Eastern Continent

Chapter 35, Bronze Head Failure

The sun shines high and the breeze blows gently.

Although it was early spring, when it was warm and cold, it stood in the sun like this at noon, and the copper head was also sweaty and bitter. Sweat flowed down his cheeks, passing through his eyebrows, then through his nose, and then the corners of his mouth, dripping on the ground in front of him. His tongue was gently stained with sweat flowing through the corners of his lips, and a salty and bitter taste came to his head from his tongue, making him more bitter.

The clothes on the back have already been soaked and become like a rag taken out of the water, wet on the back, as if a piece of cowhide paste attached to the body, which can't be thrown off. That kind of uncomfortableness almost drives people crazy.

Now Tongtou feels that he is about to go crazy. He has been standing straight under the sun for nearly half an hour, but he still has to open his eyes and look at his opponent without blinking. Even if he is sweating, he does not move. It's not that he doesn't want to move, but he doesn't dare to move.

Only when it comes to the real competition field can the bronze head finally know what martial arts is!

Martial arts is not just about following the master, or practicing according to books, and then you should be promoted. Martial arts is a kind of momentum that has been tempered through life and death and must be formed through the process of refining into steel. It is an irreplaceable rich experience of competition, which is a psychological advantage. With these aspects, coupled with the realm and moves, it has become a real martial arts.

The opponent of the copper head is just the late stage of the iron bone, but this person does not feel like the late stage of the iron bone, but like the realm of the mysterious tendon. He just stood there and stood there quietly, as if he were a stone, but the pressure on the copper head was getting heavier and heavier, as if he was more stressed than the martial artist facing the realm of Xuanjin, and the pressure seemed to be everywhere all the time. Confronting this warrior, the copper head felt like being stared at by a foraging poisonous snake. Although the snake did not move, the pressure on the copper head made him almost collapse. Although he wanted to attack first, he did not know which direction to attack from before the other party moved.

Today's game is the same as yesterday. After drawing lots, the 32 people who won yesterday were divided into 16 pairs. However, today's draw is not based on a group, but on individuals. Therefore, some unlucky villagers or family brothers have become opponents. Fortunately, this did not happen in Feilongzhuang. The opponents drawn by Gao Kun, Longhuaqiu and Tongtou were all from other villages or Guhu Town.

Although there is no confrontation with the village brothers, the situation of Tongtou today is not very good. Today, he drew Wang Liangcai, the son of Wang Guiping, a big merchant in Guhu Town. Although this person's martial arts is also the late stage of iron bone, his rich experience is far from comparable to copper head, and his combat experience is not comparable to such a child who has never been born in Feilongzhuang. Since he began to learn martial arts, this man has often followed the caravan around. Their family's business has been there, and the caravan has arrived there. In order to repel * robbers or soldiers who have also become robbers because of defeat, they often appear between life and death, killing countless people, and have long regarded human lives as grass. Therefore, although he just stood there quietly, the feeling of giving the copper head was like a sharp sword out of its sheath. It was fierce and cold, and the skin was painful. The huge pressure made the copper head feel breathless, but the gloomy cold light made the copper head vigilant and prepared all the time.

Such a momentum, the bronze head is unprecedented!

However, copper head is also a person who is determined and will never give in. It can be said that the stronger you are. Such a strong opponent also made the copper head as if the blood of his whole body boil. He was inexplicably excited. His face suddenly turned red, and his eyes burst into light, as if he had seen a male beast, and every muscle in his body was excited.

Looking at the sweaty face of the copper head and the reddered face because of the sun, Wang Cailiang suddenly smiled Jiejie: "I heard that there are two martial arts geniuses in Feilongzhuang, one is called Tongtou and the other Longfei. No matter what martial arts are, they are ready to use. The martial arts are thousands of miles a day, and only ten years old has reached the realm of iron bone. It turns out that that's all. Rumors are not true. People who have never seen the world, no matter how talent they are, will never achieve much.

The red face with copper head became more red, and the breath became thick. He shrilled, "Whether it's a rumor or not, you won't know whether it's true or false until you hit it."

Wang Cailiang smiled contemptuously and looked at the bronze head disdainfully: "Just because you, the frog in the well, dare to say fight. Today, I will let you know what is the real martial arts and what is the real killing martial arts, instead of the flower fists and feet like you. It looks good, but it is soft."

Although the copper head is kind, it is a scheming bickering when he is with Long Fei. Like this, he mocks others, sharp lips and sharp teeth, and the copper head has really never seen it. However, the copper head is not ready to talk with Wang Cailiang anymore. On the battlefield, everything is strength to speak. Besides, it is so sarcastic, mud Bodhisattva There is anger, not to mention the copper head. He no longer hesitated, kicked his legs at the same time, jumped up, drew a circle with his left hand, clenched it into a fist, put it on his chest, closed it with his right hand, and then quickly waved it out, like a meteor hammer, rushing to Wang Liangcai's front chest.

