Eastern Continent

Chapter 38, Stinger

Long Fei quickly put his clothes, put "Secret of the Sky" in his arms, and then picked up the book that Xi Lao put down. This book is very thin, only three pages, which is the same as "The Secret of the Sky", but the booklet is not non-gold or silver, paper or silk like "The Secret of Heaven", but cloth. It is made of silk and can be kneaded at will. Spread out the book, and you can see the three large embroidered characters "piercing dragon gun" on the cover. If you touch it with your hand, you can feel the unevenness of the surface, as if the piercing dragon shooting method is great.

Opening the first page, there are two pictures. The picture above is a man with only a face corridor and no facial features. He holds a gun in both hands and the gun is obliquely upward from his right elbow. The momentum from the gun seems to pierce a hole in the sky. There are two words next to the picture: "wei something".

The sly, the way of the army! Between the virtual reality, the positive and negative are clear. If you can show it, you can't show it. If you can show it, you can show it. If you can show it, you can show it. If you can show it, you can't show it.

Although the figure in the painting has only a blank head and limbs, it seems that he can see the expression on his face. The whole person is actually full of strangeness, like a tiger waiting for the opportunity, as if it has not jumped, as quiet as moving, as a stone returning to the earth, moving like a flying dragon roaring in nine days, everything, that is A gimmo.

At the bottom of this picture, there is another painting.

In the painting, he is still the person with unclear appearance. He has no posture, but just stood with his feet together and his hands hanging on his side. The original long gun held with both hands has retracted back, revealing only the head of the gun, and his right hand is holding three inches under the tip of the gun. The tip of the gun with red hair seems to be hidden very deep. But he stared at the viper's long letter of the prey without blinking.

There are also two words next to this picture: "implicit"

The little hermit hides in the wild, the middle hermit hides in the city, and the big hermit hides in the court. The hermit, take the light in the dark, and take the quiet in the movement!

The attack is hidden under the defense, and the forward is hidden in the retreat, which is hidden! A hidden word, full of the mystery of this trick!

Opening the third page, there are also two pictures, which describe the corresponding two types. The picture above is still the person who can't see the facial features on his face. At this time, he has changed to hold the gun in one hand and hold the gun in both hands, raised his waist flat, his right leg forward, and the long gun stabbed straight to the sky.

Beside this painting, there are also two words: "thorn"

The stab, enter. The stabbing is also an offensive move.

Suddenly, this move is full of a momentum of no return, a tragic momentum of death with the enemy, as if the strength of the whole body was concentrated in this thorn. Looking carefully, I feel that the human figure in the picture is full of momentum. It is a kind of momentum between heaven and earth. Long Fei only looks at it and feels that his blood is boiling, and the majestic spirit in his chest is lingering, as if he is now using this move against the enemy.

The fourth picture is still the unclear person, standing with his feet separated into eight characters, holding the gun with his hands separated, and the front body tilted slightly. The face without facial features seemed to have a pair of eyes staring intently at the enemy in front of him. The long gun was obliquely in front of him, like a thorn, like a beating and a long gun, simply horizontal. Changes of tens of millions of weapons have been drawn up.

Beside this painting, there are also two words: "shou shi"

shou zhe,fang ye。 It's like thunder and anger. It's like the river and sea. Like ten feet of the coast, the sea tide is trapped inside, like ten feet of high forest, blocking strong winds outside.

Whether it is like the wind and the sun, or the collision of power like thunder and anger, it is to stop the enemy from being outside the body.

These four pictures are the four moves of confusing the enemy, attacking, defending, and defeating the enemy, tricking the enemy, stabbing attack, defensive defense, and implicitly defeating the enemy.

There are only four pictures in this book, as if there are only four tricks, nothing special. However, Longfei only scrutiny, and can see from the book that these four moves are actually all-encompassing and all-encompassing moves, as long as long guns, whether they are stabbing, pricking, piercing, points, pounces, pounces, pulling, and other offensive moves, or tangling, circle, blocking, holding, dancing flowers and other defensive moves, can find a trace in these four moves. . Although these four moves are limited, the moves derived from these four moves can be endless. Therefore, although there are only four tricks in this book, it is actually no different from thousands of tricks. Similarly, although thousands of moves can be derived from the picture, it is only a simple four moves. These four moves are just a general name, and there is no fixed move. In fact, it is equivalent to no move.

