di xin

Chapter 116 Angry Revenge

Looking at the powerful first internal disciple of the major peaks, that is, their eldest brother, and then at Zhang Renyuan, the eldest brother of Hongyefeng, Zhang Renyuan is also bowing his head at this moment, as if avoiding some sarcastic eyes coming from other directions, Jia Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart, "This current Hongye Feng, it's really not on the table.

With the beginning of the first game, Jiachen also focused on watching. It is said that Jiachen left early yesterday and failed to observe the strength of other peak opponents by himself, which made Jiachen a little regretful, but there was nothing he could do. Yesterday's situation, if Jia Chen and Hongye hadn't slipped away early, he would not have known. What's going to happen?

After yesterday's eight games, there are only four games left today, and there is plenty of time. Although the number of games has decreased, with the trend of winning, the excitement of the game will gradually increase.

I have to admit that the disciples selected from the Wuji Academy have undoubtedly become the elite disciples of Xuanjifeng. Those who have studied in the Wuji Academy are indeed much better than some other disciples, especially the disciples from the Fengman Hall and the top disciples from the Xuanbu, which they showed in yesterday's competition. The strength also once again proves the reputation of the first university in Wuji Prefecture.

From looking at the results, we can know that among today's top eight, seven disciples are from Wuji University, including Hongya and Bai Yuanyi of Yundingfeng, Yu Wuji of Tuokongfeng, Tong Zichen of Wujingfeng, Langxie of Xuanjifeng, Shiqi of Moyufeng and Jiachen of Hongyefeng, and the other one is Yi Qingfeng is a very low-key disciple named Yi Changqing.

Among them, the most popular to win the championship are Yu Wuji of Tukongfeng and Lang Xie of Xuanjifeng, because the first title of Yu Wuji's Fengmang Hall also spread with Yu Wuji's arrival of Wujizong. As the first person of the Fengman Hall, he is almost regarded as the champion of the most orthodox newcomer competition, and as for Lang Xie, He is also a famous master of the Fengman Hall. Although his strength is a little insufficient compared with Yu Wuji, the mysterious peak standing behind Lang Xie undoubtedly adds a lot of chips to Lang Xie.

Today's first game is Hongya's game against Yi Changqing. This game has also received a lot of attention. The reason is that the low-key Yi Changqing is the only disciple among the top eight who is not from the Wuji University. As a civilian, Yi Changqing can persist here under the comprehensive encirclement of the disciples of the Wuji University and become a fruitful result. The only remaining civilian disciple has also received a lot of attention.

Many people want to see how far Yi Changqing can go, whether he can play the dark horse again, and eliminate a disciple of the legendary powerful Wuji University, so as to continue to write the myth of civilian disciples.

But reality proves that imagination is beautiful, but the result is ruthless. As the four masters of the Fengman Hall, Hongya's strength should never be underestimated. At the beginning of the game, Hongya suppressed Yi Changqing in all aspects and did not give Yi Changqing a chance to exert his strength. In the end, Yi Changqing surrendered under the fierce offensive of Hongya. Admit defeat

With the end of the game between Hongya and Yi Changqing, the second game began to be staged after a short break. Hongya's wonderful performance undoubtedly gave everyone a strong heart. The disciples under Sendai wanted to see what kind of level the elites of this year have reached.

In the second game, Yu Wuji of Tuokongfeng vs. Tong Zichen of Wujingfeng. There is no doubt that this battle has attracted more attention. Both of them are the four masters of the sharp hall and are the leaders of the four major gangs. Although Yu Wuji ranks first and his strength is one point stronger than Tong Zichen, if If it really fights, it may be who will win. After all, in a game where there is not too much difference in strength, the uncertainty of the game is still very influential.

Compared with Tong Zichen's supporters, there are more supporters than Yu Wuji. The reason is that Tong Zichen's handsome face is supported by the vast number of female disciples of Mo Yufeng. Listening to the almost hysterical sharp shout, some male disciples even covered their ears and looked at the group of flower-obsessive girls with disgust. Zi, and some male disciples looked at Tong Zichen with jealousy. As for the reason for jealousy, everyone knows.

Yu Wuji's combat style is a solid and simple attack faction. Each attack seems to be carefully calculated and the use of spiritual power is very appropriate. It can be said that Yu Wuji has both skills and strength. He can compete with you in moves and body skills. He can also collide head-on without giving in. This side is Yu Wuji. , omnipotent to a heinous Yu Wuji.

On the other hand, Tong Zichen's attack moves are gorgeous. Every time he moves, there is a shocking momentum, just like his handsome face, which makes people confused and amazed. However, when Tong Zichen comes to Yu Wuji, this gorgeous move seems to have only appearance, but it can't achieve the effect of timing. With Tong Zichen's handsome eyebrows The more wrinkled it got, the game was almost over.

Finally, when Tong Zichen shouted to admit defeat, many female disciples of Mo Yufeng under Sendai suddenly sighed and complained. Some people even attributed Tong Zichen's failure to Yu Wuji, saying that Yu Wuji should not be so powerful, which made Yu Wuji a little unable to laugh or cry.

In the third game, Xuanjifeng's Langxie vs. Mo Yufeng's Shiqi. As the only woman left in the top eight, and as the only remaining fruit of Mo Yufeng, coupled with the beautiful face, Shiqi has undoubtedly got the highest voice. Male disciples and female disciples, as long as they are not Xuan Jifeng, are almost shouting and cheering for Shiqi crazily.

