di xin

Chapter 160 The Danger of the Demon Body

It was like a bolt from the blue. When Jia Chen found that Xi'er disappeared from his body at some point, Jia Chen almost lost his mind. At this moment, Jia Chen only felt that there seemed to be something important missing in his heart, which was empty, which made Jia Chen extremely uncomfortable.

After Xi'er lost, she lost the cover of the spirit of the moon, and Jia Chen's bloodline of Tianmo was naturally exposed. Only then was discovered by Wujizong and the current scene appeared. However, at this moment, Jiachen was not in the mood to care about everything now. He was just thinking about what happened that night and himself. What happened in Yunjixue.

"It must be Yunji snow! It must be cloud and snow!" Jia Chen thought firmly in his heart that that night was the critical moment when Xi'er merged with the spirit of the other half of the moon. Xi'er certainly could not restrain her breath, so she was discovered by Yun Jixue, and then took away the whole soul of the moon from Jia Chen. Thinking of this, Jia Chen's clenched fists unconsciously oozed a little fresh. Blood, regret, anger and other emotions surged into Jia Chen's heart.

"Magic body, let me ask you, have you ever seen the spirit of the moon!" The head of Wujizong clearly looked at Jia Chen, who was emotionally disordered, his face flashed, and suddenly turned red and pale, and asked coldly.

"Spirit of the Moon!" Jia Chen suddenly raised his head and his red eyes glared at the general. "You Wuji Sect got the spirit of the moon, but you still asked me if I had the spirit of the moon. What an infinite sect!"

"You are presumptuous!" Venerable Song Ji took a step forward, and suddenly a spiritual force stirred out of his toes and hit Jia Chen heavily. Suddenly, a large mouthful of blood couldn't help spewing out of Jia Chen's mouth. Jia Chen curled up in the center of the hall and trembled slightly.

"Soong Ji!" Jiang Ming looked at Venerable Song Ji, and then turned his eyes back to Jia Chen and asked, "You just said that Wujizong got the spirit of the moon. Did you see who took away the spirit of the moon?"

Looking at the unknown people, Jia Chen couldn't help wondering, "Didn't Yun Jixue give the spirit of the moon to the Wuji Sect?" Jia Chen thought that a variety of speculations suddenly emerged like a mystery, and Yun Jixue's whole body also became complicated and confusing.

"Didn't Yun Jixue give you the spirit of the moon?" Jia Chen tentatively asked the general. Unexpectedly, as soon as Jia Chen's words fell, the faces of the whole hall suddenly changed sharply at the same time. Even the face of the general of the Wuji sect became extremely ugly, and everyone did not say a word for a moment.

"If it's really that Yunjixue, I must smash the Yunjixue into ten thousand pieces!" Suddenly, an old man with white hair in the silent hall couldn't help roaring with a red face. With the old man's roar, the whole hall seemed to tremble with it.

"Oh... Who would have thought that the Taoist priest would have planted a traitor among the saints!" Another old man lowered his head and sighed heavily.

"Saints?" Jia Chen suddenly woke up, and it turned out that Yun Jixue's identity in Wujizong turned out to be a saint! And her real identity turned out to be a disciple of the Taoist sect!? For a moment, even Jia Chen couldn't believe that Yun Jixue was a disciple of the Taoist sect!

"Hey, it's just my fault that I was careless when I chose the saint, and I couldn't see through her true identity!" At this time, another old man who looked older and had a wrinkled face like a dead tree came out and sighed heavily.

As the old man came out, the high-ranking general appeared very respectful. When he came to the old man, he saw him and said, "Old leader, it's not your fault. At the beginning, the selection of the saints began to observe and selection at the age of three. Who would have thought that the three-year-old Yun Jixue was already a disciple of the Taoist sect."

The vicissitudes of life turned out to be the head of the old generation of Wuji Sect. Suddenly, Jia Chen was shocked. What a high age and strong strength he is!

The old man just waved his hand faintly and looked at Jia Chen with a pair of deep old eyes. "Let's discuss how to deal with this demon body first. Unexpectedly, our Wuji Sect not only produced a sacrificial traitor, but also an eternal demon body. What a great irony."

"Magic body!" Suddenly, everyone's attention turned to Jiachen again, feeling the powerful eyes that were enough to crush themselves into ashes. Jiachen's pressure suddenly doubled, and even breathing was so difficult.

"The head, the bloodline of the demon must not be left. If the bloodline of the demon is allowed to return, it must be a disaster for the world!" At this time, an old man came forward and said with a disgusted look. After saying that, he looked at Jia Chen coldly.

"You must know the history and harm of this heavenly demon bloodline. This is absolutely an unbearable existence. Since ancient times, it has been cultivated from a demon body without great success. The reason is the iron-blooded means of the inheritor of the heavenly demon bloodline. When you come to you, you must not be kind!" Venerable Song Ji also came forward and said sincerely to the general.

And he looked at the people who wanted to stop talking and waved his hand, "I know the origin history of the blood of the heavenly demon, needless to say, the blood of the heavenly demon, I just want to see how magical the legendary blood of the heavenly demon is."

Suddenly, I saw two fine light bursting out of the bright eyes and shot straight into Jiachen's body, but Jiachen could not resist it at all. Easily, everything about Jiachen was exposed to the sight of the general, as if he wanted to see through himself. That feeling made Jiachen cut like a knife!

After a while, he took his eyes back and nodded, "The bloodline of the demon is indeed not small. If it continues to develop in this way, it will indeed become a big problem for the whole star!"

"Sir, it's not a pity for this boy to die. He dares to practice the blood of the heavenly demons without permission. We Wuji Sect must not be soft!"

