Eastern Continent

Chapter 147, Crouching Tiger Three

The wind is high and the sky is on fire, and the moon is dark and killing night!

There is no moon tonight, there are clouds, strong winds, silence around, and there are no pedestrians on the street.

It is still the Yuelai Inn. At this time, the Yuelai Inn is surrounded by darkness except for the narrow area covered by a dark wind and death light line at the door.

The light is so weak that it can't even shine in the middle of the street ten steps away.

In the dark, in the middle of the street, like ghosts, there are some people standing there, black clothes and black trousers, as if they want to integrate into the night. If they don't move, no one will find them. However, a murderous atmosphere spread from then on and spread straight to the unknown space in the dark.

So, the crickets did not sing, and the nighthawks did not sing. Everything in the dark seemed to have been erased by this murderous spirit. All the voices disappeared, leaving only the solemn dark night sky.

"Night Rat, are you sure all three of you live here?" A low voice like a night owl suddenly sounded, and everyone who couldn't see him heard his voice couldn't help trembling, making people feel as if they were going to get cold from their bones. A pair of shining eyes, although in the dark night, were also faintly visible.

"I'm sure that I saw them eating in the hall with my own eyes. After dinner, I entered the room. The three of them lived in three rooms, namely the easternmost part of the east yard, the A-shaped room, the B-shaped room and the C-shaped room." A shrill voice sounded.

"Good!" The night owl-like voice sounded and said viciously, "Get the torch ready. When everyone rushes in, surround the east yard. Only entry and exit is not allowed. I'm going to file the bones and ashes of these three people."

"Second brother!" This voice was Li Liang's, and he said nervously, "This Yuelai inn is the father-in-law of Qiu Tianhua, the president of the Triad. I'm afraid that the Triad will retaliate if I rush in and kill people like this."

Just by listening to Li Liang's name, you can know that the person he called the second brother must be Li Laosheng, the second head of the Crouching Tiger Gang. This person's martial arts chaotic realm was also raised by slashing in the Crouching Tiger Gang. In the Crouching Tiger Gang, except for the big head Liu Hu, several other heads were raised by Liu Hu step by slashing and killing. Therefore, these people are indeed extremely tough and not afraid of death.

"What are you afraid of! The eldest brother has long been unpleasant to see the trianglement, but he is just afraid of Liu Liumen's intervention, otherwise he would have destroyed them long ago. Li Laosheng said viciously, "The triad is just organized by some greedy businessmen and coolies in Yingran City. Except for Qiu Tianhua, our eldest brother who has a little scruples, everyone else is vulnerable. If we go in and arrest people, they will be fine if they know each other. If someone resists, they will be destroyed."

"Okay, if you dare to fight against our Crouching Tiger Gang, you will destroy them!" Li Liang also said viciously.

"Night Rat, lead the way in front of you, and the brothers follow up. After surrounding the East Courtyard, the unrelated people are evacuated, but don't be run away by those three thieves. If you dare to kill my brother of the Crouching Tiger Gang, there is only one way to die." Li Laosheng said in a low voice, with a gloomy chill in his voice: " Leave more than a dozen brothers outside and take out your bows and arrows. As long as you don't come out of the gate, shoot him to me!"

"Yes!" A low response sounded loudly.

"Brothers, come with me!" The night mouse roared in a low voice and took the lead and walked towards the Yuelai inn.

Until the door of the inn, with the hazy light, you can see that these people are all covered and dressed in night clothes.

At this time, it was night, and the door of Yuelai Inn had been closed. Except for a dead wind lamp hanging at the door, even a mosquito could not be seen. The Crouching Tiger Gang did not call the door or hit the door. Instead, they climbed into the wall and gently opened the door from the inside. Then the Crouching Tiger Gang outside swarmed in, and their footsteps were almost silent, like a group of ghosts from hell drifting into the Yuelai Inn.

"Who?" As soon as the doorman sleeping next to the gate opened his hazy eyes, a sharp knife immediately pierced his mouth, straight through his head, and nailed him to the bedboard.

The Crouching Tiger Gang did not look at the gatekeeper, as if it was just a dog that was killed, quietly sneaked into the east courtyard under the leadership of the night rat.

This Yuelai guest is one of the largest inns in Yingran City, with complete accommodation, food and drink. In this era, there are not many buildings that integrate restaurants and inns with such complete functions. Because of this, Yuelai Inn occupies an extremely large area. When you enter the gate, it is divided into four courtyards, east, west, north and south, near the south of the front door. The courtyard is decorated as a restaurant and sells food. The three courtyards in the east and north are places to stay. Each yard is a separate courtyard. Except for the door, there is no place to enter. To enter the east courtyard, you must enter from the left entrance of the south courtyard or climb over the wall.

Passing through the gate of the south courtyard like a ghost, turned right, and disappeared into the door of the left east courtyard. As soon as they entered the door, these people dispersed and surrounded the whole east courtyard in an instant.

Long Fei opened his eyes and looked straight at the roof in the dark, with a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Although these people act as fast as a civet cat and their voices are as light as fallen leaves, they are only martial artists at the acquired level. How can they hide the ears of Long Fei, a martial artist in the great realm of heaven? Maybe Li Laosheng and Li Liang still think that Long Fei and others are just chaotic realms, so they are so bold to think that they rely on some acquired Level's subordinates can kill Longfei. If they know that Longfei is a heavenly realm, maybe Liu Hu will think twice. After thinking about it over and over again, he will restrain them and not let them provoke Longfei again.

Long Fei lay motionless in **, and a proud smile appeared on the corners of Long Fei's mouth. They... finally came!

