di xin

Chapter 37 Heavenly Academy

"Ky, where are you going?" Bai Ye put his arms in front of his chest and came over with a proud face and stood in front of Jia Chen. It was neither too late nor early for Bai Ye to stop Jia Chen. It happened that Jia Chen walked to the edge of the campus, where the place was relatively wide and there were fewer people.

Looking at Bai Ye's almost idiotic face, Jia Chen couldn't help but have a big head. He really didn't want to have a holiday with Bai Ye. After all, with Bai Zhentian as his uncle, Jia Chen really didn't want to cause any more trouble.

"Huh? Boy, aren't you crazy? Why don't you dare to talk, huh?" Bai Ye came forward and tilted his head to look at Jia Chen. Behind Bai Ye were four fierce little brothers. At this moment, they were staring at Jia Chen with big eyes like a donkey without blinking. They thought it was very murderous.

"What do you want?" Jia Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Ye and said, even if he was afraid of the power behind Bai Ye, he had been bullied on his head, and there was no reason for Jia Chen to retreat.

"What do I want?" Bai Ye looked at Jia Chen with a strange tone, "I just want to kill you!" Bai Ye's face suddenly changed, and his fierce eyes burst out.

Hearing Bai Ye's order, the four younger brothers behind Bai Ye shouted angrily and rushed to Jia Chen. The momentum emanating from his body was a little stronger than those little brothers when they were queuing before.

But Bai Ye never realized that the gap was always huge. The number of people could never make up for the distance between Jiachen and them. It was almost easy to describe a few times. Those little brothers who were still fierce just now had been lying on the ground like mud, and their whole bodies shrank into a ball of pain. Wail.

"You!" Bai Ye was shocked and retreated repeatedly. He looked at Jia Chen with a shocked face. You should know that these four little brothers were all good at the spiritual level, which was higher than Bai Ye's own strength. Who knew that he was so vulnerable in front of Jia Chen.

Jiachen looked at Bai Ye blankly and approached step by step, but he was hesitating how to deal with this troublesome and idiot. He didn't want to be harassed by this boy every day in the future, but he didn't want to get into bigger trouble.

"If you dare to touch me, you... you will definitely regret it!" Bai Ye's trembling fingers pointed to Jia Chen, his eyes were full of fear, and he looked like he wanted to turn around and run away.

Looking at the more and more onlookers around him, Jia Chen really doesn't want to be ashamed with Bai Ye anymore. "I'll let you go today. Don't bother me again in the future!" Otherwise, I'm really welcome." With that, Jia Chen's eyes were cold, and a cold murderous intention shot at Bai Ye like a sharp arrow. More and more experiences told Jia Chen that there was nothing more useful than the threat of breath to deter his opponent who was weaker than his own strength.

"Good! I will never bother you again." Bai Ye, who had been unable to hold on in front of Jiachen's powerful pressure, turned around and retreated and ran away. With a bang, Bai Ye was unexpectedly tripped to the ground by a big stone and fell directly to eat shit.

"Haha..." The laughter came one after another in the onlookers. The embarrassed Bai Ye got up with difficulty, his cheeks turned red, and he quickly fled here. Jia Chen did not notice that Bai Ye's eyes when he went there were extremely vicious.

"Are you really going to let him go like this?" A slightly familiar voice came from behind.

Jiachen turned his head and looked. It turned out to be Xi Han who met in the secret place that day. At this moment, he came to Jia Chen with an evil smile. After entering the college, he still looked like that, but his handsome appearance gave people a feeling of evil.

"What else?" Jia Chen turned around and walked forward. He also knew that it was likely that Bai Ye would be unwilling, but Jia Chen was even more unlikely to kill Bai Ye. He still wanted to hang around here.

"You are really a good person. First, you let me go that day, and then today I saw that you let go of the second son of the Bai family. Tut, it's really compassionate." Xi Han shook his head and followed Jia Chen's footsteps, walking side by side with Jia Chen.

"What do you want to do?" Jia Chen looked at Xi Han beside him and asked, could it be that this boy came to laugh at himself?

"I have nothing to do. Isn't it easy to meet someone you know? What are you going to do?" Xi Han asked back.

"I have nothing to do. Let's get to know the university." Jia Chen thought for a moment and said that Jia Chen's habit is that when he comes to a new environment, he will always understand the environment here first, not to mention that this is the legendary Wuji University. It is false to say that he is not curious.

"Aha, it happens that we are together. I really know something about this place. If you don't know anything, you can ask me." Xi Han completely ignored Jia Chen's impatience with him and followed Jia Chen with great interest.

Although I don't know what Xihan's intention is, fortunately, it doesn't matter that Jiachen can't feel any malice in this person. Anyway, this boy's strength is not bad, and maybe it will help in the future, Jia Chen thought to himself.

