Eastern Continent

Chapter 130, please consult

At the beginning of the morning snow, the fields are white.

There is no stove or fire plate in the room, which is cold.

Long Fei was sitting cross-legged at this time, practicing Tiangong. His eyes were closed, and his qi veins were long, slender and stable.

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. Half a night of meditation seemed to have become a habit for him.

He didn't expect that the peak of Wangtian Peak would be so cold in winter. Looking at the white snow in the four fields, it had fallen all night. By the dawn, the snow had reached the ankle position. Fortunately, everyone on Wangtian Peak was armed with martial arts. Even the lowest servant was also an acquired iron bone and even spiritual vein warrior, so that he could resist. Live in the piercing cold at the top of the peak.

Since he met the five elders in Xi's quiet room, Long Fei has become a closed state again. In addition to sitting quietly every day, it is to practice martial arts or light martial arts. At night, he will sleep for a few hours first, and then sit in his quiet room until dawn, just like today.

In the daytime, he usually chooses the highest place closest to the sun on the mountain. Since Long Fei came to the peak of the sky, he found that there were two places where he could practice Tiangong a little faster.

The first is the place where ancient trees are lush. Ancient trees are often the place where the essence of heaven and earth accumulates. The bigger the ancient trees are, the more the essence of heaven and earth accumulated, which is more beneficial to the story of heaven and earth.

The second is the place facing the sun. Because facing the sun directly, it seems that the essence of heaven and earth is impacted by the heat of the sun and becomes active and rolling endlessly. As long as Long Fei gently sucks, the number is several times as usual, which is definitely a holy place of cultivation with half the effort.

Long Xi has been practicing day and night for more than a month. At this time, it is not far from the Spring Festival.

stood up and took a long breath. The cold air penetrated into his lungs, making Long Fei almost shiver, but the cold air also stimulated his spirits. He sat quietly for half a night, and his slightly tired body also relaxed because of this vibration.

Recently, Long Fei felt that he was one step closer to the sky, as if he had just poked it through a thin layer of paper. However, Long Fei has been groping for so long, but he still doesn't know where the paper is and how to poke it. He has been distressed about this these days.

Today, he decided not to sit still, but to ask Xi Lao for advice. Speaking of which, Xi Lao accepted Long Fei as an apprentice and never guided his martial arts. In several conversations, except for the previous test, which was related to martial arts, the other few times did not say anything related to martial arts.

When Long Fei came, Xi Lao was in the quiet room, as if he had known that he was coming. Long Fei had just arrived outside the quiet room and had not yet asked for a meeting. Xi Lao's voice had come out: "Come in."

Pushing the door in, Xi Lao is sitting on a futon. Although Xi Lao's quiet room is the widest quiet room in the whole sky ladder, there is nothing else in his quiet room except a few futons, and there is no decoration on the wall.

In fact, in the whole third entry, except for Xi Lao and Luo Zhengfeng, there is not even a servant waiting to wait. Usually, except for the servant who delivers food and Ding Baoli and other old guys who come occasionally, few people in the whole third * often come. Of course, this is because Xi Lao has to medit down and Xi Lao's style. Although he comes from a large family, he usually cleans up everything by himself. In addition, Luo Zhengfeng is also a servant. Although he is second only to Xi Lao on Wangtianfeng, he is used to doing things since he was a child, but he doesn't need to do anything else. People do it, so there is no need for servants to go above the whole third.

Long Fei bowed to Xi Lao and said respectfully, "See you, master!"

"Hmm!" Xi Lao opened his eyes, looked at Long Fei, and smiled, "Have you encountered a problem?"

"Hey!" Long Fei giggled and looked at Xi Lao and said, "Master is wise. I can see it at a glance."

Xi Laoyi stared at Longfei and said lightly, "If you didn't have something to ask, you wouldn't have come to see me, the old man!"

"Hey!" Long Fei giggled again and touched his nose shyly. He found that Xi Lao was a little angry today. No matter what he said, he didn't seem to have a good face to show himself.

"Say it! Have you encountered a bottleneck in the realm of promotion? Do you want me to give you some advice? Xi Lao said lightly.

"Hi! Master Yingming, that's right. I don't know what I can do to promote me to the realm of heaven. Long Fei opened his eyes wide, looked at Xi Lao, and nodded repeatedly. This old man is so amazing that he didn't even know this.

"Bullshit!" Xi Lao couldn't help swearing and staring at Long Fei, "It's not for this. Will you come to see me on such a cold morning?"

When the old man spoke today, every sentence was scolded, and there was no such thing as a master. Long Fei stared at him. Except for nodding and "hey" giggle, he didn't dare to answer.

"That's it! What's the situation now? How many acupuncture points are open on the body? How far has Zhang been?" Xi Lao waved his hand and let Long Fei sit down.

"The whole body acupoints have been opened, and some have also been opened to the roundest, but some are still flat and still stay in the realm of the sky, but a little bit can't be fully opened, and the realm is so poor that it can't enter the realm of heaven." Long Fei said angrily.

"The acupuncture points of the whole body are open, some are only half open, and some are fully open!" Xi Lao muttered, suddenly thinking of something and shouted, "Wait, do you mean that your acupuncture points are open all over?"

"Yes, the acupuncture points of the whole body are open." Long Fei couldn't help but feel strange. Isn't it like this after others enter the first line of heaven? Entering theyi xian, the acupuncture points of his whole body must be opened. What's strange about this? Long Fei felt that the old man seemed to have become a younger child than him. He had a temper in front of him, but he made a fuss behind him, as if he had never seen the world.

