Eastern Continent

Chapter 86, Gap

After Xi Lao left the room, he did not go back to his quiet room, but went to a quiet room next to the classic hall. This quiet room belonged to Luo Zhengfeng. At this time, Luo Zhengfeng was not meditating, but sitting in front of the table, drinking a pot of good tea leisurely.

Seeing Xi Lao coming in, Luo Zhengfeng hurriedly stood up and said respectfully, "The old servant has seen the master."

"Alas! You guys..." Xi Lao sighed and said, "We have been together for decades, and we are more and more brothers. Why do we have to pay attention to these red tape so that you don't have to do this, but you just don't listen."

Luo Zhengfeng smiled and said, "The gift is not expensive. He is a servant for a while and a servant all his life. The old slave is a servant of his master all his life."

Xi Lao shook his head, sat down in a seat, pointed to the opposite seat, and said, "You can also sit down. There are no outsiders here. You don't have to stand."

"Yes!" Luo Zhengfeng sat down in his original seat, picked up another teacup from the table and poured a cup of tea for Xi Lao.

"What do you think?" Xi Lao took the teacup, looked at the curling heat rising from the cup, played with the teacup in his hand, and asked with a smile.

Luo Zhengfeng picked up his teacup from the table, took a gentle sip, and then smiled and said, "I'm afraid the master will have to look at his back in the future!"

Xi Lao was stunned and said with a smile, "You can see so accurately!"

Luo Zhengfeng smiled and said, "Didn't the master see it so accurately that he tried his best to accept him as a disciple?"

Xi Lao raised the teacup, drank it all, and laughed, "You! Dozens of years old still speak so directly and are not merciless at all.

"Didn't the master also like the old servant to say that!" Luo Zhengfeng's smile did not change and said softly.

Xi Lao put down the teacup, and Luo Zheng hurriedly filled his cup with tea.

"Alas!" Luo Zhengfeng sighed and whispered, "This time, we old people should be able to straighten up in front of our ancestors!"

The sad look in Xi Lao's eyes flashed away, and he also nodded and said, "It's still early to say this. Let's wait until his martial arts reach the realm of Jieyuan!"

Looking at the smoke curling up, Long Fei and the three of them did not stop after coming out of Xi's old house. They immediately walked towards the first step. They had to fill their stomachs whether they were practicing or practicing martial arts. In the Tongtian ladder, only the first entry had a kitchen, and the three of them naturally went to the first.

Along the way, I saw the people on Wangtian Peak that I usually didn't see. At this time, dozens of people, except for a few old antiques who were huddled in their own room and asked others to deliver food, the rest of them came out of the room at this time, knowing that the meal time of each meal of the Tianshen ladder was certain, and the meal time was only half After an hour, after this time, you can only be hungry. Therefore, in addition to the old men, the rest of the people came out of the place or room where they practiced without exception and rushed towards the first entry. Of course, there are really people who don't come to eat and can't starve him. There are all kinds of fruits and wild plants on the mountain, and you can find something to fill your stomach.

Eating is a common place for everyone. Whether it is a servant or a disciple, they all eat the same thing, live in the same house, and even dress the same. If you don't know those disciples, you really can't recognize who is the disciple of inheritance and who is the servant at a glance. On the ladder, the difference between disciples and servants is that disciples are free. The main thing every day is to practice, with endless elixir assistance, and there is no need to work. However, the servant does not have so many elixirs. Of course, there is also one occasionally, but the main thing of the servant every day is labor. On the peak of the sky, there are many crops, which are almost everything from grain and grass to medicinal materials, and even breeds many animals to eat meat. In addition to the fact that the first house must be taken care of by the disciples, the rest of the common areas are also cleaned by the servants. Only after these things are done can they practice.

Of course, Tongtian ladder is not isolated from the world. In addition to some grain and medicinal materials that are grown by themselves, other clothes, used, and even some food are also bought from outside the mountain. Although these servants have to work every day, there are not many things to do.

In the heavenly ladder, if the servants want to change this status, they will only be exempted from handymen and specialize in practicing kung fu, but they will still occasionally need to be responsible for taking care of the teaching of some new servants. Only when they reach the realm of Jieyuan can they be completely the same as ordinary disciples. Free practice, there are many elixirs to take, and there is no need to do anything else.

