di xin

Chapter 259 Tunnel and Basilica

When he first entered the ancient holy capital, Jiachen was shocked by the strong aura around him. In the ancient holy capital, the surrounding aura will involuntarily penetrate into the body, and a warm heat flow wraps the body. This seems to be a place that can purify people's hearts. In addition to being quiet, it is still quiet.

"Is the spring of heaven, which is the first of the four sacred things, really here?" With a worried mood, Jia Chen and Xi'er walked into the eternal holy capital. There was nothing special about the empty floor of the hall. The faint milky light covered the hall with a mysterious color, which made people have to be careful for fear of any changes.

A thick cloud covers the ground under your feet, making people unable to see what kind of material the floor is. Every time they get up, they can't help but feel a little nervous, afraid that this foot will be empty and encounter unknown danger.

Holding Xi'er's little hand tightly, the two walked to the front of the first floor hall, where there was a milky white transmission array with more than one person height. Presumably this should be the transmission array leading to the second floor.

The scenery of the second-story hall began to change gradually. There are four lifelike sculptures standing in the four corners of the hall. There are many legendary four sacred beasts, Xuanwu rosefinch, green dragon and white tiger. Although the sculpture is dead, Jiachen feels an inexplicable power from these four sculptures, especially the exuding With the faint and shining eyes, people dare not look directly at it.

As the two kept going up, Jia Chen's greatest feeling was that the aura around the hall was gradually becoming stronger. Until the seventh floor, the nihilistic aura even had a tendency to materialize. The excessively strong aura made people feel a little suffocating. Here, Jiachen had to use himself. The spiritual power to resist this crazy aura from the outside world, otherwise he is very likely to die by the explosion.

The white thick fog is also getting thicker and thicker with the deepening of Jiachen and others. In the seven-story hall, looking around, the cloudy world gives people an illusion of being in a fairyland, but the eternal holy capital is too quiet and quiet makes people feel extremely uneasy. Such a mysterious atmosphere made Jiachen's nerves always tight and did not dare to relax at all.

On the eighth floor, the almost crazy aura makes people difficult to walk. A protective cover like an egg has been formed around Jiachen and Xi'er. Despite this, Jiachen is already sweating profusely. Every step forward is so difficult, the steel teeth are bursting all over the body, and the desperate suffocation is like a tower. Edashan was pressed on Jiachen's back, which made people breathless.

However, Xi'er was not so difficult at all, as if nothing had happened. Xi'er did not feel the pressure felt by Jia Chen at all. This is because Xi'er is the same four sacred objects. As spiritual gods, they will not be suppressed by holy power.

The eight-story transmission array to the ninth floor is in front of you. The distance between the two empty halls is only 20 meters. However, these 20 meters are like the ends of the earth in Jiachen's eyes. At this moment, Jiachen can no longer stand up straight, his body, and his chest is gasping like a bellows. Xi'er can clearly Seeing the violent beating blue veins in Jiachen's temple, she had nothing to do about all this.

Every step is so long that the pressure around every minute is soaring in a geometric multiple. The feeling of squeezing from all directions makes Jiachen have the illusion that he is about to be squeezed into a meat pie.

"Drink!" Another small step, Jia Chen couldn't help shouting angrily, allowing big drops of sweat to slip down his cheeks and soaked his clothes. His wide eyes seemed to crack the next moment. His scarlet eyes stared at the transmission array less than ten meters away from him, but Jia Chen was already dizzy and his whole body was about to be squeezed.

Breathing violently, Jia Chen shook his head violently, and countless crystal sweat flew down, but magically disappeared in mid-air. In desperation, Jia Chen suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and with the fishy and salty taste permeated his mouth, Jia Chen's spirit was revitalized again.

Another step, but it has made Jiachen reach the limit. Xi'er looked at Jia Chen's exposed skin in horror, and the pores that were about to burst began to drip blood in the depths. When Jia Chen took a heavy step again, his whole body had become a bloody man.

Jia Chen also noticed the situation on his body. Looking at the blood flowing on his body, Jia Chen knew that if he continued to advance, it was likely to explode and die, so he stood still. After a moment of slight adjustment, Jia Chen finally took out his killer mace!

