Eastern Continent

Chapter 23, Long Huaijian teaches children

When Long Fei washed himself, washed his clothes, and returned to the village in dry clothes, Tie Lao's class had long been over, and the children had already dispersed. They all went to the martial arts practice field, leaving only an empty classroom.

Fortunately, Long Fei avoided the hospitality of fried meat with old bamboo shoots.

Long Fei stood in front of the class and thought of it for a while. He simply didn't even go to the martial arts field to avoid meeting Tongtou and Long Huaijian and asking questions again. Although they are now preparing for the competition in Guhu Town, the possibility of encountering it is not high, and they can't avoid it for a lifetime, but it is also pure in front of them first. OK. Besides, from the morning to now, no rice has fallen into his belly. Although he ate the inner elixir of a colorful king snake, he not only did not stand hunger, but also made Long Fei digest the food he ate yesterday. At this time, Long Fei had long been hungry.

Like a thief who stole from the village, Long Fei walked quickly and secretly to his home, choosing some tall trees or houses along the way to block his figure. He was not only afraid of Tie Lao to see it, but also afraid of Tong Kun and his son to see it, and even more afraid of his own old son to see it.

The facts are as Long Fei wished. This summer's noon is indeed not the time to wander around. Long Fei came along the way, and there was no one else except a few children, so he did not meet anyone he was afraid of.

Looking at the door of his home, Long Fei, who had always been timid all the way, finally put it back into his chest, pushed open the empty door and stepped in.

Suddenly, the relaxed expression on Long Fei's face seemed to be petrified. He was stunned in an instant and looked straight ahead. The expression on his face was first stunned, then helpless, and finally a bitter smile. In the main hall that can be seen from the gate, Long Huaijian sat on the chair with a big horse's golden knife, his face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes looked at Long Fei who came into the house like two sharp arrows.

Long Fei lowered his head and smiled bitterly. Unexpectedly, he avoided the copper head and others, but the old man he wanted to avoid most had already been waiting for him.

"Come here!" Long Huaijian's voice was gloomy, revealing a suppressed anger.

"Come here quickly. You've been there. I haven't seen anyone all morning. Your father has been waiting for you for a long time!" Aunt Long was also paying attention to the gate at any time. As soon as Long Fei entered the door, she saw Long Fei almost at the same time as Long Huaijian. At this time, she rushed out of the kitchen, took Long Fei's hand and walked to the main hall, and asked quickly at the same time.

Long Fei smiled bitterly and whispered, "I'm going to practice."

"Then tell your father quickly that you haven't seen anyone this morning and didn't go to class. Your father is going crazy." Aunt Long put her mouth to Long Fei's ear, whispered quickly, and pushed Long Fei into the main hall.

"Kneel down!" Long Huaijian looked at Long Fei, who came in with his head down. Before he asked, he let Long Fei kneel down in a low voice.

Long Fei did not hesitate at all. As soon as Long Huaijian's voice fell, he immediately knelt on it and lowered his head.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Long Huaijian's voice was slow.

"I know! I didn't listen to Mr. Tie's lecture!" Long Fei lowered his head.

"Why don't you go?" Long Huaijian said in a low voice.

"I'm going to practice." Long Fei's voice is even lower. He knows that although Long Huaijian has no problem with his practice and will urge him to practice, he also pays the same attention to listening to Tie Lao's lectures, or even more. Unless Long Fei is sick or Tie Lao is sick, he can't pull it down once and must come every day. Today, Longfei took so long to refine the snake elixir that he was delayed. When he returned to the village, Tie Lao's class was over, which was also the first time that Long Fei had been absent since he listened to Tie Lao's lecture.

"This is not the reason why you don't attend class, but the reason why you escape." Long Huaijian said in a low voice.

"I know that I will arrive every day in the future, and I will never miss a day for any reason." Long Fei knows that in front of Long Huaijian, if you don't go, you won't go. No matter what the reason is, it's better to admit it directly.

"Hmm! It's so good." Long Huaijian's eyes softened a little. Looking at Long Fei kneeling in front of him, he was not so angry. His voice softened and said, "It's good that you have this determination. I'm very happy. Get up!"

Long Fei stood up obediently, but did not dare to sit down. Instead, he stood straight in front of Long Huaijian, raised his head and looked directly into Long Huaijian's eyes.

Looking at this all the time, Long Fei only felt that there was no reason to tremble in his heart, and he usually did not notice it. At this time, looking directly, Long Fei immediately found dense fine wrinkles on Long Huaijian's face, like a dried orange peel, and his face was obviously much looser. In Long Fei's feeling, he didn't see him for a day. Long Huaijian suddenly seemed to be in his teens, and there were spots on his face only for some old people.