There are moves and no moves are just a thought. When you think it is tens of millions of moves, it is tens of millions of moves. Naturally, the moves to control the enemy are casually. When you feel that there is no moves among them, there is no moves. When you fight against the enemy, you only rely on your own moves to control the enemy, which is no different from tens of millions of moves.

If Xi Lao knew that Long Fei got the book and just read it for the first time, he realized so many truths from the book, he would be surprised. There are geniuses every year, but Long Fei is just a little strange. That's an alien who doesn't play cards according to the cards and punches the master to death.

As soon as Long Fei saw these pictures, he was attracted by the moves in the painting, especially the lines of words written next to the four pictures, which vary from time to person and from place to place. The explanation of the moves made Long Fei Mao open, as if a new world of martial arts was opening the originally strict door to himself. .

At this time, Long Fei forgot that he was hungry and even forgot to go home. He went to the place where he usually practiced with copper head, found a clean grass, sat down, held a book, and slowly looked at it. When you see interest, break a branch from the tree and remove the branches and leaves. When you grow a gun, you can practice it in a good way.

This practice of being addicted to the Dragon Piercing Method is actually more thorough than being addicted to Xu Tiangong. In the following days, Longfei still practiced Tiangong in the morning. At noon and afternoon, it was all used to practice the dragon gun. In the past, half of it was used to practice the dragon gun, but now it took two-thirds of a day to practice the dragon gun.

In terms of his interest and talent in learning martial arts, Long Fei is indeed talented. Three days later, Long Fei has explored some mysteries of the dragon gun. However, he did not practice his opponent and practiced against the air alone, but he did not know how powerful it was.

If Xi Lao knew that Long Fei had touched some mysteries of the dragon piercing gun in only three days under the circumstances of no one taught him, and I don't know how to feel! It will open your mouth in surprise again.

This day is the sixth day after Long Huaijian and others left. On this day, it was also the third day after Long Fei got the piercing dragon gun. Long Fei finally stopped his research on the piercing dragon gun and decided to go to Guhu Town to have a look. On the one hand, to open his eyes and increase his knowledge, on the other hand, since this shooting method was called the piercing dragon gun, Long Fei also wanted to try to see if he could really pierce the dragon. Therefore, on this morning, he picked up his long gun and rode his little mountain horse to the ancient tiger town.

Long Fei was afraid of being stopped by Aunt Long and Tie Lao. He sneaked away and just secretly left a note at home. Anyway, he was not afraid that Aunt Long was illiterate, and Tie Lan's grandfather and grandson. Besides, Long Fei also left a note for Tielan about his going to Guhu Town and asked Tielan to take care of himself. My mother.

This long gun is a birthday gift given to Long Huaijian on Long Fei's ninth birthday. The body of the gun is only five feet long with the tip of the gun, which is slightly higher than Long Fei. The body is made of a unique white wax wood around Montenegro.

White wax wood is a wood unique to Montenegro. This wood is generally not big, the largest is only the size of an ordinary man's arm, but it is two feet long, strong and tough. Tough, the head and tail can be bent into a circle, but the sharp blades are constantly cut. Under the cutting of this wood, it needs to be steamed with fire, and then densely wrapped with multiple layers of silk and hemp, layers of glued and other paint, and finally become black. The barrel of the gun is light, rigid and soft. Ordinary knives and axes are difficult to hurt, but can be strong without breaking, and the toughness is not inferior to that of guns made of steel. Long Fei's gun body is smaller than his arm, and the head of the gun was refined by Long Huaijian himself with an ordinary iron block.

The reason why Long Huaijian did not send other weapons is that this white wax wood is the best material for making guns, and the head of the gun consumes iron is the least weapon, which is less than any big knives, long swords, etc. As for what weapons Long Fei likes, it is not within the scope of Long Huaijian's consideration.

What I didn't expect was that he sent a gun to Long Fei first, and Xi Lao sent a set of shooting techniques behind, as if the two had already made an appointment, and they cooperated very tacitly. I don't know whether Long Fei was lucky enough to send a pillow if he wanted to sleep, or whether Xi had been observing Long Fei for a long time and knew that he had a long gun before he sent Long Fei this gun.

Longfei's horse is not a thousand-mile good horse, but like other people in Feilongzhuang, it is a unique short mountain horse in Montenegro, but the adults ride adult horses, but Longfei is a young horse, which was sent by Long Huaijian when Long Fei was eight years old.

