di xin

Chapter 85 Soul General and Leader

"This..." After the smoke and dust, the whole hall was in chaos. The shouts and chaotic voices from the stone piles were mixed together. Some saved people, but many people had been smashed into minced meat cakes. The scene looked very tragic.

The originally quiet underground hall is already in a mess at this moment. After the tragic killing of the hall, the blood flowed into a river, and the broken limbs and arms are all over the ground. In addition, the inexplicable collapse of the upper hall suddenly made many people panic and stared at the strange statue and couldn't speak.

"This..." The three of Jia Chen, who were hidden in the dark corner, looked at the eight silent statues in surprise, and then looked at the bronze tripod surrounded by the statue. Suddenly, he didn't know what had happened.

The eight stone statues three meters high stood so tall, and the big eyes that dared not look directly at the bottom, as if there was endless anger emanating from it. Many of them lowered their heads and dared not look at the statue.

When the chaos gradually subsided, the whole hall gradually quieted down. Those students who were injured or uninjured and were still fighting desperately stopped at this moment and looked at the statue confusedly, with doubts in their eyes.

Including Ouyang Tuo and others, they also led everyone to stand on the side of the hall and squinted at the strange statue.

Suddenly, everyone only heard a sound like the sound of stones peeling off. In this empty hall, people were so clear that people were frightened to find that the stones on the stone sculpture were falling off little by little. They saw that the speed of the stone falling off was getting slower and faster, just before the people could react, only Hearing a dense sound of hula, another puff of smoke and dust suddenly came, which was impossible to see clearly.

"Ah..." The incredible shock came from the crowd. When the smoke gradually dissipated and appeared in front of the people, it turned out to be eight giants as tall as three meters like real people, still maintaining the movement of the statue. The only difference is that the eyes of the eight giants were closed without a trace. A little breath.

Looking at the muscles of the upper body like mountain bags, the dark and tattooed body, the thick black hair and beard are full of dust, and the face like a knife and axe reveals a kind of perseverance.

"Kachen, run! Get out of here quickly!" When Jia Chen could not react and his brain was still blank, Xi'er suddenly shouted in Jia Chen's heart and suddenly woke up Jia Chen.

Listening to Xi'er's unprecedented panic and urgency, Jia Chen motioned Ma Dai and Xihan to run to the passage when he came. Although Ma Dai and Xi Han were full of doubts, they still did not ask much and followed Jia Chen's footsteps and ran forward.

However, at this time, it was already a little slow. The seven giants in the periphery of the siege suddenly opened their vicissitudes. Suddenly, the eyes like thunder and lightning burst out without warning, and only heard a bang. Only two eyes blew up the hard slate ground. Two round pits.

"Run, get out of here!" At this time, Ouyang Tuo finally reacted, and his listless eyes suddenly burst out. With a sound, his whole body rushed up directly like the wind, trying to rush out directly from the collapsed mouth above, so that he could get out of here quickly.

But Ouyang Tuo's action was a little late. He only heard a roar from the sky, and even the whole hall was stirred. The seven giants who opened their eyes completely woke up and began to move with the roar. The dust and dust fell from the giant's body. These giants were either holding huge axes or giant swords. According to the giant hammer, the weapon in that hand alone was more than one person, and it was not ordinary. The magic weapons emitted bright light, and the suffocating breath spread crazily.

"Run!" The crowd that was still sluggish just now was in a state of chaos. They rushed desperately to the exit one by one. The whole hall suddenly became a mess, and the screams were mixed together. Human beings like ants crowded together crazily, and they hated that the passage at that time was too narrow.

There are also some powerful people who escaped directly from the big mouth above with the help of spiritual power. Yu Wuji Yuqiao and others are like this, running faster than the other.

The huge footsteps came, and the giant strode towards the crowd behind him. Every step of the hall trembled. The soles of the barefooted giants were full of deep grooves. In this panic, many people died at the feet of the feet of the seven giants, and for a moment, blood was full of blood. Splash, plasma flying.

"Come on, hurry up!" Fortunately, it was Xi'er who reminded him early. At this moment, the three of Jia Chen had left the passage and came to the empty hall above. They felt the shaking from their feet and the amazing power explosions again and again. Even the three Jia Chen, who could not even stand stable, were anxious at this moment and wanted to leave here quickly.

The underground hall is now in chaos, but the situation of the upper hall is not much better. Everyone is running towards the exit like a swarm. Is there a violent wave of air shaking from the bottom to the top, and there is another panic?

"Quick! Don't take it here, or you will all die!" Xi'er's voice seemed so eager.

"Go!" Stabilizing their bodies, Jiachen and Xihan also joined the crowded crowd. When they came in, they still felt the empty hall, but at this moment, they gave people a feeling of crowding. Listening to the screams and shouts from the ground, the strong smell of blood made people more uneasy and frightened.

