Eastern Continent

Chapter 138, the first

Eyes, cloudless, blue sky, sun hanging high.

Location, the martial arts hall of the main palace of Yingran City.

In the field, Long Fei and Jun Feng stood opposite. Outside the field, Jun Zhantian, Jun Zhandi, Liu Sanchang, Gu Long, Gu Shichuan and others were watching.

"Congratulations to the city owner, the young city owner has been promoted to the innate realm, and Yingran City has another congenital master. In the future, we Yingran City will definitely raise our eyebrows in Guangwu County. In this Guangwu County competition, Yingran City will also be famous in the whole Neil Federation because of the young city owner." As soon as he sat down, Gu Long first congratulated Jun Zhantian.

"Ha... The ancient brother is polite. In fact, he is also a peerless talent. He was promoted to the spiritual realm at a young age, only one step away from the birth, and his future achievements are not low!" Jun Zhantian smiled contemplefully.

"Ha ha..." Gu Long was half happy and Guan smiled bitterly. He knew that Jun Zhantian was not a compliment to himself or the ancient legend, but just a few words of the ancient world as a courtesy.

Just looking at Jun's battlefield, the fourth powerful figure in the city can see his expression, which is actually disdainful.

Jun Zhantian, although he is the younger brother of Jun Zhantian, his talent is more than half better than that of Jun Zhantian. Jun Zhantian is already the initial state of spiritualization, and he is the later stage of the spiritual pulse. Half of his foot has long entered the congenital realm, but due to his age, he has not been able to advance for a long time. However, his The savings are also strong enough, and it's just a matter of time to be promoted innately.

I heard that Jun Zhantian also has a younger brother. This person ignores all worldly things and only knows how to immerse himself in cultivation. If he is less than 20 years old this year, he is already a front-line realm. If you add him, Yingran will have five martial artists in the city.

The arch guard of the five innate warriors will deter the coveted forces around them. Before invading, you must first consider whether they can withstand the anger of the five innate warriors.

A medium-sized city with five innate warriors above will produce what kind of deterrent will it produce? The surrounding cities of the same level, such as the other three cities under the jurisdiction of Guangwu County, will look at Yingran City with respectful eyes from now on, and will never dare to make a second place again.

However, the reason for Jun's disdain is not all because he looks down on Guhu Town and Gulong's father and son. After all, he is not young this year, and it is only a spiritual realm, which is indeed worse than ancient legends.

The reason why he disdained is that he just heard that Jun Zhantian actually wanted to recruit Long Fei into Yingran and entrust him to the position of general, that is, the head of the general, which is equivalent to the leader of the whole Yingran city. This is the reason why Jun Zhandi is angry, because he is now the general. If he recruits Long Fei, then he doesn't want to He was demoted to one level. How could he be willing to be the fifth martial artist of Yingran City's martial arts as Jun Zhantian's younger brother?

"In this Guangwu County Competition, Gu Xian's nephew also wants to get a good place, right?" Jun Zhan's tunnel.

"Senior Jun joked. I dare to think about the ranking. As long as I can take a look, I will be happy to know those warriors and add a little experience." The posture of the ancient world was very low. Among the martial artists present, the one with the lowest martial arts skills was himself, and he did not dare to speak loudly.

"Ha ha... The official laughed. The world has just entered the spiritual realm, where those who have been hovering in the spiritual realm for a long time have been competed for, and he just wants to see it." Gu Long smiled and said politely to the battlefield.

"Hmm!" Jun Zhan nodded and said, "It is true that although this competition is divided into two realms: congenital and acquired, there are indeed some strong and perverted characters in the acquired. Maybe they can challenge the warriors innate realm."

"These people are all warriors accumulated by the family with money. Under this condition, they have not been able to enter the innate realm. Instead, they have been wandering in the acquired realm for so long, and they are not talented people. They will definitely catch up with them in the future." Liu San changed and was worried that after Gu Shichuan heard the words of Jun's battlefield, he was discouraged before he fought and hurriedly comforted him.

"Master Liu said that he will definitely catch up with them in the future." How can the world's legend not know the meaning of Liu San's change? His kindness to Liu San's change is a little heavier.

Gu Long was secretly surprised. Originally, he thought that there was Jun Zhantian supporting the rudder, and Yingran City would make up his mind. Now it seems that Yingran City is obviously not a piece of iron plate, and Jun Zhandi does not respect Liu San's changes very much. Looking at the meaning of Liu San's changes, he is not very interested in Jun's battlefield.

"In the view of the ancient mayor, who will win in the end?" Jun Zhandi frowned, but did not dare to refute Liu San's changes. Anyway, Liu San's change was valued by Jun Zhantian. He was usually polite and said that he was Jun Zhantian's subordinates. In fact, he was no different from Keqing. Jun Feng also respected Liu San's changes very much. Therefore, although Jun Zhandi was dissatisfied, he did not dare to disagree. Since he did not dare to refute Liu San changed, he had to shift the target and ask Gu Long.

