Eastern Continent

Chapter 68, Gift

The sun is like red silk, spreading all over the earth, and the breeze is like a veil, brushing people's faces. The sky is blue, the thin clouds are white, the smoke is curling, and the voices are shouting.

In the morning, the morning sun has just risen, and the golden light has sprinkled a layer of golden color on the roof, hills and trees. The smoke rose everywhere, and the whole ancient tiger town seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and Xixi shouted. At this time, it should be the beginning of the day in Guhu Town.

The people in Feilongzhuang are saying goodbye to Gu Long and others at this time and preparing to go home. In the past few days, people have returned to the villages around Guhu Town one after another, but Long Huaijian and other people in Feilongzhuang have been forcibly left by several big merchants such as Gu Long. They haveyan and thanked every day. As a result, the journey home has been delayed again and again. Until now, the war with the Black Wind Army has passed for nearly ten days.

Long Fei led his pony and stood behind the team, watching Long Huaijian say goodbye to Gu Long and others who saw him off. In the past, when Long Huaijian came to Guhu Town, Gu Long just sent him out of the door and saw Long Huaijian leave. This year is different from previous years. When the Black Wind Thieves invaded this year, Long Huaijian stood up and led the troops to fight in person. Long Fei had a dazzling performance in the war. At this time, whether Gu Long or other big merchants in Guhu Town, they respected Long Huaijian's father and son very much, so they stayed again and again. When Long Huaijian wanted to go back, he also sent them away again and again. It was delivered from the door of the house to the city gate.

"Brother! Why don't you consider my suggestion again? Gu Long took Long Huaijian's hand and said reluctantly.

"Brother, I have been in the countryside for a long time, and my nature has become rough, and I really don't intend to come back. As for Long Fei, he is still young, so let him learn from Tie Lao for a few more years. At that time, I will let him come to you." Long Huaijian smiled and refused.

It turned out that Long Huaijian and his son all shined in this war with the Black Wind Army. Gu Long moved his talent and wanted them to stay in Guhu Town to help, but Long Huaijian was tired of the military life and refused Gu Long's solicitation because of his long pastoral life. As for Long Fei, he was too young and was still studying with Tie Lao. At that time, it was not appropriate to suspend school halfway, and Long Huaijian also refused on his behalf.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for the eldest brother to change his mind!" Gu Long had no choice.

"Although I don't want to join the army of Guhu Town, the wise brother can use the place of the stupid brother in the future. Please feel free to tell me, and all the stupid brother will obey." Long Huaijian comforted.

"Okay! I hope the eldest brother won't refuse at that time.

"Send off thousands of miles, and finally there will be a farewell. All the family owners and Gu Xiandi, please go back." Long Huaijian arched his hand to the owners of several big businesses standing at the gate and said, "We'll see you later."

"See you later!" The owners also bowed their hands and respectfully sent Long Huaijian and his son away.

In the eyes of several big business owners and Gu Long and others in Guhu Town, Long Huaijian jumped on the horse with the people of Feilongzhuang and slowly left.

As Long Huaijian went far away, Gu Long turned his head and sighed at Mr. Chen Xugong, "The tiger father has no dog son. Brother Long is already powerful. I didn't expect Long Fei to be even worse. It's just that he has made such achievements at a young age. His future achievements must be unlimited, but unfortunately he can't stay!"

Chen Xugong laughed and said, "Don't worry about the city owner. Long Fei is still young and hasn't become a teacher yet. Maybe he will come to the city owner in the future!"

Gu Long smiled bitterly and said, "I hope so, but Long Fei must not be a thing in the pool in the future. He is afraid that the temple of Guhu Town is small and he can't let go of his great Bodhisattva. Besides, even if Long Fei joins Guhu Town, it will also delay his future. With his talent, he should be across the world. It's a great achievement!"

Chen Xugong laughed and said, "What the city owner is extremely worried about is that Long Fei will indeed be a dragon traveling in the sky in the future. The ancient tiger town is indeed a little small, and other big countries are the places where he shows his talents. However, the city owner doesn't have to worry. I think Long Fei is also a kind-hearted person. As long as we have a good relationship with him, even if he doesn't come to Guhu Town in the future, when we ask him for something, we will definitely be willing to help him with his nature!"

Gu Long nodded and sighed, "I hope so!"

Long Fei rode his pony and followed Long Huaijian's side, with copper head beside him, and the others of Feilongzhuang followed the three people. There were only six of the eight iron-bone warriors who came out of Feilongzhuang this time when they returned home. Gao Kun and Longhuaqiu have joined the guard of Guhu Town and ambitiously prepared to do a big job.

At this time, when I went home, my mood was different from when I came. When I came, it was a fat horse and light Qiu, leisurely. After a few hours of walking for a day, I walked, but when I came back, I was fast and whipped, and the horse's hoof was fast. I couldn't wait to get home.

As early as in Guhu Town, Long Huaijian and others held three divisions to review Long Fei and forced a small trial. It was nothing more than why Long Fei's martial arts entered the innate chaotic realm so quickly, whether there were any adventures, how he practiced, and so on.

In fact, these had a case before Long Fei came to Guhu Town. For several people such as Long Huaijian and Tongtou, he said that it was because of Xu Tiangong. For Gu Long and others, he said that he had met a good master. Anyway, Long Huaijian was worried that he would know that Long Fei had the Secret of Heaven, and he would definitely help cover up.

