Eastern Continent

Chapter 76, Ladder

In front of Longfei's eyes, there was a ladder like a dragon. In the confrontation between the mountain walls on both sides, it was tortuous, winding up and down, and there was no end. This was actually a ladder chiseled from the peak.

This ladder has obviously been around for a period of time. In addition to moss, some traces of depression left by years of friction can also be seen everywhere.

The steps are not wide. Each step can only allow three people to go up side by side. The width and height of each step are not equal. The diamond angle and surface of the steps have been polished over the years, and almost no trace of the original carving can be seen.

Long Fei saw such a huge and miraculous project for the first time. For a moment, he was stunned, trembling, and stammered, "Master, who did this?"

Xi Lao said lightly, "I don't know. At the beginning of the Tiansday ladder, this ladder has existed, and no one knows where it came from."

Xiaohei jumped from Xi Lao's shoulder to the top of the steps, as if he had encountered something interesting, and squeaked and jumped up.

"Master... Master, how many steps are there?" Long Fei looked at the stairs, and the shock had not yet calmed down. He still stammered, like a child who learned to speak.

"Level 11,11!"

"So much!" Long Fei shouted, as if he suddenly woke up, pointed to the stairs and said, "Master... Master, you don't want me to go up the mountain from here, are you?"

"Exact!" Xi Lao's eyes were full of smiles, like a mouse cat caught. He usually had to tease him before eating it.

"Ah!" Long Fei jumped up and shouted, "Master, you have favoritism. They can all sit on the basket. Why do you want me to climb the steps? The three of us are all your disciples!"

Xi Lao said lightly, "If you don't climb to the top of the mountain from here, only the two of them will be my disciples in the future."

Long Fei jumped up again and shouted angrily, "Old man, you said you wanted to accept me as an apprentice. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to this ghost place. It's a giant beast and a long snake, which almost cost us our lives. No, I'm going back. I won't be your apprentice." After saying that, he really had to drill out of the hole.

"I came here and let you go back." Xi Lao smiled faintly and fell into Long Fei's eyes with a cold and ruthless sneer. He stretched out his hand to take a photo. Long Fei, who was rushing out, was caught in his hand and throwing it on the steps. He said coldly, "Now you have to climb, and you have to climb if you don't climb. Otherwise, I will kick you a step, and kick you up."

Long Fei lay there, as if he had been thrown down heavily and said, "Then kick it. Anyway, I won't climb up."

Xi Lao smiled coldly and mocked, "Didn't you claim to be different since you were a child? Even "Secrets of Heaven" has been learned from you. You have always regarded yourself as the leader of copper head and Tielan. If you don't have hard work, how can you have outstanding martial arts? You can't bear this hardship. Aren't you afraid of copper head generals? Will it surpass you, leave you far behind, and laugh at you occasionally?"

Long Fei blushed and looked at Xi Lao angrily and said, "You don't have to provoke the method, I just won't climb!"

Xi Lao smiled coldly, walked up the steps, and said lightly, "It's okay if you don't climb. You can't even bear this pain. You still want to be my apprentice!" Hurry up and go back from there!"

Long Fei's face turned redder, jumped up, jumped up the stairs, and shouted, "You told me to go back, but I won't go back."

Xi Lao walked in front, his face moved slightly, but then said coldly, "You'd better go back quickly. Don't climb halfway and don't want to climb. At that time, you can't go up, it's not down, it's not up, it's ridiculous in vain."

Long Fei blushed and didn't say anything. Suddenly, he rushed to the front of Xi Lao and jumped to the steps.

Xi Lao smiled and didn't make a sound. He just followed. However, Xi Lao's footwork was much easier than Long Fei. Long Fei stepped forward, although he could also step up two or three steps, but he gritted his teeth and jumped desperately, as if he had used all his strength to cross these two or three steps. Compared with Long Fei's clenching teeth, Xi Lao is much more relaxed. He seemed to have no weight all over his body, floating like a leaf falling from a branch, gently swinging along the wind. Between each swing, he gently floated up three or four steps, and then swinging, three or four steps, as relaxed as if it were rice. After a walk, the spring is ordinary, and the attitude is light and comfortable.

