di xin

Chapter 221 Conversation with Li Li

Jia Chen did not interrupt, but listened to the old man continue to talk. Until now, Jia Chen finally understood the reason why the Jiuli people migrated at all costs.

The Jiuli people have existed near the Yuanshi River since ancient times and have always been the people of the Yuanshi River. They guarded the Yuanshi River for generations until the Yuanshi River disappeared. The Jiuli people did not leave the Yuanshi River for half a step. They always regarded the Yuanshi River as the mother of the Jiuli people. With the decline of the Jiuli people, this history has become Few people know about the secrets of the Great Wild State.

And there are very few people who know that the Jiuli people have been there. The declining Jiuli people have been quietly guarding the ruins of the Yuanshi River. Until a few months ago, the news about the spirit of the address was born. The three words Yuanshi River suddenly became the hottest words in the wilderness, but now they want to find the Yuanshi River. The ruins have become very difficult. Most of the people who are looking for an address are rejected by this threshold, while a few forces who hold the secrets of the Great Wasteland have begun to look for the Jiuli people. They know that once they find the Jiuli people, they can find the long-lost Yuanshi River.

Of course, looking for the Jiuli people is only one of the primitive means to find it. Every powerful person has his own magical powers, and the great waste gate that holds the history of the Jiuli people has also begun to search for the Jiuli people.

As Jiachen saw, mortals or forces who hold information about the Yuanshi River were either cut down or disappeared in a short period of time. Some monks destroyed all the sources of the information after getting the clues they wanted, so that the latter could not follow their own traces to find the Yuanshi River. The Jiuli people are no exception. After the fission era, the biggest crisis of the Jiuli people has quietly come.

If the Jiuli people are really found by others, the end of the Jiuli people is absolutely conceivable. When those people get the information they want, the possibility that the Jiuli people will be destroyed is almost 100%.

All this is because Li Li Li of the Jiuli ethnic group has foresight. As early as the news of the spirit of the earth just appeared in the wilderness state and began to spread to the whole sky. That is, a few months ago, Li Li Li had already smelled the wind. Under Li's strong persuasion, the Jiuli people began to migrate and wander. Until now, the Jiuli people, who have traveled almost half of the wilderness state, have not found a place to settle down.

Li Li is a nobleman of the Jiuli people. If it hadn't been for the storage of a large amount of food and water resources stored in Li Li's storage bag, the Jiuli people might have died on the wandering journey. Jia Chen was deeply surprised by Li Li's ability. After the fission era, there were no monks in the Jiuli people. If Li Li It is a member of the Jiuli ethnic group, which is inevitably a little conflicted. If Li Li is not a member of the Jiuli ethnic group, who is he? Why is his surname also Li?

Speaking of Li Li's identity, the patriarch Li Wen didn't say a word, and Li Li never said anything about a person who could be respected as a gentleman. Jia Chen secretly observed and found that all the people of the Jiuli people seemed to have great respect for Li Li. That kind of respect is from the heart, and Li Li Li is obviously also in the Jiuli clan. It took a long time.

At night, a huge tent was temporarily set up in a hilly gull, where more than 50 Jiuli people were resting. After a day of tossing, the current Jiuli people are already physically and mentally, snoring one after another. In the tent, the crying children curled up in their mother's arms, and the woman holding the Jiuli clan snuggled tightly in her husband's arms. The Jiuli men were so leaning against the edge of the tent. It was really unimaginable that the big tribe of hundreds of thousands of people had now become so model. Like.

Outside the tent, there is a pile of bonfires that are no longer too vigorous a few meters in front of them, making a crackling sound from time to time. The firelight reflected the faces of Jia Chen and Li Li sitting in front of the bonfire. At this moment, both of them closed their lips tightly and did not speak, and their complex eyes submerged the dark night in the distance. Among them, the two seemed to be thinking about something.

Jiachen has been hesitating. He also came for the spirit and primitiveness of the earth. Originally, he had no clue, but now met the migrating Jiuli people. It should have been an opportunity given by fate to Jiachen, but Jiachen has never known how to speak. The reason for the Jiuli migration is because of the spirit of the earth, if in this ** When he asked the patriarch Li, Jia Chen was not sure that the Jiuli clan would tell himself that it would be even worse if it was self-defeating because of this.

Listening to the crackling sound, Jia Chen has been pondering. At present, the best choice for Jia Chen is to win the complete trust of the Jiuli people and help the Jiuli people find a new suitable home before he can open his mouth to the information he wants.

