Eastern Continent

Chapter 107, Roast Black Wind Wolf

Mayday, my daughter's face changes as soon as she says.

Although May is about to pass, today is also a strange weather. At the beginning of night, the sky was obviously clear, like a huge black curtain, covering the whole earth. The moon was obviously round and bright, like a shining silver disk inlaid in the dark and deep sky. However, in a blink of an eye, the dark clouds gradually increased. At the beginning, it was just a thin cloud. Later, the clouds became thicker and thicker. When Haizi intersected, the dark clouds occupied more than half of the sky. The moon seemed to be afraid of the dark clouds, shyly hiding behind the dark clouds, and the whole world changed It got dark, and the wind gradually became crazy from the original trace, little by little.

The wind is high and the sky is on fire, and the moon is dark and killing night!

Long Fei stood at the top of a high mountain, and his left hand was hung in front of his chest due to an injury to his left shoulder. Next to him stood Lin Kedang, Shi Zhanguo, Long Huaijian and others. Even Tongkun, who sent the villagers to Montenegro, hurried back and insisted on participating in the war.

The second and third teams of the Black Wind Thief have all arrived, with a total of more than 2,500 people living in Feilongzhuang. As for whether there is a fourth team, no one knows at present, and the spies have no reward, but Yilongfei and everyone expected that these more than 2,000 people should be all of the Black Wind Thieves.

There are several reasons for this: First, the new defeat of the black wind thief, most of the people and horses have lost, and there are not many people left. If more people come here, their nests will not be guarded; second, Feilongzhuang is in their sight at any time within the scope of Yingran City and Guhu Town, and more than 2,000 people can avoid it. The eyes and ears of these two places are the limit to steal into Feilongzhuang. Third, these are the elite troops of the black wind thieves. They can be called elites, and the number of them will certainly not be too many. Although a bandit gang is known as the ten legions of the mainland, this elite is not only limited by financial resources, but also related to the quality of personnel, which can have more than 2,000 people. The elite of human beings should also reach the limit.

Looking down from here, you can see Feilongzhuang occupied by black wind thieves. At this time, it is midnight, and most of the black wind thieves have rested. The lights in the village are Liao Liao, as few stars in the current night sky.

Everyone is watching Long Fei, waiting for his arrangement.

Long Fei pondered for a while and looked up to Lin Ke and said, "Can the third brother find out the arrangement of the black wind thief?"

Among the people here, Lin Kedang has the highest martial arts skills, and his light skills have also reached the peak of the realm of earth. He is only a little almost able to enter the realm of water, and he has become a candidate to explore the camp. With Lin Kedang's martial arts, it may be a little difficult to kill Shan Qing among thousands of troops and horses, but it is more than enough to be a spy. It is more than enough to go to the Feilongzhuang, which Longfei and others are extremely familiar with, to find out the news of the black wind thief and check their arrangement.

Hearing Long Fei's question, Link pointed to Feilongzhuang at the foot of the mountain and said lightly, "There are no troops left, right and behind the village. There are only a few patrol teams. Their attention is all in front of the village, especially the road connecting the village, which is the focus of their defense. At least 500 people are there. Stationed, Shan Qing's residence is in a house in front of the village, facing the road.

"Hmm! Thank you for your hard work, third brother!" Long Fei said sincerely.

"Ha..." Lin Kedang laughed softly and looked at Long Fei. There was a look of admiration for a few old guys and two brothers who only had on the sky ladder. He said, "Little brother said so. Let's not say that there is a master's order, that we are brothers of the same family anyway. Naturally, we have to help each other. Besides, this kind of thing is also right for our experience, which is exactly what we can't ask for. The hard work there should be too late to be happy!"

Long Fei smiled and said, "The third brother is right. That little brother won't say anything in the future."

Shi Zhanguo nodded and smiled, "Exactly, there is no need to say these polite words among our brothers. The matter of the younger brother is our business. Even if the master doesn't send us here, we will ask the master."

Long Fei nodded and was no longer polite. He turned to Long Huaijian and Tong Kun and said, "Have those ambushes been arranged?"

"It has been arranged. In addition to the front, there are people guarding the left and right dense forests and back mountains of Zhuangzi. The black wind thieves are coming to kill one by one, and some traps in front have been arranged for a long time. If they don't damage some people, how can they be right to take off the house built by the Longzhuang people?" Tong Kun said fiercely, with anger in his eyes. If there is a black wind thief in front of Tong Kun now, everyone believes that he will jump up and eat a piece of meat without hesitation.

