Eastern Continent

Chapter 79, a teacher

Xiaojing's mountains and rivers are cool, and there are no remnants in the moon.

The dawn, like a sharp sword, split the heavy night and ushered in the rising sunshine.

The peak of the sky during the day is obviously different from the night. The sky peak at night is quiet. Except for the occasional ignition light, there is no sound, which makes people almost think that this is a ghost place, and day and night are obviously two extremes. As soon as the sun showed its face a little, it began to be lively on the peak. The singing of various birds and the shouts of various beasts all converged together and became a sound that seemed to be from heaven. Long Fei, who had lived by the mountain since childhood, had never been seen before.

When Long Fei went to the top of Wangtianfeng, it was last night. After eating, he went to bed, which was equivalent to watching the base camp of the Tongtian ladder, one of the ancient great factions. At this time, the morning sun rose and shining brightly, which made Long Fei see a completely different shadow from the moonlight at night. Scene.

In the daytime, the whole peak of Wangtian Peak is high and low, stretching one after another, which is boundless. It is absolutely rare for the peak to be so wide in such a high peak.

The biggest impression of the whole peak is that all kinds of green trees, apricots, pines, fir, eucalyptus and other trees are neatly divided on the peak, such as a row of soldiers waiting for review. Following the highest peak, these trees are also changing their species. From the highest pine, to the ginkgo, then the spruce, then the eucalyptus, etc., if you stand on the highest peak and look down, these trees are like legions one by one, forming a strange formation, guarding the sky ladder on the sky peak.

The slowly rising sunlight, like a superb color painter, coats everything that can be done on the mountain, from trees, grass, platforms and houses, to a golden color.

The houses on Wangtianfeng are not as magnificent as Long Fei imagined. These houses are scattered in the woods at the top of Wangtianfeng, like villages. However, if you look carefully, you can see that these houses are actually arranged from low to high at the top of the peak. The first entrance is the Ying Hotel, which is connected to the Tianshen Ladder and the place where the servants live. It occupies a small area and is just a place with a radius of nearly thousands of feet. Except for a simple single row of houses, there is no special buildings. If you must find a place different from other courtyards, it is the front, connecting the ladder. In the place, there is a gatehouse, and a couplet is written on both sides of the gatehouse: the mountains are deep and ravines are hidden, and the heart is wide and hidden. Two big words above the doorway: the ladder.

The second entry is the place where the disciples of the Tongtian ladder live and practice martial arts. This place occupies a mountain, which is large and nearly a thousand feet long and wide. There are not many houses here, but there are many places for practicing martial arts. From the quiet room, practice room, weapons room, etc., almost everything related to martial arts can be found here. There are even piano, chess, calligraphy and painting that have nothing to do with martial arts.

The strangest thing is that before the second house, there was a pool. The pool was not big, only three or four feet in diameter. The pool was clear, but it was deep and bottomless. At a glance, the whole deep pool was dark blue.

The third entry is not only smaller than the first entry, but also occupies a smaller area than the first entry, with a radius of about 100 feet, but the terrain is 100 times more dangerous than the first entry. Except for a portal facing the second entry, the other three sides are cliffs and vertical mountain walls. Even the birds can't fly over, and this place is just a row of houses. In the middle is the ancestral hall dedicated to the portraits of the ancestors of the heavenly ladder. On the left is Xi Lao's residence, from the living room, bedroom, study, quiet room and other functional houses. On the right are all the classic books of the heavenly ladder. , martial arts secrets, the feelings of the guardians of past dynasties, important books such as experiences, notes or experience in martial arts, as well as the residence of Luo Zhengfeng, the head of the old generation of servants who manage books.

The first entrance is tall and magnificent, as if it is the facade of the heavenly ladder, which is shown to others. The second entrance is spacious and fully equipped. It is the body part of the heavenly ladder. The third entrance is simple and generous, but important. This is the pivot of the heavenly ladder. As far as the human body is concerned, the first step is the hands and feet, the second step is the internal organs of the body, and the third step is the brain. A person's brain is the most important part.

The importance of the third step is like a person's brain, which is the central part of the whole sect.