He had just squeezed out of the hall and had not been able to stand on his heels. Jia Chen only felt that there was a stormy momentum behind him. He hit everyone's back and even felt that the violently shaking earth under his feet was about to crack. The next moment, it seemed that an ancient beast woke up in a deep sleep and came from the bottom of the earth. The roar was shocking, and the tall and magnificent hall shook more violently, with gravel bricks falling from high places and smoke and dust all over the sky.

Ouyang Tuo and others have gathered outside the hall. At this time, almost all the strong people in the real world have escaped from the hall, leaving behind are some students who are weak and unable to escape in time. Needless to think about it, these students are absolutely tragic.

With the huge wave-like momentum behind them, the three of Jiachen suddenly flew out of the hall, which was temporarily out of danger. No one noticed them in the panic. At this moment, all the real-life masters were serious, staring at the crumbling hall, and they were best prepared to fight at any time.

Another roar from ancient times, as if it was about to break through the clouds. The next moment, it seemed that something was collapsing violently, and the shaking hall was directly knocked through a huge hole by a huge force, and the one that rose from the hole was unexpectedly unknown. The eighth sculpture that woke up, with dark skin and an extremely strong figure, and a thick black beard made the man more ferocious. After passing through the hole above the hall, he quietly suspended in mid-air, with a long bow of more than two meters with a strong smell of death behind him, which was ancient atmosphere. Xi's vast eyes stared at the world like the supreme of heaven and earth, and the shocking momentum constantly emanated. In front of this person, Jia Chen felt as if he had become an ant.

Then there were several loud bangs, and the seven giants who had woken up before also rose to the air, standing on the left and right sides of the long bow man, with emotionless eyes scanning around and watching the long bow giant being their leader.

"It's difficult." Xi'er's words were a little bitter.

"Xi'er, what are they? The ancient race? Jia Chen looked up at the eight giants in the middle of the sky and asked.

"They should have been the leaders of this ancient race before they died, but they have been sealed for tens of thousands of years. Now they can no longer be regarded as human beings, but exist like soul soldiers. What is left is only endless killing intention. If I guess correctly, the previous seven giants should be soul generals, and the long bow The giant is the leader of the soul general. Xi'er said.

"Soul General! Commander!" Jia Chen looked at the eight powerful giants. Even Jia Chen could feel that the strength of this soul general was similar to that of Lin Fantian at the beginning, and as for the strength of this leader... Jia Chen could not feel it at all, just like a towering mountain standing in front of Jia Chen, and Jia Chen Chen is just an ant.

"Yes, the leader is beyond the existence of the real world. I'm afraid that the people here today are more and less auspicious." Xi'er saw through Jia Chen's mind and said sadly.

"beyined the existence of the real world!" Jia Chen looked at the long bow giant in horror and dragged the three of Xihan to keep retreating.

Ouyang Tuo couldn't lift his spirit at this moment without that listlessness, and his face was also full of surprise at this moment. He opened his mouth and looked at the rainbow-like long bow giant and couldn't speak.

The long bow giant in mid-air glanced down with indifferent and emotionless eyes for a week, looking at the human who was desperately escaping like an ant, as if a cold hum of disdain came out. The next moment, the rough and dark big hand of the long bow giant stretched out to his back and put more than two meters behind him. The long giant bow is in his hand.

There was no arrow. I saw the long bow giant slowly pulling the bow, like a full moon. On the bow string slowly pulled back, a spiritual arrow condensed with the movement of the long bow giant. I saw the spiritual arrow shining brightly until the long bow was full and the arrow formed, and the heaven and earth were pale. It seemed that this small one Arrows have become the spring of heaven and earth and the center of the storm.

With a sharp sound of breaking the wind, it seemed that the arrow had passed through everyone's eardrums. Jia Chen's intuitive sharp sound actually pierced his eardrums. The next moment, the spiritual arrow from the string had the sound of breaking the wind, like the red light across the sky. , with great momentum, it directly hit the place where the crowd was most concentrated, where there were people escaping and still crowded at the gate.

Ouyang Tuo and other masters didn't even have time to react, and a deafening sound suddenly exploded. The waves in the sky began to spread from the place where the arrows exploded, and the flying sand and stones actually collapsed the black scorched earth several feet high!

Jia Chen and others quickly retreated to avoid the sharpness. When the fluctuation calmed down and stared at it, everyone couldn't help staring.

The gate that had just been crowded with dozens of people has completely turned into a huge pit, and the dozens of students disappeared, like evaporating from the world!

"Beyond the strength of the real world!" Jia Chen looked up at the long bow giant again with a shocked face and was speechless for a long time.