"I think it may be an equal division." Gulong Road.

"I heard that Long Fei is a genius. He entered the innate realm in his early ten years old and is a rare wizard on the mainland!" Jun Zhantian sighed, "It's a pity that he won't join my Yingran City."

"It's just a congenital realm. What's there to be proud of? If he doesn't join such a good place as Yingran City, does he still want to join Guangwu County?" The battlefield is disdainful.

"The general may have misunderstood. Long Fei is still learning martial arts with his master because he is still young. It's not appropriate to join the war too early, so he refused the city owner. It's not that he is proud and doesn't know Hao Xi. Let's wait until he comes down the mountain later!" Gu Long helped Longfei explain that looking at the mouth of Jun's battlefield, Gu Shi wanted to punch him by fax. Of course, it can't be done now. If you want to fight, you have to wait until your martial arts are higher than Jun's battlefield in the future.

The martial arts of the acquired realm also dare to despise the innate martial arts. This king's battlefield can be said to be the first person.

"Don't the old brother want to recruit Long Fei under his command?" Jun Zhantian suddenly said.

"Alas! I did mention it to him, but the answer he gave me was the same as for the city owner. This temple in Guhu Town is still a little small and can't hold him as a god. It seems that you can only maintain a good relationship with him in the future. I hope you can ask him for help if you have something in the future. Gu Long said with a wry smile.

"Ha ha... Since Long Fei doesn't even refuse to join Yingran City, it's not his favorite place for Guhu Town. However, you don't have to worry about the ancient brother. You have a very good relationship with Long Huaijian, and Long Fei will definitely give you a face." Jun Zhantian said with a smile.

"Guhu Town and Feilongzhuang are both under Yingran City. If Longfei is willing to help Guhu Town, the corresponding city will definitely only be more enthusiastic." Gu Long said hurriedly.

"Ha ha..., in Cheng's words, I hope Feilong can take care of Yingran City in the future." Jun Zhantian nodded.

"Definite, definitely!"

"How many martial arts talents are learned on the mainland? They are extremely smart when they are young, but only when they are young. I hope Long Fei is not like this, otherwise it will be really regrettable." Jun Zhantian said cautiously.

"The city owner's worry is right, but I think Long Fei is bland, low-key, not seeking fame, and witty. He should not be like this in the future." Gu Long defended Long Fei.

"Yes or no, it depends on the future. Let's not talk about it now. Let's see what the two of them play." Jun Zhantian looked at the two people in the field in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Long Fei and Jun Feng have begun to compete.

As soon as he fell on the battlefield, Junfeng was eager to try, but Long Fei just stood steadily, staring at him with plain eyes, as if he didn't care about this game at all.

Junfeng waited for a while. Seeing that Long Fei was still in this way, he knew that Longfei would never attack first. In desperation, he had to take the initiative to attack by himself. He scratched his footsteps, compared his hands with a rack, and then recovered with his left hand and struck lightning with his right hand. The fist became fist, and the fist wind came to Long Fei's chest in the blink of an eye.

I don't see how Long Fei did. His right hand has been quickly raised, his five fingers open into claws, and grabbed Junfeng's punch. If Junfeng's punch is really caught by Long Fei's hand, it's one thing to be injured. If he fails so quickly, it will make Junfeng lose face even more.

Junfeng was shocked, hurriedly withdrew his right fist, took a step back, and avoided Long Fei's arrest.

Long Fei did not chase, but just stood still and looked at Junfeng with flat eyes.

Junfeng's test ended, but he didn't find anything. The two sides returned to the original place of confrontation, as if they had never moved.

"Please take action!" Long Fei said indifferently.

"You take action first! I'm also the master. How can I take the initiative to take action!" Jun Feng also said lightly.

"A martial arts master is a teacher, with no order, no host or guest. If you want to win or lose with me, you have to take action, or you have to stand like this?" Long Fei said lightly, "If I take action, you won't be able to stand ten moves."

Junfeng's face changed. He gritted his teeth and looked at Long Fei and said, "You are just martial arts in the chaotic realm. I don't believe that I can't beat you."

"You will know if you have tried!" Long Fei said indifferently.

Junfeng moved again. This time, his feet jumped up, and his hands were open, like a roc spreading its wings and rushing down to the dragon. At the same time, his right foot stretched out and kicked it to the position of Longfei's lower abdomen.

Junfeng's action this time is different from the last time. Last time it was just tentative, and he did not dare to use up his strength. Even if Long Fei stood still and let him take action, maybe he did not dare to take action. But this time it was different. He opened his hands and feet and rushed fiercely towards Long Fei, as if he wanted to fight with Long Fei.

Long Fei smiled and did not take action. He just suddenly took a step back and looked at Junfeng with his eyes.