"You don't have to worry about the house. In the style of black wind thieves, even if we don't burn, when the black wind thieves retreat tomorrow morning, they will definitely burn up. There will never be anything left where the black wind thieves pass." Long Huaijian patted Tong Kun on the shoulder and comforted him. No matter who has lived in a house for most of his life but is forced to set it on fire, he is full of resentment and anger. Fortunately, it is close to Montenegro, and trees can be seen everywhere. It is also very easy to rebuild the house. Even if it is really burned, as long as there is half a month, Feilongzhuang will be refreshed.

Tong Kun nodded, but his face was still a little ugly. Burning the house is equivalent to the destruction of his family. Although he is still dead, he can't swallow it. If he doesn't completely defeat the black wind this time, Tong Kun may be worried for the rest of his life.

At that time, what Long Fei said was that he was willing to give up the house. If he was not willing to give up the house, he could not trap the evil wolf of the black wind thief. If he was willing to give up the house, only tonight, he could firmly set up the black wind thief. Even if they wanted to get out, it was also difficult. If they didn't leave any parts, they couldn't get rid of Long Fei's trap.

If Longfei really succeeds in arson tonight, the black wind thief that penetrates into Montenegro this time will become a meat bun for beating dogs. Even if he goes back, there will only be a little debris left.

"All right!" Long Fei pondered for a while, carefully filtered his plan again, and confirmed that there were no major omissions. Then he nodded and said, "Then let's take your positions. In another half an hour, we will start the attack."

Everyone nodded and quickly disappeared into the darkness. At the top of the mountain, there were only Long Fei and several strong men who were injured by Long Fei and stayed to protect Long Fei. These strong men are not so much protecting Long Fei, but rather worried that Long Fei is alone and talking with Long Fei to relieve their boredom.

Looking at everyone's figure quickly sinking into the darkness until he disappeared, Long Fei turned his head, looked at the dragon village below, and muttered, "Tonight, roast the black wind wolf!"

At the foot of the mountain, in Feilongzhuang, in a house near the road in front of the village, there are still lights.

In the middle of the big room of the house, Shan Qing sat in the middle. Under him, there were three people sitting, and on the left was Shen Shiji. Shen Shi's face was pale and his eyes were blank. From time to time, there was a look of pain in his eyes. Obviously, it was the arrow in the afternoon that made him injured him very much. At this time, he was not so much sitting. It's better to lie on a chair. Two people sitting on the right, and close to Shanqing are a middle-aged man. He has a broad face and a beard, like a lion suddenly emerges in the deep mountains. He is majestic, and his tall body is like a tower. This person is Long Ao, the fourth head of the black wind thief, but since Liu Si's death, he has been promoted to three heads and practicing martial arts. ----The body art makes the body as hard as steel. Although it is only the early realm of the spiritual vein of the acquired, relying on the hardness of the body, it can compete with the warriors in the later realm of the spiritual vein.

Under Long Ao is a handsome and slender young man. If you don't look at the grim look that is often seen in his eyes, this person is a handsome son.

"Let's discuss it. Is tomorrow's return or to enter Montenegro to find them?" Shan Qing said lightly. He looked at his three deputes, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes. Before sending troops, Shan Qing was entrusted to come to Heifengzhuang to get something. At that time, Shanqing also happened to want to go to Feilongzhuang to avenge Liu Si, so he agreed. In Shanqing's imagination, Feilongzhuang is nearly 1,000 people, and only more than 200 people can fight. He made the team into three. No matter which one, it was more than twice as strong as Feilongzhuang. Whether it was killing, arson, or robbing things, it was not something that could be captured. Shan Qing felt that everything was in the grasp, so he led the team to come in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, in order to avoid the ears of Yingran City and Ancient Tiger Town, he walked day and night along the way, like a mouse out of the hole, and was found by the people of Feilongzhuang halfway. If the black wind thief is found, the people of Feilongzhuang will immediately escape into the deep mountains, and Shan Qing will not feel anything wrong. But what is not appropriate now is that there are only three Longfei, who dares to stop his team halfway, and in the end, there are ambushmen from Feilongzhuang to meet their retreat.

Shan Qing can fight such a big cause with one fist and set up a frightening gang of robbers. It can be seen that he is not a simple person. From the above points, Shan Qing knows that this matter is by no means simple. Feilongzhuang did not smell the fierce name of the black wind thief, so he immediately fled into the mountains to hide and waited for him to leave. After that, he dared to come out, but was organizing to fight against the black wind thief to the end.

After the first attack on Guhu Town, Shan Qing knew that there was only Gulong, a warrior in Guhu Town, the peak of the day after tomorrow, and the rest were vulnerable. In addition, Guhu Town had its own forces at that time, and only a small part, less than 10,000, was controlled by Gu Long. Shan Qing thought that there was Shen Jishi, the second leader. And Liu Si, the three leaders who were born as soldiers, plus more than 10,000 people and horses, were enough to deal with it, but they didn't expect that when the victory was divided, it was the ancient tiger town, and the black wind stole the wind and fled. In the end, there were less than 5,000 people among the more than 10,000 horses who could escape and return to the nest, and also damaged Liu Si. This general. All this is due to the appearance of a child named Long Fei. He used his tricks and wisdom to defeat the army of the Black Wind Thieves, and turned defeat into victory, or even a big victory.

