Eastern Continent

Chapter 104, Fierce Battle 5

Long Huaijian stood in the front of the dense forest, holding his hands tightly, his knuckles were white, his nails had pierced into the meat, and his inner anxiety was uncontrollably revealed. The situation of Long Fei and the other three is extremely critical. If they can't get out in time and the second black wind thief arrives, they will never have a chance to get out.

Hu Wanle and others have asked several times to rush down the mountain to pick up Long Fei, but Long Huai still stopped them. It's not that he doesn't want to save Long Fei, but it's not the best time. There are only more than 100 people here. Although most of the more than 100 people in Feilongzhuang are young adults who have learned martial arts from Long Huaijian. , a single person is not inferior to the Black Wind Thief, but the problem is that they have not been trained by the regular army. They do not cooperate tacitly or cooperate at all. They rush down the mountain to fight against the Black Wind Thief, which is severely trained and well-equipped troops like a regular army. In a good way, that is, after sacrificing some people, they rescued Long Feisan People, but with Long Huaijian's understanding, if Long Fei saw that his brother was trapped in the black wind thief, he would definitely not retreat. In the end, maybe he could not even save Long Fei, but also put on these brothers; in a bad direction, with more than 100 people like a mob in Feilongzhuang, he wanted to save Long Fei and the three of them. The final result can only be that the two sides fight together, and it is difficult to get out. They can only wait for the second team of the Black Wind Thieves to cover up and take them off. In that regard, now these 100 people are all dependent on Feilongzhuang and can't tolerate any mistakes. Although Long Huaijian is worried about Longfei, he does not want to rush them into the war.

Long Huaijian was also secretly angry. At that time, if Long Fei and the other three immediately turned back and fled, although there was little hope, there was still a few hope, but now they seemed hopeless. Indeed, if Long Fei and the three immediately turned around and fled at that time, coupled with more than 100 people responding, they would definitely be able to escape. Unfortunately, the three did not know that Long Huaijian was worried and took people to secretly follow them, leading the three to choose to rush into the enemy and kill them.

Long Huaijian was full of regret at this time. If he had sent someone to inform Long Fei immediately after he arrived at the place at that time, it would not be so.

Long Fei and the three of them did not move forward fast, but as long as they recognized a direction, no one could really stop the pace of the three people. Long Fei, as an arrow, flew up and down, dancing like a dragon. It can be said that he did his best to break a bloody road surrounded by heavy black wind thieves. The place where the three passed was like a Shura hell. They were blood-stained wounded or dead with broken hands and feet, and these three seemed to have become three fierce gods who fell from the sky, specially for harvesting their lives.

However, at this time, the three people also became a blood man, with blood stains all over their bodies, as if they were death crawling out of the blood pool. They did not know whether it was their own blood or the enemy's blood. Under high mental tension, the three almost did not even feel whether they were injured or not. At this time, they just instinctively waved their weapons. , keep killing the black wind thief, and at the same time, the body makes various actions to dodge the enemy's weapons. If it can't be avoided, he chooses to meet the enemy's sword with that part to avoid serious injury.


After Long Fei picked up a black wind thief, the long gun turned over and blocked a thick knife that cut him in danger. The other party was very strong. Long Fei's hands shook in vain, and the long gun almost flew out.

At a glance in a hurry, it was not unexpected by Long Fei. Sure enough, Shan Qing came up.

To block the pace of the three people's progress, the most important thing is to block Long Fei. Seeing that the three people have been surrounded, how could Shan Qing let go of this opportunity to destroy the three people? Shan Qing was on the right side of Long Fei. Shan Qingli ignored Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo behind him and secretly sneaked near Long Fei. When Long Fei focused on blocking other black wind thieves' weapons, his thick knife roared out, and a powerful knife almost smashed Long Fei's long gun. When Long Fei blocked his thick knife, the thin knife of his original main attack stabbed out like a sword and stabbed into Long Fei's arm.

"Haha... I expected you a long time ago!" Long Fei was not afraid at all. When he cracked his mouth and laughed, he patted the horse and greeted him. Although the long gun had no time to reverse, he suddenly held the middle part of the barrel with both hands. The handle of the gun hit the right fiercely and easily knocked Yinqing's thin knife away.

However, being disturbed by Shan Qing, Long Fei still couldn't dodge and was stabbed by a black wind on his thigh. Fortunately, he sat on horseback. If he walked on his legs, he would definitely be affected. However, the black wind thief was also stabbed in the neck by Long Fei's back gun and picked him off the horse.