Just as the disciples shouted for Shiqi, the mysterious real person with a strange face actually snorted heavily. Anyone can feel the dissatisfaction in the cold hum. Suddenly, the shout weakened. Many disciples looked at the mysterious real person with some fear and dissatisfaction, although there were many opinions, But it can only be contained in the stomach.

"See, this mystery is also famous for its small vision." Hongye Zhenren said to Jia Chen in a timely manner.

It is said that this Lang Xie and Shiqi are also acquaintances. The two have many confrontations in the Feng Mang Hall, and both sides are also familiar with each other's strength, so the result seems to be predictable. With the unwilling sigh of the disciples under the performance of Sendai, Shi Qi was finally defeated and defeated in the hands of Lang Xie.

Finally, the fourth game came with great expectations. It is no exaggeration to say that at least 60% of today's visitors come to see Jia Chen, the arrogant boy. Because of the rumor that Jia Chen's magic, he dares to provoke the real person directly with Xuanji. Many people want to see the true face of Jia Chen. Let's see who the boy dares to make such an earth-shaking move.

As Jia Chen stepped on the stage, he also felt that the eyes gathered behind him were increasing, but in a moment, Jia Chen became the focus of the audience and felt the hot eyes shot at him, but Jia Chen was not in a hurry and did not have a trace. He nervously walked to the performance of Sendai, calmly looking at Bai Yuanyi opposite him without saying a word.

"This boy, I don't see what's strange." A pair of scrutiny eyes looked at Jia Chen, and a man said.

"How can there be anything strange? No matter how strange it is, isn't it a person? Is it possible to open your mouth more than you?" The other person next to him said angrily.

"At least it seems that there is some master's momentum. How do you think this boy doesn't look like a master at all?"

In this way, all kinds of discussions unfolded one after another, and even accompanied by bursts of boos to show disdain for Jia Chen.

"Little brother, come on!" The voice of Hongyefeng's poor 200-person team at this moment seemed so weak, so thin and so powerless. When they just shouted for cheering and saw the contemptuous eyes from all directions, they couldn't help lowering their heads again. Many people dared not make a sound again. There was nothing they could do. Hongyefeng has been Weak, their position among the disciples of the Eight Peaks has been lowered to an unimaginable level.

Looking at Bai Yuanyi, who used to not pay attention to himself in front of him for a time, was once a superior. In just a few months, Jiachen has overtaken Bai Yuanyi. At this moment, Jiachen's heart is also full of emotion, and it is really a trick.

Bai Yuanyi, who pretended to be calm, looked at Jia Chen, who was once so weak and humble in his eyes, and now he could compete with him on the same stage, and made himself panic. Bai Yuanyi was puzzled in his confused eyes, "Am I too lazy?" Bai Yuanyi couldn't help but have such an idea.

However, at this point, it is useless to think too much. Bai Yuanyi's thoughts are still immersed in the original fission battlefield, and casually hit Jiachen to a scene that is not as good as a dog.

And now, when Bai Yuanyi's proud name ~ weapon killer jade wrench is resisted by Du Jiachen, what else can he take to fight against Jiachen? Looking at the fist that rushed to himself and the fist containing anger and tremendous power, Bai Yuanyi just stood still. He had no support, his confused eyes had no reaction at all, and he didn't even have any idea of resistance.

"Why? Why? Am I too lazy?" Bai Yuanyi, who was once invincible, felt that Jia Chen's strength was far beyond himself, feel the spiritual power that he did not know how many times stronger than himself, and watched the fist condensed into spiritual power become bigger and bigger in his pupils. At this moment, Bai Yuanyi knew that he was no longer Jia Chen's opponent.

No matter how much resistance there is, it is futile. No matter how much unwilling it is, it can only swallow back. Bai Yuanyi, who can't have any resistance at all, just watched himself wrapped by Jia Chen's anger.

A sound of venting like a beast roar resounded in Bai Yuanyi's ears, and the attacks that he could not resist hit his body again and again. Bai Yuanyi's body was thrown into the air again and again by Jia Chen, and then fell down, and then punched to the ground by Jia Chen. However, Bai Yuanyi at this moment, It seems that he can no longer feel any pain. At this moment, he has no intention of fighting. What comes to his mind is a scene of the humiliation of Jiachen in the past, which is slowly staged.

"Is it too lazy?" A powerful question sounded in Bai Yuanyi's mind. Looking at the enchanting blood sprayed in the air, on the ground and under the sun, Bai Yuanyi's dull eyes did not fluctuate at all.

Looking at Jia Chen's angry face and the flame of revenge spewing from his eyes, the power and spiritual power that never seemed to dry up, "Why did he suddenly become so powerful?" At this moment, Bai Yuanyi completely fell, and everything in front of him became so vague and illusory. He was like a lifeless doll, swallowed up by Jia Chen's rainstorm-like attack.

Under the court, everyone looked at the scene in front of him incredulously, looked at Jia Chen, who was wrapped in anger like a beast, and at Bai Yuanyi, who had never resisted from beginning to end. Few people knew what had happened to these two people, but at this moment, Yu Wuji, Shiqi, Tong Zichen, and Lang Xie They looked at Bai Yuanyi in the same way as they looked at Jia Chen, who was nearly beaten to death by Bai Yuanyi in the fission battlefield that day.

At this moment, they finally understood that the humble boy came to revenge.