"Alas!" Long Huaijian suddenly sighed, and his tone was rarely heavy: "You still don't have enough determination. You must also realize the importance of listening to Tie Lao's lectures. This is not that Dad forced you to do what you don't want to do, but it has a great effect on your future. In troubled times, martial arts are flourishing. Everyone wants to learn martial arts to make achievements, but they don't know that if they have martial arts skills, they have no knowledge, and they are just a butcher who kills tens of millions. Only when people attach equal importance to literature and martial arts, have superb martial arts skills, and have the wisdom to match them, can they create a career in this troubled world. Your father and I don't know anything. Martial arts is also half a bucket of water. Maybe it's not enough for half a bucket of water, but just a little bit at the bottom of the bucket, so that in these troubled times, he still hasn't achieved anything. If you don't imagine me like this, you must listen to Mr. Tie's lecture carefully and learn something seriously.

"Yes, the child wrote it down!" Long Fei's face is also rarely serious. Although he is only ten years old, he is smart early and can understand many things by himself.

"Although this old man refuses to say his origin, according to my observation and speculation, he must also be a famous person. If you learn from him, you will definitely gain something." Long Huaijian said.

"Yes, I understand." Dragon flying point.

After saying this, Long Huaijian showed a kind smile on his face and said softly, "I'm hungry. Sit down and eat quickly. After dinner, go to Tie Lao's place and apologize to Tie Lao!"

"Yes, yes, yes, eat, eat, I'll bring the dishes." When Aunt Long heard Long Huaijian open his mouth to allow Long Fei to eat, she was so happy that she almost jumped up and hurriedly stood up and went to the kitchen to decorate.

Tie Lao's residence and Long Fei's home are just at both ends of the village. The Long family's house is in the east of the village and the Tie family is in the west. The houses of Feilongzhuang are almost exactly the same. There is a main door, and there is a small yard when entering the door. The yard is lined with three rooms facing the main door. In the middle is a room with ancestral spiritual cards like an ancestral hall. The spiritual cards are placed on the small pavilion facing the wall of the main gate. Under the small pavilion is a large square table. Zi. The left and right rooms are bedrooms, with parents' bedrooms on the left and children's bedrooms on the right. On both sides of the yard are one or two rooms. The second of the wing rooms on both sides must be the kitchen and bathroom. As for the other rooms, it may be a utility room or a bedroom. Although the purpose of the room is different, the pattern is the same. As for the iron old, there is a room on the side for the study.

When Long Fei arrived, the door of the Tie family was open. In Feilongzhuang, there are few people who close the door during the day. Generally, the door is open, as if guests are welcome at any time.

As soon as he stepped into the door, he heard the sound of iron reading from a room on the right. The voice was slow and clear, as if every word had used up his strength, making everyone who heard it have a heavy feeling in his heart; in the kitchen on the left, Tielan didn't know what he was still busy at this time. Seeing Long Fei come in, he stood up in surprise and looked at Long Fei with a happy face. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Long Fei put a finger on his mouth and make a silent gesture. He hurriedly withdrew the words that were about to rush out, just smiled at Long Fei, pointing to the right wing, and then pointing to himself, which means asking Long Fei. Are you looking for Mr. Tie or yourself?

Long Fei understood Tielan's meaning, pointed to the wing room on the right, nodded to Tielan, with a smile in his eyes, and then stood at the door of the right wing, quietly listening to the sound of Tie Laolang's reading in the room: "............ Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifice must not be sincere; although the descendants are stupid, they must read the scriptures. The period of living is simple, and teaching children should be righteous. Reading aspires to be a sage, not an apprentice; for an official with a king's heart, how can he care about his family..."

Long Fei stood motionless and stood at the door until Mr. Tie's reading stopped before he said respectfully, "Long Fei asked to see Mr.!"

"Come in!" As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, an old voice came from the room, as if he had known that Long Fei was coming. If he hadn't known that there would have been no one in the room except Tie Lao, at first hearing this voice, Long Fei almost thought that the speaker was different from the person who had just read.

"Yes!" Long Fei responded and stepped in.

When he stepped into the room, Long Fei saw Tie Lao sitting on a chair behind a desk, with a straight waist and bright eyes. He was looking at Long Fei, pointing to a chair on the other side of the desk and said lightly, "Sit down!"

This is a small room. There is a wide window on the right side of the room, and the sun shines in from the window, making the room as bright as outside. There is a desk on the west wall of the room. There is a chair behind the table. Tie Lao is now sitting on the chair. In front of the desk, there are two square wooden stools.

Although this is an iron old study, there is no bookshelf, only on the table of the desk, there are not many dozen books. These ten books, except for two books written by Tie Lao in the past two years, some of which are bought in Guhu Town, and some of them are from Feilongzhuang. Some people will be at home. I don't know how many years it has been released, but the unaccountable ancestral collection is dedicated to the iron elder.