Long Fei's arm had a minor injury. After such a fierce battle, the wound was good and cracked, cracked and good. Coupled with the enemy's blood and his own or other injured blood stains, he had already dyed his white clothes red. At this time, he looked like a blood man.

When Shan Qing saw that under Long Fei's own struggle, he could still hurt his own people. He was furious and attacked harder. He flew with two knives and danced like a flower and a willow, as if he killed Long Fei desperately.

In fact, Shan Qing's martial arts and Long Fei are only between Bozhong. In fact, Shan Qing's rich experience and internal strength are slightly better than Long Fei's, but in terms of moves and combat skills, Long Fei is still a little smarter, especially the special nature of Xu Tiangong, which is not comparable to the martial arts practiced by Shan Qing. Gong is one of several martial arts at the top of the pyramids of various martial arts in the mainland. Except for a small part of what he learned from his master, Shan Qing's martial arts are miscellaneous martial arts that he learned by himself through various channels. They are at the base of the pyramid, so Long Fei can force Shan Qing back and kill him again. It is not surprising that a black wind thief is

Seeing Shan Qing coming to the front to stop Long Fei, Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo were shocked and immediately knew that the big thing was not good. Shan Qing's martial arts and Long Fei were only between Bo Zhong. If he really worked hard, it was really possible that Long Fei would be entangled, and it would be difficult for the three people to get out!

Link made a decisive decision and shouted, "Little brother, I'll exchange positions with you."

"No!" Long Fei refused loudly, "I'll open the way!"

He stared at Shan Qing, as if the beast was staring at his prey. First, he struggled to pick out a few shots, almost fatally, stabbed the black wind in front of him, or drove him away, and emptied all of them. Between Long Fei and Shan Qing became a vacuum zone without obstruction. Then, Long Fei originally held the barrel of the gun. The left hand in the middle suddenly took it back, held the tail of the gun barrel with his right hand, and then raised it high above his head. The long gun actually put up a long knife.

It seems that Long Fei poured all his strength into this gun, as if the essence of heaven and earth also surged into Long Fei's long gun because of Long Fei's move. The long gun was stable at the beginning, as if it had taken root and did not move, but it was just In an instant, the tip of the gun began to tremble, and the trembling became bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, it changed from a small tremor to a large tremor. At this time, the good tenacity of the white wax wood's barrel was reflected. The tip of the gun almost trembled and a virtual shadow, but the back of the handle of the gun was still motionless.

Then, Long Fei gently clamped the horse's abdomen and took a step forward and hit this move on Shanqing. The long gun trembled, like a group of snakes crossed their necks, and thousands of willows lingered, pressing towards Shanqing's cover. This move was full of the momentum of shaking the world and crushing everything.

Shan Qing's face became solemn, unprecedentedly solemn and gloomy, almost dripping water. He felt the power of this move. Although there were many black wind thieves next to him, Shan Qing knew that no one could help him except himself, and he could not even dodge. Long Fei's move had completely made Shan Qing's air machine. Locked, as long as his heart is a little timid and the momentum is slightly weak, Long Fei immediately can feel it, and his momentum will be higher because of Shanqing's weakness, which will be more irresistible. Shan Qing clearly knew that as long as he showed a little weakness, the final result was either to die here or be seriously injured.

This move is the strange move learned from "The Secret of the Sky" after Long Fei's martial arts entered the innate realm. Narrative of the Secret of Heaven, as the name implies, tells the secret of God. Naturally, this move is also the secret of heaven. Long Fei was named Zhantian, and even God dared to fight, not to mention Shan Qing!

Shan Qing felt the momentum of this move, and his face finally changed greatly! He fought fiercely with Longfei and thought that he knew Longfei very well. Although Longfei's moves were strange and untouchable, his combat experience and internal strength were better than Long Fei. In all aspects, he should still be a little better than Long Fei, but he did not expect that Long Fei still had such an anti-sky move. At that time I never saw the display. At this juncture of life and death, I suddenly showed it.

Zhantian's move bombarded down, and the momentum was shrouded in all directions. All the people standing in front of Long Fei felt a kind of power of death. They couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. They subconsciously wanted to dodge, but Shanqing, who was the first to stand on the brunt, was sold to death by Long Fei's gas machine and could not retreat. In desperation, only He stiffened his scalp, roared, waved his knives, and greeted Long Fei.

