Eastern Continent

Chapter 117, Triumph

The mountains and forests are dense, almost penetrating the sun, and the wind can hardly blow in, but there is no sultry heat in the forest, but there is a trace of coolness, like the coldness of Jiuyou.

In the mountains and forests, there is a path like a nine-curve sheep intestines, winding and I don't know where to go. At this time, there is a group of people and horses walking.

This is an army. To be precise, it is a coalition army with neat armor and weapons. There are also colorful and miscellaneous weapons. In this army, there are happy young men who seem to have just got their little daughters-in-law and can't help laughing from their hearts. There are also people who frown and bitterly as if they have just quarreled with their daughter-in-law, and some are furious as if their daughter-in-law has been robbed, and some are heartbroken and painful, as if they have just left their daughter-in-law. In addition to these people with different expressions, there are also some people who are carried, wrapped like a zongzi, and their faces are also wrapped layer by layer. They can't see their expressions clearly. I think it should be painful.

This army not only defeated the Black Wind Thieves, but also destroyed the guards and the coalition forces of several villages. Although they have sadness on their faces, they also have smiles, deep sadness, and can't help but be happy. He was sad for the sacrifice of his comrades-in-arms and happy to eliminate the black wind thief.

No matter how hard the black wind thief struggles, he still can't escape the fate of destruction in the end.

More than 2,500 black wind thieves who invaded Feilongzhuang this time, and there were only dozens of black wind thieves left, including Shan Qing, and these dozens of black wind thieves were all injured and able to escape safely. None of them were injured at all. Some were seriously injured, although they narrowly rushed out of the guard and the coalition The encirclement of the army only escaped dozens of steps and got off the horse because he couldn't hold on. Even Shanqing, who entered the first-line realm of martial arts, rushed out of the encirclement, and his whole body was scarred. His clothes and armor were stained with blood, as if a person was picked up from the blood pool, lying on horseback and did not dare to turn his head and look back.

After this battle, the Black Wind Thieves will die in name and death. Even if they will not disband because of this in the end, they will definitely become a ninth-rate legion from then on. All those who have been robbed by the Black Wind Thieves and have an enemy of the Black Wind Thieves in the past may be staring at the forces of the Black Wind Thieves at any time. From then on, they will want to start from the Black Wind. The thief bit off a piece of meat.

The scenery of the black wind thief has ceased to exist since this battle.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose 800.

Although the guards and the coalition army destroyed the black wind thieves, and the achievements of the battle are rare, but the armies of the two sides also lost a lot of people, especially in the final battle, which lost more. At this time, there were only 2,500 people left in the 3,000 troops of the guard army, and most of them were scarred. As for the coalition On the other hand, because it only followed to pick up bargains, the loss was smaller, but more than 200 people were also lost.

Looking at the comrades-in-arms who have lost their lives tied to the horse, although everyone in this army has relaxed down because of the elimination of the Black Wind Thieves, the grief in their hearts is involun't help but their own.

At this time, walking in front of them are the leaders of this team, Long Huaijian, Tongkun, Gubao, and the captains of several villages around Feilongzhuang. A little later, it is Gu Shi Zhuan, Long Fei, Lin Kedang, and Shi Guo Zhan.

The whole team is so painful and happy to move in the direction of Feilongzhuang.

Gubao is the younger brother of the mayor of Guhu Town and the commander of the guard of Guhu Town this time. He has a special status and is respected by others. Before these people, only Long Huaijian rode with him. The rest, including Tong Kun, followed them because of the narrow road.

The ancient leopard is as famous as its own, with a ring-shaped leopard's eyes on its face and majestic, really like a leopard who dominates in the forest.

However, at this time, he is also like Long Huaijian, with a heavy and sad face. Although they are used to life and death, it does not mean that there is no sadness, especially when their relatives die!

"Brother Gu Xian, thanks to the help of the guards of Guhu Town this time, otherwise, the number of the coalition forces in our villages is too small to surround the Black Wind Thieves, and they will escape." Long Huaijian said gratefully.

Gu Bao smiled. Although he was sad, he was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

Although the total number of guards and coalition forces is almost twice as large as that of the Black Wind Thieves, they can destroy the whole elite legion of the Black Wind Thieves. The glory of the battle makes the ancient leopard laugh when he remembers. Although the defenders have also lost some personnel, these losses are smaller than the traces and benefits obtained from eliminating the Black Wind Thieves. More.

The last time the Black Wind Thieves besieged the city, although Guhu Town won in the end, it lost almost half of the people. This time, the elites of the Black Wind Thieves were completely annihilated, and these elites can be said to be the root of the Black Wind Thieves. Without these 2,000 elites, coupled with the thousands of people lost in the Battle of Guhu Town, the Black Wind Thieves were also equivalent to being completely killed. The Ministry has been eliminated, and the casualties on the side of the guard are less than 500 people. How to make the ancient leopard unhappy can be said to be the biggest battle of the ancient leopard in half his life.

