Eastern Continent

Chapter 90, Eagle of Montenegro

The tiger roars in the mountains and forests. Who dares to be the king in the mountains and forests? The eagles hit the sky, and who can be respected in the sky.

In fact, the most important backbone of the ladder is not the disciples of Shi Zhanguo, Zuo Dun, Lin Kedang, Long Fei, Tongtou, Tielan, and even Guan Quan and Zhou An, who have left the teacher. As for those young servants, there is no need not to mention them.

In addition to Xi Lao himself, there are several old servants who can be regarded as the main force in the Tianshen ladder. Lin Chang and An Fei in the first, Ding Baoli in the second, and Luo Zhengfeng in the third in the Tianshen ladder are the backbone. These people's martial arts skills are only slightly inferior to Xi Lao. They have been practicing martial arts with Xi Lao since childhood. In terms of talent, they are only slightly inferior to Xi Lao. The reason why they did not become inheritance disciples is that they are all servants brought by Xi Lao, and naturally they dare not be called brothers to Xi Lao. Just like some young servants now, some of them actually have good qualifications, even better than the inheritance disciples of ordinary sects, but every disciple in the Tongtian ladder is one of ten thousand. Naturally, it is not comparable to him, so he can't become an inheritance disciple, only Become a servant guarding the mountain. However, they are also willing to be servants in the Tongtian ladder, rather than wanting to become disciples of other sects. After all, Tongtian ladder is not something that other sects other than Montenegro can do.

This tiger and eagle, Ding Baoli and Lin Chang, Ding Baoli is known as the tiger of Montenegro, Lin Chang is known as the eagle of Montenegro, and the four old servants of Montenegro are known as the four elders of Montenegro. In addition to these two people, Luo Zhengfeng is the dragon of Montenegro and An Fei is the phoenix of Montenegro. Together, the dragon soars in the sky, and the wind and clouds change color; the tiger roars in the mountains and forests, who dares to be the king; the eagle attacks the sky, who is respected; the phoenix flies outside the sky, and hundreds of birds come to the court.

With the existence of these four people and Xi Lao, Tongtian ladder can deter the world and make other sects dare not look at them. In the world, no matter which sect, there are very few people who can have five great gods like Xi Lao.

Now it is the Black Mountain Eagle Linchang, the husband of the Black Mountain Feng Anfei, who is slowly coming out of the shadow.

White hair, wrinkled face, full of beard, although it is slowly coming, but like an eagle flying nine days away, calm and confident, like Wang Ruzun.

"Lao Lin!" Seeing Lin Chang, Long Fei and the three of them bowed at the same time and said respectfully. In Montenegro, although these four old people are servants, they are second only to Xi Lao. Except for Xi Lao, the rest of them should be honored as "old" when they see them.

"Young masters, don't be polite, get up!" Lin Chang stretched out his hand to help him, and the three of them felt a strong surge, and their bent bodies were immediately helped up.

"Is it so late, hasn't Mr. Lin going to bed?" Long Fei took the opportunity to stand up, looked at Lin Chang, and asked respectfully.

"I'm old and can't sleep, so I come out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet the three of you." Lin Chang smiled, sat down on a stone pier, looked at Long Fei and said, "Sit down, let's talk."

"Yes!" Long Fei also sat down on a stone pier next to him, and Copper Head and Tielan naturally sat down with Long Fei.

"I just heard that you are going to pick fruits in the cold pool by yourself. I don't know if it's true?" Although Lin Chang's face was wrinkled and his hair was gray, and he sat nearby, he could see that his eyes were extremely sharp, as if there were two bright lights in the night. No matter who was on his face, Long Fei and the three felt as if there was something substantial passing from his face, and his skin was covered with goose bumps.

"Yes!" Long Fei answered honestly.

"Why? Do you think you can beat the black dragonfly? Or do you think that you have practiced a good kung fu and can avoid the attack of the black dragonfly? Lin Chang became serious. You should know that picking red fruits is not a trivial matter. Every disciple must be able to avoid the attack of the black dragonfly or attack the black dragonfly. The Tongtian ladder is already sparsely populated, and every disciple is a valuable asset. It is not allowed to lose disciples. Even if the loss is not in such a place, but in the war of guardians. If a disciple dies in the mouth of the black dragonfly, it will be an earth-shaking event in the sect. Therefore, without full insurance, the sect will not allow disciples to pick red fruits.