But if this is true, Jiachen doesn't know how long it will take. Time never waits for anyone. He can't guarantee that the spirit of the earth will be found before he gets the information. Each of the thirteen saints has his own magical power. What's more, Jiachen also wants to find Juyong and go to the Yuanshi River. The spirit of the earth is One of Jia Chen's purposes is to help the huge blood flow awaken, which is also one of Jia Chen's purposes. He has no more time to consume now.

"You also came to Dahuangzhou to look for the spirit of the Yuanshi River and the earth, right?" Suddenly, Li Li broke his silence, turned his head and looked at Jia Chen, asking in a very determined tone.

Jia Chen looked at Li Li and nodded helplessly. Li Li was thoughtful and it was not surprising that he could think of this.

"So how do you plan to get the news of Yuanshihe from the patriarch? Or have you already got the news of Yuanshihe? Li Li smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth and asked slowly.

"If I have news about Yuanshihe, will I still be here?" Jia Chen's tone was a little self-deprecating, "At the patriarch, I will win the trust of the patriarch as soon as possible. The spirit of the earth is indeed very important to me."

"Haha..." Li Li smiled and said, "The spirit of the earth is very important to everyone. It's a sacred object. Who doesn't want it? It's just that I don't understand that you snatched the spirit of the earth from many masters from the Thirteen Holy Lords alone?

Li Li's words made Jia Chen suddenly stunned and woke up Jia Chen. Jia Chen looked at himself. He was indeed single-handed and wanted to fight against the powerful saints and the sects behind them. Jia Chen smiled bitterly, "What about single-handedly? If it's really mine, it can't run away. What I need is to do my best.

"Ha ha... It's already very unexpected that the bloodline of the heavenly demon can grow to such a point in the cracks. You should know that you are the first real bloodline of the heavenly demon from ancient times to the present, Jiachen, it must be uncomfortable along the way."

"Do you feel bad?" Jiachen suddenly felt that these three words were a little sarcastic. If the hardships of this journey could really be summed up in the words "three uncomfortable", then Jiachen's road may not be so difficult. Since Jiachen's memory, the road he has taken has been completely different from other children.

There is no joy, no laughter, and no childhood. In Jia Chen's eyes, it is full of other people's misunderstandings and hatred of the blood of the heavenly demon. That kind of hatred for no reason is just because the high-sounding justice will suppress himself. Jia Chen doesn't remember how many nights he spent in worry, and the blood of the heavenly demon is still violent. Before Lu, he was afraid that his blood would be exposed and be chased and killed by the world.

Until after exposure, Jiachen turned around in several major states of Tianmangxing. Jiachen just wanted to walk the way he wanted to go quietly, but the reality will never be like this. Jia Chen, who grew up from battles again and again, was no longer the green teenager. He honed his principles and gradually knew Jia Chen in the blood. When I came to the essence of this world, I learned more about what the blood of the devil is.

The perception of this road is not what Jia Chen said. There are some things that need to be slowly understood, to grow and accumulate. Jia Chen knows very well that he is walking on an unprecedented road, stepping on thorns, and the bitterness of the way, especially the simple words "uncomfference" can be summarized?

"I'm surprised that you don't have any hostility to the blood of the demon." Jia Chen said for no reason.

"Ha ha, why should I be hostile?" Li Li smiled faintly and asked, "The existence must be reasonable. I haven't seen the evil of the blood of the demons mentioned by people. In my eyes, what I see is just a unique monk who has his own principles, carries his own mission, can be chivalrous and righteous, and has his own insincere words. Only That's all. If evil and justice are really so easy to distinguish, then the current world does not exist.

"Thank you for your understanding." An inexplicable emotion spread in Jiachen's body, and Jiachen's voice was a little hoarse.

On that side, Li's eyes are like a torch at this moment, and his eyes are like hope in the darkness. "The demon body, you have done a good job. Remember who you don't live for, let alone care about other people's opinions. There is nothing unsightly in the blood of the demon. Sooner or later, there will be the wind and waves to break through the clouds. One day, the demon body, I hope to see the day when you correct your name!"

"Thank you." Except for these three words, Jia Chen couldn't say anything else for a moment.

"Maybe I can help you find the spirit of the earth." After a moment of silence, Li Lijiong stared at Jia Chen.