Eastern Continent

Chapter 7

The boxing wind blows the pine leaves and kicks the clouds to cover the hills.

Blue sky and white clouds, beautiful wind and sun, under the shade of trees, green grass and oil.

"Hey, hey..."

This is a small mountain bag near Montenegro. Montenegro stretches for a few miles. There are countless such mountain bags on the periphery of Montenegro. It can also be regarded as a large mountain anywhere on the mainland, but at the foot of Montenegro, it makes people feel that this is just a small mountain bag.

There are sparse forests on the mountain. Although it does not cover the sky and the sun like the thousand-year-old trees on the top of the mountain of Montenegro, the crown is also as big as a car cover, which can block the sun and make people sleep beautifully on the grass under the shade of cool trees.

However, at this time, what came out of the woods were the crackling of fists and feet, and the sound of exhalation when someone exerted their strength. It was Copper Head and Long Fei who were fighting happily.

They don't care about the moves taught by Long Huaijian or the moves they created by the enemy. Anyway, how they can block the opponent's attack and how they can hit the other party's moves.

Since following Long Huaijian to practice martial arts, these two people have become the best targets when practicing martial arts. Such a fight must be held once a day until they are exhausted. Obviously, the effect of exercising through two people is much better than that of exercising by yourself.

The acquired realm of martial arts must be promoted. Only by constantly accumulating liquid Hua, and liquid Hua can only be produced through continuous hard practice and continuous tempering the body.

In the two years of practicing martial arts with Long Huaijian, due to the special relationship between the two and Long Huaijian, one is a son and the other is the son of a good friend, both of them have been specially instructed by Long Huaijian. At present, both of them have crossed the realm of copper skin and have just entered the early realm of iron bones. At the age when the two are only 10 years old and 12 years old, this is already an amazing result, and Long Huaijian's other apprentices only entered the iron bone realm at least at the age of 20. In Feilongzhuang, the two are born martial arts geniuses.


A series of fights sounded, and the two fought more than a dozen times at the last interval of their hands and feet until they were out of breath and their hands and feet were sore. In this fight, the two are evenly divided, and no one can beat anyone else. The bronze head is tall, strong and powerful, and hits a thousand blows. Long Fei is as flexible as a fox, and his moves are erratic, often with the speed of a bronze head punch. He can make four or five punches, and the crackling sound is mostly the sound of Long Fei's fist rushing into the bronze head arm. In terms of martial arts, the two can be said to be half a catty, each with its own advantages.

"I'm exhausted!" The copper head sat on the grass, and his hands were still trembling slightly, gasping: "What liquid flower has spawned the acquired world, and hard work is born. It's not this kind of hard method. Do you think there is any easy way to practice in the world? If it goes on like this, you haven't learned martial arts, but you have to tire people to death.

"How to become a great hero without straining, not starving body and skin, and not painstaking efforts." Long Fei also sat down beside the copper head, but sat cross-legged, put his slightly trembling hands on his knees, looked at the bronze head with a smile and said, "Do you want to be a big hero?"

Copper head sneered and said disdainfully, "What's good about a great hero? That's hard work. My favorite thing is to be a free and rich martial arts master, so that no one dares to bully himself."

Long Fei laughed and said, "Me too. It's best to be free and unrestrained. We can be free in the world. I don't know when our martial arts will enter the innate realm. Let's go to the world to see what the whole continent looks like."

The copper head longed and said, "Yes! I want to, too! I often hear your father talk about how prosperous and wonderful it is outside, which makes me itchy. I have wanted to see it for a long time.

Long Fei sighed, "However, Dad said that we should concentrate on learning martial arts now. Martial arts are not innate, and we must not go out, otherwise we will lose our lives!"

"Alas!" Tongtou sighed and muttered, "When will we be promoted to the innate realm!" Such practice day and night is tiring. After a few years, it has only reached the realm of iron bones. I think it will take at least ten years to enter the congenital.

"You don't have to be so discouraged. At our current speed, maybe we can enter the innate realm in five or six years. Besides, we are still young. Isn't it better to go out until we are teenagers?" Long Fei comforted.

