di xin

Chapter 229 The Spirit of the Earth

From time to time, broken rocks fell in front of the three people of Jiachen. The battle was carried out here, and there was already a river of blood, killing sounds all over the field, the broken arms and limbs flew all over the sky, and blood became the most worthless running water, spilling from the air.

The killed corpses fell straight from the air, and even fell in front of Jiachen and others. The sacrificial sect and the monks have killed their eyes. This is destined to be a tragic battle. For people on both sides, it is immortal!

Ouyang Tuo and Yun Jixue still carry the heavenly weapon and sacrificial ruler, and those martyrs who followed Ouyang Tuo and the holy lords in the melee are obviously carefully selected. Each hand is a very high-quality magic weapon, that is, there are many imperial weapons.

The sacrificial sect is so carefully prepared, and the Holy Lord is also prepared. For them, they will not suffer a second loss after suffering a loss. At this moment, the Holy Lords are also the most powerful magic weapon. The heavenly weapon is not only owned by Ouyang Tuo, and the saints also hold the terrible power. Heavenly weapon.

Jiachen can't describe the thrill of this battle. So many imperial weapons appeared together, crazily releasing the power of destroying the world. The powerful and tyrannical spiritual power gathered from all directions and became a killing weapon.

As the battle progressed, those martyrs who were carefully selected and were responsible for besieging the saints began to gradually suffer casualties, and their continuous fall to reduce the power of the Taoist sect. However, people did not find that on that side, the twelve saints were by no means easy, and with the continuous consumption of spiritual power The drama, scars, also appeared on them.

Everyone knows that the key to this battle is the battle between the Twelve Holy Lords and the boutique martyrs led by Ouyang Tuo Yunjixue. Once one of them is defeated, then this battle can be regarded as a winner.

As a member of the Tianmanxing monks, in this case, there seems to be no reason for the three Jia Chen not to take action against the Taoist sect, but Jia Chen always knows what he is here for. In contrast, the three Jia Chen are the third-party entities here. Even if he helps the saints, but Jia Chen's final end They will definitely still be hunted down for disaster, and the same is true for the sacrificial Taoist sect. Their eyes can't tolerate anyone who is not from their own camp.

Therefore, Jiachen's strength is the weakest and most embarrassing party. In this battle, he has always had his own independent position. He can't rely on the power of any side. If he wants to seize the spirit of the earth, he must rely on his own strength to break through the siege and risk being hunted down by everyone. Danger.

The battle has entered the ** part, and the twelve saints have no reservation. The unique bloodlines show their magical powers, showing the power of the bloodline inherited from ancient times. It is with this superior bloodline, this unique and unique combat power that they are able to kill a famous martyr, far beyond themselves. The number of elite groups of the Taoist sect is deadlocked.

The twelve saints formed an unbreakable front and protected the spirit of the earth behind them. Song Pin, the saint of the beast master, actually condensed a lifelike ancient golden dragon with spiritual power. Where the roaring golden dragon passed, the ashes disappeared and shook the mountains and rivers.

And the owner of the bloodline of the War Emperor and the owner of the bloodline of the Emperor, who is also famous for his attacks, are extremely majestic and roaring with guns and halberd. In this tragic battlefield, he is like a tiger entering no man's realm, fighting fiercely.

The sea of Cangyuezong is the bloodline of the moon god. He and the vastness of the Star Religion are like the real sun, moon and stars. With the power of the stars and the sun and the moon, he killed the world and made great achievements.

The one that made Jiachen pay the most attention to the attention of the twelve saints is Han Yuzhou, the saint of Guanghan Prefecture. The fighting style of Han Yuzhou made Jia Chen ring a winding Taoist, which is also a quaint seven-stringed organ. The colorful spiritual power visible to the naked eye was pop up from the fingers of Han Mizhou's slender fingers, forming a beautiful rhyme. The law is a murderous thing. Where the rhythm passes, it can cut all obstacles, blow hair and break hair, and kill many martyrs!

This is destined to be a lasting battle, and what they need is to wait patiently and wait for the best time to appear.

Time passed bit by bit, and I don't know how long it took. It seemed that they had been numb to the sound of killing. With the constantly shaking ground habits, Jia Chen and others suddenly woke up, and the ** of the battle gradually cooled down. Jia Chen can be sure that the time is definitely a long, long wait and The dormant also made the three of Jiachen finally see a glimmering hope.

Gradually, the sound of fighting and collision is weakening little by little, and it is no longer so dense, and the tyrannical and crazy aura in the air is not as fierce as before. It seems that everything begins to cool down little by little, as if the rolling boiling water has lost heat and gradually cooled down.