Jun Feng suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Just now, he had calculated the distance. He jumped down and jumped on Long Fei, not more than a millimeter, not less than an inch. At that time, the two will fight. They will fall into the air. With the help of the force, they will be a little more powerful than Long Fei. Maybe they will win with one move. However, Long Fei's retreat is just a very ordinary step, just like when he usually walks, he will suddenly retreat, which seems so sudden and unpredictable. With this retreat, Junfeng's extremely accurate calculation move all fell into the air. The feeling of weakness made him almost vomit blood.


Junfeng fell down and happened to fall in front of Long Fei. He closed his hands and feet and looked at Long Fei with a shocked face.

"You lost!" Long Fei said indifferently.

Junfeng's face was like paper. He knew that if Long Fei had just taken advantage of the situation to attack, he would be defeated if he could not take a move.

"Are you now on the horizon?!" Junfeng looked at Long Fei and was shocked.

Long Fei didn't say anything, but looked at Jun Feng with his eyes, which only made him feel cold. If he was not the son of Jun Zhantian or the young city owner of Yingran City, he suspected that Long Fei would have taken action without mercy just now.

"Look at my trick again!" Junfeng bit his teeth, drew his right foot forward, clenched his fists, and bombarded the dragon's chest like two dragons going to sea.

"A few more tricks, and it's the same!" Long Fei said lightly, and his footsteps retreated gently.

"Haha..." Junfeng saw Longfei retreating again, couldn't help laughing happily and said strangely, "Do you think you can win every time you retreat?"

"Whung or not, you will know in a moment!" Long Fei said lightly. While talking, his body movements did not pause. He only retreated slightly and immediately stopped. Then, he actually retreated to forward in an instant.

There seems to be no gap between this retreat and advance, as if it follows the trend. Obviously, Longfei's move is just a fake retreat, not a real retreat, but a retreat later to cover up the attack.

This time, Jun Feng's face has really changed a lot, turning red and black!

Long Fei moved forward, suddenly stretched out his hand, and opened his five fingers. Like a fan, he swept to Junfeng's face, and then came first. It seemed that Long Fei had already understand the true meaning of martial arts. Every time he made a move, he seemed to be careless, but he could often catch the flaws between other people's moves, and then came first. This time, Junfeng was also shocked when he saw Long Fei's fake retreat. In panic, the little gap exposed was caught by Long Fei, opened his five fingers and swept away to Junfeng's face.

Junfeng can not avoid it. Of course, he will not avoid such a real desperate. He will not avoid it. Such a fist can hit Long Fei, which is also a sure deal. However, can Long Fei let him hit him? Look at Long Fei's palm. If he sweeps his cheek, he may not have a few teeth left. His head turned into a pig's head. In addition, this is just a martial arts competition. Even if he can hit Long Fei, he is slapped in the face by Long Fei, which is also a great shame and not worth the loss. Junfeng was forced to change his move again. He withdrew his right foot, raised his right hand, and set up to Long Fei's right palm. His left hand suddenly opened five fingers, but he took the opportunity to grab Long Fei's right arm.

Long Fei's move changed again, and his sweeping right hand suddenly bent down, shaking his tail like a loach, and slipped out of the encirclement of Junfeng's hands, and then swinging like a real loach. With a bang, the palm of his hand patted Junfeng's left hand. This was not a slap, but Long Fei really slapped Junfeng's left arm. Of course, the strength must not be great.

Junfeng only felt that his arm was numb, and then sore, and his whole left hand quickly lost his strength. Then, in a blink of an eye, he recovered quickly. During this period, the change was so fast that people could hardly feel it. However, Junfeng had entered the innate realm. How could he not feel it? He knew that this was Long Fei's mercy, otherwise, My arm is about to be useless.

Long Fei retreated and did not chase. He just stood quietly and looked at Junfeng. This kind of martial arts competition is not interesting. It is light and is considered by Junfeng to have the opportunity to take advantage of it, so it is forced step by step and heavy. For example, if Junfeng is injured, Yu Jun Zhantian's face is not good-looking, and he will even form hatred with Yingran City. This is really not what Long Fei wants to see. Therefore, Long Fei just wants Junfeng to retreat.

After Junfeng's arm was hit, he took a step back and stood stunned. Although Long Fei refused to say anything, he also understood that Long Fei at this time must be at least a level of heaven. His heart is a little bitter. Since he lost to Long Fei in Guhu Town, he has returned to Yingran and practiced hard. Day and night, he is almost exhausted. He just hopes that one day he can beat Longfei and fight back to this face.

A year later, he was promoted to the realm of chaos. He thought that he could be shorter than Long Fei. Unexpectedly, at this time, Long Fei's martial arts were still higher than his own level, and he could only catch up with Long Fei's buttocks. It seemed that this generation could only look at Long Fei's back.

"Long Fei's martial arts skills are strong, and I'm not your opponent!" After meditating for a while, Junfeng still admitted the result bitterly, but he immediately raised his head and looked at Long Fei and said, "However, I also want to teach Long Fei's weapons. I don't know if Long Fei is willing to teach me?"