di xin

Chapter 263 Despair and Hope

When the Taoist in Qingyi died, despair began to cover the sky above the sky star monks. The rapidly deteriorating situation brought amazing casualties. The dead monks fell from the sky like dumplings, stacking layers of corpses.

"Hahahaha, I see who else can stop me from sacrificing Taoism!" The so-called defeat was like a mountain. With the death of the two thousand-year-old monks around the Liang in Qingyi, the remaining Longyin real people could no longer resist the irresistible power of Gaju. With the laughter that shook the sky, Wujie Zhenren had exploded into a pile of broken meat and frustrated his bones in order to scream before he had time to scream!

"No introduction!" Another thousand-year-old monk died in battle. Longyin Zhenzhen began to doubt whether the war was the right choice. From dawn to sunset, the number of Tianmangxing monks had been sharply reduced by less than half. In contrast, although their casualties were not a small number, under the leadership of Ga Qiu, they gradually occupied Absolute upper hand, suppressing the sky and star monks.

"Are you naive to die from the sky!" Two rows of turbid tears slipped from Longyin's wrinkled cheeks. At this moment, it is meaningless to fight again, but if you don't work hard, you will still die!

"Go to hell!" The purpose of Gajo's attack is very clear. What he refers to is the key figures who play a leading role in the head of the Heavenly Star. As long as these people are killed one by one, the Sky Star must be sacrificed to the Taoist sect.

The big wasteland of the sea swallowed. Every time it was suppressed, hundreds of monks were pressed into meat cakes. On the other side, the sky bow was cracked and the lives of the masters were harvested crazily. They desperately looked at the arrow that broke the sky, but they could not rise any desire to resist. The power of the martyrdom of the emperor was really too much.

After all, the number can't make up for the quality gap. Gajo, like a demon, occupies a dominant position on the whole battlefield. In a blink of an eye, there are only four thousand monks left, and they are still in a mess and have almost no fighting power.

And the successive dead monks gave the martyrs of the Taoist priest a great opportunity. Under the opening of the road, they were like tigers into the sheep, slaughtering the living forces of the stars.

Unconsciously, it is already sunset, but the golden sunset in the sky now emits a miserable light, as if it is wrapped in a layer of enchanting blood. Will this final battle become the final song of the sky?

From the beginning of the battle to now, the momentum of Tianmanxing has been decadent and sluggish, and the shocking roar has long seemed powerless to moan. From the war to a unilateral massacre, all of this is only because of Ga Qiu alone!

Although Juyong, who has the blood of the Guli clan, showed a strong fighting power, he desperately found that from beginning to end, the martyrdom around him not only did not decrease, but killed more and more. A weak and tired emotion rose to the heart of Juyong. Although he was still roaring, he was already a strong crossbow. At the end, the blood all over his body was soaked in his clothes, and Juyong didn't know how long he could hold on.

Above the sky, it was originally a black fog and brilliant spiritual power, but at this moment, it showed a one-sided situation. The thick black fog opened its teeth and claws, and gradually wrapped the brilliant spiritual power invisibly. Until now, less than half of the Tianman star monks have not found that they have been dead. Surrounded, their battle circle is shrinking amazingly.

Martyror Gajo always paid attention to the situation of the whole battlefield. At this moment, when he saw the sacrificial sect that had formed an encirclement circle and looked at the elite star surrounded by it like a trapped beast, a cruel smile finally appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"It's over, Skystar! From now on, I, Jia Qiu, will be the only master of the sky and the Taoist sect, who will rule the whole sky and star!" The crazy light burst out of Ga Qiu's narrow eyes, and the twisted face made Ga Qiu look so horrible. Finally, Ga Qiu was really going to take action.

The thick black fog overflowed crazily from Ga Qiu's body. The black robe hunted in the sky, and a gust of wind roared in an instant. It was originally the sunset, but at this moment it looked extremely dark. Ga Qiu, standing above tens of thousands of people, suddenly raised his right hand.

At this moment, the shocking fighting and shouts of the whole battlefield stopped abruptly. The monks in the battle couldn't help but stop, and a kind of suffocating heavy and warning floated to everyone's hearts. The dull breath confused the qi and blood in people's bodies. It was just a prelude, but there were already many slightly lower cultivations. The scholar couldn't resist, and the red blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

People raised their heads confusedly and looked at the sky above their heads. The crazy rolling clouds were like boiling lava, and the brutal wind hit everyone's cheeks between the roars. At this moment, the monks of the stars suddenly had a strange feeling, as if they were locked in a closed secret room, as if their whole bodies were exposed. In the light of day, under the rolling clouds, they were no longer covered.

"Look! That's..." When the crazy cloud finally stopped, Jia Qiu's attack had also taken shape. It was a big hand covering the sky, with a big black hand surrounded by clouds and fog, and every finger was like the towering mountains stretching for thousands of miles. At this moment, people's foreheads were no longer the sky. Looking around, everything they saw was covered by Gaju. Covered by big hands!

"That's it!" Panic and despair finally broke out in the crowd. Some people wanted to escape, but they were shocked to find that they could not move under the cover of this big hand. The feeling of suffocation made people blush and shudder all over. The black big hand was the end of all hope!

At this moment, Gajo looked at the ant-like monk under his feet without mercy, and the evil at the corners of his mouth turned into ferocious. Finally, Gajo's big hand began to slowly press down.



The helpless monks can only raise their heads, and their wide eyes are almost protruding. There is deep despair in their eyes. At this moment, many people have closed their eyes, and the tears left behind tell their fate. Death has inevitably come.

"Puff, poo!" When the big hand was still suppressed, some monks died directly because of the strong pressure. Is this the martyrdom? Until today, they have really seen the real strength of this level.

"Don't give up, don't give up!" Ju Yong looked at the desperate people and roared crazily. At this moment, although some masters are still struggling and resisting, trying to slow down the speed of the big hand, it can be clearly seen from Long Yin's real face that death is a matter of time.

The dense explosion reminds people that their lives are constantly dying, and the exhausted giant Yong can no longer roar. People who are still persisting look at the approaching big hand above their heads. The two have gathered for less than 100 meters!

"Hahaha...hahaha..." The arrogant laughter made Jia Qiu's long face even more ugly. Seeing that his massacre was about to be completed, the next moment, Jia Qiu's laughter stopped abruptly!

"What!" Jia Qiu was the first to turn around and look at the barrier of the colorful nine-step ladder not far behind him. A bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart, and Long Yinzhen seemed to feel a subtle thing. Looking around, in the dark cloudy sky, there was a little golden light!


At the moment when people found the golden light, the golden light like a sesame laughter suddenly raged in the black clouds at a violent speed. It was just between the lightning and flithic. The bright golden light occupied half of the sky, and the strange and heavy air seemed to be brewing an amazing explosion. Ga Qiu stared at the sky in a daze. Jin Guang, the muscles on his face twitched for no reason.

In an instant, the heavy atmosphere between heaven and earth suddenly boiled, like a sledgehammer pounding heavily in people's hearts. In the nine steps of the sky, a colorful pillar of light rose to the sky. At this moment, the sky and earth disappeared, and the wind surged!

"Oh..." A distant roar was like Hong Zhong Dalu, which echoed between heaven and earth for a long time. In the pillar of light, people seemed to see a familiar figure, an unyielding teenager, who seemed to split the world!

The colorful column of light pushed back the thick black fog of Gaju in an instant, stunned the sky and star monks did not find it. The big hand that symbolized death had quietly faded, and their surroundings were also covered with a faint light.

"That's..." Finally, tears filled their eyes, and finally, they saw hope in a desperate situation.