di xin

Chapter 142 Meet Again

The battle has entered the most tragic stage. At this moment, there is already a river of blood on the barren earth. Except for red, there is no brown land. The mountains are full of corpses in black robes. The strong smell of blood stimulates Jiachen's stomach, while the other side stimulates the nerves of those disciples of Taoism. .

Tongtianbao gourd has been put away by Jiachen. It has suffered too many attacks. If it is used any more, I'm afraid that this will be irresistible and shattered. The pressure of Gachen who took back Tongtianbao gourd suddenly doubled. The dense rainstorm-like attack Jiachen can't resist it. It will always be hit On Jiachen's body.

Gradually, scars began to emerge on Jiachen's body, and big drops of blood fell from the wound. Jiachen's blood undoubtedly greatly stimulated those disciples of the Taoist sect. Seeing that Jia Chen was injured, there was finally a decline. Those disciples of the Taoist sect launched a more violent attack like chicken blood, and suddenly Jia Chen's situation has become more and more dangerous.

Until now, Jiachen doesn't know how long this battle has lasted, and he can't count how many disciples of the sacrificial sect who died under his own hands. The infinite field has also gradually decreased with the passage of time and the consumption of Jiachen's spiritual power. Looking at the sacrificial disciples who are still like ants in front of him, his face is full of The bloody Jiachen couldn't help smiling bitterly.

At this moment, the only one who supports Jia Chen is Xi'er. Xi'er, who always fights side by side with Jia Chen, pays great attention to the situation of the whole battlefield, and her spirit is all over every inch of land. It is not a hint of where Jia Chen should retreat and where the center of the attack should be.

The situation began to tilt little by little, and Jiachen began to feel tired little by little. At this time, Jiachen remembered the primary magic power he had never used in actual combat, the seal of Tianmozhen! Feeling the rapid spiritual power in his body, and thinking about the huge consumption of spiritual power, Jia Chen hesitated a little.

"No, there's someone!" While Jia Chen was hesitating, Xi'er exclaimed and interrupted Jia Chen's hesitation.

"Is there anyone?" Jia Chen, who fought and retreated, resisted fierce attacks and wondered, "Isn't it all people in front of him?"

"No, that man is not a disciple of the Taoist sect, but a normal monk, and..." Xi'er paused and seemed to feel something. "That man's strength is very strong!"

"It's saved!" This was Jia Chen's first reaction, and he couldn't help but glow with hope in his dim eyes.

"Come on, get ready. I'm going to seal part of your demon blood before that man comes. The next period may be the most difficult, but you must survive!" Xi'er's tone was extremely urgent and said very fast.

"Ye" Jia immediately nodded, but Xi'er's speed really made Jia Chen a little caught off guard. Before Jia Chen was ready, Jia Chen only felt that the spiritual power full of his body suddenly disappeared by more than half, and Jia Chen's momentum also suddenly fell, as if he had been pulled from the bottom of the pot. The sudden and indirectly breathless feeling of Jia Chen fell into In a more dangerous situation.

Jiachen, who returned to a normal state, had several more wounds on his body in an instant. At this moment, looking at the dense attack, Jia Chen felt that the pressure had doubled, endured the severe pain, clenched his teeth, and the wheel of blood moon came out again, but this time the effect was obviously reduced, and did not achieve the effect expected by Jiachen.

The waiting time in danger is undoubtedly extremely long. As the spiritual power in Jiachen's body nearly dried up, the light of the blood moon wheel gradually dimmed. Gradually, the dry spiritual power of Jiachen could no longer support the blood moon wheel to launch an attack.

"Damn it!" Helplessly took back the wheel of blood and moon. Now what Jiachen can rely on is only his own body, the body of the devil.

A powerful fist hit the front of Jia Chen. There is no need to lock it. Every punch will accurately smash into the pile of people, and each punch will burst into flesh and blood, and the scene will be extremely bloody.

The strength of the body of the heavenly demon finally appeared at this moment. Although the fierce attack was still the Taoist scars left on Jiachen's body, at this moment, Jia Chen's body was already bloody, but these scars did not penetrate the bones, but on the skin and skin, there was no fatal wound. All of these were the heavenly demons. The credit of a strong system.

And Jiachen's whole body seems to have endless power. The shadow fist ravages in the crowd again and again. Every time the shadow fist bursts, more than a dozen people will fly out of the crowd. The potholes on the ground are the credit of the shadow boxing.

At this moment, Jiachen is like a human machine, standing proudly in the crowd, like the standing god of war fighting hard.

The waiting time is long and painful. Although the time has not passed, it seems that it has been ten thousand years for Jiachen. There are more and more scars on his body, and even the same scars will be scratched. In this way, gradually, Jia Chen's scars appear white bones.

It's another bitter battle. The crazy passing blood made Jia Chen's brain gradually feel drowsy. At this moment, he is numb to the pain. At this moment, he is supporting his infallen body with the belief of survival. Jia Chen's attack speed has unconsciously slowed down, and the defense against the current Jia Chen said it was almost impossible.

