Dungeon era

Chapter 9 Monkey King Challenge

Life has been so plain for a month.

For a month, Han Ping did not practice and did nothing that ordinary people should do.

Whenever Han Ping and his two wives go shopping, the rate of turning back will increase greatly. Of course, they are watching Qin Yufei and Li Xiaoling.

Han Ping is not jealous of a man, but just proud. He is confident and capable of ensuring that he will not steal his wife from his front of him.

In a month, Han Ping also tried to enjoy the blessings of the people. He was served by two wives every day, and he did not change that feeling.

More importantly, Li Xiaoling was pregnant for a month, and Han Ping will be a father in more than half a year.

In a month, what should be enjoyed, so Han Ping is ready to start practicing. Of course, before practicing, he must first bring some wine to the Monkey King. After all, he once promised.

After saying goodbye to his parents and two wives, Han Ping directly tore the space and reached the volcanic forest.

The volcanic forest at this time is simply incomparable compared with more than 20 years ago.

Whether it is the number of monkeys or the strong people in the clan, Han Ping has sensed more than 20 king monkeys in the whole monkey clan. The strength of the monkey clan can be seen.

There is the existence of the old monkey emperor, that is, the current monkey emperor. Even if Han Ping is hidden, he can't hide it.

As soon as he came out of the crack in the space, an iron bar swept towards himself with golden light.

On the iron bar, the flame dragon was entangled, and the ferocious roared. The power collapsed the space, and the air waves swept dozens of miles away.

Fortunately, it is at a height of several kilometers, otherwise, the volcanic forest will be destroyed by half of this time.

In his eyes, helplessness flashed, and the belligerent nature of Monkey King Sun Wukong really seemed to continue the giant demon in Chinese mythology.

Monkey King's attack is extremely powerful in both power and energy, but it is still a little unrealistic to hurt Han Ping now.

The finger is a little forward, silently, and there is not even a trace of the momentum of overturning the river and the earth.

However, the heavy-energy iron bar was stationary. As for the flamed fire dragon, it seemed that it did not exist.

The iron bar danced high, and this time the power exploded several times, and it swept down fiercely.

The face remained unchanged, but Han Ping still pointed out, but his mouth began to threaten:

"Brother Monkey, I brought you wine, but you still don't want it."

As soon as the voice came out, I was going to continue to sweep down with a blow, and then a sharp voice came, with embarrassment and laughter:

"Ha ha, Han Ping, you see, I was just joking. Can you give me something to drink first?"

The monkey emperor put the iron bar into his ear and began to plead. It looked like a child whose beloved toy was taken away by a strange uncle.

Looking at Han Ping, he swallowed his saliva and saw the smell of little Lori.

After being looked at by the monkey emperor's naked eyes, Han Ping finally couldn't stand it and handed over the ring full of wine to the monkey emperor.

Taking over the ring, the Monkey King, like an old pervert who had not seen a woman for decades, impatiently took out a bottle and dried it.

"Cool", a sigh came from the mouth of the monkey emperor, which was quite enjoyable.

The sound of "drawing" sounded. In this volcanic forest, in addition to himself, there is another space that can tear. Han Ping said respectfully to the direction of the crack:

"Senior Monkey Emperor".

The Monkey Emperor looked at Han Ping carefully, first thought about it, and then praised with relief:

"It's worthy of being the person chosen by the adult. It's only been more than 20 years, and his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the emperor. I'm afraid that even the little monkey is not your opponent."

The little monkey in the mouth of the old monkey emperor is naturally the monkey emperor Monkey King. At this time, he heard the old monkey emperor say that he was not Han Ping's opponent, and he couldn't even take care of the wine in his hand. The belligerent man would never admit defeat in his peers, so:

"Know, fight with my grandson once, and I want the old monkey emperor to know who is powerful."

Han Ping smiled bitterly. Why didn't he understand that the old monkey emperor wanted to see his real strength, so he said so. Sun Wukong was also very cooperative and directly declared war on himself.

Although Sun Wukong is a powerful existence in his class, Han Ping is not a soft persimmon. Anyone can knead it, so he agreed without thinking about it. He also wants to see how Sun Wukong's strength is.

"Brother Monkey, just don't cry if you lose."

Confidence, absolute self-confidence. However, in the eyes of the Monkey King, Sun Wukong is a little arrogant.

"Kid, fight, don't talk nonsense, just let me see what the strength of that boy 20 years ago is now?"

The golden iron bar in his hand pointed directly at Han Ping, and the Monkey Emperor was not afraid at all.

"Monkey, let's go up. The battle between the two of us may cause damage to your volcanic forest."

