Eastern Continent

Chapter 54, Black Wind Army Retired

"Yingran City!"

"Yingran City?!" Or Gu Long shouted first: "You mean to let Yingran City send troops to attack the Black Wind Army with us."

Long Huaijian understood when Gu Long shouted, but frowned and said, "Although this is a good idea, it will definitely force the Black Wind Army to retreat immediately, and it can make them exhausted and dare not go to other places. However, your Uncle Gu sent someone to Yingran City yesterday to report the news, and he hasn't seen it yet. News, if they are not dragged down by something, they will refuse to send troops.

"Yes! I also thought about this strategy. If the army of Yingran City fights back and forth with our guards, the Black Wind Army will not be a problem. However, if Yingran City does not cooperate and only acts alone by Guhu Town, it is just sending sheep into the tiger's mouth, and the Black Wind Army can't stop us from doing so. Gu Long sighed and said helplessly. Before Long Fei thought of this plan, he had sent someone to inform Yingran City. Unfortunately, until now, he has not seen a reply from Yingran City.

The ancient legend looked at Long Fei with his eyes shining brightly and his eyes flashed. He didn't think as much as Gu Long and Long Huaijian. Long Fei may not know whether Ying Rancheng sent troops at this time, but judging from Long Fei's performance last night, since Long Fei raised this matter, he would definitely have his own solution, but the three of them still wanted to think about it for a while. That's all.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Uncle Gu don't have to worry. In fact, it should send troops or not. The result is the same. The black wind thieves will be chased by us to go to * other places. Of course, it is better to send troops. This is safer. If we should not send troops, then we will send troops, as long as the Black Wind Army looks It's like Ying Ranjun, no matter which side he sent.

"Okay, okay, this is a great plan!" As soon as Long Fei's words fell, Gu Long clapped his hands and laughed and said, "The soldiers are not tired of fraud. As long as they look like Yingran's army, no matter whether he is sent by Yingran City or us."

The ancient biography also nodded and said, "In this way, if the Black Wind Army hears that the Yingran army is chasing behind, they will never think about it again except for their lives."

Gu Long and Long Huaijian look at each other and can see the joy in each other's eyes. Now, whether the Black Wind Army is a real return or a fake retreat, as long as the army appears, for fear of being attacked back and being eliminated, they will become a real retreat.

Moreover, with the assistance of the "friendly army" of the Yingran Army, the ancient tiger army can also rest assured to pursue behind the Black Wind Army without fear of the Black Wind Army's counterattack. Similarly, in order to be afraid of being destroyed, the Black Wind Army will run away desperately, and may also harass other places.

There was a burst of joy in their hearts. They didn't expect anything that made them frowned. Long Fei said softly, and there was a dawn. It seemed that Long Fei also planned to move last night, which was not the result of a momentary impulse and good luck.

At this time, the three looked at Long Fei differently. The Long family had a good son, and Long Huaijian was a great comfort; Gu Long was a talent to cherish Long Fei, such as cherishing his own nephew; ancient legends were admiring him, and this move made him see the power of Long Fei again.

After adopting Longfei's suggestion, Gu Long immediately arranged and sent 2,000 cavalry, led by Long Huaijian. First, he sneaked out of the city from the north gate of Guhu Town and marched at full speed. After arriving about halfway between Guhu Town and Yingran City, all the soldiers took off their guard uniforms of Guhu Town and changed into the clothes of the soldiers of Yingran City. , the flag has also been changed to the military flag of Yingran City. The flying war flag is the king's battle flag of a generation of famous generals, the lord of Yingran City. However, I don't know whether the Black Wind Army guessed that Jun Zhantian came in person or thought it was Junfeng, the son of Zhanjuntian after seeing this flag.

As long as the black wind thief really thinks that the army should have arrived, he will have to retreat, no matter whether he is Jun Zhantian or Junfeng.

Long Fei originally wanted to follow Long Huaijian, but he was injured. Neither Gu Long nor Long Huaijian agreed, so he had to give up.

After many discussions, several people improved Long Fei's plan.

They all felt that if the guards chased out of Guhu Town, although the Black Wind Army would flee in panic, they would certainly be wary of the army in Guhu Town and chased them from behind. They just chased them to pick up some fallen shrimps and fish. They wanted to pick up big fish. If they wanted to do their best to attack the enemy, it was to go out. Unexpectedly, in addition to the forward attack, there must be a strange soldier, and this strange soldier is an ambush halfway.

So, Gu Long gritted his teeth and sent another 2,000 troops of the remaining 4,000 guards, led by Gu Bao and Gu Shichuan, and collected all the horses in Guhu Town and handed them over to these two thousand people. Fortunately, Guhu Town is all big merchants. Whether it is the transshipment of goods or the escort of the caravan, they all rely on horses. There are fewer people, but there are really many horses. Although they are not war horses, they are not saddled, so they are not strong as war horses. These two thousand people, led by ancient legend, also came out of the city from the north gate. After bypassing a big circle, they took a path from the mountains and forests to the back of the Black Wind Army to ambush, waiting for the panicked Black Wind Thieves to pass by, giving a fatal blow.

As the two teams dispersed, a large number of spies dispersed around Guhu Town and closely watched the movement of the black wind thief at any time. If the black wind thief went astray and rushed to the village by mistake, these detectives should inform the people in the village in advance to transfer and inform them of the ancient world of the information in time, so as to Adjust the direction of the ambush.