At this moment, in the ancestral hall in the middle dedicated to the portraits of the ancestors of the Tongtian ladder and the guardians of all dynasties, Long Fei, Tongtou and Tielan are preparing to worship the teacher.

There are not many disciples in each generation of the heavenly ladder. Several generations of guardians even accept only one disciple, which is not only because it is difficult to find well-qualified talents, but also because the guardians of all dynasties are peerless figures. They have been understanding the way of heaven and people all their lives. In fact, they are flawless believers. If they only accept one or two apprentices, they will not waste too much. Time for practice.

Although there are few disciples on the heavenly ladder, there are many servants who follow these guardians and their disciples. The guardians do not restrict these slaves from learning the martial arts of the heavenly ladder, but these servants do not need to teach them personally. How much they can learn depends purely on their comprehension ability. Because of this, every time the guardian of the heavenly ladder receives apprentices, it must be held as the most important thing in the sect. Only after opening the ancestral hall and telling the ancestors can they be officially accepted as apprentices.

Because of this, unlike other gate schools that have been flourishing, with many branches and countless sects for a long time, although the Tongtian ladder is a great school for thousands of years, each generation of brothers are Liao and several people, or like Xi Lao's generation, he is the only one. If there is another strong The guardian of victory, competing with others, may lead to the disconnection of the inheritors of the heavenly ladder. Fortunately, the martial arts of the heavenly ladder are indeed unparalleled in the world. Each generation of guardians are also talented people. They have learned the ultimate martial arts of the heavenly ladder before maintaining the prestige of the heavenly ladder. Thousands of years have not fallen, and the inheritance of the heavenly ladder has not been cut off.

If Long Fei is added, Hicks will accept eight apprentices. Among the guardians of the heavenly ladder, although it can't be said that there is no future, it is also unprecedented. Maybe Xi Lao felt that such a thousand-year-old school as Tongtian ladder should not be transferred to zero, so he made up his mind to accept apprentices!

In the ancestral hall, Hicks and Linkdang, Shi Zhanguo, Zuo Dun, three disciples sat on the left, and on the right were Tie Lao, Long Huaijian and Tong Kun, Long Fei, Tongtou and Tielan stood in the middle. A white-haired and old man was standing behind Xi Lao with low eyebrows, as if he were the shadow of old Xi.

In the ceremony of receiving disciples by the guardians of the heavenly ladder, although it must be important, it is just a prayer for the ancestors of the past dynasties. It is also unique for such disciples and relatives to bear witness. After all, not everyone in Montenegro can come in.

The ancestral hall is located in the middle of the third row of houses on the Tongtian ladder. The whole house is made of stones, which is as strong as a castle. After thousands of years of history, except for some trenches caused by weathering of the outer walls and the ancient color of the interior, the overall structure is not damaged at all, even the door The three words "Ancestral Hall" on the mouth have lasted for thousands of years, and they are still as deep as ink. The whole ancestral hall is spacious and bright. On the wall in the middle, there are many portraits hanging densely. Without Xi Lao's introduction, all those who enter here will know that these must be portraits of the ancestors of the heavenly ladder.

Among these portraits, the picture in the middle of the top row is a thin old man with a goat beard under his jaw. His eyes are flat and his eyes are like water, as if they are not bright, but he seems to look at the front. His thin body is clearly visible because his wide clothes are blown close to the wind by the wind. It is the portrait of Jing Yazi, the founder of the Tianshen ladder.

The weak body is like a pillar, and the broad mind is like a deep mountain.

On both sides and below this portrait, there are rows of portraits. These are the ancestors of the heavenly ladder. From the inside to the outside, from the top to the bottom, it represents the distance of the era. At a glance, there are more than 20 portraits hanging on the wall. No wonder this ladder is a thousand-year-old school, which has inherited nearly three Ten guardians, according to the management time of each guardian for 70 or 80 years, have been through the heavenly ladder for more than 2,000 years.

