Eastern Continent

Chapter 144, great power

Miao Zengguang's face changed, and he was scared, but annoyed. He pointed to Long Fei angrily and said, "Kid, who are you? How dare you fart here? Come here, kneel down and kneel down for your grandfather a few times before I considered whether to let you go."

Long Fei laughed. He was really happy. If Yao Zengguang shrinks in the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang and relies on the location, Long Fei really can't stand it. But outside the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang, it's like a mouse leaving the nest. How to deal with him, it depends on Long Fei's intention. Ma Longfei, the tens of thousands of troops stolen by the black wind, has not I was afraid, but I was also afraid that the Crouching Tiger helped dozens of rabbles in this area.

"Old thief Yao, old thief Yao, it seems that God is going to kill you. With your evil deeds, even if you kowtow to me, I don't think I will let you go." Long Fei said leisurely.

Yao Zengguang narrowed his eyes and only showed a little cold light. Although he was fat, he was not a brainless person. Otherwise, it was impossible to climb to the high position of the fourth chair of the Crouching Tiger Gang. Seeing that Long Fei looked natural and did not pay attention to the Crouching Tiger Gang at all, he couldn't help but pay attention to it.

However, he still valued Jia Qing. With his spiritual realm of martial arts, Jia Qing broke his hands with two fists. There is no need to guess that Jia Qing is at least in the realm of chaos. Therefore, today, he united with Li Liang, the three heads of the Crouching Tiger Gang, and took dozens of hands to surround Jia Qing.

All the warriors on the mainland know that the innate warriors are only more powerful than the acquired warriors. If the number of acquired warriors is more, they can also surround and annihilate the innate warriors.

Therefore, Yao Zengguang thought that with dozens of his subordinates plus himself and Li Liang, he could definitely leave Jia Qing and Jia Lin, and the worst could leave one person.

However, they didn't think of the unknown number of Long Fei, and now it seems that Long Fei's martial arts skills are not low.

"Fourth brother, who is this boy?" Li Liang next to Yao Zengguang frowned.

"Third brother, I don't know. Last time I didn't have this boy, only those two." Yao Zengguang whispered.

Long Fei is a little funny. Jia Lin and Jia Qing are the third brother and fourth brother, and Li Liang and Yao Zengguang are also the third brother and fourth brother. However, the pair next to them are beautiful young men with beautiful eyes and wisdom, while the other pair is a tall, fat, thick middle-aged man with a thick waist, and the age difference between the two is more than twice.

"Little brother's name?" Li Liang suddenly bowed to Long Fei with his fist.

"Ha ha... My name is Long Fei, the dragon flying nine days, the dragon flying nine days." Long Fei looked at Li Liang and said, "I heard that Yao Fatty called you the third brother. You must be Li Liang, the third head of the Crouching Tiger Gang?"

"It's Mr. Li." Seeing Long Fei's careless appearance, Li Liang frowned gently and said, "Brother Long, this is my holiday between the Crouching Tiger Gang and those two children. If you look at my thin face, don't participate in it. How about it? If the little brother is willing to leave, my crouching tiger gang will be rewarded in the future!"

"Third Brother!" Yao Zengguang shouted doubtfully. He didn't know why Li Liang was so low. With dozens of people, can't these three be left?

Li Liang stared at Yao Zengguang slightly. He had to whisper. Jia Qing already knew that it was the realm of chaos. Thinking that Jia Lin's worst would also be the realm of spiritual veins, maybe it would also be the realm of chaos. Long Fei was with the two of them at this time. When Jia Qing, a martial artist of the innate realm, had not yet spoken, He can be the first to say that Yao Zengguang will not be let go, and his martial arts will not be under Jia Lin and Jia Qing, and in the small group of three people, it is not just the follower of the Jia brothers.

If there is anything worse than two innate warriors, it is to compete with three innate warriors. Li Liang and Yao Zengguang plus dozens of crouching tiger gangs. Although it is possible to leave Jia Qing and Jia Lin, with Long Fei, it is different. It's settled. Maybe they will be counterattacked by these three people, so dozens of them will stay here. Although it is not far from the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang, dozens of people can't leave three children.

"Yes, according to my two conditions, everything is easy to talk about." Long Fei said with a smile.

Jia Lin and Jia Qing were shocked and looked at Long Fei with surprise. Jia Lin's face turned slightly red, and there was a little anger in his eyes.

"Little brother, please say that as far as Li can, he will obey!" Li Liang was happy, but his face did not show it. He also thought that Long Fei was just an ordinary child, or his martial arts had reached the innate realm, but he was afraid of many people in the Crouching Tiger Gang and dared not fight against them.