This step is indeed long. Long Fei has walked for more than one or two hours, and I don't know how many steps he has jumped. Although he has practiced Xu Tiangong for several years and his physical strength is long, he also gasped slightly at this time, and his feet became sore and soft, but when he looks at the top, it is still invisible. Looking at the bottom, it is also hazy. One piece can't see the beginning. Now, as Xi Lao said, it has become up and down, but the power in the body is slowly passing away.

Look at the time - at this time, it was almost evening. The two mountain walls were facing each other, and the light could not shine. The stairs looked a little dim. From a distance, the original appearance of the peaks could not be seen. Under the hazy light, these peaks seemed to be monsters prostrating in Montenegro, waiting to be eaten by people.

In another hour, the sky and the earth all darkened. When I turned my head and looked at it, I could no longer see the appearance of the peaks in the distance. In the moonlight, I only saw huge black shadows. Because this ladder was chiseled in the mountain wall, the two walls were sandwiched, and the trees covered the whole step from wind and rain, and the moon in the sky Naturally, it won't shine here.

However, what makes Long Fei strange is that this ladder is not as long as Long Fei originally imagined, but has a hazy light from the mountain walls on both sides, as if it were inlaid with night pearls. The gray light shot down from the mountain wall one by one, covering the whole ladder. In the light, and this light is not only in a certain section of the mountain wall, but continuous, extending all the way down the stairs to the mountain.

This light is not bright. If you are an ordinary person, you may only see the palm in front of you, but for people like Longfei and Xi Lao who have internal skills, it is no different from the day.

I remembered that after I was worried that after dark, I couldn't see my fingers in this place. It was not easy to climb. I jumped desperately. I usually jumped forward in the second and third levels, and I was so tired. At this time, I found that this was not the case at all. Long Fei felt wrong and funny when I thought about it.

strangely looking at the gray light on both sides of the mountain wall, Long Fei gently reached out and touched it. At the tentacles, he only felt cold, hard and wet. It was the feeling that the mountain wall should have, and there was nothing surprising. I couldn't help holding it up again, but I found a faint fluorescence, which was stained with my fingers and was lifted up. Looking carefully at the light fluorescence stained on his fingers, a fact made Long Fei open his mouth wide in surprise. What was attached to his fingers was actually a small piece of fluorescent dipping liquid. The liquid appeared white, and the faint fluorescence was emanating from the liquid.

"Master, what is this?" Long Fei raised his finger and asked.

"Wall Firefly!" Xi Laodao said lightly.

"What is a wallfly?" Long Fei continued to raise his fingers and asked curiously, as if he had already forgotten his anger just now.

"This is a small animal that climbs to live on the mountain wall. It eats moss and water dew and discharges this kind of fluorescent**." Xi Lao casually wiped his hand on the mountain wall, wiped a large piece of glowing mucus, looked at Long Fei with a smile and said, "Aren't you angry?"

"I'm not angry!" Long Fei smiled and said, "I know the master wants to test my perseverance."

"You guessed wrong. What I tested was more than your boy's perseverance." Xi Lao laughed and really kicked Long Fei and said, "Crawl quickly. It's getting dark. Aren't you hungry? Everyone else is waiting for us to eat!"

"I know, but my legs are trembling. Let me rest before I leave!" After saying that, Long Fei simply sat down on the steps.

Boss Xi raised his face, raised his left foot, and threatened, "A climb like you may not be able to go up tomorrow morning. You still want to rest. Do you believe me to kick you down?"

"I don't believe it!" Long Fei said with a smile, but he still stood up quickly and began to get up again.

After another hour, I think it should be the beginning of next month. At this time, Long Fei's breathing could no longer be suppressed, and the sound of gasping was getting louder and louder, as if it were being pulled desperately, gasping, as if only breathing and not breathing, and his legs were also trembling, like a slingshot of cotton. The body also bowed down. At this time, looking up and down, it was still so vast, as if there would never be an end.