There are still more than eight meters away, and the inorganic field was finally opened. Suddenly, the mountain-like aura squeezed around Jiachen was disturbed. This moment of disorder gave Jiachen a short respite time. With the opening of the inorganic field, the pressure around Jiachen suddenly weakened a lot.

The magnificent spiritual power in the body is as continuous as the river and sea, and the surrounding robes are hunted by spiritual hunting. At this moment, Jia Chen is surrounded by black air, almost walking on the steel wire on the cliff. When Jia Chen walked the last eight meters with a long blood stain, the whole person finally collapsed into the transmission. Before the battle, he was unconscious.

With a flash of light, Jiachen and Xi'er disappeared into the eight-story hall, and the next floor is the ninth floor of the eternal holy capital!

The ninth floor of the eternal holy capital is completely different from the first eight floors. Now Jiachen and others are in a long bright tunnel. The wall of the tunnel is still accumulated from white jade, and the faint milky light has become the best light source at this moment. On the white wall, it is no longer empty. One thing, but full of all kinds of patterns.

The tunnel looks a little empty because it is very tall, and the mysterious and quiet atmosphere here has intensified. Fortunately, the aura on the ninth floor is not as fierce as before, but has a light feeling.

This sudden relaxation made Jiachen feel like he was in a fairyland. When he woke up, he found that the sweat and blood stains on his body had disappeared, and his whole body was new and clean. Only the warmth in the palm of his hand reminded Jia Chen. Jia Chen turned his head and the clever Xier was sitting beside him, revealing a Sweet smile.

The tunnel on the ninth floor seemed to be out of sight. Jia Chen took Xi'er's little hand. While watching the strokes on the wall, the two of them walked forward. They thought that there would be some peerless skills engraved on the wall, but after walking for a while, Jia Chen found that he was wrong.

The patterns depicted on the wall are all kinds of strange. There are rare beasts that Jia Chen has never heard of are lifelike, as well as thrilling and grand war scenes, as immortals and Taoist people, and already heroic young geniuses. Through Xi'er's words, What is depicted here seems to be some famous characters or monsters in ancient times.

The more he looked back, the more Jia Chen looked at it. He finally understood that the pictures on the wall suddenly turned out to be the real history of the Star. Looking around, the nine layers of the eternal holy capital are obviously historical books that record all the history of the Star!

Thinking of this, Jia Chen couldn't help pulling Xi'er's little hand and walking forward quickly. Finally, in the deeper part of the tunnel, Jia Chen saw what he wanted to see, which was the star in the fission era.

The record of the fission era is nearly 20 meters long. The lifelike battle scene makes people feel like a real heart, and the viciousness and power of the sacrificial sect at that time has also been most truly restored. Until here, Jiachen finally understood why the sacrificial sect has such a powerful power, because he saw Two figures have been murals throughout the fission era.

A man was dressed in a black robe and was full of magic. Although he only looked at the murals, he made Jia Chen shudder, as if he were in hell. The man's exquisite face revealed a smell of evil and unruly. His deep eyes were like an invincible black hole, and his eyes were surrounded by black air, just Looking at the eyes on the mural, Jia Chen had a coldness in the ice cellar.

Behind the man is hundreds of thousands of sacrificial troops. There is no doubt that this man should be the martyr emperor who shocked the world in those years, Xing Tian!

Another man's eyes like the sky exude unquestionable majesty and vastness, and his face lines seem to have been cut by a knife and axe. If Xing Tian is an arrogant and unruly martyr, then this person must be the great saint of the world!

Jiachen looked at the story in the mural intoxicatedly. The thrilling battle scene between the world saint and the martyred emperor Xing Tian seemed to be staged in front of her eyes, which made Jia Chen unable to extricate himself, but Xi'er was obviously not interested in these stories, because she had experienced all of them. At this moment, what she was most concerned about was The road ahead.

"Jachen, there is a change in the front." Suddenly, Xi'er's slightly surprised voice made Jia Chen return to reality from his hallucination. Sure enough, the mural on the wall was planted in the fission era. Looking forward, at the end of the tunnel, Jia Chen actually saw a faint blue light.

