Eastern Continent

Chapter 17 , defeat

Gao Kun rarely uses this move when fighting with others, just because those who have made moves with him are his own brothers. They are just competing, not desperate. This move was only used in the previous competition in Guhu Town. At that time, Gao Kun defeated a martial artist who was also in the early realm of iron bones in the early realm of iron bones. Most of the credit relied on this move.

As the right palm approached, the fast fist speed cut through the air, and there was a gentle roar, as if the wind was blowing out of the bellows.

Gao Kun's move changed slightly among the audience, including Long Huaijian. They all know that this move is actually one of Gao Kun's life-saving moves. This move is not easy to make. If you want to make this move, it also proves that the opponent's martial arts have reached a certain height in Gao Kun's eyes, forcing Gao Kun to quickly distinguish the winner by using this life-saving move.

While everyone applauds Gao Kun's move, they are also worried about Long Fei. Under such a momentum, even martial artists of the same level have to retreat. What's more, Long Fei, a martial artist who has been wandering in the early realm of iron bones for nearly a year, is definitely a broken skin fracture.

Long Fei can force Gao Kun to use this move. In everyone's eyes, the sense of mystery has improved. No one can imagine that Long Fei still has such strength without promotion in the past year.

However, the world is not always expected. Just in the eyes of everyone's worried, Long Fei's moving footsteps suddenly stopped, as if someone pulled him behind Long Fei's fast-moving body. He leaned back strangely above his shoulders, and at the same time his whole body shrank back, right His legs were quickly raised and took a big step towards the side. His hands were quickly raised until the height of his shoulders. Then, he closed his hands inward. After his hands were closed, they wanted to hold each other tightly, as if they were holding something in the middle of his hands, like a hammer rushing to the sky, quickly and accurately rushing to Gao Kun's bombarded right palm. Go.

"Dong!" A strange sound as if a heavy object fell into the water came. Gao Kun only felt that his palm seemed to hit a slippery round iron ball. His palm slipped and quickly slid to one side. Driven by this forward strike force, Gao Kun was unprepared and rushed to Long Fei's strange move. The past. Looking from afar, Gao Kun seemed to be a fire-fighting moth, rushing at Long Fei's hands, as if he must pounce on Long Fei's hands.

In contrast, Long Fei's spherical hands, after being hit by Gao Kun's palm, paused for a moment, and then roared at Gao Kun. Although the direction was slightly biased, they still aimed at Gao Kun's chest and abdomen.

Everyone just applaud Gao Kun, and their worries for Long Fei were not yet calm. At this time, they all turned into exclamation. No one expected that Long Fei's move was so powerful, as if waiting for Gao Kun to use a life-saving move.

Gao Kun's eyes condensed and looked at Long Fei's hands bombarded like a hammer. With his realm of vision, he could naturally see the power of Long Fei's hammer. This move was full of unprecedented vigorous and vigor. Even in the realm of Gao Kun, if he was bombarded, he might break the blood. Even the bones may be bombarded and broken.

In this move, Long Fei gathered the power of his whole body in one point, point to face, the attack was sharper than Gao Kun's move just now, and this move was synthesized into the front part of a ball with both hands, as if it could resolve all attacks, all of which came into contact with this pair. The attack of the hand will slide to the side. Just now, Gao Kun's powerful palm was led to the empty space on his side, which could not threaten Long Fei at all. This is no longer an ordinary martial arts move. This is a move that has reached the level of God. This is a move that can be challenged beyond the level, and can even hurt martial artists who are higher than two levels than Long Fei.

Before the move came, a magnificent momentum had quickly enveloped Gao Kun's body.

Gao Kun only felt that Long Fei's move was like a big iron cone, breaking his layers of protection and rushing straight to his chest and abdomen. That momentum was almost frightening, and that speed was almost blinking.

Understanding the power of this move, Gao Kun still dared to hesitate. His footsteps quickly frustrated, retreated sharply, and then jumped to the right. At the same time, in the middle of the two fought, he had been shrinking in the first half of his chest to defend half because he did not want to be told that he was a big bully for most of the time. His left hand suddenly stretched out at this time. , clenched his fingers into a fist and punched Long Fei, the sky hammer.

In order to resolve the strange trick of Long Fei, Gao Kun almost mobilized the strength of his whole body.


A muffled thunder came from the place where the two moves were fought, as if it were rolling thunder, and it spread all over the martial arts field in an instant, just like the sound of two iron bone martial artists fighting.

Gao Kun only felt a burst of pain in his left fist, as if the bone had broken, but then there was a burst of paralysis. His left hand was completely unconscious. A surge of force came, stepped back a few steps, and stopped at the edge of the circle.

In contrast, after this blow, his body seemed to have become a broken kite. He was bombarded and flew into the air, and turned over several somersaults. When he fell, he stepped back a few steps before stopping. At this time, he was already outside the circle. When he stood still, Long Fei's feet trembled slightly, his hands were folded around his waist, and a slight gasp came.

Although this move will force Gao Kun back, the remaining strength of Long Fei's whole body is concentrated in this move. After this move, Long Fei's whole body strength was also exhausted. Although Long Fei immediately ran Tiangong and ran for several consecutive weeks, his body was still empty, and his physical strength could not recover at all. It is thought that the physical exertion is so great that the narrative power has lost its function for a while. At this time, not to mention an iron-boned warrior, he is an ordinary person who does not learn martial arts, and can also defeat Long Fei.