Long Fei is not afraid of Aunt Long and Tie Lao's worries. Anyway, Long Fei often doesn't see anyone all day at ordinary times. He only goes home when he eats and sleeps. During the day, he spends all day long outside. His beautiful name is practicing his work. What he really did is true? Except for Tongtou and Tielan, no one knows, nor does he see Long Huai. What are they worried about? They should not worry about it this time. Besides, how can Aunt Long worry about going to find Long Huaijian and others with them?

Just as Long Fei set out from Feilongzhuang and opened his eyes to see if the dragon gun could really pierce the two good wishes of Jiaolong and go to Guhu Town, he did not know that Guhu Town was surrounded by an army of unknown origin.

On the day of the game, they suddenly surrounded Guhu Town. No one knew how they came from here, as if they had fallen from the sky. They suddenly appeared outside Guhu Town and quickly surrounded Guhu Town.

From the clothes and flags of the army, the people of Guhu Town can't tell where this team came from? Which force's army? They have neither a clear flag nor uniformly dressed. At a glance, the army outside the city is not only full of flags, but also a variety of weapons. Some wear linen clothes and cling to long-handled sickles, like the arrival of death; some only cover a piece of cowhide in the front and back positions, and stick thick sticks, as if they have not evolved from primitive society. The ancients; some wore silver gray armor and cling to big knives, as if they were authentic royal armies, some wore short-sleeved short-breasted warrior clothes, holding long swords, like elegant, ancient knights who killed one person in ten steps, and some wore only coarse clothes, rolled up their trouser legs, and carried hoes on their shoulders, as if they were old farmers who had just come down from the field. The whole team looks like a miscellaneous army formed by the people's resistance.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there is still a team among these miscellaneous armies, which is obviously different from other teams. This team is neatly dressed, with black armor and black armor, black lights, holding a long knife in hand, riding a horse, and hanging long guns, bows and arrows, and round shields beside the horse, which is more authentic than the authentic army.

This is like the elite army in the miscellaneous army, with more than 4,000 people, and the whole miscellaneous army is about 10,000 people, which densely surrounds the south gate of Guhu Town. At this time, not to mention escaping a person, even a mosquito can't fly out of the south gate.

This is an indescribable army and also a strange army. All kinds of clothes and weapons are almost dazzling. There are also some weapons in their hands, with a few black lines drawn on their faces, raising their heads and shouting at the head of the city, as if the ancient uncivilized race was shouting and attacking another ancient race.

Seeing this situation, the children of the villages around Guhu Town, who followed Gu Long to the head of the city, changed their faces and were shocked. The two battles were weak and almost fainted. Even the leaders of the villages who brought them to Guhu Town to participate in the competition this time were as dead and trembling. After all, since childhood, in addition to fighting with beasts or competition between brothers when hunting, when have they ever seen such a scene? The war of tens of thousands of people alone has scared those who are not determined to death.

The situation of the children in Guhu Town is slightly better. Although they have not gone through such a big war, they have experienced a small war of dozens of people, hundreds of people, and even thousands of people. At this time, although the number of people is several times larger, it is also a battle of life and death. Although they are also shocked at this time, they are also provoked. Bloody and sharp-eyed, like a tiger trapped in the wolves, bursting out unprecedented momentum.

Among these people, the most calm people are Long Huaijian and Gu Long. The others are more or less shocked. At this time, they have not recovered yet, but they are just frowning at the army outside the city and carefully analyzing the origin of this army.

When Long Huaijian and Gu Long's eyes passed by these messy enemies, they had a bad feeling in their hearts. Later, their faces finally changed and became gray as gray.

In this miscellaneous army, not only wear a variety of weapons, like actors performing on the stage, but also flags are like ten thousand national flags, colorful, with various colors and patterns, but after these flags, a flag far higher than other flags is flying in the wind. It doesn't look like a real flag, but more like a wide white cloth tied to a flagpole. The cloth has neither words nor pictures, only a vague figure. The graphics are dark red, as if someone has dried up after splashing blood on it.

Just looking at the flag, Long Huaijian and Gu Long both changed their faces. They were shocked, as if they saw a colorful king snake that was about to pounce on them, or saw a strange thing that should never appear. They called out at the same time: "Black Wind Legion!"