The atmosphere of Xiao's killing began to spread throughout the underground space, and a strong smell of blood came to his face. On the ground in front of Jia Chen and others, the red blood flowed freely and condensed little by little. Jia Chen even saw a pair of wide eyes and lax pupils, which also indicates that this The battle finally came to an end.

In the sky, the dense monks have disappeared. At this moment, they are still insisting on fighting. There are 20 or 30 people left. They look tired, their bodies are scarred and embarrassed, and their spiritual power is empty. Even the magic weapon driven by them seems to be a little shaky and weak at this moment. By now, they don't even have the strength to roar.

The situation of the sacrificial sect is also not much better. From the dense and black army at the beginning to now, it is only a lonely figure. To a certain extent, the loss of the sacrificial sect is much more serious than that of these monks.

Until now, the focus of the battle is still the battle between the saints and Ouyang Tuo.

When the battle went on, even the strength of the Holy Lord began to be overwhelmed. The speed of their bodies slowed down significantly, and the power of the attack gradually decreased. Before, they had already lost their original momentum. Their bodies were shocking scars, but the momentum was sluggish at this moment. Their faces had already been covered with sweat and blood, and several of the saints were even seriously injured. If they hadn't had a superhuman strong will, they might have fallen down.

On the other side, the situation is basically the same. Dozens of powerful martyrs now only have six people at the end of the crossbow. Their situation is not much better than that of the saints, or even worse, but with Ouyang Tuo Yunjixue, the overall strength is still comparable. Not much worse.

Up to now, this battle has been more transformed into a competition of perseverance and willpower. Only when the last person standing there will be the final winner. Undoubtedly, these twelve saints want to be the one who persists to the end.

"Go!" Huangtian lived up to his intentions. After a long wait, Jia Chen and others finally ushered in the best opportunity. Seeing that the battle had entered a trough, the people and horses on both sides were already exhausted. Jia Chen made a color to the giants around him. The three of them took advantage of the darkness and went extremely hidden in the ground to hide their breath and tried not to let People notice them.

The people in the fierce battle were exhausted. They did not find that the three of them were getting closer to the peak where the spirit of the earth was located in the darkness under their feet.

Breathing, even his own heartbeat could be heard. Jia Chen raised his head, and the spirit of the earth was above his head. The bright light hooked everyone's heartstrings. Now it has reached a crucial moment for Jia Chen and others.

Juyong has been temporarily taken into Tongtianbao Hu by Jiachen. Because of the strength problem, Juyong's speed will not be able to keep up with Jiachen. He secretly looked at Li Li, and the already boiling spiritual power in his body suddenly broke out. He only heard the sound of breaking through the sky cut through the darkness, as if a rapid whistling pierced the void, but With a flash in front of their eyes, their figures disappeared.

The spirit of the earth is in front of you, and the distance between them is just instantaneous. Listening to the roaring wind in his ears, there is nothing else in Jiachen's heart, and there is only the shining spirit of the earth in his eyes. This is the victory or defeat. This is the fastest in Jiachen's history.

But at the moment of Jiachen's abnormal movement, they always paid attention to the saints around the essence of the earth and found their abnormal movements, but when they tried their best to get rid of Ouyang Tuo's entanglement and prepared to protect the spirit of the earth, they were still a point late.

It's like a momentary movement. Suddenly, two fast dark shadows appeared in front of the spirit of the earth. The two shadows did not pause at all. After taking away the spirit of the earth, they flew to the sky. All this seemed to be done in one go. From the departure to the spirit of the earth was just a blink of an eye, but it was called ten The faces of the two saints changed dramatically.

"Who!" The angry roar spread throughout the space. The saints did not expect that there would really be such a bold person who dared to fight against the twelve sects and secretly seize the spirit of the earth. They were a little too confident in their sects.

"Mad, it's the boy of the demon Jiachen! Chasing!" Guan Zheng and Kuzhen, who hated Jia Chen to the bone, recognized Jia Chen's appearance at a glance. They gritted their teeth one by one and their eyes were angry. At this moment, they seemed to forget the scars and fatigue on their bodies. They suddenly gritted their teeth and chased their bodies first.

The sudden upheaval made everyone be stared. Paul Ouyang Tuo and others couldn't help but stop the attack in their hands. After a moment, almost everyone reached an agreement. They saw the stream of light passing by the sky, and everyone chased after Jia Chen and others. At this moment, Jiachen became their Public enemy.

"Mad, I'm working hard here. I can't take this boy cheaply. Brothers chase him, and you must kill that damn demon!" This sentence is the voice of almost everyone.

No one wants to see what he desperately strives to be robbed by others at the last moment. The sudden appearance of Jiachen is like gunpowder in people's hearts, inspiring everyone's inner anger. From this moment on, the fierce battle has turned into a fierce chase.