The two began to visit from the school yard and visited. Jia Chen didn't talk much along the way, but Xihan was completely a talker. His mouth kept pulling from Tiannan to the north of the earth. Whether it was right or wrong, he could always say something, two, three or four.

"Is it a martial arts stage?" He came to a black stone tablet with three square fonts engraved with red paint. After Jia Chen looked at the stone tablet, there was a very wide square space. There was nothing above the open space, but it seemed that there was a serious and bleak atmosphere was surging. He couldn't help but feel heavy and his expression became serious. Get up.

The floor of this martial arts stage is not an ordinary slate, but a kind of jade-like material with a very rough surface. A cold breath emanates from the surface. Jia Chen squatted down and touched the strange material, "Hard, very hard!" This is Jia Chen's first feeling.

"The martial arts stage, the martial arts stage is the place where the students fight." Xi Han said with a very understanding look, "It is inevitable that there will be some irreconcilable contradictions between so many students here. In order to avoid taking responsibility and fighting in private, the university has built a martial arts stage in each college. Anyone who performs on the martial arts stage must set up a life-and-death situation. That must be deep hatred and must fight for a You are dead."

Xihan suddenly walked to Jiachen and said with a mysterious face, "Let me tell you, the stone slab on this martial arts stage is not ordinary. This is fine gold and jade, a very precious material. It is said that this fine gold jade is very hard, even if it is above the real person's strength, it is difficult to face the essence. The gold and jade has caused damage. If we can steal this gold and jade and sell it, it will be developed.

"..." Jia Chen looked at Xihan speechlessly. If this fine gold and jade is really so easy to steal, it will be their turn.

After stopping for a while, the two continued to walk forward. Although the Tianbu Academy is small, it is only relative to the Wuji College. If it is outside, the Tianbu Academy is already very large. Jiachen Xihan, who have walked for a whole hour, has only walked half of the journey.

"Is this Wuji College still farming?" When he came to the back of the whole complex, Jia Chen found that what appeared in his vision was actually an acre of field surrounded by attractive fragrance. If you look carefully, it turned out to be different and strange-shaped weed-like things.

"Haha, farming, hahahaha! You are so talented!" After listening to Jia Chen's words, Xi Han couldn't help laughing and pointed to Jia Chen's smile out of breath.

"Why..." Jia Chen was a little puzzled, "Is it funny?"

"Cough..." Xi Han, who had finally recovered, cleared his throat and suppressed his smile. "Brother, please take a look clearly. This is a medicinal field, which is exclusive to our heavenly department. 50 mu of medicinal fields of the two hundred mu of medicinal fields you see now are medicinal fields specially allocated by the university for us new students."

"Pharmaceutical field? Do we still have a panacea?" Jiachen was immediately shocked. If this is really a medicinal field, it is a little too exaggerated. You should know that the medicinal herbs linked to Xiuzhen are not those medicinal herbs among ordinary people. These medicinal herbs are all elixirs.

"Well, yes, this is the horror of the first university in Wujizhou." Xi Han said righteously, "The cultivation in this medicine field is all elixir-level medicinal materials. The elixir that can be extracted from it is at least a spiritual elixir. Usually, the elixirs that are rarely seen in the outside world are planted on a large scale here, and I have to admire the great power of Wuji University!"

"Spiritual elixir!" Jiachen's eyes flowed. According to the level, elixirs and medicinal materials can be divided into six levels: mortal level, spiritual level, treasure level, heavenly level, holy level and fairy level, each of which is divided into upper, middle and lower three grades. If it comes to ordinary-level medicinal materials, mortals are available, but the upper level that can be counted is also extremely precious, but if it is said that the spiritual level and spiritual level or above Elixir and herbs are not what ordinary people can get. They are not powerful or *. It is extremely difficult to get spiritual elixir.

Speaking of Jiachen, from the first martial artist of Cangyue City to now, the spiritual elixir he has seen is only a handful, and Jiachen has used very few. In the world of Jiachen in the past, the elixir was still too far away, but now, such a living blockbuster has appeared. In front of Jiachen, this is not shocking.

If the spiritual elixir has a very important effect on laying the foundation and cultivation of martial arts. Before entering the real world, martial arts are to put it bluntly, it is the stage of physical refinement and energy accumulation. If ordinary people do not have certain talent to practice alone, the cultivation path is extremely difficult, but with elixirs is different. It can By maximizing the refining system to greatly improve people's cultivation qualifications, it can release huge energy to make its accumulation of internal forces more solid. What's more, it can even help people break through their own limits.

There are too many wonderful uses of elixir, so all warriors and monks have never stopped their thirst for panacea. Of course, the large-scale cultivation here may not be a high-grade or highly effective elixir, but as long as it is an elixir, it is already precious.

"Unfortunately, this is our medicine field, and it is almost impossible to really get it." Xi Han's face changed, shaking his head with a depressed face and sighed.