"Dang, Dang, Ding..." A series of strange voices came from the place where the two fought. Because Long Fei's move was too powerful, when the move was bombarded, the gun shadow was as fast as lightning, and the momentum covered thousands of places. Everyone only saw a few shadows, but no one could tell the situation of the two weapons fighting. When the sound came, when it hit the tenth sound, the two finally separated.

Shanqing's war horse rushed from the side of Longfei and rushed out to the side.

As soon as the two separated, Shan Qing's body seemed to be like a funnel. Blood spewed out from many parts of his body and suddenly dyed him into a bloody man. This war horse was cut open on the horse's abdomen by Long Fei. The horse seemed to be unable to resist the force generated by the two men's fight. He took a few steps again. Shan Qingyi The blood couldn't help spitting out, like the torn red flowers being sprinkled into the air, dyeing the horses red.

It seems that Shan Qing was seriously injured in this move between the two.

At this time, Long Fei still sat firmly on the horse and did not move, as if Shan Qing's attack only gave Long Fei a little interference, giving people an unpredictable feeling. As soon as Shan Qing retreated, Long Fei rushed forward, as if it was just a hand to repel Shan Qing, a congenital warrior between his martial arts and his friends.

The black wind thief was stunned for a moment when he saw that Shan Qing, the great leader they regarded as a god, was defeated by Long Fei. However, they were all war veterans. As soon as they were stunned, they immediately reacted, screamed, waved weapons, and surrounded Long Fei.

Seeing the black wind thief surrounding again, Long Fei did not rush forward this time, but rode his horse back. In the blink of an eye, he exchanged a position with Lin Kedang and handed over the position of the original striker to Lin Kedang. After the teacher occupied the national hall, Long Fei was in the middle.

After Shan Qing fought, he fell into the camp of the black wind thief, and many conflicts were never escaped. At this time, he used a strange trick. Although he repelled Shan Qing, he also suffered an internal injury. A mouthful of blood surged to his mouth, but was swallowed back by him.

At this time, Longfei was extremely weak, and his internal force had been drained. Dantian was empty. After several high-intensity wars, his body softened and almost fell off his horse just now. At this time, not to mention the innate warrior, he is an acquired warrior in the realm of copper skin, who can leave a dragon fly.

Long Fei had to retreat and be in the middle to be protected by Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo.

Linke was in the middle for a long time, but just picked up the omissions, protected the rear from being left by the enemy, and did not really contribute. At this time, he was changed to the front. As a striker, he was suddenly full of strength. The wolf's tooth stick went to sea like a dragon, sweeping straight, picking up and down. The person was invincible. The black wind thief did not encounter a blow away by a stick. , he was smashed and died. No one is the enemy of Link. Although there are many black wind thieves, no one can stop the three of them from taking a step in the round of Longfei and Link.

In fact, this is also because of the impact caused by Long Fei's injury of Shan Qing. They saw that the big boss they praised as a god was injured by a child in his early ten years old, which more or less affected their confidence. In addition, Lin Ke's martial arts skills are two levels higher than Long Fei's, and he has rich combat experience, and he is At that time, he is in the middle position, and he does not have to do his best to cut the waves and open up the way like Long Fei, who plays the striker, nor does he have to desperately resist the black wind pirates behind him. If the pace of progress is slightly slower, there will be more black wind thieves. What Link should do is just to pick up the omissions. , beware of the sneak attack of the black wind thief and the cold arrow, and help Long Fei resist some hidden moves from his back. Among the three, Lin Kedang is indeed the easiest.

When Link's accumulated strength reached the peak, he was changed to the front, which was naturally like a sharp blade inserted into the cheese, and the attack was unstoppable.

After Long Fei injured Shanqing, it was an extremely wise decision to change Lin Ke as an arrow. Without a front-line warrior to attack and harass him, Lin Kedang was naturally much more relaxed.

Under the leadership of Linkang, the three chiseled a road in the black wind thieves all the way. From this passage, the three finally broke out of the encirclement and rushed to a dense forest on a hillside by the roadside.

The black wind thief did not wait for Shan Qing to die. He had urged the horse desperately. He followed the three people and chased after the hillside. Some of them stood behind and didn't have time to chase them. They also took out bows and arrows and shot sparsely at the three people.

Some black wind steals the horse faster, and actually runs obliquely to one side, to go around the front to stop the three people.