Suddenly, the sound of condemnation of the death of Jia Chen was remembered throughout the hall. Everyone looked at Jia Chen with a disgusted face, and the strong murder spread throughout the supreme hall. At this moment, Jia Chen was calm, calm and surprising, calm and chilling. He saw Jia Chen's eyes like a frozen lake. , cold and calm.

"What, magic body, do you have anything to say?" Jiang Ming saw the fierce anger from Jia Chen's unusually calm expression. He looked down at Jia Chen and asked.

Ga Chen looked at the crazy and almost distorted faces, looked directly at the head of the Wuji Sect, and said neither humble nor arrogantly, "It's useless for you to practice for so many years and talk about justice, but you tell me what justice is? Yunjixue is not the bloodline of the heavenly demon. Why did he betray the sacrificial Taoist sect? So many evil people are not the blood of heaven and demons, but why do they do evil everywhere? You monks who arrogantly and self-proported justice in the world are the biggest jokes. They are stubborn and pedantic. Although I am the blood of the devil, I have justice and principles in my heart. I have never killed anyone indiscriminately, even a creature, Jiachen, have a clear conscience against heaven and earth!"

The powerful and loud voice of the teenager echoed throughout the hall. The questioning hit the hearts of these old people like a bell. Suddenly, the whole hall was silent and no one said, as if he was shocked by Jia Chen's words.

"Unbridled, how can the Wuji Sect be pointed out by you, the evil boy? What is justice? I tell you that this is justice. The greatest justice is to subdue demons and eradicate disasters. You are full of nonsense and want to argue. The evil of the heavenly demon's blood is notorious. If you are not dealt with, I'm afraid it will be unreasonable!" Venerable Song Ji took a step forward, staring at Jia Chen with a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, and said oscillatingly.

"Haha, it's pedantic and nonsense. Justice is tainted by you self-proportant old men. You impose your will for the will of the world and regard what you think is good as the justice of the world. Why are you doing so? Although I, Jiachen, am small and have not been practicing for a long time, I have already recognized this dirty world of cultivation. The stars are bound to be corrupted in the hands of you pedantic old guys!" Jia Chen was already angry. Under the anger, Jia Chen had no more scruples. He pointed to the face of the Venerable Song Ji and shouted loudly. The loud voice made all the people present blush.

"You're killing me!" Song Ji, who was angry, shouted angrily. With an angry shout, the powerful spiritual power suddenly burst and hit Jia Chen's defenseless body again without warning. With a touch, Jia Chen, who was shaken, fell to the ground again and spit blood in a big mouth in confusion.

I didn't want Jia Chen to laugh angrily at this moment. No matter where his mouth was full of blood, he looked at Song Ji's old face and laughed, "The dog jumped over the wall, Song Ji, just depends on you to be the venerable? What an insult to the two words!"

When he heard that the Venerable Song Ji was ready to take action against Jia Chen, but he didn't want to be stopped by the general of the Wuji Sect. Ming, who was also extremely ugly, looked at Jia Chen coldly and said, "I can put you to death just by committing great rebellion!"

"Haha, let's be executed. I'm afraid you can't do it. Wujizong is really a joke, hahahaha..." Jia Chen's unbridled laughter is so harsh in this Wuji Hall. At this moment, Jia Chen, who is covered with blood, gives people a feeling that heaven and earth can no longer bind. That kind of free and unscruples is surprising to people.

"From now on, expulsion of Jiachen from the Wuji Sect, immediately executed, and edict the world tomorrow!" Finally, with the fall of the Ming sentence, the dust finally settled, and with the attack of two fine lights, two cold disciples of the Wujizong tied up Jiachen.

On the inner gate of the Wuji sect, on the huge Wuji Square, there are still traces of the fierce battle with the sacrificial sect that day, but at this moment, the huge square is densely packed with crowds. The elders, venerable people and disciples of the Wuji Sect all came, and hundreds of thousands of eyes were all focused on Jiachen in the center of the square. Jiachen, who was carved, was covered with blood and curled up in the center of the square.

Thousands of voices of discussion and cursing came to Jiachen's ears. Jiachen's lonely figure looked so pitiful on this infinite square, and the humiliation had already been branded on Jiachen's heart.

At this moment, the general is bathed in golden light. The eight-angled Linglong tower is emitting a faint light. It is held in the hands of the general. Unexpectedly, it is to suppress Jiachen directly with the eight-angled Linglong tower, so that its gods are destroyed and the soul is broken, which is not malicious!

"Sir, Xi'er, Master, I'm sorry..." At this moment, Jia Chen, who had been humiliated, no longer had an angry heart. Sir Mu Ming, Jia Chen's master Hongye Zhenren, and Xi'er's voice echoed in Jia Chen's mind. Even if he was helpless and unwilling, the fact reached this point, no matter how many times he said It's useless.

There is no greater sorrow than the death of his heart. Looking at the dazzling octagonal exquisite tower and the twisted faces one by one, Jia Chen opened his eyes angrily. He wanted to look at this evil world for the last time.

"Who dares to touch Jia Chen!" However, just as the Ming Dynasty was about to launch the Octagonal Linglong Tower, only an old voice spread in the sky, like Hong Zhong Dalu, which was shocking!

When everyone looked back, a figure had already appeared on the infinite square. An old man came. The old man was dressed in a black robe, with white hair and messy. In his deep eyes was a pair of dim yellow pupils and turbid eyes, and there were high cheekbones on both sides of his cheeks. Even the beard was so messy. The old man in black robe So quietly standing in the middle of the square, just like the ten-thousand-year dead tree, calm and calm!