di xin

Chapter 48 The Strongman

When Wu Biao announced the news, the whole audience suddenly made an uproar. Did the freshman want to join hands with the old student? This has never happened, but it is undeniable that the game seems to have become more interesting. It is obvious that Jiachen wants to join hands with Ma Dai, join forces, and take off the ground.

It was not until then that those old students finally understood Ma Dai's intention to join hands with Jia Chen to make another impact!

"Has Ma Dai finally found a candidate?" In the crowd, Cangban looked at Ma Dai and muttered unconsciously.

"This is the last time Ma Dai did his best to attack. It should be that this boy asked him to see hope." Another person standing next to the warehouse board said.

"Yes, it's been three years, and it's time for Ma Dai to be free. No matter what the success or failure is, this should be Ma Dai's last time. In the end, we still have to go up and be promoted." When Cangban said this, he felt relieved.

The game with the ground will start the day after tomorrow, and they need a day to prepare for it. In this way, the first day of the Yaotian defense battle is over. The game has ended, but the madness is still continuing. At this moment, the madness is not only because Jiachen turned the tide with 3 to 4 and created miracles, but also The day after tomorrow's game against the earth has inspired many people**, especially those old students. Can Jiachen and Ma Dai create miracles again? Everyone is waiting to see.

The news of Jiachen's reversal of the game spread like this. It spread all over the heavenly department overnight, and even people in the earth knew the name of Jiachen. For a moment, the whole heavenly department set off a violent storm. From the beginning, people who did not know that they became famous in the war. Anyone who knew some history of the Wuji University could not help Thinking of Bai Zhentian's loud name, is it really possible for Jia Chen to stage history?

And the cooperation between Ma Dai and Jia Chen makes people look forward to it more. From the beginning of the land, they will be involved in various complex relationships. From various groups to various gangs, the interests between them are very complicated. The selected contestants are also carefully selected from various gangs, and they also have to follow Other people who do not participate in gangs but have good strength divide their interests. The stakes they make are contributed from the resources controlled by various gangs, so once the way of the game changes, it will have a great impact on the whole land.

For a while, the level of attention in the land was only the general medicine field defense battle. At this moment, it received everyone's common attention. I thought it was just a light game, but until now, when Jia Chen's amazing performance that day was spread, especially the cooperation between Jia Chen and Ma Dai, I had to call the people of the local department to Pay some attention to it.

At noon the next day, the land sent out the news that they would add another 50 mu of medicinal field as a bet. As soon as the news came out, everyone was in an uproar. The medicinal field in the land was much stronger than the heavenly medicine field. What can be harvested in the heavenly medicine field is at most only a spiritual medicine, and the medicinal field in the land can be small. Probability of the output of Chinese elixir.

10,000 people in the whole land have a total of 130 mu of medicinal fields, which are controlled by the four largest gangs of the land. The 30 mu of medicinal fields, which were originally used as a bet, plus these 50 mu of medicinal fields, 80 mu of medicinal fields, have far exceeded the value of 200 mu of medicinal fields in Tianbu, which is for the land. It is definitely not a small number. The smell of gunpowder smoke is beginning to permeate. At this moment, even some very top-ranked strong people in the land can't sit idly by, because these 80 mu of medicinal fields have involved their interests.

The reason why the four gangs are powerful is that they have most of the strong people in the land that they dare to be so unscrupulous. Each gang does not exist alone in one department. From the ground to the top, they have a layer of management above, and there is also a mysterious department above the ground. Above the Xuanbu, there is also the Huang department. A gang involves different personnel of different levels of strength from top to bottom. Although the local department is only the lowest position of the gang, because this big Yaotian defense war is too serious, even some senior gang members of Xuanbu came to the prefecture and said that they would protect Yaotian. Wei Zhan's attention, of course, it is impossible for them to participate in the game directly.

And for the bet of the heavenly department, Ma Dai agreed to bet on a piece of Xuanbu medicine field he got a year ago, which is even more shocking. Compared with this Xuanbu medicine field, it is more precious. The whole Xuanbu 3,000 people have less than five mu of resources. It is normal for Xuanbu's medicine field to produce Chinese elixir. Sometimes it may produce top-grade elixirs, and even the precious elixir above the spiritual level has been found that its value can no longer be measured by the area of the earth and Tianbu medicine fields.

It's just a small piece, just an area of a few square meters, but it is a predecessor of the Xuanbu that Ma Dai made friends with. When he was promoted to the Yellow Department, the private medicine field of the Xuan Department, which was absolutely extremely precious. Ma Dai was coveted by many people after getting this medicine field, but Fortunately, there was that senior to protect him. Hu, it has not been lost. Ma Dai's strength has grown so fast that it is also inseparable from this medicinal field.

The situation has gradually expanded, and even the mysterious medicine field, which Ma Dai regarded as his life, has been taken out. The defense of the medicine field has begun to lose control and develop in an unpredictable direction. The combination of Jiachen and Ma Dai is indeed not to be underestimated. One is a new star and the other is an old strong man. This battle has been related to the whole Because of the development of the local department and the influence between the gangs, the students of Xuanbu actually learned about this matter and expressed their high concern with a good attitude.

Fifty years ago, Bai Zhentian's battle against the whole land was also turned out of the accumulation of history, and it was passed down more and more magical, but one thing remains unchanged, that is, the impact on the whole land after the event. At that time, the strength of Bai Zhentian was unexpected, resulting in the whole land in the next few years. He couldn't raise his head and became the laughing stock of the whole Wuji University, and he was humiliated.