"This is Long Feixian's nephew's smart strategy. I dare not be greedy!" Gu Bao said in an envious tone, "As soon as the eldest brother heard that it was Long Feixian's nephew who sent someone to ask for help, without saying a word, he asked me to bring people here and asked us to follow Longxian's nephew meticulously. We had already arrived at this exit, waiting for the black wind to steal himself into the net. After waiting for two days, we thought that the Black Wind Thief would not come out from here. Unexpectedly, we finally came out from here. Brother Long, the tiger father has no dog son!" The final tone was incomparable envy.

"The ancient leopard xian brother laughed. Although Long Fei is a little clever, he is not as good as your eldest brother said. He is still a child and sometimes worries about things and often makes mistakes." Long Huaijian reluctantly talked lightly at the corners of his mouth, as if he were mocking himself.

"The flaws are not hidden. What's more, Long Xian's nephew is still young, and his thinking will certainly not be as watertight as our old deep-fried dough sticks, but his sharp vision and accuracy are far from ours. His future achievements are unlimited. My eldest brother never forgets Long Xian's nephew and is determined to recruit Long Xian's nephew to the ancient tiger. Town, I don't know if Brother Long can agree?" Before Gu Bao came, Gu Long asked him to explore Long Huaijian's style again, and then he brought it up again.

"Ha ha..." Long Huaijian smiled silently and said, "Long Fei is still young and only 11 years old. Even if he wants to join the guard, does he have to wait until he is an adult? Gu Xiandi is anxious."

"Can you not be anxious, Long Xian's nephew Tianzong's talent? If we don't start quickly and be known by other forces, we will grab it directly." The ancient leopard said helplessly.

At first, he was not as enthusiastic as Gu Long's appreciation. During the war in Guhu Town, Gu Bao only thought that Long Fei was lucky and his martial arts were strong, so he just killed Liu Si, making the whole war tilt in a favorable direction in Guhu Town, not Long Fei's eyes. No matter how smart you are, you can see the key to the war at a glance.

It was not until this war with the Black Wind Thief that the ancient leopard truly realized the uniqueness of Long Fei. At the time of the invasion of the Black Wind Thieves, Long Fei stopped the Black Wind Thieves for half a day with the help of only a few people, buying time for the villagers' withdrawal. Then, Long Fei led the coalition forces hurriedly organized by several villages to deal with the Black Wind Thieves.

These allied forces are some farmers who have just put down their hoes and dare not stab out even with weapons. Compared with the fierce and murderous black wind thieves, they are 108,000 miles away, and the number of these coalition forces does not have an advantage over the black wind thieves.

However, it is these people, these more miscellaneous armies, led by Long Fei, chased after the black wind thief and chased the black wind thief like a homeless dog. They only knew how to escape desperately and fled to the road they entered, but did not dare to enter other roads. In the end, the black wind thief entered In the trap of Long Fei, he was caught in a urn by the guard and the coalition.

Now, in addition to his great appreciation for Long Fei, Gu Bao is also a little afraid. Long Fei is only a teenager now, and his martial arts skills have reached a level of heaven. For war, it seems to be playing games. No matter how closely the enemy is arranged, Long Fei will always find the opponent's weaknesses to formulate corresponding countermeasures and defeat them.

A child in his teens has such achievements. If he grows up like this, what kind of state will he reach in the future? Gubao felt frightened when he thought about it. Unfortunately, such a person is not from the Gu family or even in Guhu Town. Fortunately, Feilongzhuang belongs to Guhu Town, and Gulong and Long Huaijian are also friends of brothers. Longfei will not be their enemies in the future.

When he chased the black wind thief, although he walked and stopped, it was generally no different from the urgent march. At this exit, he also chased for four days. This time, the division was easy to walk and dragged up. By the time he returned to the Flying Dragon Village, it was already the afternoon of the sixth day.

The whole Feilongzhuang was almost burned by this fire. Now the houses in the whole village are almost identical, leaving only a few dark walls standing alone. All those who see this scene have a kind of heaviness in their hearts.

Especially the leaders of the other four villages looked at the situation of Feilongzhuang at this time, and their faces were both guilty and surprised. In order to defeat the Black Wind Thieves, Feilongzhuang sacrificed such a high price and burned the houses that had lived for generations to ashes.

The ancient leopard opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of him. After a while, he waved his hand and asked the guards to camp down quickly.

"Brother Long." Gu Bao approached Long Huaijian and whispered, "I sent someone to inform my eldest brother that these guards are here to help build the house before going back!"

Long Huaijian opened his mouth, but just said softly, "Okay! I will thank Brother Gu!" Long Huaijian knew that the most important thing for Feilongzhuang to be rebuilt at this time. The guard was indeed the best helper. With his relationship with Gu Long, he was not polite.

With the help of the guards and other villages, Feilongzhuang was quickly rebuilt, and the rebuilt houses were stronger than before. Long Huaijian even built the entire defense system of Feilongzhuang, except for the other three sides, which are close to Montenegro or dense forests, and there are natural barriers that do not need to build walls. On the side of the only road, a high wall was built. Before the wall, there was a small river winding in front of the village, which happened to be a natural moat.

After the rebuilding, Feilongzhuang has become like a small castle, a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In the process of helping to build Feilongzhuang, Gulong ordered the guards to transport a lot of things to Feilongzhuang, from food to clothing to living. The newly built Feilongzhuang was almost piled up with things in Guhu Town, so it was thousands of times more moist than before.