But when Long Fei first entered, he glanced and found that Tie Lao was a little older than two years ago, with a wrinkled face and more dark spots on his face than two years ago. Despite this, the iron man's waist is still straight. No matter when, as long as there is an outsider present, whether he stands or sits, his waist will always be straight, as if in this thin body, he will never run out of energy.

"I dare not!" Long Fei did not dare to sit down. Not to mention Long Huaijian's respect for Tie Lao, Long Fei's respect and admiration for Tie Lao did not allow him to sit opposite Tie Lao in such a big way.

"What's the matter?" Tie Lao's expression is always with a kind of vicissitudes in indifference and a kind of refreshing in plainness, as if he has seen through thousands of worlds. In his eyes, all kinds of things in the world are just passing by.

"I didn't go to your lecture this morning. I'm disrespectful to you. I hereby apologize to you!" Long Fei finished speaking and lowered his head.

"Ha ha..." Tie Lao smiled softly and looked at Long Fei kindly. His voice was also much softer and said softly, "Is it your father who asked you to come here, or do you want to come?"

"My father asked me to come!" Long Fei's head hung lower, and his voice was small, but it was clear.

"Uh-huh," Tie Lao said, pondered for a moment, and then looked at Long Fei and said, "I know. I'll accept your apology. You go back."

Long Fei was stunned, looked at Mr. Tie's expressionless face and said doubtfully, "Sir, won't you punish me?"

"Penalty you?" Tie Lao was stunned and looked at Long Fei's serious face. He couldn't help smiling. He suddenly picked up a thin book from the table and handed it over to Long Fei and said, "Take this and read it carefully. Three days later, I will test you. If you are satisfied, you will not be punished. If you are not satisfied, you will be punished for both crimes."

"Yes, sir!" Long Fei took the book and looked down, but it was an anonymous book. It should be one of the two books written by Mr. Tie. He looked up at Mr. Tie and whispered, "Has the student gone back?"

Seeing Tie Lao nodding, Long Fei immediately turned around and walked out. Although he is naughty and lively, he can move freely in front of Tongkun and Long Huaijian and laugh, but in front of Tie Lao, there is a pressure. This pressure has only a little to do with Tie Lao's seriousness, but more, this pressure seems to be a kind of pressure, as if a person who has been in a high position for a long time and kills power, even if only It's sitting there casually, and there is also a pressure.

This is just randomly emitted by the iron old man.

When listening to Tie Lao's lecture, there were many children in the classroom. In the chatter of the children, Tie Lao naturally put away the pressure, and the children dared to sleep, and Long Fei dared to play tricks with Tie Lao occasionally. If it's now, you don't have to talk, so that all the children don't dare to take a breath and sit straight to listen to the lecture.

Iron old, what kind of person is he? There is such a huge pressure on his body.

Long Fei turned around and saw Tielan standing behind him, looking at himself with a smile on his face. He couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief and smiled, "Xiao Lanzi, I'm going back!"

Tielan nodded with a smile, handed Long Fei something she held wrapped in leaves in her hands, and said, "Take it and eat it. I made it."

"What?" Long Fei pinched what was in his hand, but it was soft.

"Glutinous rice cake, what you like to eat." Tielan squeezed her lips and smiled. Looking at Long Fei's eyes, her eyes flowed and were full of color.

"Thank you, Xiao Lanzi! I like to eat." Long Fei raised the glutinous rice cake wrapped in the leaves in his hand and smiled, "Then I'll go!"

"Aren't you going to practice martial arts?" Tielan asked.

"No, go home!" Long Fei turned around and walked out. In Tielan's eyes, he walked out of the door and turned left.

As soon as he walked out of the Tie family, Long Fei took out the unnamed book given to him by Mr. Tie and opened the first page, but there was only the word "family motto". The two words were not big, but they were square, simple and unpretentious. From these two words, it seems that the iron bone is strong, unyielding to the sky, but at the same time without losing his round character. When he saw these two words, Long Fei seemed to see Tie Lao straightening his waist, sitting in front of the desk, holding a pen in his right hand, with a solemn expression, and slowly falling towards the paper.

Open another page and see what Tie Lao wrote in regular script: "Getting up at dawn, sweeping the court and clean inside and outside. If you are dizzy and close the door, you must check it yourself. A porridge and a meal are not easy to think about; half a thread and half a wisp, perseverance and material resources are difficult. It is advisable to prepare for the rain and not to dig a well in the face of thirst. ......”

After reading only two sentences, Long Fei closed the book. This book is exactly the book that Tie Lao just recited, and it is also the book that Long Fei read when he studied with Tie Lao.