"The Secret of the Sky" must not be made public, otherwise it will lead to chaos in the world, and the man is innocent and guilty. Tie Lao has already said this. Long Fei remembers it very well, not to mention that Long Huaijian has also told him a lot. Therefore, those who know that Long Fei has "Secrets of the Sky", except for Tong Kun and his son, Tie's grandfather and grandson There is no third home.

In a hurry, the horse speed naturally got up quickly. After most days, the sun had just tilted, and the group returned to Feilongzhuang. Tongkun, Tie Lao and other family members of other warriors who got the information have already been waiting for them at the entrance of the village.

He had already received the news of the attack of the Black Wind Army's attack on Guhu Town. After all, Guhu Town was not far from Feilongzhuang, but at that time, the war was going on. They did not say whether their relatives were safe for a moment, and they were anxious. At this time, when they saw that their children were safe and sound, the big stone in their hearts finally fell down. Long Huaijian can't help praising his merits.

The family of Gao Kun and Long Huaqiu heard that the two entered the guard of Guhu Town as a captain, and they were also happy. It was also a good place to join the guard of Guhu Town. Learning literature and martial arts is nothing more than selling to the emperor's family. Although they are not qualified to sell to the emperor, it is also a good choice to sell to Guhu Town. They have a rich future. Maybe they can use this as a platform to join a larger camp.

At this time, everyone also knew that Long Fei's martial arts had entered the innate realm, so Long Fei naturally became the center of everyone's attention. Whether it is the younger generation or the older generation, as long as they have learned martial arts, they all know that there is an innate level, which is much better than the day after tomorrow. For so long, Longfei is the first innate martial artist in Feilongzhuang. When these people saw Long Fei, they were more enthusiastic than Long Huaijian and surrounded Long Fei one after another. Every word was envy, curiosity, and a few jealousy.

In this shouting, Tielan somehow got to Longfei's side. Her little face turned red with joy. She looked at Long Fei admiringly and said crisply, "Brother Longfei!"

"Little Lanzi!" Seeing Tielan's smiling little face, Long Fei couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart.

"Come with me!" Long Fei took Tielan's little hand and squeezed it out of the crowd until there were few people before he stopped. Looking at Tielan's little face that became tender and red with excitement, he couldn't help reaching out and shaving her small nose, then pinching her pink cheeks and laughing, "I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me?"

Tielan's red face suddenly turned red, as if she had applied a layer of rouge. She suddenly kicked Long Fei, stared at Long Fei, and said, "It's strange to miss you!" Brother Longfei, don't think that your martial arts have entered nature and I'm afraid of you. If you bully me again, I'll tell Uncle Long to go.

Long Fei's face collapsed and said sullenly, "So you don't miss me!"

Tielan suddenly stretched out her hand and twisted Long Fei's waist, and then stamped her feet and said, "What if I miss you? You don't want me!"

Long Fei was happy, stretched out his hand in his arms, then reached out to Tielan and smiled, "Who said I don't want you? Look what this is!"

Tielan looked down. In Long Fei's palm, a sky-blue bracelet was lying quietly in his palm, and the light dyed Long Fei's palm blue.

This is a bracelet made of 18 small fragrant seeds. Each fragrant seed is the size of a middle finger, round and bright. Under the sun, it is emitting a faint blue light.

Incense seed is a kind of core in the middle of the fragrant tree. The special feature of this kind of fragrant seed is that in addition to various naturally generated patterns on the surface of each grain, it can also emit blue light under the sun and emit a faint fragrance. It can be smelled like sandalwood. This tree is not only the core There is a fragrance, even the body of the tree also has a fragrance, from which the name of the fragrant tree comes from.

People often cut this home, cut it into a trace, light it and insert it into the incense burner, and the room can be full of fragrance.

"Ah!" Tielan carefully raised the bracelet with two fingers, looked at Long Fei with her eyes shining, and said in surprise, "For me?"

Long Fei nodded, took the bracelet from Tielan's hand, and gently helped her put it on her on her left wrist. The blue bracelet was accompanied by white skin, such as clear water hibiscus, which was indescribably charming and beautiful. Long Fei was stunned for a moment.

"It's so beautiful!" Tielan raised the bracelet in front of her and said happily.

"Do you like it?" Long Fei pulled Tielan's left hand wearing a bracelet and asked softly.

"I like it! I like everything that Brother Longfei gave me. Tielan looked dizzy with a dizzy expression with joy. She looked at Long Fei gently and happily, and her eyes flowed like stars, as if they were about to drip water.

"I have one more thing to tell you, but there are too many people now. After dinner, I will go to see you with Tongtou!" Long Fei flicked Tielan's red cheek and whispered.

"What's the matter?" Tielan was very happy. This was Long Fei's first gift to her, or a real gift. Although Long Fei also gave her some things when she was a child, they were all eaten and played with. Only this one is the time for children to play at home. Only this bracelet can be said to be a truly meaningful gift. Under the impact of great joy, Long Fei's mind has always been dizzy. He didn't hear Long Fei's words clearly and subconsciously asked.

"I said, I have sold you. This bracelet is the price given by others." Long Fei saw that Tielan was still looking at the bracelet in front of him, and he was also a little moved. He couldn't help reaching out and pinching Tielan's nose and deliberately saying "viciously".

"Hmm! If you are willing to sell it, I'm not afraid. Tielan crossed her waist and said, wrinkled her nose, and suddenly kicked Long Fei again. Of course, it was gently, and then gave Long Fei a white look before turning around and walking towards her grandfather.

"Why haven't you seen each other for a few days and become fond of kicking people!" Long Fei touched his nose, tiptoed his heels, and looked for copper head in the crowd.

The damage suffered by Tielan has to be recovered from this boy!