This is actually an action decided by Tongtou after thinking about it for a long time. Tongtou knows that if the two still stand face to face and compare with each other, his momentum is definitely not as good as Wang Cailiang, a warrior who has killed many people. The longer he stands, the weaker his momentum will be. Under the pressure of Wang Liangcai, he is late. If a flaw will be revealed, it's better to attack while the momentum is still strong. Maybe it will force the opponent from quiet to move, and show a flaw, which can also let yourself grasp this flaw and win.

Unfortunately, the truth is not as beautiful as he expected. When the copper head first moved, Wang Liangcai also smiled. It was a proud smile, as if he saw the proud smile when the cunning enemy finally fell into the trap he set, and then he also moved, but it was not moving forward, but He retreated, as if he had to retreat because of the momentum of the copper head. His right foot suddenly retreated and took a big step back.

However, when Tongtou saw Wang Cailiang retreat, there was no smile on his face, only bitterness. He knew that Wang Cailiang was not forced to retreat by himself. His retreat was to open the distance from himself and let his attack fall into nothing.

Wang Cailiang is indeed experienced, but with a slight retreat, he has completely resolved the unprecedented attack of the copper head. Then, he retreated and stopped, his feet, raised his right palm, and hit the copper head fiercely.

The copper head did not expect Wang Cailiang to retreat. This blow was with all his strength. At this time, his body was still rushing forward. Although he saw Wang Cailiang's single palm strike, it was unavoidable and irresistible. In desperation, he had no choice but to raise his shoulders with both hands and hold his fists in a hurry. Under this, the hammer rushed out of the sky to break the momentum of the sky and hit Wang Cailiang's palm.

In an instant, Wang Cailiang's face changed greatly, and he also felt the pressure of this move. Although this move does not have the kind of killing countless people, it has an unprecedented momentum. It is a momentum that is like a heavy sword out of its sheath and can break all obstacles. It is the only one in the world that will never achieve its goal. Xiu's momentum seems that he will never stop without repeling Wang Cailiang.

Under this move, no warriors in the same realm dare to meet each other head-on, but can only temporarily avoid the edge. Now Wang Cailiang feels like this. His right hand retracted quickly like lightning, and at the same time exchanged his feet and quickly retreated.

He was originally retreating. At this time, he naturally followed the trend. However, the speed of the copper head move was greatly unexpected, as fast as lightning. When Wang Cailiang just wanted to retreat, the sky hammer was approaching his chest, and the breeze rolled up and blew on his face.

Wang Cailiang's face changed again, and the speed of retreat accelerated again. At the same time, his hands were raised at the same time, his palms overlapped, gritted his teeth, and went to the bronze hammer.

"Bum!" The two collided with four hands, and there was a muffled sound. Wang Cailiang retreated faster. With a sweak, he had withdrawn six or seven steps in the blink of an eye. Just as he wanted to stand firm, he couldn't help taking two more steps back. A mouthful of blood couldn't help spitting out, and his momentum instantly file.

The copper head is also stagnant in the momentum of forward, almost stopping in place, as if it had never moved.

Although this move is powerful, the copper head has changed its move in a hurry. The day after tomorrow is not enough, and it is inherently insufficient. It can only repel Wang Cailiang to his minor injury, but it does not lose the ability to do it.

Wang Cailiang is indeed a person who has experienced a life-and-death war. He is really strong and resilient. Although his body is injured, he doesn't care at all. As soon as he stops and doesn't wait for his breath to recover, he immediately returns to the copper head.

At this time, the copper head was trembling and the arm was sore. This was not exhausted, but the strength of the hammer was too strong to bear, so it was injured. It seemed that it was unable to lift it and could only let Wang Cailiang attack.

However, he was also very strong. Looking at Wang Cailiang's momentum, his copper head came up fiercely, and a cold light flashed in his eyes and bit his teeth. At this time, his hands were still numb and weak. He raised them shoulder, held his fists in his hands, and bombarded Wang Cailiang again.

Wang Cailiang's face changed again. This time, he rushed to the copper head to slow down. Before the copper head made another move, he made the copper head tired of the stormy attack, so the speed was extremely fast. At this time, he was still rushing forward. At this time, he wanted to reverse into retreat. Obviously, it was too late. In desperation, Wang Cai Liang, like a copper head, also bites his teeth, a flash of cold light in his eyes, and his palms overlap and push out, facing the sky hammer of the copper head.

"Touch!" Another muffled sound. Under the four hands, Wang Cailiang's frightened face became ecstatic. He had felt that although the momentum of the copper head move was still there, the power was no longer. The attack just now repelled Wang Cailiang by almost ten steps. At this time, they attacked each other only separated the two, an equal situation. The difference between the front and back is almost the difference between heaven and earth, as if the power of the bronze head has been exhausted in the attack just now, and there is no way to repel Wang Cailiang.

Under the collision between the two sides, the copper head only felt that his hands were more numb and painful, as if they did not belong to him, and there was no more strength. He knew that what Long Fei said was right. Although the sky hammer was powerful, it was only one chance. After using it once, either the enemy was prepared, no If you can accept the effect of strange soldiers, or you will lose most of your strength like now, you will never be able to make this move again.

The copper head looked at Wang Cailiang, who retreated and entered aggressively, and couldn't help smiling bitterly!