Eastern Continent

Chapter 95, Punishment

In the ancestral hall of the Tianshen ladder, Xi Lao lived in the upper position. Behind him stood Luo Zhengfeng's four elders, Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo. Long Fei, Tongtou and Tielan stood on the left, and some servants stood on the right, and below them knelt on the left shield.

Xi Lao's eyes stared at Zuo Shield, and his face was rarely as gloomy as frost. There have always been very few disciples in the inheritance of Tongtianshidai. It is extremely rare for them to fight for favor and even frame their fellow brothers. This situation only happens because Xi Lao's generation has received a little more disciples. In order to warn future generations and punish Zuo Dun today, Xi Lao gathered all the people of Tongtian ladder, whether disciples or servants, to testify.

That day, after Zuo Dun found that it was Lin Chang who came to his side, his heart was ashes and he was so shocked that he forgot to avoid it. However, he also knew that with the light skills of his realm, he wanted to avoid the pursuit of Lin Changfeng's light skills in the realm, which was tantamount to talking nonsense.

Naturally, Lin Chang found that this person who dared to kill people with a knife under their eyelids was not an outsider who went deep into Montenegro, but Zuo Dun, the fifth disciple of the heavenly ladder. At that time, Lin Chang was in a bad mood and his mood was complicated, which can be imagined.

Xi Lao looked at the kneeling below and sighed slightly in his heart. Most of the consequences of Zuo Dun's behavior were caused by his conniving him since childhood, less than discipline, but more than praise. He only taught martial arts, but neglected to teach him the truth of life.

Before Longfei went up the mountain, Zuo Dun was their hope to revitalize the heavenly ladder. How much effort did their five elders put into Zuo Dun? Everyone's praise and expectations made Zuo Dun become like this, which was also unexpected by Xi Lao.

Zuo Dun has been smart and understanding since he was a child. Although he doesn't say much, he is meek and gentle, and his talent for learning martial arts is also rare. He progresses rapidly. Thousands of days a day, at the age of only 17 years old, he has reached the realm of free heaven, which can be said to be one in heaven. For a long time, Xi Lao and the rest of the four elders have only praised Zuo Dun, and the rest of the servants have only flattered him. Since childhood, there has ever said a harsh word to him, let alone scold or punished him. For this apprentice, Xi Lao has only love and doting. Even if there is a response, all kinds of resources for learning martial arts are also needed by Zuo Dun, while the other four brothers do not have this treatment.

This is also because Zuo Dun's qualification indeed exceeds that of the other four people. Even in the whole Tianshen ladder, the speed of Zuo Dun's learning martial arts can't catch up with anyone. Whether it is Xi Lao, Si Lao, or others, they have regarded Zuo Dun as a person who can carry forward the ladder in the future. Naturally, they spare no effort to cultivate him and cultivate him, but only remember to teach martial arts, and neglect to teach the principles of life. In this case, Zuo Dun naturally formed a kind of idea that the ladder is self-centered and self-respecting. Usually, in addition to showing a little respect for Xi Lao and the four elders, the other servants and his four brothers are actually a high posture.

At this time, Long Fei added. When Long Fei first entered, he went up to Xi Lao and Si Lao to Lin Kedang. The two Shi Zhanguo and some servants showed goodwill, love and praise for Long Fei, which made Zuo Dun deeply disappointed. In the past, these things were his own, but now a person came to share it equally with him. No, it's not divided equally, but all taken away. Looking at Long Fei's smiling face all day, he seemed to be happy and proud of being praised, which made Zuo Dun feel unbearable.

Since childhood, except for the unremembered time before being adopted by Xi Lao, it may have been unsatisfactory. After that, it has been smooth and auspicious. It has always been the center of other people's attention. Never been so lost or forgotten so much. He has never been so overwhelmed. Therefore, when I was a child, I developed a self-only personality that could not tolerate things, and began to distort and began to calculate.