"Long Fei's light skill entered the realm of the earth, just like the senior brother of Shi Zhanguo. Since the senior brother can avoid the attack of the black dragonfly, Long Fei should also be able to avoid it." Copper Head quickly stood up and admitted that it was his own idea. This matter was indeed mentioned by Copper Head first. As a senior brother, he naturally can't let his brother top the tank for himself.

"Oh! So fast?" Lin Chang turned his head and looked at Long Fei, with a surprised look in his eyes.

"I just learned to control the strength and direction." Long Fei whispered.

"Hmm! It's only been more than three months since you entered the Tianshen ladder, right? Show it to me!" Lin Chang looked at Long Fei and ordered softly.

"Yes!" Long Fei answered respectfully and did not stand up. Xu Tiangong suddenly rushed to his feet, and his whole body rose from the sitting stone pier like that, as if there was something under his feet. The speed was very fast. Almost as he rose, he had reached a height of almost two feet. Seeing that the rising momentum was coming to end and was about to land, suddenly At that time, it seemed that another force surged, holding Long Fei up another distance. However, this rise was slow. Just now, it seemed to be a strong arrow that had just come out of the string. At this time, it was like a leaf swept up by the autumn wind, hovering in the air and slowly rising. After about three and a half feet, Long Fei It began to fall.

There is certainly a gap between the popular light kung fu of the heavenly ladder, and the distance of jumping. When the earth is in the realm, it can jump between three and four feet. The elephant master occupies the country. After practicing light kung fu for several years, he can jump up four feet, or even four feet a little bit, but it is never more than five feet, and Long Fei has just mastered it and can Jumping to three and a half feet is also a kind of evil genius. When it comes to the realm of water, it can jump six to seven feet, or even more than seven feet, but it is never more than eight feet. Guan Quan and Zhou An are the realm of water. At the time of the realm of wind, the low can jump ten feet, 11 or 12 feet, strong talent, and even reach 15 feet. The light skill that rises high and moves straight to the past and disappears in an instant is no different from ordinary people. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is no different from immortals. In the sky ladder, there are the other four realms except for Xi Lao. Old.

Of course, that's just the ability to jump. As for the decline, it will definitely be easier and the distance will be higher. After all, it doesn't take much internal force. Elephant Master Zhanguo can only jump four feet, but when it comes to the cold pool, he can directly jump off the ten-high suspension wall, but he borrowed a few times on the stones protruding from the wall in the middle. When he comes up, he can only jump four feet. The rest of the distance must be used with his hands and feet to borrow strength on the suspension wall to rise.

In the heavenly ladder, ordinary people fall vertically and quickly. If the distance is too high, they will borrow power from other places, such as when they occupy the cold pool of the country. But when Long Fei fell, he didn't need to borrow power. He seemed to be a yellow leaf that had just been blown off the branch by the wind. With the wind, it floated and slowly floated to the ground. His feet stood firmly without staggering.

"Good!" Lin Chang couldn't help shouting, brought Long Fei closer, looked at it carefully, and asked softly, "Did you find out your light skills by yourself, or was someone else teaching you?"

"It was figured out by the disciple himself, right?" Long Feidao.

"Tpeak to me about the operation of the internal force when you spin your light power." Lin Chang patted Long Fei on the shoulder and said softly.

"The younger generation divides the internal force of the output of Dantian into several strands. The largest one comes first to the feet and lifts itself up. When the current internal force is exhausted, the remaining internal forces are injected into the feet one after another. In this way, whether it rises or falls, the younger generation can control it freely." In front of this old god, Long Fei naturally dares not hide his privacy and says anything.

"Hmm!" Lin Chang didn't say anything when he heard it. He just gave a soft hum and looked at Long Fei meditating. Lin Chang looked at the calm surface. In fact, his heart has been stirred up by huge waves. Not to mention the method of running internal forces when Long Fei performed light kung fu, not to mention that among the martial artists in the world, no matter which sect, with Lin Chang's knowledge, no one seems to have run the internal force like this when he performed light skills. This can It's a new attempt. After Lin Chang decided to go back, he also tried it himself to see the effect.