"Why don't you come..." The steel teeth were almost broken. In desperation, Jia Chen bit the tip of his tongue. As a sweet smell in his mouth spread, Jia Chen, who was dizzy, suddenly shook his mind and seemed to be rejuvenated again, but this only lasted for a moment. The next moment, Jia Chen was submerged in the sky again. Under the attack.

Looking at the attacks feebly, Jia Chen only felt heavy all over at this moment, and it was so difficult to lift his arms. Looking at the rain-like attack, just as Jia Chen was waiting for the next round of sharp pain, he was really surprised to find that the dense attacks were all stagnant in the air and did not move. Move, as if time has stopped.

I don't know when the temperature here suddenly dropped, and a sense of ice and cold rushed straight into Jia Chen's body. Suddenly, Jia Chen shivered. With the attack of ice and cold, Jia Chen, who endured the cold, found that the famous disciple of the Taoist sect stagnated in place at this moment, like an ice sculpture, all of which were frozen. .

Under the bloody sky, there is an ice sculpture of different shapes. The blood spreading on the brown earth is also frozen at this moment. Except for Jiachen, the whole world has entered a state of silence, as if everything is alive and frozen.

Jia Chen, who was backed by the mountain, had not yet reacted from the world of ice sculptures, but the next second's change made Jia Chen extremely shocked.

I saw that the ice sculptures suddenly collapsed in silence, turned into bursts of powder, and disappeared between the world. It was just a blink of an eye, just a move, but it was easy to erase all the thousands of disciples of the Taoist sect. Such means, such strength, had to be amazed Jia Chen.

"What a strong strength!" Jia Chen resisted the shock and stood up straight with trembling. In this extremely quiet atmosphere, a slight sound of footsteps came. Suddenly, Jia Chen couldn't wait to turn his head to see who was so powerful.

"It turned out to be you!" When Jia Chen saw the face of the visitor clearly, he couldn't help but be shocked and exclaimed.

When Jiachen saw the people coming, he suddenly lost all the square inches. Jiachen, who had never been so surprised, exclaimed that the plain lake-like eyes of the clock finally raised ripples, an inexplicable palpitation, rippled in Jiachen's heart.

was a woman, dressed in a black tight suit, sketching out a perfect body, like the black hair of a waterfall, under the bloody sky, thousands of miles of territory, but the woman in black was like the only pure white in the dirty world, like the snow lotus in the fairyland in the world. Jia Chen was stunned by this scene.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." The woman's ice and snow-like face rarely showed a smile. Suddenly, Jiachen only felt that there was a dawn breaking through the night and the light illuminated everything.

The woman's voice is still the same, as crisp and pleasant as the sound of nature, but she can't help but hear the chill like frost, just like a lake on a snowy mountain, soft but cold.

Jiachen looked at the woman in a daze and couldn't recover for a long time. Until today, when he met the woman again, Jia Chen could no longer hide herself and deceive herself. She was always a figure who haunted her. It was not until she met again that Jia Chen found that the excitement and surprise in her heart actually made herself bigger. Chaos, forgetting everything, suddenly Jiachen and the woman floated to Jiachen's heart in the small secret land, and clear pictures flashed in Jiachen's mind.

"Are you stunned?" The women were all in front of Jia Chen, and their white and slender hands shook in front of Jia Chen, saying with some fun.

"Well...you..." Jia Chen, who finally woke up from surprise, was at a loss, but didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I didn't expect to meet you again and save your life." After a while, Jia Chen, who calmed down a little, pretended to be calm.

The woman looked at the awakening scars on Jia Chen's body and looked at Jia Chen's shady robe soaked with blood. "Are you always fighting here?" The woman looked at Jia Chen with some surprise and asked.

"Yes, these people are not strong, but there are too many people. If I come a little late, I'm afraid I will really die here." Jia Chen grinned and smiled bitterly. Originally, he wanted to wipe the blood on his face with his hand, but when he saw that his hands were also full of blood, he stopped his movements.

The woman seemed to see through Jia Chen's thoughts and smiled. The woman took out a white handkerchief, which exuded a faint fragrance. In the middle of the handkerchief, there was a lifelike ice phoenix embroidered.

Before Jia Chen could react, he was stunned. He only smelled the faint fragrance. The white handkerchief had brushed Jia Chen's cheek. Although there was a layer of handkerchief, Jia Chen still felt the woman's soft and boneless Rouyi move gently on his face. Suddenly, a strange and subtle feeling rose from Jia Chen's heart. There are more inexplicable throbbing in my heart.

After a while, when the fragrant wind dispersed and the cold and soft Rouyi left Jiachen's face, Jia Chen's heart couldn't help but be a little disappointed. Seeing that the white handkerchief was already stained with blood and stained by his own blood, Jia Chen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, "Well, your handkerchief stained."

The woman just smiled. Under the long eyelashes flashed, her ice-like eyes were tender at this moment, "Find a place to have a rest. Look at your current appearance, it won't last long." With that, the woman took out a holy elixir and handed it to Jia Chen.

After being reminded, Jia Chen found that he was exhausted at this moment. Suddenly, a deep sense of fatigue hit his mind. The previous consumption was too heavy. Now Jia Chen is moving his arm, which is so difficult.