In fact, Longfei chose Yuelai Inn as a place to stay, which is meaningful. He knows that this is the industry of the Triad and is protected by the Triad. If the Crouching Tiger Gang dares to come, it will turn against the Triad. With the participation of the Triad, coupled with the defeat of Long Fei and the Crouching Tiger Gang, it will be faster. If they If you dare not come, Long Fei won't lose anything. However, Longfei still expected that the Crouching Tiger Gang would come, be injured by a four-headed man, and cut off several gangs. If the Crouching Tiger Gang did not even dare to come forward to avenge them, the prestige would be gone.

Things were really as Long Fei expected. The Crouching Tiger Gang came, but Long Fei didn't expect that the Crouching Tiger Gang even wanted to destroy the trianglement.

There are three gangs in the city, the Crouching Tiger Gang, the Triad, and Liumen. The power is actually similar. Everyone is afraid that the other two families will unite to deal with themselves. At the same time, no one knows that if one is destroyed, under mutual checks and balances, no one dares to act. Unexpectedly, this Crouching Tiger Gang actually So strong, showing its fangs and starting the war first, not only to bite the three people of Longfei, but also to bite the trio. Unexpectedly, he was not afraid of the trio to unite with Liuliumen.

The Crouching Tiger Gang was well trained and moved quickly. However, it surrounded the whole east courtyard in the blink of an eye. However, it often did this kind of thing, but it was extremely familiar. First, it surrounded the room where Long Fei and the three lived, and then began to break into other rooms. When the people inside were confirmed that they were not Long Fei. After that, they were all kicked out.

Although the Crouching Tiger Gang is strong and dizzy, it does not dare to kill randomly. You know, Yuelai Inn is a famous inn in the city. The guests who live in are a few people with a few money in their pockets. Who knows what kind of people these people are and what kind of *. Although the Crouching Tiger Gang is powerful, it is impossible to find out these people. Origin, if you provoke a person who should not be provoked and add a powerful enemy in vain, it is not to help the Crouching Tiger Gang find suffering. Therefore, the Crouching Tiger Gang only drove these people out of the inn, as long as they were sure that the three thieves were still in the inn.

Soon, nine of the twelve rooms in the East Courtyard were kicked out by them. However, until this time, almost a deaf person could feel the movement outside, but in the three rooms of A, B and C, it was still quiet and motionless, as if the three people had fallen asleep.

The Crouching Tiger Gang surrounded the three rooms, looked at each other in consters and did not dare to rush in, waiting for Li Laosheng's order.

"Wen the torch!" Li Laosheng ordered. The action was so big that the whole inn was awakened. How could there be no movement in the three nearby rooms? Obviously, the other party had already known that it was the Crouching Tiger Gang, so it was mysterious. As long as it had been discovered, Li Laosheng was not afraid and simply asked his subordinates to light the torch. The whole east courtyard is as bright as day. At this time, not to mention a big living person, even a mosquito can't fly out.

However, under the blazing fire, the three rooms were still quiet and motionless, as if they were just three empty rooms.

"Go in! Get them out." Li Laosheng said, "Do you think I'm afraid!"

"Guys, everyone, wait, wait." The Crouching Tiger Gang just wanted to go up and kick the door. From the door of the south courtyard, a middle-aged man in a robe came in about 40 years old, with a smile on his face. When he saw everyone, he nodded, came to Li Laosheng and bowed deeply: "The villain is Liang Jin, the shopkeeper of Yuelai Inn, and I have seen Li Dangjia."

Mr. Li said coldly, "Do you know me?"

"I'm lucky to see you!" Liang Jin smiled humbly.

"How dare you come when you know me!" Li Laosheng said coldly, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Liang Jin smiled bitterly and said, "The little man is the shopkeeper of Yuelai Inn, and the second master brings people in. How can he not listen to it?"

"It's better to lose your duty than to lose your life!" Li Laosheng said coldly, "Get out, crouching tigers help do things, and idle people avoid it."

"Can the second head see Chairman Qiu's face and scatter people out of the shop?" Liang Jin looked calm and did not shrink back from Li Laosheng's anger. He still stood in front of Li Laosheng and said, "If the second master scatters people and horses out of the small shop, the third meeting will inherit the love of the second master, and there must be a good reward."

"Qiu Tianhua!" Li Laosheng sneered and said, "My eldest brother will go to find him, you, get out or die!"

Liang Jin's face changed, raised his head and looked at Li Laosheng coldly: "Does the second master really want to be the enemy of Sanhe?"

Li Laosheng did not answer, but looked at Liang Jin coldly. He stretched out his big hand, raised his palm like a knife, and suddenly split Liang Jin's shoulder.

Action is the best answer.

His face changed greatly. He didn't expect that Li Laosheng would dare to do it in the Yuelai Inn. He couldn't dodge it for a moment, so he had to gritt his teeth and raise his hand to meet Li Laosheng's palm.


A crisp sound came out. After only one blow, he dyed back a few steps back. His right hand hung softly, holding his right hand in his left hand, trembled all over, staring at Li Laosheng with resentful eyes, and suddenly turned his head and walked to the door of the courtyard.

"Stay." Li Laosheng said coldly, "I just told you to get out of here, but now it's too late to get out of here."

Hearing Li Laosheng's order, the Crouching Tiger gang acted quickly and immediately surrounded Liang Jin.

"Second head, what do you want to do? Do you want to go to war with the Triad?" Liang Jin shouted fiercely.

"Let's go to war, triad." Li Laosheng said coldly, "What's wrong with starting a war! Kill it and give a warning to the trio!" After saying that, he turned around and never looked at Liang Jin again, as if he were a dead man.

"Li Laosheng..." Liang Jin pointed to Li Laosheng. Before he finished speaking, the crouching tiger gangs had surrounded him and did not say anything. They actually pulled out their weapons one after another, cut down their swords and cut at Liang Jin.