And now people seem to smell a stronger smell than in those years. Now the impact of this Yaotian defense war has far exceeded the impact of Bai Zhentian at the beginning, not only because of the sky-high wage, but also because people are concerned about whether a white earthquake will appear again?

For a while, the atmosphere of the whole university was strange, and people had a feeling that the mountains and rain were full of wind. Everyone's eyes were on the earth and the sky, and these two low-level departments were also the first to receive such high attention.

The so-called grade division and degree of preciousness of the medicinal field is first of all about the soil quality of the medicinal field. Only the rarer the soil is, the more precious medicinal materials it is possible to grow. The second and most important point is to look at the aura and feng shui contained under the soil of the medicinal field, and the stronger and purer the aura is. The better the feng shui, the higher the level of medicinal herbs produced, which is also a decisive factor.

And the medicinal fields above the Xuanbu are also known as treasures, which are extremely rare!

"Is Ma Dai crazy?" All the old students in the heavenly department couldn't help but sweat for Ma Dai. This sky-high treasure actually gambled on it as a bet, and it was still a gamble without certainty! You should know that the opponent has a level of land than yourself!

Ma Dai is indeed crazy. In order to win and win the victory that has been waiting for three years, Ma Dai gambled everything. For three years, Ma Dai has been gambled on it. Is there anything more precious than time?

On the afternoon of the second day, the land department announced that Du Ling, the ninety-third-ranked master of the land, would participate in the Yaotian defense battle between the prefecture and Tianbu, and they applied to postpone the competition for another day on the grounds that the players could not determine, which also got the consent of Ma Dai and Jia Chen.

As soon as the news of Du Ling's competition was released, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. Sure enough, the land department sent the top 100 masters to participate in the competition. You should know that the land is full of 10,000 people, ranking within the top 100, and it is definitely the top power of the land!

The top 1,000 of the earth is a watershed. The strength of all the top 1,000 people is definitely above the Sunday stage, and the strength of the top 100 is absolutely at the late level of Sunday. Although Du Ling has just entered the late Sunday, he relies on his performance of defeating the later players in the middle period. Power should never be underestimated.

People have not yet recovered from their surprise, and another blockbuster ran out of the ground. Jiang Lang, who ranked 77th, will also participate in the Yaotian defense competition!

The ranking has been upgraded again. This time, it is Jiang Lang, who ranks 77th. People have even begun to be numb in shock. You know, in the previous battle of Yaotian defense, the local department has never sent the top 500 players to participate in the battle!

Jiang Lang, known as a ruthless prodigal son, was extremely ruthless. There were once several people who died in Jiang Lang's collection because Jiang Lang's action was too heavy, because not many people were willing to fight with Jiang Lang. This person is definitely a fierce character in the local area.

Sure enough, after Jiang Lang, the local department sent two stronger players, namely Bao Shi, ranked 60th and Cheng Hutian ranked 49th!

The whole four strong people in the top 100 of the land participated in the war together. Such a lineup is unprecedentedly luxurious and powerful. When the list of seven people in the field was finalized, everyone, including some people in the Xuanbu, were shocked. The strength of these four people, even if they were put in the Xuanbu, was enough to shock three. At this moment, the shocked figure is only aimed at the always weak heavenly tribe, just to achieve the most easy victory before. The four strong men in this land came from the hands of the four major gangs. They came with the belief that they would win.

With the determination of the list of the land, people are more enthusiastic and looking forward to it. Everyone has nourished their energy and looking forward to the moment when the explosion of the earth and the sky. Those who have not seen the previous game are still curious about what kind of character it is and how powerful the freshman can force the ground to send such a strong array. Rong!

"Fuck, these people are so shameless!" In Jiachen's house, Xihan, who recovered almost pale, walk up and down in a narrow space and cursed.

"It's not fair to send such a strong opponent. They are shameless!" Xihan's anger could not be calmed down.

"Did you tell me there is something fair in the world?" Jia Chen, who was lying on ** with his legs crossed, looked at Xihan's anxious figure and said.

"Xihan, the so-called fairness is just an excuse for the weak. In this world where strength is respected, strength is the truth. Without strength, it is destruction. What is fair? No amount of fairness can save the failure of a weak person. Strength is the greatest fairness. Jia Chen said with deep emotion when he thought of the day he was killed by Lin Fantian.

"Strength is the greatest fairness!" Xi Han tasted this sentence, and his eyes seemed to feel something.

At night, Jiachen, who was a little confused, could not enter the state of practice, so he began to chat with Xi'er. During this period, although Xi'er did not guide Jia Chen too much in terms of strength, it was because Xi'er wanted Jia Chen to grow up by himself. However, Xi'er always chatted with Jia Chen when he was irritable or bored. , comfort Jia Chen, or give Jia Chen some previous strong story to inspire Jia Chen. When Jia Chen is busy, Xi'er will always say nothing and never disturb Jia Chen. This is Xi'er, who has always been in Jia Chen's body, and Xi'er, who has always been understanding.

"Jachen, I'm afraid I'm going to enter the rest period. You may disappear for a period of time from tomorrow." Halfway through the conversation, Xi'er's voice suddenly lowered, and there was obvious reluctance and loss in her words.

"Recuperation period? What's wrong? Jia Chen felt a little sudden, and even Jia Chen did not find that his dependence on Xi'er had reached a deep level.

"It's okay. It's just a necessary process. It won't take long. You have to rely on yourself during this period!" Xi'er is still so understanding at this time!

"Hmm." Jiachen is a little depressed.

"Come on, Jiachen, when I wake up from the rest period, let me see you become stronger!" Xi'er's voice is still so beautiful, and it's good to hear that Jia Chen is so difficult to give up.