"It is also a good way for you to run the internal force in this way, but you must also master the original method, that is, if the internal force is used up, and then output the internal force from Dantian, so that the internal force can circulate repeatedly, and the internal force source is endless, and if you do, you pull out too much internal force at once, Dantian If there is too little power, it will run fast, the recovery will be slow, and it will be very unfavorable to the enemy.

"Disciples also know that they haven't been able to use their internal strength as you always said, so they have no choice but to come up with this." Long Fei said modestly that he did not dare to talk back to Lin Chang, saying that his own method is OK, but others' methods are not good, which will really become arrogant.

"You have a good look!" As soon as Lin Chang's voice fell, his whole body suddenly rose from the stone pier, like a sharp arrow, like a meteor, rushed into the sky of the night sky, straight up to ten feet, and then landed again. His landing speed was almost as fast as the rising speed. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the ground east, his feet on the ground, dusty, and fallen leaves. Not surprised, I can't even see footprints on the ground. It seems that it is not a person with more than 100 catties, but a willow catkins and a chicken feather that fell so fast.

Long Fei and the three of them all opened their eyes and opened their mouths wide. This is a light skill. The distance of ten feet up and down is just a blink of an eye, as if Lin Chang has not moved. If Lin Chang went to pick the fruit, maybe the black dragonfly has not come out of the cold pool, and he has picked his hand and Back to the cliff. Long Fei and the three of them all understood why Lin Chang was called the Eagle of Montenegro. With his light skill, he was indeed like an eagle soaring in the sky and attacking like lightning.

Lin Chang stood still and said to Long Fei, "This is the difference between using Dantian as the device to store internal forces. After using it, and then outputting a large amount of internal forces with the meridians as a container, divided into several strands of light power. The former is as fast as electricity, rising and falling, and can't be prevented, but you are gentle and melodious, like the wind blowing willow catkins, such as The dragon swims in the long sky, the direction is uncertain, and it is difficult to prevent. If you can integrate the fast, accurate, and sudden characteristics of the former into your melodiousness and gentleness, you can reach the world alone, and may reach the realm of light travel, even surpassing your master.

"Disciples will definitely study hard when they are taught." Long Fei is very useful. He can see this kind of light skill with his own eyes, hear Lin Chang's careful analysis and teaching, and hear Lin Chang's praise, which is really very useful. These old antiques in the sky ladder are all thinking about studying martial arts and practicing in isolation all year round. Few people can see it. It's not a major event. They won't appear. Like tonight, Lin Chang is indeed a painstaking effort**. After coming out for a while, he met Long Fei.

In the three entrances of the sky ladder, although there is an old man in each entry, they are actually not in charge of the matter. As long as they are the god needle of the sea, there are six or seven young servants under Lin Chang and his wife, who are responsible for the first entry, and Ding Baoli's men also have three or four responsible for taking care of the second. As for Luo Zhengfeng, he is a Taoist boy who uses the same as Xi Lao. They practice all year round, don't care about other people's business, and the things on the ladder of heaven are actually managed by Lin Kedang.

"Go back and rest quickly. Practice should also be divided into stages. Rest is the most important. If you don't have enough rest, you won't have enough physical strength. You can't keep up. Practice is also twice the result with half the effort, and the benefits are not big. Don't you know?" Lin Chang looked at the three children in front of him and loved them very much, but he had to say a few words with a straight face.

"I know, my disciple is ready to go back to sleep." Long Fei and the three of them said respectfully.

"Hmm!" Lin Chang nodded and said, "Go back to rest quickly, otherwise you will have no energy to practice tomorrow, especially in the acquired realm. That's just physical exercise, and you need to be mentally sufficient. In the innate realm, although you can make up for your sleep through meditation, the necessary sleep must be maintained before entering the Jieyuan realm."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for teaching me. I'm going back to bed now." After Long Fei and the other three saluted Lin Chang, they turned around and walked towards the second.

"You want to pick the fruit and call the little monkey together. With this light skill, as long as you are careful, it's okay." Lin Chang looked at the back of the three people and slowly showed a smile at the corners of his mouth, making the wrinkled face a little younger. He muttered, "Master, you are so eye-catching and a good apprentice. No wonder you took so much effort at the beginning. I'm afraid that you are not even as good as the master in the future! It seems that we have become a person who shocked the world again!"