di xin

Chapter 248 After Fission, there is no Great Sage

"Are you really Xi'er?" Jiachen still couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He walked slowly to the girl and raised his hand for a moment, but he didn't know where to put it.

"Fool..." It was still the voice like a stream silver bell, flowing into Jia Chen's heart. The familiar word "fool" stirred up thousands of waves in Jia Chen's heart. At this moment, he was finally convinced that he had found Xi'er.

Jiachen's mood at this moment is indescribable. The uncontrollable excitement made Jiachen suddenly hug the beautiful woman in front of him, feel the warm fragrance and smell the unique fragrance in his hair. At this moment, the world has been forgotten by Jiachen. He has repeatedly fantasized about what Xi'er's face is like. But until today, until he really saw Xi'er's face, Jia Chen found how ridiculous his imagination was. This is the real Xi'er!

Xi'er's little hand grasped Jia Chen's back tightly, and her pretty face was already full of tears. Her big smart eyes were full of crystal at this moment, and her small Qiong's nose was slightly **, but it looked even more touching.

"Moon heart!" Li Li's untimely voice suddenly interrupted their intoxication. Suddenly, they were awakened by Li Li's voice. Then they awkwardly let go of Xi'er and turned around. Li Li, who was also excited, had stood beside Jia Chen.

"Brother Dali, I didn't expect Jia Chen to find you." Xi'er saw Li Li standing next to Jia Chen and shouted with surprise. The relationship between their four sacred objects is like brothers and sisters. At this moment, how can the brother and sister meet again?

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's leave here quickly and talk about other things later." Li Li still maintained his rare reason. After Li Li nodded to Xi'er, he looked at Jia Chen and said.

Looking at the four thick chains tied to Si'er, I couldn't help but feel angry. The chain that could trap Xi'er was not an ordinary chain, but something similar to the binding rope, but this thing was obviously much better than the binding rope.

The binding rope is powerful in the spiritual power that can bind the human body, but its defense and robustness are very ordinary. Jiachen's palm is like a knife. With four vague phantoms flashing in front of his eyes, the four chains were directly cut off by Jiachen.

"Let's go!" Jia Chen also knew that this place should not stay for a long time, and he could not live up to everything the World Emperor had done for himself. What he could do now was to leave here as soon as possible and let himself survive.

Xi'er and Li Li disappeared into Jiachen's body at the same time. At this moment, Jiachen suddenly felt a full feeling in his body. The feeling of emptiness that always accompanied him disappeared, just like a prodigal son who had been running around for many years and finally found his own post station. That down-to-earth feeling made it difficult for Jiachen The feeling of metaphor.

When Jia Chen appeared at the mouth of the cave again, Yun Jixue's figure had disappeared. It seemed that the cold dark fragrance remained on the land. A trace of complex emotion flashed in his eyes and looked deeply again. Then Jia Chen turned around and left resolutely.

"Big Waste Gate, one day, I will come back!" Jia Chen swore secretly in his heart.

The battle over there seems to have entered **. Looking up at the whole sky, the thick clouds, the fiercely trembling earth and the huge winds that spread to the end tell the thrill of the battle. Although it has been far away from the wilderness gate, it has affected it from time to time. The huge energy fluctuation still moved Jiachen. While marveling at the strength of the Great Sage, he was also marveling at the strength of Gaju. Although he only had the power of one thousandth of the Great Sage, the power of a thousandth of the power could not be easily resisted.

The split of the Great Sage of World appeared in the Great Wasteland Gate. Jiachen escaped from death under the hands of Ga Qiu. What happened on that day shook the whole sky several times. No one thought of the real life of Jia Chen. It turned out that the bloodline of that day was the son of Ganantian, the son of the Great Wilderness, and it sounded that Ganantian was killed by Jia. Qiu was unjustly killed in thousands of people, and many people sighed even more.

However, what shocked people more was that the split of the Great Sage appeared in the Great Wilderness Gate. The Great Sage, who had disappeared for tens of thousands of years, still had his own divine consciousness in the world. The originally low-glow star suddenly boosted morale because of the appearance of the Great Sage of the World. The divine consciousness of the Great Sage of the World undoubtedly made them black I saw the light secretly.

The battle that day was thrilling and shocked the whole sky. On that day, all the monks looked solemnly. They looked at the north, looked at the cloudy sky in the north, and felt the power of the former Great Sage, all of which were impressed.

The young generation of Tianma Star cheered because of the manifestation of the Great Sage, but more old people frowned deeply. The appearance of the Great Sage of the World is certainly a good thing, but it is precisely because of the appearance of the Great Sage that the Sky Star really saw the strength of the sacrificial sect. At this moment, they Is it real, a sense of apocalyptic crisis!

What kind of strength is it to be able to compete with the power of the Great Sage and compete with the divine consciousness of the Great Sage? This is not only the credit of Ga Qiu alone, but also the credit of the whole peak masters of the Taoist sect. So many peak masters have emerged at the same time, which can't help but make the other twelve sects deeply worried about this. If the great sacred spirit really disappears, they can rely on their current strength to compete with so many Taoist sects. A saint-level master?

Thinking of this, the peak of the twelve sects was a cold sweat. They used to be proud of. At this moment, they were suppressed by an evil sacrificial sect. Seeing the heritage of the sacrificial sect, they knew that in front of the sacrificial sect, any isolated sect was like this. It's ridiculous.

In the battle of the wilderness gate, on the day when the great saint was fighting alone, from noon to midnight, the vast sky was always full of wind and clouds. The magic and aura fought against each other, covering the sky and the sun, and even the monks thousands of miles away smelled the miserable smell of blood in the air until Late at night, the sky over the Great Wasteland has been soaked in gorgeous blood!

With the arrival of dawn, the battle has finally entered the final stage. The tragedy of the whole wilderness gate is shocking, and the blood flowing into a river can no longer describe the misery of the day. For Gajo, this is a clumsy war of attrition. However, it is precisely this clumsy war of attrition and the huge number of sacrificial sects. Big peak masters, they abruptly consumed the great holy knowledge!

One-thousandth of the Great Holy Spirit! When the dawn cut through the night, when the blood red of the sky finally faded, the wilderness that had been fighting for a whole day seemed to be calm, and the silent howls filled the sky. The monks thousands of miles away were all moved. On their faces, there were frustration, disappointment, decadence and lamentation!

The appearance and disappearance of the Great Holy Spirit is so short that it is too short for people to even recall. This station is severely damaged, but they are the last winners. Now they can even defeat the Great Holy Spirit, so where in the world can't go?

After the excitement, it was a bigger blow. A sense of doomsday despair began to spread quietly between the twelve states. The old leaders of the twelve states were silent. At this moment, their eyes were still dull, staring at the silent sky in the north, still echoing in their blank minds. The last sentence in the world before the disappearance of the Great Holy Spirit.

"After fission, there is no more sage!"

The roar of this life spread all over the sky. All the creatures of the sky clearly heard these eight heavy words, but their faces were puzzled and puzzled. Why did the world saint leave these eight words?

There is another question, but only a few people have noticed why the Great Sage of the World appeared when Jiachen was on the verge of extinction. Did he make a special trip to save Jiachen? Or is it just a simple coincidence? What is the origin of the blood of the devil? Perhaps only a few people can think of all this.

In any case, the phrase "after fission, there will be no great saint" has been deeply engraved in people's hearts.