"First, hand over Yao Fatty and let me deal with these two little brothers. Second, you fight alone with this little brother, and you can't win by more people." Long Fei raised two fingers and then slowly pointed to Jia Qingdao.

"You..." Li Liang pointed to Long Fei, so angry that he almost vomited blood. Only now did he understand that Long Fei was not afraid of him, but wanted to tease him.

"Yes, Li Liang, if you have the guts, don't rely on many people and fight alone with my fourth brother." Jia Lin understood at this time and shouted, but at the same time, his face was also slightly red. He was stunned by the misunderstanding of Long Fei just now.

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense with them. Just ask your brothers to do it." Yao Zengguang gritted his teeth.

"Hmm! Brothers, surround them and don't live!" Li Liang didn't say much. Since Long Fei didn't know anything about it, let's destroy it together.

"Kill..." A man in blue raised his long knife and howled loudly to rush to the three people first.

Long Fei's eyes were like ice, staring coldly at the man in blue who rushed first. His eyes were not as strong as the man in blue, but just a plain, with a cold plain look, a kind of plainness killed from thousands of troops and horses. His right hand slowly held on the handle of the knife of the short knife, and then, with a long In the "squeaky" sound, the short knife was slowly pulled out by Long Fei.

Jia Lin also hurriedly pulled out his long sword, but Jia Qing used a short weapon like a mace.

The man in blue rushed quickly and came to Long Fei in the blink of an eye. His eyes were full of war, and there was a ferocious smile on his mouth.


The man in blue looked up to the sky and shouted, and the long knife brought a sound of wind, and hit the dragon as fiercely as a drill.

Long Fei's eyes were calm and were not oppressed by the momentum of the man in blue at all. He didn't see the cold knife of the big man, and he looked terriblely calm. After experiencing a large-scale war of tens of thousands of people, how could these little guys put them in his eyes?

"Hey!" Long Fei gave a small grin, as if exhaling a turbid breath. The short knife quickly came out of the sheath, bringing up a dark light, like lightning emerging, cutting at the long knife of the man in blue.

"Oh!" Everyone only saw a black knife flash. After scratching the long knife of the man in blue, they scratched it from his body. Then, in everyone's strange eyes, the man in blue, first of all, the long knife, about a foot-long blade, broke from the knife, and then the man in blue from his right from his shoulder. At the beginning, the position suddenly broke into two parts.

The man in blue looked at his whole right hand and slowly slipped off his shoulder and fell to the ground. Then, blood gushed out like a fountain for a while before he realized it.


A sad scream suddenly came out of the mouth of the man in blue and hurriedly used his left hand to block the blood spewing from the fracture of his right arm, but no matter how he put his hand, he still couldn't stop the blood gushing out, like a spring, endlessly.


The man in blue shouted again, shook his body a few times, and fell down.

There was silence in the field, and there was no sound except a slight wind.

The people in the field, regardless of enemies and me, were stunned by Long Fei's quick and fierce, ruthless, clean and neat knife.

"You...you..." Li Liang pointed to Long Fei for a long time and suddenly stammed,

Especially Jia Lin and Jia Qing brothers were even more surprised. At this time, they looked at Long Fei's eyes as if they were looking at a monster. They were surprised, disbelieving and admired. At this time, Jia Qing knew that Long Fei had just been merciful.

Long Fei was also secretly surprised. He didn't expect that he had brought a knife from the Tongtian ladder arsenal, which was so powerful. With one knife, he not only cut off the other party's long knife, but also cut off the other party's arm. Although this is because Long Fei used Xu Tiangong, this knife can also be called cutting iron like mud.

It seems that the weapons that can be included in the arsenal by the Tianshen ladder are extraordinary.

Several crouching tiger gangs who were supposed to rush towards Long Fei stopped in shock and looked at Long Fei with frightened eyes and hesitated.

"Let's go! Kill them!" Yao Zengguang's face was pale, and he shouted with two big hands like steamed buns behind him.

Li Liang pulled out his long sword, rushed to Long Fei, and shouted, "Let's rush, surround them and drag them to death with wheels."

The Crouching Tiger Gang, who was a little hesitant, heard the orders of the two and rushed forward again, with blood in their eyes and swords.

When he tried the sharpness of this knife, Long Fei was very happy to see that the Crouching Tiger helped the crowd rush over. He not only did not dodge, but also rushed to meet the Jia brothers.