In the Tongtian ladder, there are not many such servants. In addition to Luo, Ding, Lin and An Si Lao, there are also two middle-aged people who have just reached the level of Jieyuan. The rest are under Jieyuan, even the acquired realm.

The disciples of the heavenly ladder are not taught by these servants of the Jieyuan realm, but by the four elders, because these disciples are specially selected to inherit the heavenly ladder. Everyone is a talented person, and every achievement will certainly not stop at the realm of Jieyuan. Because there are very few or even only one inheritance disciples in the past dynasties, they shoulder the heavy responsibility of sect inheritance, and these works will certainly not let them do it.

The three entered the canteen and greeted some people with a smile, while others also responded with a smile. On the first day, they knew that Xi Lao had accepted three new disciples, one of whom was still innate. In the past few days, they have been familiar with Long Fei and others.

There was no accident after eating. After breakfast, the three went to the second entrance to find Ding Baoli Ding Lao, who was responsible for teaching them martial arts. This is always a short and fat old man with a red face, red wine nose, thick lips, and eyes almost narrowed into a line. Seeing Long Fei and the other two, they smiled and said, "Old The servant has met three young masters.

Seeing an old man with a red nose and a red face, but white hair and a white beard salute to him, Long Fei and the three of them were shocked and hurriedly bowed down deeply and said respectfully, "The younger generation has met Mr. Ding!"

"Get up, get up." Ding Baoli looked at Long Fei with a smile, just like a wolf looking at three little sheep, and said loudly, "Is it Xi Lao who asked you to come to me?"

"Yes, the master asked Mr. Ding to teach us martial arts." Long Fei said respectfully.

"Ha ha..." Ding Baoli stroked his beard, laughed, and said, "Don't dare, dare you. How dare the old servant preach to several young masters? Let's study together. Every disciple who first enters the master in the Tongtian ladder is arranged by the old servant. Your master doesn't say anything, and I also know how to do it. Please come with me.

The three followed Ding Baoli to a practice room, where there were sandbags, sticks, swords, wood and other tools for practicing. Next to the tools, there were some instructions.

"The young master of Copper Head and the young master Tielan are practicing here. Every morning, I get up, eat a red fruit, practice for half an hour, and then go to dinner. After dinner, I rest for half an hour. After practicing for an hour, I go to soak in the bone washing pool outside for an hour, get up and rest for half an hour. I go to have lunch, rest for an hour, and then practice for an hour. Soak for another hour, practice for another hour, and soak for another hour. Then have dinner and go to bed. Every day's practice is so repetitive and unchangeable. Every half month, the old servant will come to dredge the whole body meridians for you and purify the liquid. This situation is until you enter the congenital. After entering the congenital, you can practice at will. As for Master Long, the daily practice is arranged by yourself. There are countless books in the classic hall. If you want to learn that one, you can get that one. The old servant is only responsible for supplying elixirs. If Young Master Long doesn't understand anything, you can also ask the old servant. Everything the old servant knows must be wordless and endless.

There is such a sect in the world. The master is not a disciple, and he is taught by others, but others are only responsible for taking care of it.

"The younger generation knows." Long Fei and the other three said respectfully. There is no way. The disciples in the ladder are taught in this way, just like free-range. Although they are free and unattended, and after entering the innate, they must go out to practice every year, which can be said to be extremely free. However, among the disciples of the heavenly ladder, no one dares to relax, and even those servants dare not relax, because there is a big test every year. This big test is presided over by Xi Lao to assess the entry of martial arts. Of course, those who make rapid progress are rewarded, but those who lag behind have no punishment, but they are just remembered. After a year, you can still look up when you go out. After a few years, you can only bow your head when you go out, like a mouse crossing the street.

"This is your red fruit today. The bone washing pool is outside. Remember to soak it in the time period I mentioned. At that time, the effect will be the best, otherwise it will be greatly reduced. If the three young masters have no other instructions, the old servant will leave. Ding Baoli handed three fiery red fruits to Longfei, which were the red fruits that Long Fei had eaten before.