These portraits are not painted on paper, but with a kind of animal skin, which is haired, flattened, polished, and then painted on it with a kind of plant sweat in Montenegro. After this portrait is painted, it is still waxed, pressed and other dry sequence before it can be preserved for so long. Nevertheless, the top two rows of these portraits have also become a little yellow due to the passage of time.

"See your ancestors first. You kneel down and kowtow nine times." Xi Lao stood up and bowed in front of the portrait first, then turned around and looked at Long Fei seriously.

Hix put away his kind and peaceful smiling face to Long Huaijian and others. At this time, he became serious. Although he did not do it on purpose, there was still a little pressure from him, which made the whole ancestral hall, including Long Huaijian, feel a kind of pressure, and they all of them were silent. I didn't dare to take a breath.

This is certainly the momentum developed by Xi Lao when he was a great food master for a long time, but it is also due to the pressure emanating from his profound martial arts! Xi Lao is just a little serious and casually dissipates a little pressure, and these people feel great pressure. If he plays with all his strength when he fights against the enemy, how powerful the enemy is to face Xi Lao without changing his face!

Long Fei and the three of them didn't say anything. Almost as soon as Xi Lao's words fell, they knelt down at the same time and respectfully knocked nine times at the picture on the wall. Even the most naughty Long Fei was also surprisingly respectful at this time. He looked serious and knelt straight on the stone floor. On his face, he banged several times at the portrait, and each of which made a kowtow. When he raised his head, his forehead was slightly red.

"Hmm! Come on, stand up!" Xi Lao smiled slightly. As soon as he smiled, the people in the room couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if they had moved a stone from their hearts and felt relaxed.

Long Fei and the other three immediately turned around and knelt down to Xi Lao without anyone else's instructions, and also kowtowed nine times in a row.

Xi Lao sat on the chair and calmly received the salute of the three masters. After the three worshipped, he helped the three up and smiled, "There are many apprentices in the life of the teacher. There are eight people in total. The three of you are the youngest disciples of the teacher and the closed disciple. Your eldest brother Guan Quan and the second brother Zhou An have gone down the mountain. This is the third brother Lin Kedang, the fourth brother occupies the country, and the fifth brother Zuo Dun. Among the three of you, the bronze head is slightly older, the sixth brother, Long Fei is slightly younger than the seventh brother, and Tielan is the youngest sister. In the future, you brothers should respect and love each other and get along well with each other.

Every time Xi Lao introduced a senior brother, Long Fei and the three of them came forward to salute. When they said the last point, the five brothers answered respectfully at the same time.

Looking at Long Fei and the three of them smiling, they were happy to worship the ladder. Xi Lao was also happy and said with a smile, "Our sect does not have so many rules and regulations. There are only three. First, you can't do bad things. Second, you should respect the teacher and the third is that your brothers should be harmonious. You can't turn against each other, let alone kill each other. Those who violate these three rules will be killed even if they are far away! You three should write it down!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Xi Lao's original friendly tone suddenly became harsh, as if it was suddenly snowing in the air. Some people in the room shuddered and gasped coldly. Long Fei and the three of them restrained their smiling faces and said respectfully, "Yes! The disciple wrote it down and dared not violate the rules of the door.

"Ha ha..." Xi Lao suddenly smiled again and pointed to the white-haired old man standing behind him and said, "This is Luo Lao. You three have seen him."

Long Fei and the other two bypassed Hicks, knelt down in front of the white-haired old man and said respectfully, "My disciples have met Luo Lao."

Before the three knelt down, Lao Luo had stretched out his hand to help them up and smiled, "Don't dare, dare, the three are the young masters of the old slave. The old slave dare not accept this big gift."

Long Fei and the three wanted to kneel down, but they didn't expect that Luo Lao just gently stretched out his hand to help him, but there was a strong force to go up, holding them under their knees, and helped the three up. Even if Long Fei's heavenly realm, no matter how hard he exerts, he can't kneel down.

It is said that there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals, and I can't imagine that an old slave in the sect also has such a good martial arts cultivation.

Subsequently, Xi Lao personally explained and told some things about the heavenly ladder to Long Fei, which was regarded as the completion of the etiquette of worshiping the teacher.