di xin

Chapter 34 Get the token

"Lao Jiang, do you think this child will let him go?" Still in the hall, next to the jade array, the rich middle-aged man who had been paying attention to the battle between the two asked the old Jiang beside him.

"If he is rational enough, he should show mercy. After all, he doesn't accumulate hatred. It's not good for him to kill him. Instead, he sets himself an enemy 100%." The old man called Lao Jiang was a little similar to Xi'er's idea. He brushed the snow-white beard and said thoughtfully.

"But is this child so mature?" The fat middle-aged man had a fat belly, and the fat man's unique small eyes narrowed into a crack. He paced in the hall, and his heavy footsteps were thumping.

"Then you go." After thinking for a moment, Jia Chen still put down his fist and said in a helpless tone.

"Thank you, brother. I will definitely remember this kindness!" Hearing that Jia Chen was willing to let go, the teenager's eyes shone again. He bowed gratefully to Jia Chen and quickly turned away and disappeared into the dense forest.

Jia Chen looked at the direction of the man's disappearance and felt that this person was not bad, but he was not a hypocritical person.

"Xi'er, do you think that person makes you feel familiar? What's going on? Jia Chen, who was on the road again, broke a branch, waved boredly, and asked in his heart.

"Well... I'm not sure. Anyway, the man occasionally shows a familiar smell, but the smell is very vague and light, and I can't remember it for a while." Xi'er said.

"Oh." Jia Chen is particularly curious about where the boy is special, which can make the spirit of the moon that has lived for many years a familiar feeling.

From early to noon, after walking about half of the journey of killing the continuous Jia Chen, he found that most people's strength was almost in the two stages of condensation and spiritual rotation, and the teenager who encountered before Jia Chen's strength reached the late Sunday was extremely rare and could reach condensation before the age of 20. In the divine realm, you can obtain the qualification of the Wuji University examination, and those who can reach the spiritual transition period are elite students, which will also be the mainstay of the Wuji University in the future. As for those who can reach the Sunday level, they are rare geniuses. Such people are definitely well-known in the local area.

Along the way, Jiachen met about thousands of students, but only seven students reached the Sunday period. Four of them were in the early Sunday, two in the middle period, and the only one in the late Sunday had been defeated by Jia Chen.

As for the fight, Jiachen didn't play many games. Some people who think they are weak only care about killing beasts, and it is impossible to take the initiative to provoke trouble. Good strength are also taking tokens, and then hurried to the exit. They don't have time to pay much attention to it. Because of the regulations, they can't form a team and can't help others. Everyone sweep the snow in front of their doors and dare not do it. What an unusual move? As for those who came to look for trouble, Jia Chen rudely sent them back to his hometown, but he did not meet any particularly strong opponents.

However, what makes Jia Chen depressed is Jia Chen's character. Jia Chen is more and more suspicious of his character. Generally, he killed hundreds of beasts and did not give Jia Chen a token. "Is this cheating me?" Jia Chen, who didn't look well, muttered.

"One twentieth of the probability, it shouldn't be." Jia Chen thought as he walked, "Is it possible that the token has been taken away?" This sudden idea made Jia Chen break out in a cold sweat.

"Oh, the character is really rubbed and exploded. It is said that you are more virtuous, haha." Xi'er laughed at Jia Chen all the way like an accident.

Just when Jiachen was puzzled, the dense forest in front of him suddenly burst into strong fluctuations. Suddenly, Jiachen felt that the ground was shaking slightly, and the branches and leaves of the trees seemed to shake like crazy.

There was a noisy cry for help. Several boys and girls escaped from the dense forest in front of them with fear. While shouting, they ran away desperately and ignored Jia Chen, who was stunned at all. In less than a moment, a group of people disappeared and slipped away from Jia Chen's side.

"his..." was followed by the roar of a shocking beast, "Oh, boom". The whole earth was vibrating regularly, and the huge running sound came to Jia Chen's ears. When he looked at it, he saw an extremely strong one-horned wild horse more than three meters high and rushed out of the dense forest, which was angry and red. Looking for the prey around him, he found that those people had already fled and disappeared. Only Jia Chen was still stunned. He was still looking up at the huge one-horned wild horse.

"My..." Another roar looked up at the sky. The red-eyed wild horses seemed to be in love and couldn't help bumping into Jia Chen. Suddenly, the earth shook, and the smoke and dust took off.

"It turned out to be a beast that reached the middle of Sunday!" Jia Chen looked at the wild horse rushing towards him and was a little surprised, because so far, almost all the beasts Jia Chen met under Sunday. As for such a powerful beast in the middle of Sunday, it was the first time for Jia Chen to meet here.

"Isn't it said that the stronger the beast, the greater the chance of dropping the token!" Suddenly thinking of this sentence, Jiachen suddenly came with interest with no expression on his face, and his eyes burst into light, as if staring at a huge treasure, and also ran to the wild horse.

As soon as Jiachen came up, he didn't leave his hand. With his powerful moves, a ** man and a ** beast fought like this. The powerful Jiachen hit the huge one-horned wild horse like a meteor. The three-part remnant shadow fist was terrible and bombarded the neck of the one-horned wild horse. .

When Jiachen's figure collided with the body of the wild horse, it was like two comets colliding, and violent fluctuations swept the whole mountain forest. For a moment, the mountain shook the sand and stones, and the wind roared and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Now Jiachen's application to the remnant shadow boxing is becoming more and more mature. From the beginning of releasing a three-part punch, Jiachen has been able to play a five-pointed remnant shadow boxing, and the progress is undoubtedly huge.

The one-horned wild horse that was firmly hit by Jiachen's neck retreated a few steps. His body staggered and looked a little unstable, but Jiachen's body was as stable as Mount Tai, and the collision force was resolved by Jiachen in a very short time.

"Mys..." The front hoof of the wild horse raised high and hissed angrily. There was a faint halo on the half-meter-long unicorn. The next moment, when the front hoof of the wild horse landed and stirred up bursts of smoke and dust, the unwilling wild horse roared at Jiachen again with more brave energy. The bright light on the unicorn Mang exudes a deterrent heart.

Until he was close to the exit, he walked out of the dense forest and came to a plain. There was no sign of beasts at all. Instead, a large number of students were basically fighting for tokens, and Jia Chen's cold eyes gradually showed some bloodthirsty fanaticism, although it was just In the virtual fantasy, but along the way, Jia Chen didn't know how many people he killed with his own hands, and how many people who lost their minds because they couldn't get tokens rushed up like mad dogs, but returned pale.

A man was killed casually. Jia Chen walked forward without anyone, and almost hundreds of people around him were tightly surrounded by Jia Chen, but they did not dare to come forward one by one. They could only form a circle and retreat with Jia Chen's face full of panic, because the person in front of him was so horrible that I don't know how many people had died. In his hands, and most of them are spikes!

However, the black token in Jiachen's hand was even more attractive to them than death. After all, it was eliminated. It was better to let go. Therefore, there was a moth-like scene near Jiachen. Many people rushed to Jiachen regardless of their life and death, and were killed by Jiachen's punch. Fear and shock began to spread gradually. Until now, there is no one around Jiachen, and no one dares to approach.

When Jia Chen finally stepped on the departure formation, many people looked at Jia Chen's figure resentfully, sighed, stamped their feet and scolded, but still couldn't stop the reality from happening.