"Don't dare, Mr. Ding, go slowly!" Long Fei and the three dared to have orders, and they all sent Ding Baoli away respectfully.

"Ha ha..." Ding Baoli shrugged his red nose, laughed, walked out, and shouted, "You should practice well." Then he muttered, "Master, you have to pay so much attention to this boy, but you don't know whether he will be a dragon or a snake in the future."

Zuo Dun stood outside his practice room and looked at Ding Baoli coming out of another practice room. His face was a little gloomy and he was not in a good mood. Before Long Fei came, he had always been the focus of Wangtian Peak. No matter what the praise was, everyone in the whole ladder did not hesitate to give him, and what elixir was also for him to ask for. Those old guys, including Xi Lao, also surrounded him and constantly pointed them personally, if they were not afraid of his foundation. Unstable affects his future achievements, and he can't even wait to inject internal strength for him and improve his realm. In his feeling, it seems that everything in the ladder is spinning for him, and the future of the sect will also be handed over to him.

Now, Long Fei came, and now Long Fei's martial arts level is lower than him, but Long Fei is only 12 years old, and like him, he entered the first-line realm of heaven at the age of 12. However, Long Fei was groped by himself, but he was personally instructed by Xi Lao and several old guys, and had a continuous foundation of elixirs to achieve such a result. Looking at the performance of several old guys now, Long Fei's status in his mind will never be lower than himself. Before Long Fei entered the sect, Xi Lao has let the two brothers or Xi Lao himself to guard every day and constantly provide Danhong fruit. Such attention is also unique among the sect. It seems that Long Fei will not only distract his concerns in the future, but also be divided a lot by Long Fei. Even in Xi Lao's mind, Long Fei will be more important than himself in the future. How could Zuo Dun, who is arrogant and has always regarded his peers as nothing, stand such a situation? Therefore, since Long Fei entered the sect, Zuo Dun has been looking at Longfei with gloomy eyes.

"Five Young Master, are you looking for me?" A teenager with a long face like a horse and about the same age as Zuo Dun came out of a room on the side, walked gently to Zuo Dun and asked softly.

"This is your red fruit this month." The palm of the left shield turned over, and two fiery red fruits appeared in the palm of the hand.

"Thank you, Master Five." The horse-faced teenager looked happy and hurriedly reached out to take it.

"slow down!" Looking at it, he was about to get it, but the left shield closed his palm and held Dan Hongguo in the palm of his hand. His eyes were like a torch. With the eyes of the horse-faced teenager, he said lightly, "Ma Matthew, I have one thing I want you to do for you to do."

"Ma Matthew can have this cultivation, which is all given by the five young masters. If you have anything to do, please let me know." Matthew had a serious look on his face and was not annoyed by the left shield retracting to Danhongguo.

It turns out that on the heavenly ladder, as a servant, you can eat the yam planted on Wangtianfeng, but you can't eat the red fruit, unless you have reached the realm of spiritual transformation, and Matthew is only the realm of the acquired spiritual vein. It is still one step away from the innate realm, and it is even more impossible to eat the red fruit. However, the left shield or Because of the orphan, or because of the painstaking efforts, he actually felt pity for Matthew and gave him two red fruits every month. As a result, after Matthew had the red fruits, the martial arts entered the realm really fast. In a year, from the copper skin realm to the spiritual vein realm.

"You help me monitor Long Fei and others. They will come to report to me their every move." Zuo Dun's eyes were like two sharp swords, and Zi stared into Matthew's eyes and said softly and seriously.

"How many new young masters?" Matthew trembled and wondered, "Ma Matthew is just a servant. How dare he monitor the young master!"

Zuo Dun smiled and said softly, "It's just for you to listen carefully and see what they do. It's not for you to hurt them. What are you afraid of?"

Matthew pondered for a while before he hesitated, "Ma Xiu's cultivation was given by the five young masters. Since the five young masters have his life, how dare Matthew not obey?"

The cold color flashed in Zuo Shield's eyes, but he immediately changed to a soft look, stuffed Dan Hongguo into Matthew's hand, and said, "Go and practice well and enter the innate realm as soon as possible."