This time, is it defeated by Long Fei again? Although Shan Qing accidentally passed this idea in his heart, he was pressed down again. Although Long Fei is strong, he is finally a half-year-old child. How can he be comparable to a person like him who has experienced hundreds of battles and has almost died repeatedly? As long as he does not venture forward and is not greedy for a moment of work, he will never give Long Fei a chance.

"Go into the mountain and turn them out. As soon as they are scared by the three people, they will sneak back obediently, which will only make the brothers laugh!" Long Ao shouted.

Shan Qing pondered for a while and turned his eyes to Feng Chao.

Feng Chao met Shan Qing's eyes and pondered for a while before saying coldly, "Going into the mountain, the people of Feilongzhuang dragging the old and young, and it is not fast to escape. Even if they hide in Montenegro, they will not be in the depths of Montenegro."

Shan Qing nodded slightly and turned his eyes to Shen Shi.

"I think it's better to retreat first and send dozens of people later to secretly take the old iron man away." Shen Shi did not dare to look at Shan Qing, but at the beam of the roof.

Shan Qing looked at Shen Shiji with cold eyes. Among the several masters of the black wind thief, although Shen Shigong is the first person under himself, he is timid and afraid of death. No matter when, the first consideration is not how to defeat the enemy, but how to escape. This may be a habit he developed when he was a robber before, or it may also It is because of his own personality. Anyway, it may not be far from that he is as timid as a mouse. Long Ao is full of courage, and his martial arts has reached the early stage of the spiritual vein, but he is brave and reckless. It is not bad to make him charge into the front. If he wants to come up with some ideas, it may be more difficult than forcing him to fight with the warriors in the innate realm. As for Feng Chao, on the surface, he looks handsome and elegant, but in fact, he is vicious and vicious. All he thinks of is sinister and vicious. Although it is not good for himself, he also wants to harm others. The two fight against the enemy, or two Jianghu sects fiercely. Maybe it is still useful to put it in the two armies against the enemy. The end of the collapse of the army is not the collapse of the enemy, but the collapse of itself!

Among these heads, the only one who satisfied Shan Qing is Liu Si, a latecomer. This person has been a general in the army and has a stable personality. He is not only familiar with marching, but also can respond to the enemy according to the situation at that time, and immediately come up with the method of responding to the enemy, and his martial arts have also reached the spiritual realm, in the black wind. Among the theft, it is really a rare talent,

Therefore, Shan Qing exceptionally promoted him to the position of the third head, and lowered the original Long Aofeng to the position of the fourth head and the fifth head. Unfortunately, it was not long before Liu Si joined the Black Wind Thief, and he had just been appreciated by Shan Qing, so he died in the battle of attacking Guhu Town!

Shan Qing's eyebrows beat gently, which is his habit when thinking. Now, he is indeed in a dilemma. Entering Montenegro, I was afraid that I couldn't find anyone in Feilongzhuang, and I was afraid that Guhu Town would come to help when I heard the news, and the black wind thief would be destroyed. Retiring from the army not only has to bear the anger of the client, but also considers his own prestige. He was slightly frightened by Long Fei and returned without success. This not only achieved Long Fei's reputation for the Black Wind Thief. In the future, when the Black Wind Thief hears the name of Long Fei, under the psychological effect, he will definitely retreat and dare not compete with Shan Qing himself. The prestige will cause a fatal blow. Dozens of brothers have been damaged before they have officially fighting with the enemy, so they are afraid of retreating. In the future, will these robbers who are murderous, care about people's lives, and have a bloody smell all over their bodies still have confidence in Shan Qing? Will he still obey Shan Qing's arrangement and rule? Shan Qing has no confidence!

The reality did not make Shan Qing suffer for a long time. When there was silence in the big house, suddenly came a noisy sound from the outside, with screams, chases, screams and so on. It seemed that the whole Feilongzhuang was suddenly poured down by a pot of cold water and turned up.

Shan Qing frowned and looked at Feng Chao and said, "Go out and have a look. What happened?"

"Yes" Feng Chao's eyes flashed a trace of viciousness. This man was not only vicious to the enemy, but also to his own people. His personality has been seriously distorted and chased bloody like a beast**. Hearing this, he quickly stood up and was about to walk out of the courtyard.

As soon as Feng Chao stood up, the gently hidden door was pushed away. A black wind thief with disheveled clothes rushed in. As soon as he entered the gate, he shouted: "Fire! It's on fire!"