"Left Shield! Didn't a teacher often tell you that brothers should get along well and not kill each other? Long Fei first entered the master and was not familiar with everything. When he needed your care, you wanted to put him to death? Tell me, why is that? Xi Lao's eyes are full of helplessness and pain. Zuo Dun and Long Fei are both his very optimistic disciples. In the future, Tongtian ladder will also be carried forward in their hands. Maybe it will surpass the devil's palace and miracles and become the first school in the world. Although Hicks is not famous and indifferent, it is only for individuals who can keep the door. The person who carried forward was still his own disciple, so he felt that he was worthy of his ancestor. Originally, I thought that the two would have similar interests because of their similarity, and their understanding of martial arts would be similar, so that they would become good friends, but unexpectedly, they became sworn enemies because of their love.

Zuo Dun knelt, blocked his neck, and his face turned red, as if he had been greatly wronged. He stared at the floor in front of him. At this time, he only had hatred in his heart and no regret. In his mind, if Xi Lao and others hadn't focused their attention and transferred resources to Long Fei, how could he have become like this? How could there be such a result? .

"The disciple deserved to die, put Brother Long in danger and almost lost his life, but the disciple was wronged. The disciple only heard that Brother Long's light kung fu was a different path, and he entered the realm of earth in just a few months, so he wanted to try how his brother's light kung fu, so he threw a stone to disturb the black dragonfly, and he did not think of killing him to death. Saying that the disciple is still taking care of him, there should be no big problem!" Seeing Xi Lao talking, Zuo Dun lowered his head and trembled.

"You still refuse to admit it, because I really don't know? It seems that you don't see the coffin and don't cry. Elder Senson smiled and turned to a middle-aged man standing on the right: "Bring Matthew."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man turned around and walked out of the ancestral hall and soon brought Matthew in.

Hearing Matthew's name, Zuo Dun trembled slightly, and his face immediately turned pale. If Xi Lao and others didn't know Matthew, it was reasonable to throw stones to test the dragon's light skills, but Matthew came and said that he had been paying attention to the dragon for the past few months. The words and deeds of Fei and others can no longer be refuted.

"Mao, tell me, since the dragon flew into the mountain, why have you been monitoring them and telling Zuo Dun what their words and deeds are they for and who instructed them?" Looking at Matthew kneeling in front of him, Xi Lao asked lightly.

Looking at the people standing in the hall and the solemn atmosphere, and seeing the left shield kneeling in front of Xi Lao, Matthew, a servant who has never entered the ancestral hall and has never gone through such a big scene, did not seem to be very panicked. At least there is no panic in his eyes, nor can he see fear. There is only one that seems to be magnificent. The look of death. Hearing Xi Lao's question, he kowtowed and said, "The villain deserves to die. Because the villain feels that the latter three young masters are in a different situation from the villain, but he can be accepted as a disciple by the old master, but the villain can only be a servant. Under the villain's jealousy, he has been monitoring them and keeps saying bad things about them in front of the five young masters, trying to choose. The five young masters are at discord with them.

Not only was Boss Xi was surprised, but also the people in this ancestral hall were greatly surprised, because everyone knew that on the heavenly ladder, a servant raised by the sect since childhood should only be grateful to the sect. How could he provoke discord because of jealousy of inheriting disciples? In this way, Xiu is obviously maintaining the left shield.

Zuo Dun turned his eyes towards Matthew, his eyes were grateful, and his expression of disbelief flashed. Matthew just looked at the ground where he was kneeling and quietly waited for Xi Lao to ask questions or punish, as if he didn't know the shock caused by his words.

"Is it the result of your picking that the left shield threw stones to shock the black dragon and put the dragon flying in danger?" Xi Lao sighed slightly. Although Zuo Dun was talented, his heart was too small to be as responsible as a small servant who had no one taught him. Matthew has been a servant in the Tianshida ladder since he was a child and is at the lowest level. Although he can learn martial arts, he is not personally taught and helped by Xi Lao like his main disciples. However, he somehow got on Zuo Dun. Zuo Dun gave him two red fruits every month and told him the correct way to practice. As a result, he let Ma Xiu progress in martial arts. The situation got up a little faster and has always been in a leading position among the same young servants. Now, Matthew is grateful to Zuo Dun for taking care of him all the time and taking care of himself.

"That's the little man deliberately said in front of the five young master how good the light skills of the young master dragon is and how unique it is, which is higher than the five young masters. As a result, the five young masters did not believe it, so the villain told the five young masters that the young dragon would go to the cold pool to pick fruits. The five young masters can test the light skills of the young master by shocking the black dragon." Matthew defended in an orderly manner, but not to defend himself, but for Zuo Dun. Although he did not hear what Zuo Dun had just said, his words coincided with Zuo Dun's defense.

