. Between the rotation of his mind, his body rose from the ground and merged into the virtual shadow.

On the ring, people looked at Han Ping's movements and admired Han Ping more and more, so the shouting was more violent, no worse than the roar of the beast. It is because of this that Han Ping got that benefit smoothly.

Han Ping, who was integrated into the virtual shadow, only felt comfortable all over at this time. A kind of emotion is perceived by oneself.

The comfort of the elders, the affection of girls, the worship of teenagers, the admiration of their peers...

Countless different feelings came into Han Ping's heart, and a special force flashed in his mind, and then quickly enlarged his position.

"The momentum?", with his eyes closed and muttered in his mouth, Han Ping understood all this and won the game, so the public's eyes and countless thoughts and momentum made him learn to use the momentum.

In the past, when fighting, they might compete for momentum, but that was not the use of momentum, but the pressure of the strong, just like the suppression of the blood of beasts. But now Han Ping understands the use of momentum. Every attack is followed by various momentum, which not only enhances the power of his moves, but also suppresses the other party's mind.

The momentum of the earth is heavy, the momentum of fire is violent, and the momentum of space is mysterious and noble. Now Han Ping fights with Hong Yan again. As long as he uses the momentum, it is absolutely easy to win.

"Flame Cross Cut", his eyes suddenly opened, and Han Ping's eyes burst into light, and even shot hundreds of feet away. The giant sword appeared in his hand, and the virtual shadow instantly shrank into Han Ping's body and merged with him.

A mysterious breath flashed away from Han Ping, and then a irritable and extremely violent breath gathered.

A flame cross covering the sky and the earth emitted a dark red flame, and the violent, irritable and tyrannical momentum on it condensed. As soon as it was cut down, the ground trembled sharply, and then the sky and earth shook. A cross crack appeared on the ring, extending for several miles away, with black smoke on it, and there was a tyrannical atmosphere that had not dissipated. Constantly emerging, if ordinary people come forward to have a look, I'm afraid they will be directly devoured.

"Is this the situation? If it was careless before, then it is definitely not his opponent now, but will I give up? Isn't it just the situation..." Hong Yan muttered, and his figure gradually disappeared...

(Second update, the book review area is empty, can you take some time to complete two sentences)