At this time, not only Longding, Tongtou and Longhuaqiu's eyes were wide open, but also Long Huaijian and Tongkun also stood up from the chair and looked at the field.

Among them, everyone's mood is very different. Long Ding used to think that Long Fei didn't want to compete with him because his realm was higher than him, but now it seems that it is not the case at all. Long Huaqiu was secretly surprised. If he changed himself to Gao Kun, he might not be able to solve this move. The copper head gritted his teeth secretly. He was tired with Long Fei almost every day. He didn't know when he learned such a powerful move, and the boy never mentioned it to himself.

Tong Kun turned his head and looked at Long Huaijian, but saw that Long Huaijian also turned to look at him. The two looked at each other and understood what they meant in their hearts. If this move is taught to the four contestants selected this time, then Feilongzhuang may be able to compete in the Guhu Town Martial Arts Competition. Get a good ranking.

"What kind of move is this?"

At this time, not only Gao Kun has this question in his heart, but also the question of Long You Huaijian and others, that is, as long as the people on the sidelines know a little about martial arts, they all have this question in their hearts. However, of course, only Gao Kun opposite Long Fei was asked.

"Let the eldest brother laugh. This is what I came up with. I call it the Sky Hammer." Long Fei was a little shy.

If he hadn't seen that his move really forced Gao Kun away, Long Fei would have been a little embarrassed to say the name of this move. He was afraid that Long Huaijian would say that he was not doing his job. This move was that after Long Fei saw that Longding's bronze-headed martial arts improved faster than himself, and suddenly thought of whether he could use his moves to make up for his shortcomings in his realm. He had been thinking about it for more than half a year before he got this powerful move by chance.

This move is to concentrate all your strength on your hands, specialize in the enemy a little, and concentrate on the dispersion of others. As soon as this move comes out, it is full of a momentum that will not return, as if it will not stop until the goal is reached. Within the same realm, those who see it will temporarily avoid the edge.

But one disadvantage of this move is that it exerts too much force and can only be used at the beginning to get a miraculous effect. If it is used at the last moment, it will definitely lose strength. If this move can't hurt the enemy, the next battle will have to admit defeat.

If it is used at the beginning, it is undoubtedly a victory for those who are in the same realm, but for those who are higher than themselves, it is only effective. If a blow can't hurt the enemy and prepare the opponent, it will no longer receive the effect of strange soldiers.

"Gao Kun wins, Long Feifei defeats!" After the half-pillar incense, in the rare extreme silence, there was a slow voice like a sleepwalking sound. As soon as the sound fell, there was a thunderous applause around, both praise for the winners and encouragement for the losers.

Long Fei's face was not discouraged by failure, but bowed to the applause around him with a smile. Then, he walked out of the martial arts field.

At this time, the eyes of the whole audience were not looking at Gao Kun, the winner, but all facing Long Fei and following his back. The reasons were various.

All the warriors know the power of Long Fei's last move, which is a strange move that can be challenged beyond the level. Who has ever seen it? At this time, they are all salivated. The reason why people who do not practice martial arts look at Longfei is that they know that among the young generation of martial artists in Feilongzhuang, Gao Kun's martial arts are the most powerful, and Longfei dares to challenge him, which is both courage and self-confidence, which is worth following. Moreover, Long Fei and Gao Kun also have fists and feet. With more than 20 moves, these people who don't know martial arts are addicted to their eyes. How can they not appreciate Long Fei?

"Brother, when did Long Fei learn such a powerful move? Why have I never seen it? Did you ask him not to show it and make it amazing in the game?" Tong Kun turned around and looked at Long Huaijian with envy.

"I haven't seen this move either!" Long Huaijian frowned and said, "This boy has learned such a powerful move, but he doesn't say it to his father."

"You didn't teach it?" Tong Kun wondered

"Look at this move, holding each other with both hands, such as holding a ball, and the front end is like a ball, which can turn into all non-blade attacks. The arms are quickly hit out, and the whole body is concentrated on one point. It is extremely powerful, so that the general will come out. As long as it is still in the acquired realm, even if it is a high level, it can be defeated with one blow. Within the same realm, then Even more invincible. This is a sharp move that can be challenged beyond the realm!" Long Huaijian also looked at Long Fei with a suspicious eye and said, "I also want to say that I taught him, but if I could, would the two competitions in Guhu Town be the last few?"

"Is it created by Long Fei?" Tong Kun was surprised and said that they all knew that Long Fei had a great understanding of martial arts. Previously, he had split and combined moves and created some suitable moves when facing the enemy, but these moves were only available at that time. After this situation, or this kind of fighting scene, it was useless. But looking at this move, it is broad, profound and powerful. If you want to create this move, it is impossible to lack one of them without rich experience, profound martial arts level, high realm, and heavenly vertical talent. If Long Fei can create this move, it is not a genius, but a ghost body, which is almost the same, that is, taught by his predecessors.

Long Huaijian looked at this move and felt envious. If he learned this move, wouldn't there be no opponent in the acquired realm? If all the warriors of Feilongzhuang learn this trick, the four selected warriors in the iron bone realm can fight against the warriors in the Xuanjin realm!