Looking at the volcanic forest only a few kilometers away from him, Han Ping said something.

nodded slightly. Naturally, he knew that Han Ping and he were not rubbish. The aftermath of the battle were absolutely horrible, so he took the lead in flying up.

Although the short-term fighting just now is not painful for the Monkey Emperor and Han Ping, the power is terrible for the more than 20 kings below, so they all flew up one by one. When they see their own Monkey Emperor competing with human beings, they naturally have to look at the bustle. They stand dozens of miles away from the two. I watched it carefully.

One person and one monkey are 10,000 meters apart. The monkey king did not do any momentum. He directly danced the iron rod and swept down.

The terrible force collapsed the space, and the iron rod crossed a distance of 10,000 meters and hit Han Ping directly on the top of his head.

Han Ping's previous competition was to fight for momentum first. He was messed up by the Monkey Emperor for a while, but it was only a momentary thing.

The giant sword roared angrily, and the tip of the sword pointed straight to the stick.

The sound of knives and guns sounded, and the air waves swept out for several miles, and the intersection directly collapsed hundreds of meters of square meters.

Strong space elements are of no use at all for both. No matter how fierce the fierce space elements are, they remain motionless.

Holding a sword in the right hand, holding four fingers in the left hand, pointing out the middle finger, which is the broken finger.

The thousand-foot giant finger crosses the boundary between time and space and presses directly on the monkey emperor's head.

The horrible space elements and spatial laws draw a huge path through the space. If it is hit, the Monkey Emperor will definitely be seriously injured.

He danced with a long stick with one hand and continued to attack Han Ping, but the other monkey claw pressed down.

The roar sounded out of thin air, and a thousand-foot mountain, with the momentum of Mount Tai, pressed against the huge fingers like a broken bamboo.

The harsh roar was endless, and the ears of the more than 20 monkey king who were watching the battle were all hugged and moaned.

Han Ping's face did not change at all. The blue veins on his arm burst and cut across the air. The huge force swept away the iron bar directly, and then stepped forward. Where the space collapsed, Han Ping's figure disappeared directly and took a false step. The figure was difficult to find and illusory.

Since the Monkey Emperor is a combat maniac, his combat experience is naturally terrible.

The golden light in his eyes shot randomly, and there was an excited flame burning. With the inertia of being swept away by Han Ping, he used great power.

With the inertia and the power of the monkey king, the stick swept down without making a sound.

In the distance, the monkeys watching showed a look of worship. They knew that the monkey emperor's move was not powerful, but that the speed and power were almost to the limit of making a sound, so that they could not make a sound.

Just as the monkey emperor swept up with a stick, the space fluctuated thousands of kilometers above the monkey emperor, and Han Ping's figure came out of it.

"Breaking the Virtual Ten Sons, the giant sword emitted a sense of destruction and sharpness, directly occupied the bottom, and the huge space cross appeared in mid-air. With Han Ping's figure, it suddenly pressed down.

"rumbling", as powerful as the explosion, the place where the stick and sword collided, directly roared and suddenly collapsed out.

Ten meters, 100 meters, kilometers, ten thousand meters, directly collapsed into a space of about 10,000 meters, and in the center, there is a huge space crack of more than ten feet, which seems to absorb everything under terrible suction.

Fortunately, this is a high altitude, and the monkey kings are far away, so the space crack only ravaged a few breaths and disappeared directly.

The monkey kings in the distance were full of horror, and their hearts were even more surging.

This is the strength of his monkey emperor. Even if it's just a aftermath, if he goes in, I'm afraid he will be turned into nothingness in an instant, and he can't die any more.

Of course, what shocked them more was Han Ping's strength. At that time, the soldier-level little guy couldn't even pass a move in his own hands. It was only many years, and in less than 30 years, he actually had the strength to fight with the Monkey King.

In the eyes, the golden light seemed to turn into a real cavestone, and the two arms increased several times out of thin air. The huge force concentrated on the golden stick and pushed it up.

The tongue added lips lightly, and the eyes burst into light. A wonderful force emitted from Han Ping's body and pressed down directly.

Two new forces were injected, which were supposed to slowly restore the original space and collapsed outside. This collapse is even more terrible.

100 meters, kilometers, 10,000 meters, 50,000 meters, collapsed 50 meters, that is, 50 miles away, and the most central place is hundreds of feet wide.

Withdraw, withdraw. At this time, the more than 20 monkey kings have this only one idea in their hearts. Staying within dozens of miles, they may not know how to die. It's terrible.

Just now, I thought it was the greatest strength of the two, but before I could react, the more violent, more tyrannical and more horrible power came out.

Is this really the battle of the emperor? Even the space cracks can be easily hit. How much strength has not been used?

(Wonderful is coming, please collect)