"Master! I really can't do it. Can I take a break?" Long Fei held his legs with his hand and gasped.

Xi Lao was still behind Long Fei at this time, and his whole body moved lightly as before, as if it were really just a leaf moving with the wind, floating up by the wind.

"No!" With the sound, Long Fei was gently kicked by Xi Lao. Although it was only a gentle kick, Long Fei's legs were trembling. This kick actually kicked Long Fei on the steps, so scared Long Fei desperately grabbed the steps with his hands to avoid falling down.

"I really can't walk. Why don't you carry me on my back?" Long Fei simply lay on it and played tricks. He was indeed weak and weak, and it was a little difficult to think about it.

Xi Lao smiled, kicked Long Fei again, and said lightly, "You have a treasure mountain and don't know how to use it, but you can only crawl with two legs like a stupid cow. You deserve to be exhausted."

Long Fei turned over and sat up, looked at Xi Lao, and said doubtfully, "With Baoshan, what kind of Baoshan?"

Xi Lao suddenly stretched out his hand, first picked up Long Fei, then slapped Long Fei on the shoulder, and said lightly, "It's this Baoshan. Have a good experience!"

Long Fei only felt that an internal force passed through his shoulders from Xi's palm and entered his body in an instant, and then rushed down the meridians to his feet. This internal force was not domineering, but had a warm feeling. After crossing Long Fei's body, Long Fei felt a little fatigue of his whole body. Recovered, and then the internal force quickly reached the feet.

Suddenly, Long Fei only felt that the sole of his left foot was hot, and a strong force gushed out, and his left foot involuntarily lifted and stepped forward. This step was a little big and light, as if there was no force at all. He stepped over four steps in a row. As soon as his left foot fell to the ground, his right foot followed by a hot sole of his foot, and a strong surge in. The right foot, like the left foot, strode forward, but it also took four steps in a row before stopping. He stepped over eight steps in two steps, and these two steps seemed to slide over the water. He walked lightly and effortlessly. The distance he crossed was two steps more than the distance Long Fei had just gritted his teeth and jumped.

Long Fei Daqi raised his left foot and took a big step forward. Unexpectedly, at this time, the internal force injected into him had disappeared. Without the support of the internal force, Long Fei only felt that his feet were soft and fell to the ground.

Xi Lao laughed and said, "I have internal strength, but I don't know how to use it, but I want to use other people's internal strength. It's better for yourself to borrow other people's internal strength endlessly.

Long Fei wondered, "Your own internal strength?" Turn over and sit up and meditate. It seems that something has been caught in the blur, but it can't be said specifically.

After a while, Long Fei stood up and began to talk about Tiangong. First, he slowly transported it out of Dantian. This time, he no longer ran to the top of his head, but flowed to his feet.

Since the last time he fought with Jun Feng, he deliberately forced out the internal narrative skills of his whole body, and most of the acupuncture points of Long Fei's whole body have been forced to open, leaving only some of the acupuncture points that are not the meridians of Tiangong and some relatively remote places that have not been opened. Although you can't force the acupuncture points of the whole body, only these open acupuncture points have greatly benefited Long Fei. The speed of practice has made great progress. The essence of heaven and earth, like silk, enters the body along these open acupuncture points, and then enters Dantian along the meridians. After the transformation of Dantian, it becomes the storage of Xu Tiangong. Get up.

This time, Xu Tiangong was transported and ran along the line of Xi Lao's internal power into the body just now, reaching his feet. These lines were actually some meridians that had not been developed by Xu Tiangong. At this time, Xu Tiangong passed, and it was extremely easy to have the previous experience of Xi Lao's internal power. Even a acupuncture point on the route of Xu Tiangong, under the control of Long Fei, was opened by Xu Tiangong. The essence of heaven and earth, like a thread, immediately rushed in from these newly opened acupuncture points.

Xu Tiangong quickly reached the soles of his feet.