Copper nodded: "Yes, we are too young now. We don't know that the outside world is dangerous. Maybe we don't know if we have been cheated. Let's wait for a few more years!" Looking at Long Fei's hands, which were still shaking slightly, he said, "Look at the skin of your arms, which is bright and faintly bright. When you fight just now, you have felt that the bones are as hard as steel. You should be almost in the middle of iron bones, right?"

Long Fei nodded and looked at the copper head and said, "However, you are a little better than me. Your skin color is dark and bright, and your transportation capacity is as strong as iron. It must be that the liquid is full of bone marrow. The iron bone realm should have been in the middle of the middle of the world."

The copper head lay down on the grass and muttered, "There are iron bones in the middle of the period, and it's still early!" Even if you are tired to death several times, you still can't reach the middle stage of iron bones. At most, it's just the peak of the early stage. It's better to have a real dream than to daydream like this.

Long Fei also lay down beside the copper head and lay on the soft grass. After practicing hard, it is also a pleasant thing to rest on the soft grass. As if he had formed a habit, when Long Fei lay down, he took out the book "Secrets of the Sky" from his body and opened the second page at will.

"Big guy, do you think this book is really a lie?" Since Long Fei got The Secret of Heaven, he has almost developed a habit that as long as he is free, whether he is sitting or lying, he must hold this strange book in his hand, or flip it over at will, or stare at a certain point, or carefully study the pictures in the book. However, although he has studied for several months, he still has no clue.

In fact, this book is not thick. Except for the cover and bottom page, the content is only two pages. On the cover, the words "Secret of the Sky" seem to be embroidered with gold gauze, which is convex and shiny. Opening the first page, what came into my eyes were the three big words "Xu Tiangong" in a row, which was so dark that it was almost dripping juice. Under the three words of Tiangong, there are three lines of big characters side by side: "The way of heaven and earth is more than enough to make up for the deficiency. The way of heaven and earth, the strong exist, and the weak are eliminated. The way of heaven and earth, everything is a dog. These three lines of font are thick, and the dragon flying wind dances. It is written in a rare glowing ink. The whole page shines. Even in the night, as long as there is a little light, it is clearly visible, as if telling the world: whether it is a surplus or a strong victory or a weak, this is just one between heaven and earth. A game. Between heaven and earth, everything is like a ruminant dog. Only by jumping out of this game and jumping out of heaven and earth can we open another situation and stand proudly between heaven and earth, not among the five elements. Under the three lines of large characters, there are also a few lines with slightly smaller fonts, which are nothing more than introducing the types and cultivation methods of martial arts, which are similar to the general outline. Turning over the second page is a figure drawn with black ink, which occupies more than half of the page. There are two lines drawn with a red pen in the figure. One starts from the position of Dantian in the lower abdomen, through the lower abdomen, chest cavity, arms and neck diameter to the top of the head. The other one, starting from Dantian, goes downstream with life and death, lowering two feet, then up to the back, then the back, neck, and directly to the top of the head. The place where the two lines converge is the Baihui point above the head. Where the lines pass, there are a series of acupuncture points marked with thick dots. No need to guess, whoever sees it at a glance can know that this must be a martial arts secret book. These two red lines are the path of internal power in the body. Under the figure, there is a dense small word: "Taoist, the note of all things. Tao gives birth to one, two in one, two in three, and three in three. Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, and the momentum is to make peace. People's law, earth law and heaven, heaven's law, heaven's law and Taoism are natural". The fonts of these words are extremely small. On half of the pages, they are densely covered with these small words. You need to be very careful to see them clearly. These are some words like prefaces, introducing the general outline of the world's martial arts. The tone is extremely great, and there is no mention of martial arts at all. But the way of the world, as if some martial arts such as copper skin, iron bones, Xuanjin, spiritual veins, etc., are just like some children's players, which are not worth mentioning. He bragged a lot, and Long Fei just doubted whether it would break.

Speaking of the origin of this book, it is also a little dramatic.

At that time, Long Huaijian was still in the army.