Luo Zhengfeng raised his ten-year-old serious face and quickly exchanged a glance with the other three elders. He saw the surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, a servant still had such a responsibility. In order to repay the kindness of a few red fruits of Zuo Shield, he did not hesitate to take his own lives. You know, in the ladder of heaven, the servant framed and spread Cheng's disciple can be executed.

After Matthew finished speaking, Zuo Dun also wanted to say a few words complaining about Matthew for framing him and acting decently, but after all, it was the first time he did such a thing. He was not so thick-skinned, his lips moved, and finally he was silent.

At this time, everyone looked at Xi Lao, but Xi Lao seemed to close his eyes and meditate. Everyone did not dare to speak and fell into silence in the hall.

"Left Shield, regardless of the brother's feelings and brother's curiosity, put his brother in danger and almost lost his life. He was punished to think about the middle of the room and avoid it for two years. Two years later, if the martial arts can't enter the realm of chemical essence of the spirit, he will avoid it for another year. A year later, if he can't enter the realm of the essence, he will remove the name of his disciples. , be demoted to a servant." Xi Lao pondered for a long time and finally spoke out the punishment of Zuo Shield.

Zuo Dun's face changed, quickly turned red and turned green. He was in prison for two years, that is, he was imprisoned for two years. Except for the person who delivered food, everything else was no different from sitting in prison. However, the place where Zuo Dun's activity was relatively large, and the face wall was still secondary, and the wall was still out of the customs, but after The punishment of having to reach the realm of transforming spirits in three years is relatively heavy. Although Zuo Dun is now innately free, the next step is the realm of transforming spirits, but it will take at least a few years to enter. Take Shi Zhanguo and Lin Kedang as an example, the two have long entered the realm of free heaven, but four or five years It has passed, but it is still wandering in the later stage of the free heavenly realm, and there has been no movement. It can be seen that the realm of chemical essence is not so good. This limits Zuo Dun to enter the realm of refinement within three years, which is not only a punishment, but also an incentive, but also a coercion. With the talent of Zuo Dun, it is possible to achieve it in three years. Moreover, Xi Lao also had a purpose. He punished Zuo Dun and limited him to enter the realm of chemical essence for three years. Long Fei also had to practice hard and rush to enter the realm of chemical essence after three years to prevent the left shield from surpassing.

"Ma Matthew, because of jealousy and hatred, provoked discord, abolished martial arts, and expelled the school." Xi Lao and others said Matthew's punishment lightly before they could react. People may have some objections to Zuo Dun's punishment. After all, Zuo Dun has lived on the ladder for more than ten years and is an inherited disciple, and Long Fei has just arrived. However, no one has any objection to Matthew's punishment. Although some people know that Matthew took the blame for the left shield, a servant dares to participate in the struggle of inheriting disciples, and it must be you who will suffer in the end. It's good not to lose his life.

Seeing that Xi Lao's judgment is bold, although he is small and evil, he is also punished. His style is completely different from his usual harmonious style. Long Fei can't help but feel awe-inspiring. It seems that this old man is also a master who pretends to be a pig and eats tigers. Don't be deceived by his appearance.

After Xi Lao finished speaking, Long Fei immediately raised his head, took two steps forward, saluted Xi Lao first, and then said, "Master, Brother Zuo was just joking with his disciples. He did not mean to embarrass disciples. Besides, the disciples were not injured. Please show mercy and do not punish him too seriously, so as not to hurt Brother Zuo's heart to practice martial arts."

In the silence, not only Xi Lao was surprised, but the other four elders also looked at Long Fei unexpectedly. Even Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo and the rest of his servants also looked at Long Fei unexpectedly. Zuo Dun looked up and saw Long Fei, and immediately lowered his head again.

Maybe no one can imagine that Long Fei pleaded for Zuo Dun knowing that he was going to frame himself. Is this hypocritical and deliberately shown to others, or is he kind-hearted? He can't bear to see Zuo Dun being punished, so he forgets what he has been hurt.