"Are you sure that your whole body's acupuncture points have been opened, without exception, such as the acupuncture points under the ribs, abdominal hooks and other places?" Xi's eyes glowed, as if looking at Long Fei like a rare treasure. It seemed that he couldn't wait to rush over and pick up Long Fei. He was so scared that Long Fei had a cold war and the sun came out. The day seemed to be colder.

"Give me your hand." Xi Lao couldn't help saying that he held Long Fei's right hand. As soon as his fingers put on Long Fei's wrist, a turbulent internal force surged over and rushed to the meridians of Long Fei's whole body, and all corners rushed to Long Fei's whole body in an instant.

"Haha..." Putting down Long Fei's wrist, Xi Lao suddenly laughed, as if he was extremely happy. This morning's anger was gone. Looking at Long Fei, there was only a kind smile of praise in his eyes.

At this time, Luo Zhengfeng may have heard Xi Lao's laughter and also pushed the door in. Seeing Xi Lao's happy face, he couldn't help smiling and saying, "Why is the master so happy?"

"Zhengfeng!" Xi Lao waved his hand and let Luo Zhengfeng sit down. He pointed to Long Fei and said, "Full body open! It's a coincidence!"

"Full body!" Luo Zhengfeng also opened his eyes wide, looked at Long Fei, nodded and said, "Long Fei, please let me shake hands."

Long Fei curled his lips secretly. Can't he do it? As he stretched out his hand, he muttered secretly: What's wrong today? An old man is abnormal, and the two old men are still abnormal!

Luo Zhengfeng put down Long Fei's hand and looked at Xi Lao. Suddenly, the two smiled at the same time. Luo Zhengfeng nodded and turned to Long Fei and said, "I checked your whole body acupuncture point. Half of it is fully open, but half is still flat. I think it's not smooth to enter the realm of adult nature. Do you want to ask your master for advice?"

Long Fei nodded. The old man's internal strength swept through his body. Of course, these could not be hidden from him.

Luo Zhengfeng stood up and said to Long Fei, "Well, I don't need your master. I'll practice a few tricks with you to see if it helps you!"

"How many tricks do you practice?" Long Fei is strange. Will practicing a few moves let him enter the realm of heaven?

"Yes, you treat me as your enemy and take action with all your strength. When you take action, you should pay attention to lead the internal force to those places where the acupuncture points have not been fully opened and hit again, do you understand?" Luo Zhengfeng stared at Long Feidao.

"I understand!" Long Fei said happily that he had had such an experience before. Whether it was fighting with Liu Si or Shan Qing, if he fought with all his strength, his internal force would hit the acupuncture point. Otherwise, he would not have entered the front line of heaven so soon. It was all because the internal force roared out in the battle and washed away the acupuncture point.

Luo Zhengfeng stood casually, looked at Long Fei, who was eager to try, and said, "It's time to start."

Long Fei first saluted Xi Lao, then saluted Luo Zhengfeng, and then said respectfully, "That disciple is presumptuous!"

Luo Zhengfeng just waved his hand gently and looked at Long Fei with a smile.

Long Fei retreated slightly, paused, and then suddenly jumped forward, as if a fierce beast was rushing out of his prey. The internal force surged out of the Dantian field, regardless of anything, as if it was rushing to those caves that had not yet been opened, and at the same time, he lifted it with both hands. His left hand bent in front of his chest, his right hand clenched his fist, and punched his chest to Luo Zhengfeng.

Luo Zhengfeng smiled and didn't say anything, but Xi Lao next to him smiled and said, "You boy, do you know that Mr. Luo won't attack you, so he rushed directly, like a vicious dog jumping on food."

Long Fei smiled and did not defend himself. This punch was still bombarded. In Luo Zhengfeng's eyes, his innate martial arts skills were just the same as children fighting with adults, which hardly need to be mentioned.

He just knew that Luo Zhengfeng would not be cruel to himself, but he could let go of the attack. That was not the sharpest offensive move to stimulate internal force to impact the acupuncture point.

"Bum!" Luo Zhengfeng did not retreat, and also punched out. He hit Long Fei's fist. Long Fei was counterattacked by this force. After rising up, he turned back and retreated two steps before he stood down.

"This won't work!" Luo Zhengfeng said, "You must carry out all the internal forces in Dantian again and again to impact those unopened acupuncture points in your body. If you only use part of the internal forces, you will still be the same as before. Don't worry. This is not a hostile battle, and you will be fine if you don't leave behind."

Long Fei was shocked and woke up in vain. He nodded repeatedly and said in a low voice, "Disciples understand!"

From attack to retreat in vain, he took a step back, stood still, and took a deep breath. Long Fei's eyes were wide open in vain, and his eyes were shining. He looked at Luo Zhengfeng and said, "That disciple attacked with all his strength!"

Luo Zhengfeng's slightly jaw.

"Ah!" Long Fei suddenly shouted in a low voice, as if he were a tiger that had just been released from the gate. He kicked the ground with his feet. The ground of Xi Lao's quiet room was originally paved with rocks. Under Long Fei's pedal, he also left a faint footprint. It can be seen that he really brought out all the Tiangong in Dantian, leaving no trace. .

This time, Long Fei did not fly up first, and then rushed down to Luo Zhengfeng, but his feet did not leave the ground. After kicking twice, he arrived in front of Luo Zhengfeng. He held his right hand with his left hand and quickly raised it up until the top of his head, he hit it down in an instant.

It was the move that Long Fei had not forgotten, learned from "The Secret of the Sky", and cut down Luo Zhengfeng's chest with a hand-made knife.