No longer hesitate, and the two walked to the front of the tunnel.

The light blue light became brighter as the two approached, and gradually became as bright as the sun. When Jia Chen reached the end of the tunnel, the light blue light devoured the whole tunnel and also devoured the figures of Jia Chen and Xi'er.

Originally, Jiachen thought that the end of the tunnel might be a transmission array, but at this moment, Jiachen found that he was wrong and connected to the end of the tunnel was a towering hall.

The blue light made people have to squint. When Jia Chen stepped into the hall, the tunnel behind them disappeared, and the hall in front of them suddenly appeared in front of them.

This is a dazzling world of brilliant glazes. The whole building is actually carved from brilliant blue crystals. The whole building is natural and there is no trace of links.

Stone pillars rise up like towering ancient wood and look up along the stone pillars. The vast blue sky looks like a dream, replacing the original roof. A heartfelt awe makes Jiachen have an impulse to bow down. The desolate and ancient breath of the whole hall makes people's blood even stop at this moment. The circulation is like traveling to tens of millions of years ago.

The whole bright glass hall is covered with a faint blue light. Jia Chen looked down at the ground and could even clearly see his appearance, as if walking on the lake like a mirror.

In the distance, in front of the hall, a strangely shaped blue translucent stone floats in the air. In the middle of the elliptical and slightly flat stone is a small energy whirlpool, and the hard stone is a **-like energy whirlpool, which looks very strange, but there is a dark momentum.

The small energy vortex flowed slowly, and the light blue light emitted from it, covering the whole hall with a light blue halo.

Slowly walked forward. Here, Jia Chen finally saw the breath of people for the first time, but what he saw was an ancient man who had died for tens of thousands of years.

In front of the first pillar, an old man with a childish hair with a fairy style bone crane hair and childlike face leaned against the pillar, and even his face still had some ruddy colors left. He sat here as if he was asleep, which was no different from his death, but in fact, the old man had been dead for tens of thousands of years.

On the second pillar, a beautiful woman in red clothes maintained the same posture, and there seemed to be a satisfied smile on her delicate face, which may be her last expression before her death.

Jiachen looked at the woman in a daze. No one wanted to believe that these people had died for tens of thousands of years and still maintained their previous appearance for tens of thousands of years. It seemed that they could wake up at any time. It seemed that they were just asleep. A body was lifelike and there was no sign of corruption. This was completely super Out of the cognitive category of Jiachen.

What puzzled Jia Chen was that the appearance of these people actually gave him a weak familiarity. That hazy familiarity could not make Jia Chen accurately remember who they were until Jia Chen walked to the eighth pillar and saw the eighth body.

"This!" Looking at the eighth corpse, Jia Chen and Xi'er looked at each other in condolence. The golden armor exuded a kind of arrogance of staring at the world, and the tall body was still unabated. Sitting there, it was like a towering mountain that would never fall! Looking at the familiar face, you can faintly see the scene of the man's reign, and you can faintly feel the atmosphere swinging between your fingers, and even a circle of cyan stubble on the man's chin. This extraordinary man is clearly the world saint who appeared on the mural before!

"Is it? Is it...?" Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed in Jia Chen's mind, and the thin layer of paper was broken in an instant. Jia Chen finally remembered, "These eight people are obviously the eight most important people who appeared on the mural before!"

Jia Chen was only a little familiar with the first few people, because the murals before the fission era were just looking at the flowers, but when he saw the body of the world saint, Jia Chen finally firmed his mind.

"Is it...?" Jia Chen looked at Xi'er beside him and seemed to be asking Xi'er for something.

"Yes, they are indeed the eight great saints in the history of the Star!"

Suddenly, an old and deep voice suddenly echoed in this empty hall. Jia Chen and Xi'er looked directly in front of the hall at the same time, which was the source of the sound.

In silence, a faint figure appeared in front of the hall. His rickety body was like an ordinary old man without any momentum. He was dressed in a black robe and his white hair was messy and scattered. This was just a back, but this back made Jia Chenru hit hard, and his whole body fell into stagnation in an instant. Among them, the brain is blank!