Long Fei is just a 12-year-old child. Will he have such a deep mind? Everyone in the hall, including Zuo Dun, agreed that Long Fei was just kind-hearted and could not bear to see others being punished. However, Zuo Dun was only annoyed except for an accident, but others looked at Long Fei with a look of approval.

In this house, only Tongtou and Tielan know Long Fei's personality. Although he is really kind-hearted, he is not a person who is willing to suffer losses. He was framed by Zuo Dun and almost lost his life. He must also want Zuo Dun to be punished a little. The two copper heads will never believe that Long Fei will be kind enough to beg for Zuo Dun. Love.

However, at this time, Long Fei really pleaded for Zuo Dun, just didn't want to establish an enemy in the ladder. He entered the ladder just to practice martial arts well, but he did not come to fight with others. Moreover, he has been influenced by the iron old man since he was a child. He has an extreme desire for knowledge. There are so many books in the classic hall, including literature and martial arts. He also wants to spend a few years to read it well. In order to avoid Zuo Dun in the future, it is better to show him. Well, that's good.

In fact, Long Fei fought with the black dragonfly this time. He used his internal force too much and transported all the internal force out of Dantian. Unexpectedly, he also opened a line of acupuncture points that had not been washed away by internal force. So far, the acupuncture points of his whole body have opened a line, exactly the same, as if there were countless slightly open mouths all over his body. It has really entered the first-line realm of heaven, and the realm has also been stabilized. Although Dantian is still empty at this time, and the sky has not fully recovered, this is only a matter of time. In fact, Long Fei was blessed by misfortune this time and gained a lot.

Not everyone can open the acupuncture point of the whole body in the first line of heaven. Anyway, as long as you can open half of the acupuncture point of the whole body, you can also enter the first line of heaven, and you can still enter the sky, freely in the sky, and enter the spiritual realm, but the strength is far worse. The more acupuncture points in the whole body are opened, the more essence of heaven and earth will be absorbed, and the higher the martial arts will naturally be. People like Longfei who can break through the whole body's acupuncture points and enter the first line of the sky are the people who stand at the peak of the first line of heaven. The rest, whether they rush half or two-thirds of the sky, are inferior to Long Fei. Therefore, the warriors in the first-line realm are actually divided into three or six. If Xi Lao and Si Lao knew that Long Fei had rushed through the acupuncture point of his whole body when he entered the first line of heaven, they would have been shocked. You know, even if they entered the first line of heaven, they did not open the acupuncture point of their whole body. Ordinary first-line warriors can open four-fifths of the acupuncture points of the whole body, but some hidden acupuncture points such as under the ribs and double strands have never been able to open them.

In martial arts, each realm in the front is the foundation of the latter realm. Only the stronger the foundation, the higher the back can climb higher. Otherwise, even if it enters the high realm, it is only a low-class nine-rate goods in the same realm. It has its own name, but it is not true. Even a warrior with a lower realm may defeat it.

Left Shield has always been smooth sailing, arrogant and arrogant. It is also beneficial to him to suffer a setback. In fact, Xi Laozheng also punished Zuo Dun in order to give him a setback, so that he can wake up, which is also beneficial to his future growth. However, at this time, Zuo Dun only had anger, resentment, hatred of Xi Lao's injustice, and hatred of the other four elders' bias towards Long Fei. It can be said that he hated heaven and earth, but he did not hate himself.

Will the left shield really wake up?

"Long Fei is the victim. Since he doesn't care about it and plead for you, he will change the time of the wall to two years, and also cancel the restriction that martial arts must enter the realm of spiritualization. In the past two years, you should think about your mistakes." Xi Lao's eyes first looked at Long Fei with approval, and then looked at Zuo Dun sternly and said lightly.

Although his voice was soft, it surprised everyone in the room. Although Xi Lao is usually harmonious and amiable, in fact, he can be described as vigorous and vigorous, and arbitrary. The decisions within the sect are all made in one word and rarely changed. Therefore, at that time, no one asked for mercy, but they could not expect that Long Fei, who first entered the sect, would plead for mercy, and Xi Lao was also approved, which can also be seen that Xi Lao Love for Long Fei.

And before Long Fei went up the mountain, Xi Lao treated Zuo Dun like this.