After a war, a comrade-in-arms who had a close relationship with Long Huaijian fell down and became his most trusted person. Before his death, the comrade-in-arms gave a box to Long Huaijian for safekeeping and asked Long Huaijian to help pass it over to his descendants. He also said that what was hidden in this box was his heirloom. Long Huaijian was entrusted by people and tried his best to find loyalty for more than ten years. Whether he went to war in the army or after being discharged from the army, he did not forget it for a moment, but he has never been able to find the descendants of this comrade-in-arms. During this period, the box was in Long Huaijian's hand, and his comrades-in-arms also said that it was an heirloom, but Long Huaijian did not expect to open it and have a look. Until later, when he saw that there was no hope of finding his comrades-in-arms, Long Huaijian was also a little curious about what it was that made his comrades pay so much attention to it. He was so solemnly entrusted to himself, but he had no time to say the person he wanted to hand over and where he lived. Long Huaijian even had a ridiculous idea in his mind. Maybe this was used by his comrades-in-arms to tease himself before his death. He often teased others when he was in the army. Maybe this person set up a trap to revenge on himself.

After several considerations, Long Huaijian couldn't help opening the box. As soon as the box was opened, a golden book was lying quietly in the box. The four golden words "Secrets of the Sky" on the cover were so dazzling under the sunshine.

Although Long Huaijian felt a little sorry for his comrades-in-arms and fought several times in his heart, he finally felt guilty for his desire for martial arts. After meditating several times in his heart, he opened the book.

At this time, I was a little disappointed. It seemed that the four golden characters had a few momentum, but when I opened them, there were only two pages that were pitifully few. Whether it was text or pictures, they were clear at a glance. Although Long Huaijian is not very illiterate, he recognizes most of the words in the book. However, it is a little reluctant for Long Huaijian to fully understand the meaning of the book. According to the description of martial arts in the book, they are all profound and unpredictable skills that Long Huaijian has never seen and heard of. The Secret of the Sky seems to open a door to the top master for Long Huaijian, allowing him to see the other side of martial arts. At this time, Lao Long was even more like a treasure. He was overjoyed. He deeply pressed his guilt for his comrades-in-arms and practiced according to the book rudely.

This practice is more than ten years.

For more than ten years, from the previous Dalong, he has directly practiced into the current old dragon. From the absence of Long Fei to the birth of Long Fei, Long Huai was almost even eating, sleeping, and going to the hut was deeply fascinated by this book "Secrets of the Heaven", and even muttered in his sleep, which made Aunt Long almost think that the dragon Is there something wrong with Huaijian's spirit? However, even with such efforts, such a waste of sleeping and forgetting food still has achieved nothing. Not only can he practice martial arts, but also his original martial arts have been delayed, so that he is still wandering in the spiritual vein realm of the day after tomorrow, even if his body does not become younger, or aging year by year, wrinkles Year after year, his forehead has been full, his hair has gradually turned white, and even the birth of a child has been delayed, so that Lao Long is 50 or 60 years old this year. He has been known as Lao Long, but Long Fei is only ten years old.

In the meantime, Lao Long also thought that the method he practiced was wrong. He tried many methods that Long Huaijian knew or listened to others, and carefully pushed every word of the whole book from beginning to end. The only picture was also carefully studied, and he almost removed the picture, but still It's nothing. Even at the risk of leakage, he copied out the text of the whole book, walked dozens of miles, and asked others for advice in the nearest town to Longfeizhuang. No matter how he tossed around, he still got nothing in the end. Not only did his martial arts not make progress, but gradually retreated as he became older.

Lao Long became frustrated and threw this secret book into the fire in anger. But a more surprising phenomenon appeared. The book burned in the fire for a long time, and when it was taken out, everything was still new and intact.

The fire won't burn!

Although I don't know if this book is a martial arts secret book, just looking at this quality, it is definitely not ordinary. Later, Long Huaijian tried to put it into the water again, and the result was the same, and the water was impenetrable.

Water and fire are invulnerable!

At this time, Long Huaijian finally understood why his comrades-in-arms regarded this book as a heirloom. Such a strange book must have something hidden in it. Unfortunately, Long Huaijian could not understand it. Finally, Lao Long did not give up to toss the book for a long time, but no matter what he used, he could not learn anything like martial arts from the book. In frustration, Long Huaijian put the book back into the box and put it on the mat as a pillow. At the same time, he also understands why his comrade-in-arms died so quickly. If Lao Long got this book when he first went to the battlefield, it would be debatable whether he could come back from the battlefield safely.