In the surrounding environment of Guhu Town, the guards can almost run back with their eyes closed. They are as familiar as their palms, while the Black Wind Thieves are new to here. Although they also have spies, how can these spies dare to go deep, and the path they can certainly not be far away. At this time, near Montenegro, the mountain road is small, and the Black Wind Army is a large force. There are cavalry, infantry, and the army is not as fast as these two thousand pure cavalry. It should not be difficult to ambush and attack in front of them.

If the black wind thief is really forced to retreat this time, he will definitely be hit everywhere, difficult to walk, and will never return to the old scenery.

After sending two armies of 4,000, in addition to leaving some slightly injured and old and weak soldiers to defend the city, Gu Long also gathered the remaining 1,000 people and was on standby at any time.

In the two wars with the Black Wind Army yesterday, more than 1,000 were lost, so that the escort army fell sharply from 7,000 to only 5,000, while the Black Wind Thieves lost more than 3,000, which were two parts of Guhu Town. It can be seen that the war was fierce at that time.

Although the loss of the Black Wind Army is twice that of Guhu Town, more than 3,000 people are just like a gecko and does not hurt the body for the Black Wind Army of more than 10,000 people. However, more than 1,000 people in Guhu Town are a little bruised, so that Gulong is now exhausted in order to maximize the attack. The enemy can only leave the old, weak and disabled to defend the city. It's almost equivalent to an empty city.

At present, there are only about 2,000 people left in Guhu Town, including more than 1,000 people who have not been dispatched, and hundreds of them are soldiers with minor injuries or old and weak soldiers, which have almost become an empty city. If the Black Wind Army suddenly wave their troops to attack the city now, it may not take half an hour, Guhu Town will It was broken.

War is a risk. How can you complete the task without taking any risks? The greater the wind, the greater the return.

Everything was arranged. Gu Long and Long Fei stood at the head of the city again and looked at the Black Wind Army, which was still slowly retreating under the city. After seeing Long Fei's tricks, Gu Long was worried that he could not see any conspiracy and tricks of the Black Wind Army for a while, so he left Long Fei by his side. Because Long Fei's injury was not well, Gu Long was at the head of the city. A chair was put on it to let Long Fei sit.

Long Fei sat with a golden knife at the top of the city. Looking at the black wind army under the city, he actually had a little talk and laugh, and waved his hands.

From morning to nearly afternoon, the Black Wind Army troops outside the city slowly collected, and now they have begun to retreat slowly. First, the infantry retreated and the cavalry pressed the array. After the infantry withdrew from a certain distance, the cavalry followed back. The whole army was in an orderly manner, and there was no such chaos as the general gang of robbers. The chaos of the retreat of a honeycomb was obvious that the black wind thief made people afraid and had escaped from other people's encirclement many times, relying on transportation. Qi and strength.

Gu Long looked strangely and pointed to the Black Wind Army outside the city and said to Long Fei, "This is a gang of robbers. I think that even a regular army is not as orderly as them. Look at them, first the infantry retreated, and the cavalry pressed the array until the infantry retreated, and the cavalry retreated. Such a good quality, compared with the guard, It should also be formal."

Long Fei looked at it for a while before smiling and said, "The nature of the Black Wind Army cannot be changed. They are still a robber gang dominated by plunder, but among them, there must be one of them who is a master of war and arranges troops. From yesterday's two wars during the day and night, you can see one or two."

Gu Long's face changed and he was a little worried and said, "Then if his arrangement is seen through, wouldn't it send the sheep into the tiger's mouth? The 4,000 people sent out are dangerous, and Guhu Town is also dangerous."

Although Long Fei was young, he had the demeanor and shook his head and said, "Uncle Gu, don't worry, our two armies have come out of the city from the north gate and have made such a big detour. Unless they are uncertain, it is impossible to find it. As long as they find the flag of the Yingran army, even if they are half-confident, they would rather Believe that there is nothing to believe, because if they hesitate a little, they have to worry about the danger of being attacked by Yingran City and Guhu Town and the destruction of the whole army, so how can they not escape desperately.

Gu Long smiled and looked at Long Fei and said, "Although your uncle is old, he is not as calm as Long Fei. Long Fei is right. Unless the Black Wind Army is uncertain, it is impossible to see through this plan. Besides, the soldiers have been sent, and it is still too late to recall at this time."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Exactly, the soldiers have been sent. No matter what the strategy is, they can only continue. On the battlefield, the most taboo thing is to hesitate and miss the opportunity in vain."

Gu Long sighed, "Since ancient times, heroes have been young. It seems that Uncle Gu has become so timid and worried. In the future, the world will be your world!"

Long Fei smiled and said, "Uncle Gu is old and strong. If it were me, I might not have the courage to make such a desperate attack. The army was all sent out, leaving only one empty city."

Gu Long laughed and said, "It's not your boy's instimidation."

"Oh!" Gu Long laughed and suddenly looked outside the city and shouted in surprise.

Although the two seem to be talking leisurely, they have been paying attention to the movement of the black wind army outside the city. At this time, the retreat speed of the Black Wind Army is obviously much faster. Looking far from the top of the city, you can see that it is the place where the commander is in the middle of the Black Wind Army, and there is a little **. Although it is not a big movement, it is like a stone falling into the calm water, and the ripples gradually spread around. The ** in the middle of the Black Wind Army also gradually spread to both ends.

"It worked!" Gu Long and Long Fei looked at each other, waved their fists and shouted out.