Of course, he will not be stupid enough to run into the encirclement of the Crouching Tiger Gang. Although the sword is sharp, it can't withstand the attack of so many people. Although Long Fei went forward, he was facing the Crouching Tiger Gang, slanting to one side. Anyway, the Crouching Tiger Gang wants to surround him, and it's not him to surround the Crouching Tiger Gang. No matter which direction Long Fei moves, the Crouching Tiger Gang will follow up in order to besiege Long Fei.

Long Fei needs this momentary gap, and what they need is the moment when their encirclement has not yet taken shape.

The light kung fu was exerted to the extreme. Long Fei's feet gently brushed the ground like a breeze. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the two outermost gangs of the Crouching Tiger Gang. The short knife waved mercilessly and swept forward.

The dark cold light flashed away and passed by the two crouching tiger gangs.

The two people of the Crouch Tiger Gang absolutely did not expect Long Fei to turn in this direction. According to their common sense, they thought that even if Longfei's speed was fast, they would choose to open a bloody road from the middle before the encirclement was formed, so they were unprepared.

But Long Fei didn't want to rush out at all. Since he said he would break for the Jia brothers, how could he escape first? When Long Fei was not stupid enough to rush into their encirclement to fight with them in order to drag the Crouching Tiger Gang, but adopted a strategy of fighting. However, when they turned left, the two Crouching Tiger Gang were unlucky.

Although they also raised their weapons in a hurry, it didn't help at all. After the knife flashed, the chest clothes of the two Crouching Tiger Gang cracked, and then blood appeared, the flesh and blood of their chests rolled to both sides, and a visible bone wound appeared on the chest.

The momentum of the two crouching tiger gangs suddenly stopped and slowly lowered their heads to look at their chest. The color in their eyes gradually dissipated. With a "jingle", the weapon in their hands unconsciously fell to the ground. Then, both of them slowly fell down with their chests in their hands.

One knife is fatal, the knife is fatal, Long Fei has two knives in a row, and three crouching tiger gangs have fallen. The moves are fierce and will never show mercy. Such a fierce style, it looks like a teenager!

Jia Qing and Jia Lin were just in a daze for a while. The Crouching Tiger Gang had surrounded two, and both of them pulled out weapons from their bodies and greeted them. Jia Qing used a long knife, Jia Lin used a long sword, and the two waved their weapons and plunged into the Crouching Tiger Gang.

Some crouching tiger gangs have never seen Jia Qing's power. After seeing Long Fei's power, they dare not rush to Long Fei. At this time, after seeing the Jia Lin brothers rushing out, they bullied the two young and waved their weapons to attack.

Jia Qing seems to be dull by nature. Usually, when talking, there is an expression on his face, that is, expressionless. At this time, when he saw the Crouching Tiger Gang rushing over, his eyes suddenly lit up and his footsteps were already in front of Jia Lin, holding a knife in both hands, and splitting at a Crouching Tiger gang. This gang was a strong man. Jia Qing was short. Even if he raised a long knife, he could not reach the top of the big man's head. Naturally, he only split down to the chest of the big man.

Seeing that Jia Qing, a child, did not need to use a clever knife to cut straight at his chest, the big man couldn't help smiling disdain, raised the knife with one hand and went up.


With a sound of gold and iron, the two weapons touched each other. The big man was suddenly shocked to find that his long knife seemed to be made of tofu. With Jia Qing's knife, it was broken into two pieces, and Jia Qing's long knife kept going straight down. In the eyes of everyone's disbelief, it actually split into the big man's chest. Half of the knife is gone.

Collect the knife and retreat.

The big man seemed to look down at the wound on his chest in disbelief. His eyes gradually dimmed, and finally lost his brilliance and "banged up to the sky and hit the ground.

Jia Qing's knife seems to be not ordinary. Under one knife, it produces the same result as Long Fei. The knife is broken and broken.

Long Fei was like this, and Jia Qing was the same. The people of the Crouching Tiger Gang were scared. Looking at the eyes of these three people, they no longer despised them. They thought that dozens of people must be able to capture the three children, and they had already flew out of the sky.

Long Fei and Jia Qing are both ruthless and desperate. So what about Jia Lin?

The people of the Crouching Tiger Gang almost turned their eyes to Jia Lin, who followed Jia Qing.

After Jia Lin followed Jia Qing and rushed into the Crouching Tiger Gang, his long sword waved continuously and jingled endlessly. He touched several weapons of the Crouching Tiger Gang continuously, but he could only swing their weapons away without hurting anyone.

The people of the Crouching Tiger Gang were relieved. Fortunately, Jia Lin was not...